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About everything. :P
Neither of those were particularly awesome experiences.
@Fluttershy You're a really cool guy.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You were probably in Charlotte. I've only been in Charlotte like 5 times. 4 of those being at the convention center.
In general, anything ending in "scopy" will not be fun
@Wipqozn I saw the end of season... 7...? I think? I was still enjoying it, but, I agree that there wasn't really anything new going on. But that doesn't really bother me. I just like looking at Dean.
@AshleyNunn Yeah, this.
@Fluttershy He is pretty but that's not enough of a draw :P
@AshleyNunn You haven't even met the better character yet. :3
@OrigamiRobot I wasn't uptown or anything really, aside from one trip in to see what was going on.
My hotel was on...
@FAE ugh. Medical procedures make me so anxious. Even the CT I had and that was no big deal. The next few weeks are not going to be good
woodlawn and tryon? something like that.
@FAE Colonoscopy is not so bad because they put you under. But the "prep" you have to do. shiver
@spugsley Yeah, I know what you mean. My brain always does the stupid "worst case scenario" crap.
@RavenDreamer I was under for the endoscopy but not the hysteroscopy. And for the endoscopy, I was under so long, that the anesthesia wore off and I woke up in the middle of it.
@Fluttershy Assuming, from tumblr, I know who you mean, but I am not sure that I can wait that long
@FAE ...oops?
They couldn't find what they were looking for (I had internal bleeding in my upper GI tract, they never found out the cause) and were looking so long that, yeah, I woke up.
@Fluttershy Every season (aside from the first couple, maybe) can be summarized by "Sam and Dean don't talk to each other about what's happening and then get in trouble because they don't trust each other."
I was hallucinating that there was an ocean of orange polka dots on the ceiling and I felt that this was really important for my mother (who'd gone in with me, I was like 12 at the time) to know.
Is that your feeling as well @Wipqozn?
@OrigamiRobot The first couple have this problem too, it just isn't as profound.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, but I still enjoying watching what happens as a result.
So I kept trying to point to the ceiling with my arm full of tubes and I couldn't talk because there was a camera down my throat and yeah. Then they jacked the anesthetic up again and I passed out.
@Fluttershy The result is they learn nothing and do the same thing next time.
Q: Does council opinion matter?

atticaeThe Council tab also shows the opinion your Council members have of you. Does this have any effect whatsoever on their abilities or other things? Does hiring loyal people as Council members have any positive impact? Or should you always go for the ones with the best skill, even if they dislike y...

Retinoscopy (Ret) is a technique to obtain an objective measurement of the refractive error of a patient's eyes. The examiner uses a retinoscope to shine light into the patient's eye and observes the reflection (reflex) off the patient's retina. While moving the streak or spot of light across the pupil the examiner observes the relative movement of the reflex then uses a phoropter or manually places lenses over the eye (using a trial frame and trial lenses) to "neutralize" the reflex. Static retinoscopy is a type of retinoscopy used in determining a patient's refractive error. It relies...
Not so bad.
@OrigamiRobot I mean like... what creature they're taking on that day.
@Fluttershy Oh if it was all Monster of the Week, I'd still love the show.
It is basically the exception that proves the rule however.
@FAE this is pretty amazing. (Although very scary that you woke up)
I find season-long arcs don't work that well when your seasons are 26-episodes long and you have a hiatus half-way through.
My kitten likes to dive headfirst into boxes, for some reason.
@spugsley It was really brief, maybe 30 seconds or a minute or so I was awake before they put me under again. It just stuck in my mind. And it's a funny story in retrospect! Just uh, not so much at the time.
Which has no bearing on the current conversation, except for me having to fish her out of said box.
I have other specific complaints, but I won't talk about them for @AshleyNunn's sake
@Frank Did you fish her out so you can dive in head first instead?
@OrigamiRobot I've pretty much given up, really. It doesn't really draw me
@AshleyNunn Oh, ok then.
@Wipqozn No, just fished her out and chucked her like a football.
@AshleyNunn Excellent, because I'd like to hear @OrigamiRobot's other complaints.
Also, season 7 was terrible.
And the problem of an episode is frequently the brothers saying X isnt real. Those are just stories Usually it's Dean and Sam is all like "I've been doing research and it says blah blah blah"
I wish the show had a larger budget so they could do actual monsters instead of just people with glowing eyes.
Then Dean calls him a nerd, but it turns out Sam was right the whole time.
It's like "Sam, I know you've been right about things a billion times in the past, but I still don't believe X is the cause of all this"
This makes me want to adopt ALL TEH ANIMALS FOREVER
@AshleyNunn My sister just recently became a foster person for dogs and cats. :)
I get to go tobogganing on Sunday! I'm dragging some of my friends from dance class along. We'll have lots of fun.
@AshleyNunn I like how all the cats in that video are like "What the fuck is going on?"
@Wipqozn Yeah, that made me giggle.
But first, I have to buy proper winter gear for extended time spent outside.
@AshleyNunn super long tracking shots are the best
@Frank Snow Blower?
Every Canadian needs a snow blower.
cc @TrentHawkins, due to his love of pushing massive things into space.
@Frank That's how I play KSP
@Wipqozn Snow Blowers are fucking magical.
@LessPop_MoreFizz They really are.
Oh, he is actually doing stuff.
@Wipqozn Then why don't you own one, eh?
@Frank I do own one.
Well, my family owns one. I don't technically own it.
@Wipqozn Exactly
The Google Street View machine has been by my house somewhat recently.
I think... wait, no.
That new neighbour has lived next to us for 4 years.
@FAE I have speculaas ice cream in my freezer. :D
There are so many trees in front of my house you can only see a small part of it from Google MAps Streetview.
(I havent tasted it yet, I jsut like that it is a thing)
@AshleyNunn :DDD
@LessPop_MoreFizz that article is hilarious
@spugsley I imagine this is how you felt when you realized you were buying a house there.
@LessPop_MoreFizz absolutely. Though I have heard Ian is loving Seattle so....:)
CC @ktash
@spugsley Seattle is a pretty nice town.
I dug it when I spent a month there a few years ago.
@spugsley @Fluttershy wants to take me there sometime.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah. It has a really active art community and they don't shun artists like Charlotte does
@spugsley Pacific NW is pretty granola.
where did lazers go?
killing some aliens perhaps?
oh. :(
@tugs It will pop up eventually, it's not an instantaneous thing.
(That is a hard word to spell)
Is steam being a poop for anyone else?
Oh there it is, my eyes weren't working :/

Proposed Q&A site for discussions regarding plot explanations, plot inconsistencies, facts and trivia and critique of Bollywood movies and questions concerning the Bollywood industry - participants, processes etc.

Currently in definition.

Matemáticas (Mathematics SE in Spanish)

Proposed Q&A site for students and professors of mathematics, and professionals in related fields, in Spanish. Propuesta para un sitio de preguntas y respuestas para estudiantes y profesores de matemáticas, y profesionales in areas similares.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for researchers, professionals, academics, and students working on all fields of renewable energy, such as biomass, solar, wind, geothermal, ocean, and hydro power.

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment A lot of this would fall into Movies and TV, no?
Q: What happens if you delete random models in a game (specifically TF2/LoL)?

ianananananSay you deleted the entire set of models for Varus in League of Legends, and tried loading a game with him. What exactly would happen? Additionally, what if you deleted the sniper from TF2? Would the games be playable, or not at all?

Speculaas ice cream is tasty, flavour wise, but kinda odd mouth-feel wise. I suspect it is the cookie bits that are in there that is triggering that.
@ashley when has that ever stopped anyone on A51?
@LessPop_MoreFizz It hasn't, but that doesn't make the statement any less true.
@AshleyNunn Yeah, the little speculaas crumbs can make it like... sandy-ish.
@FAE yeah, that's a little weird. It got better for me the more I ate it :P
@AshleyNunn Tasty though?
@FAE Yes! My friend thought it was too heavily spiced, but I really like it, I think it tastes precisely as a good speculaas should.
@AshleyNunn Woo!
Apparently that is a chocolate honey mustard burger
@AshleyNunn I... don't know how I feel about that
@AshleyNunn That looks horrible.
It doooooes
@FAE Your lack of "-" made me think that AC:NL 2 was announced.
@Wipqozn haha sorry
That reminds me, I should play some more AC NL .Haven't touched it in a long time.
@Wipqozn This is Nintendo we're talking about. We have at least three years until a sequel is announced.
I missed the AC:NL playing card set I wanted to get. :( They sold out when I went to get it.
So I'm going to get this instead, as my coins will expire this year.
@FAE Okay, the villager poster is cool
@AshleyNunn Yeah, I really like that.
Eeeeeeeee I just ordered it.
fangirls a little
@FAE I'll let you know when it gets here! :P
@Fluttershy It should be fast, they are usually awesome at sending rewards with ultimate speed
Winter gear, get!
Hmm... I need to get my rep to end in 1.
@AshleyNunn I'm so excited! :D This is my first physical Nintendo reward.
@FAE Neat! I have gotten a lot of things (mostly because my family is awesome and shares their codes with me)...so my house kinda looks like club nintendo exploded in it, for good or ill
@AshleyNunn Haha, that's awesome.
@FAE I like it :P (although my mom teases me because I got one of the washcloths that were a reward once, and instead of using it, I have tacked it to the bathroom wall like a picture)
@AshleyNunn Well, you can't just use it, it'll fade!
one of these days I should set up a Nintendo Club account. ONE DAY.
@FAE I know, right?
@Wipqozn You really should
@FAE Considering all the nintendo products I buy it would make sense
@Wipqozn Do it. It is so worth it.
@Ash A house where Nintendo exploded is automatically cool.
@Frank If my house wasn't a mess I would take pictures, because it is kinda a silly nerd haven all up in here because I am living by myself so all my favourite things are everywhere
@Fluttershy Did you read Fault in Our Stars, or am I confusing you with someone else?
@Ash I have a couple wallscrolls up. The rest of my nerditry is stored on bookshelves, for all my copious visitors to see.
@Frank Haha yeah no one ever really sees my house but me, but I am happily nerdy in my space :P
@AshleyNunn I read it!
(although I am amused that the wall behind me that @WorldEngineer sees when we Skype (because I don't really video skype with anyone else, for some reason) is like boring and devoid of nerdity)
@Fluttershy Have you seen the movie trailer yet?
@AshleyNunn Not yet.
I will likely still go see it though
Q: How deep and wide should flowing moats be in Minecraft?

TamaI'm currently flatting out a big jungle mountain top to build my castle in Minecraft. I want to have my castle surrounded by flowing moats (that mostly plunge off big cliffs). To prevent mobs from crossing the moats how deep and wide do I need to dig them? Is it correct I'll need to make them ...

@AshleyNunn I will probably wait for the DVD.
@less Posted that already.
@FAE I don't know if you have seen this but considering your poster purchase, I feel like you might like it
@AshleyNunn I had not, that is awesome!
@FAE Yay!
Someone needs to get TruckNutz a sponsorship deal for Formula One.
@spugsley Nice! You guys should move here! :D
@LessPop_MoreFizz what even why
> You got: As your fingers clench the side of the toilet, you will ask God to lift the curse he has put on you. He will shake his head and whisper “no”.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Do you know EVE Online very much?
@RavenDreamer The game itself? Not at all really.
The community? a little bit via osmosis and association.
I was reading an article about the big battle recently, and it mentioned something about the number of "Doomsdays Fired". I was wondering what a Doomsday was, and what happened when you fired it.
@RavenDreamer tl;dr, Doomsdays are the most powerful weapons in the game. They are so expensive and resource intensive to produce that they are basically never owned by individual players but instead the property of large conglomerates or alliances, and even then in small quantities. One shot from one can basically destroy literally any other ship in the game.
> Easily the most telling fact is that no more than 12 Titans, ships that "take thousands of man-hours to produce, take months to train to fly, and are capable of fitting massive doomsday weapons that obliterate lesser ships with a single volley," had ever previously been destroyed in a single battle; at B-R5RB, a total of 75 were lost.

A few other numbers of note: 123 Carriers, 13 Supercarriers, 370 Dreadnaughts and "lots more smaller ships and probably a bajillion drones and fighters" were destroyed and roughly 775 doomsdays were fired during the 21-hour battle, representing a quarter of
Re: the battle that I suppose you're reading about.
@LessPop_MoreFizz do you know how ammo works in EVE?
@RavenDreamer Not particularly, but one thing to keep in mind re: Doomsdays is that they have a cooldown on firing which is prohibitively long against them being used much over the course of a battle.
Often they get only get off one shot, if that, IIRC.
I don't think Ammo is the constraint on their use, but @madscientist would know better than I.
@spyder Hi.
Oh right. Because the battle only lasted 2 hours of realtime.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, and Doomsdays have a 1 hour cooldown on use.
"It can only be fired every 10 minutes"
From the link you posted, ha
Also, firing them takes other capabilities offline for several minutes, which makes the ship using it a sitting duck. They are used pretty sparingly.
Better link.
Anyway, the point is, dassalottadoomsdays
Balaclava is a great thing when -35°С outdoors
@GnomeSlice We've covered this before, no?
The whole quoting them monies thing.
@GnomeSlice How many hours will it take to do the thing, and to revise it twice? Include how much time it will take you to listen to this person tell you about all the revisions, as well as all the time you've spent on this so far and all of the time it will take you to draw up the bill and such.
If you'll excuse me, I need to go hit things.
And possibly people.
Mostly people.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wtf why would you post this shit
@LessPop_MoreFizz I understand a lot of things
@LessPop_MoreFizz Damn, dude, really?
That's a little low.
> Via 9gag
That's literally all that needs to be said here.
@GnomeSlice Mainly because I am just absolutely flabbergasted by it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz For what it's worth, I wasn't offended at all by that comment, I thought it was amusing.
Like, it is just such a string of awful dogwhistles.
@GnomeSlice Good. You know it was meant with nothing but affection. :P
> Don't be racist by listening to black people. Listen to metal.
@GnomeSlice I wish it was even that sophisticated. Instead it's "Music by black people is garbage so that's why we're racist because we don't like garbage music. Listen to metal instead and be more like white people and we'll like you more!"
2 mins ago, by Unionhawk
> Via 9gag
For fans of visual novels: Cinders is on Steam Greenlight.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Also "I don't like it so it's shit music"
Guys, guys
Like a year after being announced, BlinkBundle is here.
And I am broke
Lol, yeeeeep
Everything is steam redeemable
it has Influx, Eldritch, Lilly Looking Through, Gnomoria, among others.
dem gifs
@LessPop_MoreFizz Metallica and Slipknot are good music?
@OrigamiRobot Metallica
@OrigamiRobot for the same sort of idiot that thinks that Bob Marley and Jimi "Hendriks" represent the height of music by black people, sure, I guess.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Good point.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, what about that blind guy
Good evening all.
@DavidM hi
@DavidM how are you doing?
@DavidM Hello!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wait, they don't????
@spyder Good, and u?
@GnomeSlice ... 1) There have been several of them. 2) No, that doesn't really help in this conversation as a point of reference. Adding either Stevie Wonder or Ray Charles or any of the others to the second frame of that awful comic isn't really an improvement.
@DavidM Jimmy Cliff > Bob Marley.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I need to stop reading this because I just keep getting angrier and I don't know who to be angry at.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know, I just wanted to make you mad.
@DavidM -35°С outdoors. That says it all
@LessPop_MoreFizz Interesting . . . Certainly in terms of meaningful songs. But, mass appeal . . . Bob Marley.
Although, I prefer Buju Banton to both.
@DavidM I don't just mean in terms of meaningful songs. I mean in just about every dimension imaginable other than "Progenitor of Quality Conspiracy Theories".
@spyder Positively warm out!
Also, The Harder They Come is not availiable through any of the streaming movie services and that makes me angry.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I get that.
@AshleyNunn How's our girl?
One of the greatest if not the greatest music movies ever made.
Does Michael Jackson count as a black guy?
@DavidM Tired, frustrated, still waiting on people to want to pay me money for things. Learning Javascript. Asking @worldengineer ALL THE QUESTIONS.
(sorry, that was a long answer)
Illegal Youtube Channels to the rescue!
@GnomeSlice Sure. During his productive years!
@GnomeSlice Yes, skin disease doesn't invalidate heritage.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That was because of a disease?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Vitiligo, my ass.
Vitiligo is a condition that causes depigmentation of parts of the skin. It occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin pigmentation, die or are unable to function. The cause of vitiligo is unknown, but research suggests that it may arise from autoimmune, genetic, oxidative stress, neural, or viral causes. The incidence worldwide is less than 1%. The most common form is non-segmental vitiligo, which tends to appear in symmetric patches, sometimes over large areas of the body. Signs and symptoms The most notable symptom of vitiligo is depigmentation of patches of skin that...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Huh, whoa.
The key word there is patches.
@DavidM autopsy confirmed it.
@DavidM He had cosmetic bleaching done to even it out because he was a vain motherfucker.
@LessPop_MoreFizz He must have had it and tried to bleach himself to all one color
@DavidM Yeah, basically this is exactly what happened.
@GnomeSlice BEST video EVER. LOL
I like when he tosses the coin into the jukebox from across the room.
The one thing you can say for the guy: He was a GREAT dancer!
@LessPop_MoreFizz It'd been a while since I heard the Harder they Fall. Thanks!
@LessPop_MoreFizz what a shitty upload though
@DavidM Have you seen the movie? Because if not, it's really worth an hour and a half of your time sometime.
I'm not speaking lightly when I call it one of my favorite movies ever.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I haven't. Gotta check it out.
@DavidM Arguably the first english movie ever released to require subtitles in the US.
The patois is super thick.
I picked up a taste for Buju when I lived in the West Indies.
@LessPop_MoreFizz The what?
Jamaican Patois, known locally as Patois (Patwa or Patwah) or Jamaican, and called Jamaican Creole by linguists, is an English-lexified creole language with West African influences spoken primarily in Jamaica and the Jamaican diaspora. It is not to be confused with Jamaican English nor with the Rastafarian use of English. The language developed in the 17th century, when slaves from West and Central Africa were exposed to, learned and nativized the vernacular and dialectal forms of English spoken by their masters: British English, Scots and Hiberno-English. Jamaican Patois features a cr...
@GnomeSlice Patois - localized dialect of English.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Do you like Dance Hall or just straight up Rasta stuff?
@DavidM My taste is primarily super old school - Ska, early Dub, etc.
I'm kind of indifferent to dancehall, rasta stuff, etc.
@DavidM let's put it this way, I have a complete set of Studio One comps.
Best music vid
@LessPop_MoreFizz Are you familiar with Dawn Penn?
@DavidM Yes, because I love me my copy of Studio One Rockers
I love her song No, No, No.
Speaking of Jimmy Cliff, check out the movie Club Paradise.
@DavidM That's the one on Studio One Rockers
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can understand the first few words of the audio example.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I usually get my Reggae fix by flipping to the Joint on XM.
@DavidM Check out the Studio One comps from Soul Jazz. They're top notch.
Which, ironically, say "You might not be able to understand any of the words I'm saying" or sommat
@OrigamiRobot Nope. That's not what she's saying at all.
> English: A native speaker of Jamaican Patois speaking two sentences. In English, they would be equivalent to "Nothing he says makes any sense. The man became angry when he saw his daughter with a dreadlocked man."
Specifically, the first few words are "Me not unnerstan' one word him'a say"
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, that's what I caught.
@DavidM That said, the second sentence is utter gibberish to me.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I heard "May not unnerstan one word ima say"
I didn't see the actual translation.
Are we talking about Push the Tempo
@LessPop_MoreFizz Something about him saw walking off into the dark with a dread.
@DavidM Admittedly, I basically know enough about Jamaican Patois to know that I never want to be called a bumbaclot and not much else.
Yes. Bumbaclot is nasty.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What the hell?
@GnomeSlice The mayor of Toronto can speak a better patois than me.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No but I mean... what the hell? Why is this a thing?
@GnomeSlice Bumbaclot is the same as saying "Pussy blood clot"
@GnomeSlice because catching the mayor of toronto drunk and embarassing himself seems to be the new national pastime in Canada.
@DavidM That's not the translation I've always heard.
@DavidM I looked it up. I was referring to the video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford speaking jamaican patois at a fast food joint
@LessPop_MoreFizz Shit, ur right. It's an asswipe.
Bum cloth.
@AshleyNunn Really? Because I'm getting the opposite from that. <_<
Do you really call colored pencils "pencil crayons" in Canada?
@Fluttershy Yes I DO
Tennis shoes! :D
@AshleyNunn Garburator? Seriously? No.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah I dont use that one
@Fluttershy Or if you're my cousin from Ohio "tenner shoes"
@LessPop_MoreFizz Canadian Tire likes to think we use this word a lot more than we do
Does America not have all-dressed chips?
@GnomeSlice Nope.
@AshleyNunn WTF how do they live?
@AshleyNunn Yeah, that shit ain't right. No wonder you guys have to have two official languages to express yourselves.
Also, I haven't even heard of a lot of these.
@OrigamiRobot "tennishoes"
I've never heard anybody say 'gasbar'
@GnomeSlice I don't even know.
I do approve of calling creamer "whitener" because to me that's all it does.
@GnomeSlice Canadian Tire labels their gas stuff as gasbars
@AshleyNunn Huh.
Maybe Canada.SO isn't so far-fetched.
> After reading some of the American responses, a couple of American movies and television shows finally made sense. I once wondered to myself, “Why is slipping someone a mickey a bad thing? People would slip me mickeys all the time when I was in high school.” Then, I learned that “mickey’ is used how Canadians use “roofie.” Light bulb = DING! And a bunch of conversations with Americans also finally made sense.
Oh god.
> Twenty-Sixer or Twixer: A bottle of alcohol containing 750 millilitres (just over 25 ounces). 64 percent Canadian.

The most common American alternatives given were “bottle” and “fifth.” I have two questions. The first question: A fifth of what? The second question: When sending someone to the liquor store, how do they know what size to get if you don’t have different names?
> 25. Texas Mickey: A bottle of alcohol containing 3 litres (101 ounces). Sociolect, with 46 percent of Canadians using this term.

One American commented, “They make those?! Jesus Christ, Seriously?!” Yes, seriously.
@OrigamiRobot Do you know how confusing that is?
Grats on not realizing you've answered you're own question writer person.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ?
Oky it's getting fucking cold in here gainag brqb
@AshleyNunn A fifth is a fifth of a 3 liter bottle, which is the largest size commonly sold.
"Robertson Screws/Screwdrivers" Man, I love these things! they rarely ever strip, and stay right on the screwdriver, no magnetism required!
@OrigamiRobot Mickey in that sense is actually short for Mickey Finn.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Suddenly everything makes sense.
More specifically, it's meant to be a fifth of a gallon, but the liquor industry has mostly metricated itself, so the numbers don't line up properly anymore.
In slang, a Mickey Finn (or simply Mickey) is a drink laced with a drug (especially chloral hydrate) given to someone without their knowledge in order to incapacitate them. Serving someone a Mickey is most commonly referred to as slipping one a mickey, sometimes spelled "slipping one a mickie". History of term Michael "Mickey" Finn The Mickey Finn is most likely named for the manager and bartender of a Chicago establishment, the Lone Star Saloon and Palm Garden Restaurant, which operated from 1896 to 1903 in the city's South Loop neighborhood on South State Street. In December 1903, s...
> Serviette: Commonly called a “napkin” in the United States. 58 percent Canadian.
That said, we don't have 3 liter bottles in the US, the maximum legal size is, IIRC, 1.75l
> Chocolate Bar: Commonly called a candy bar in the United States. 100 percent Canadian.
@OrigamiRobot This one confuses a lot of the English speaking world. Many people refer to a napkin as a diaper.
Also WTF
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, that's complete bullshit!
It's only a chocolate bar if the whole thing's chocolate!
@OrigamiRobot Eh, I'd let it slide if chocolate is the primary base. For instance, a Hershey's bar with almonds.
@DavidM That's also acceptable I suppose
@DavidM serviette - paper napkin. napkin - fancy thing.
This is the picture though.
@AshleyNunn That's just u guys being beholden to the French for civility.
@DavidM Although I have started just calling everything napkins.
@AshleyNunn South Africans and many other countries think it's a diaper.
> No-See-Ums: A small biting insect. Sociolect, with 50 percent of Canadians using this term.
This sounds like a Deep South term

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