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@fredley I'm saying Lakitu is a terrible anti-cheating solution
@badp Lakitu is not an anti-cheating solution, it is a pro-cheating solution
In the MC case
Mario shopping Cart?
Because we do this in the Bridge, right?
it's just not gonna one-box that
@Ktash Nope Icanhaz doesn't approve of oneboxing
upload image 'from the web', problem solved
psh, that would have been too smart
@fredley Technically that's what everyone should do
but not hotlinking is so hard
@DavidM Actually, we should start that tag.
And then blacklist it.
Because logic.
@FEichinger Yeah.
Each question follows the following format: Let me vomit up a bunch of code. Fix it, fix it!
We should have a canned answer of "You broke it, now go play Vanilla"
@fredley I can't decide if that is hilarious, disturbing, or hilariously disturbing . . .
@DavidM It made me giggle for far too long
@fredley There is something very Steamboat Willie about it.
@DavidM It's well animated, for what it is
@RedRiderX It also makes it annoying to post as a reply.
@Yuki True
My favourite gif
@fredley You evil, evil not-human-thing.
Gets 'em every time
@fredley Wow that's amazing!
I never would have saw that coming!
@RedRiderX /r/unexpected
@fredley You should upload it to imgur, since the name in the starlist kinda shows it.
Yes, I know it doesn't one-box properly.
@fredley Oh well too late
Don't forget to remove your stars on the first one.
@Yuki Star migration
@Yuki Did so.
It's like the view from the top in this gif, it's stunning:
@fredley Go to hell you.
Well done
@fredley I... think I found the glitch in that loop.
@Yuki where?
@fredley After he hooks the one on the left and looks to the right. Right before he looks up.
@Yuki can't see it
@fredley The rivet right in front of him twitches for a split second.
BTW you can now complete the rat quest in MAMOTA
(db reset)
Me neither. It's disguised by shoddy camera work in the first place. LOL
@fredley Part of me wishes I had that job, but at the same time I don't think I could do it.
I have the strangest paradox of a terrible fear of heights and wishing I could fly.
@Yuki I couldn't do anything that required that much heights
I mean if they handed out superpowers like candy, my definite first choice would be flight.
I don't care about "oh if I had this power, I could get flying too", I just want to be able to fly.
@Yuki It would be cool the first time. I'd rather pay the toll and end up 20m lower than have to climb up these things day after day.
@Yuki Yep.
@DavidM You do a better job with the camera in that situation
@fredley It's funny because his Gravatar is a camera.
@Yuki Has less rep than me on photography.SE, disregard
I suck at markdown
@fredley Oh you can impress the mayor now?
@RedRiderX Yes
He likes it when you kill the rats
Oh my.
How fancy
@RedRiderX I think you just need to keybind a George Takei image and post that every time you decide to say "Oh my".
@AshleyNunn and I love sausage
oh, different kinds of sausage
@Yuki But that's not how I say it.
@kalina DENIED
@kalina wasn't going to say it ;)
And I was saying Oh My long before today
@Fluttershy problem?
@AshleyNunn those look really strange, that would not be a combination I expect to work well
@fredley Oh. <_< No. I didn't know that was actually like... you. :o
@Fluttershy Hah, no worries
@kalina Yeah, I am really not sure how it would work taste wise
Just wondered if it errored or something
> 14:51:16 Yawus: go yeast
> 14:51:16 Yawus: That's not a way you can go
@fredley Nope! No error. Well... besides human error.
@Yuki go dennis
> 14:51:51 Yawus: @fredley HALP.
> 14:51:53 : That doesn't really make sense
@Yuki say help
Or turn on chat mode
Oop, it's borked
@fredley also needs synonym of "halp"
> 14:52:47 Yawus: @fredley I know, it was a joke. Although it was terribly executed.
> 14:52:47 : That doesn't really make sense
@RedRiderX will do
@kalina ...
it's ok though, I saved the site
Good work
also, I have a giant cookie that is nearly the size of my face
Oh my.
That sounds nice
@RedRiderX It looks like this has become a thing
@fredley ...
I guess
But honestly I was saying oh my before now
@RedRiderX I know
@RedRiderX And Frank was saying Good Morning before it became an insta-star message
Bridge is weird
Yeah true
I wonder how long before it's thrown on the meme pile too
Hmm... I wonder if I need to pick up the "One-handed Weapons" perk.
posted on February 02, 2014 by dsp_099

I opened up EVEMon and by the look of it, using +5 implants instead of +4 will allow me shave off about 6 days off a 182-day training plan. That seems kind of weak. Am I missing something? On a related note, I have an extra skill point in INT left over from the days when Achura bloodline had slightly lower CHR, is it worth it to combine the Cyb V with a neural re

@Lazers Lazers is sick
@Lazers what the
Can some one fix the Lazers in here please?
They're acting up again
> 14:58:41 Yawus: hit mayor
> 14:58:42 : That doesn't really make sense
> 14:59:06 Yawus: hit ON mayor
> 14:59:06 : That doesn't really make sense
Refresh: Mamota now flashes notifications up

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