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Btw, @LessPop_MoreFizz, Google is apparently not selling the Motorola patents they bought back then, which was pretty much the only reason for Google to buy Motorola in the first place.
@FEichinger Has KSP resolved the massive performance issue of large objects occupying the same general area?
Q: Kalgrumez Bug Skyrim dragonborn DLC

CrippledBlackieSo I just went into kagrumez there so that I could get the dwarvern black bow of fate. So I started room 1 I noticed that some of the enemies got stuck in the spawn points up about, so I loaded a new save and I got to the second room and the same thing happened. Has anyone had the same problem? P...

@Frank I'm not sure. I haven't seen the current release build. :/
That's what's preventing me from really playing; I want to build a giant infrastructure, but if my computer chugs like mad just to set it up, there's not much point in doing so.
I don't have a reference point anymore either. After switching PC, I don't even get ocean lag...
@FEichinger Yes and no. 7-8 billion was... probably more than those patents were worth without the business unit attached to them. A lot of the talk at the time of the buyout was about being able to create reference devices in house.
Also, it makes me really scared for Nest.
@LessPop_MoreFizz But Motorola is still only bringing in a loss.
@FEichinger Arguably this is because Google has no idea how to actually make and sell products instead of just selling it's users to other corporations!
@LessPop_MoreFizz To be fair, Motorola was already sinking before Google bought them. And I certainly didn't expect Google to actually go for long-term in-house production.
@FEichinger Once I started landing several rockets in the same general area, doing anything became a giant lag-fest. Ditto with attaching modules to a space station. I suppose I could try it again, see what it does.
> I bet it would take longer to literally flush $9.5 billion in cash down a toilet than it took for Google to do so figuratively on the Motorola acquisition.
@Frank From what we know about the next update, that might bring a major performance boost on nearby vessels.
Q: Why heavy attack of Zeus is weak on God of War Ghost of Sparta?

Patrick BardCouple of weeks ago I beat God of War Ghost of Sparta for PSP. I collected one million orbs (literally, even though the maximum is 999,999 you still missing one) to unlock everything on Temple of Zeus. I finished all the challenges cause their were really easy compared to GoW II, and than I start...

@LessPop_MoreFizz It would've been a lot more if they had held on to Motorola for much longer, though.
Triaging Motorola definitely wasn't on Google's roadmap.
@FEichinger Well yeah, but that's because they paid way too much for Motorola in the first place.
Which is kind of the point.
I prefer Google paying way too much for those patents than Apple paying way too much for those patents, to be quite frank.
There's definitely no point in throwing good money after bad, but it's still a great bit of schadenfreude to laugh at the fact that they seem to have finally recognized this fact.
@FEichinger Is there any sort of ETA for .24?
And someone, anyone would have bought Motorola real quickly, just for those patents.
@Frank Even if I knew, I couldn't tell you.
... And I can't tell you whether or not I know either, so I guess that's a moot point, too.
@Frank ... tales of Zestiria mean anything to you?
@RavenDreamer ...Latest game released in Japan, I believe.
@Frank Ah, yes, as soon as I typed out the name, I remembered that pernicious second 'i', and realized I had typed that word before.
@RavenDreamer Oh, I got it right? I was working off memory.
@Frank It is, however, not out yet.
Could've been their latest trademark filing, instead.
@LessPop_MoreFizz So many potential puns ... So few realized ...
low-lethality gun?
In Soviet Russia, Sword is Mightier Than Pen!
@AshleyNunn low caliber cheap saturday night special or whatever.
@AshleyNunn Rubber bullets, I think?
lots of cheap guns are not particularly good at killing unless you are at point blank range and manage to hit a vital organ.
Also that
especially older ones, of the sort that you might expect to get busted out in a barfight in a former soviet nation.
Ah, I suppose that makes sense.
@FEichinger I still really want objects to be active and functioning, even if I'm not personally controlling them. That's the biggest problem with setting up any sort of autonomous functionality.
So that's a thing.
@AshleyNunn Huh.
@AshleyNunn wat
Apparently it smells like a blend of tomato sauce, mozzarella and oregano.
Hi guys
@AshleyNunn The people you'd want to attract with that perfume would be just as easily attracted by simply being female.
hi @spugsaroni
@Yuki lol
@spugsley Heya lovely lady
@spugsley It's extra-appropriate because @AshleyNunn posted pizza smell perfume!
They also make this one:
@AshleyNunn Well, that'll get you in a whole bunch of trouble in the wrong jurisdiction.
And whole bunch of other kinds of trouble in the right jurisdiction.
also dust, funeral home, holy water, lobster, mildew, paint, paperback, play-doh, poison ivy, rye bread, sushi, and vinyl.
Because those are totes things you wanna smell like.
@AshleyNunn Funeral home?
@Frank Mhm.
Methinks this company needs some proper marketing campaigns.
embalming fluid and old people maybe?
@WorldEngineer Those are not necessarily two distinct smells.
"Funeral Home is a blend of classic white flowers: lilies, carnations, gladiolus, chrysanthemums with stems and leaves, with a hint of mahogany and oriental carpet.

This scent actually started out to be Flower Show. Now our founding perfumer personally did NOT like most white flowers so this was a tough fragrance for him to develop. When a friend first smelled this one and exclaimed: “it smells like my Grandfather's funeral... call it Funeral Home!”, so we did."
@AshleyNunn Mildew, oh god
@AshleyNunn ...That friend (and/or the person who approved the decision) should be smacked upside the head.
@FAE yeah.....
I mean they have plenty of seemingly good smelling products, but also a lot of strangeness.
@AshleyNunn I could see rye bread being kind of yummyish. But I don't think I could handle Mildew.
@FAE Yeah, and I could see a theoretical market for hte vinyl smell if I squint a little....
Question: What is the use policy on images found on tumblr, which themselves are part of a collection of uncited works?
@AshleyNunn Maybe if you... like the smell of clean floors and kitchens...?
@RavenDreamer For what purpose? I mean generally, try to find a source if you can.
@RavenDreamer No watermark or anything on the image itself?
And a reverse image search is too similar to other pictures of this monster to find anything specific.
@RavenDreamer There isn't one inherent to tumblr or anything... it's kind of just a pretty lawless environment until somebody complains.
@RavenDreamer What are you trying to find out?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, I sorta figured as much.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Generally, this.
@Fluttershy if I'm allowed to upload it to a wikia-style site
Oh. <_< I can't help you there.
...though I suppose if I'm aiming for 100% compliance, I've already erred by uploading it to imgur before knowing the license.
Is Supernatural one of those shows that gets better if you keep going?
Guys...I think my body has quit on me
@AshleyNunn Or worse, depending on how you look at it.
@Fluttershy Does it get more enjoyable?
@spugsley noooo
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh lord.
@AshleyNunn Depends on what you enjoy.
Yup. Still sick. Specialist time. :(
> When asked if Ford lacked credibility due to his repeated false denials about smoking crack cocaine, Morris said: "I dispute that. He has tremendous credibility."
@spugsley Oh no. :(
@Ullallulloo well, yes. That goes without saying.
@spugsley oh, man, that sucks :( hopefully they can figure out something so you can start feeling better!
@spugsley :( You haven't even finished your antibiotics though, neh?
Yeah they pretty much agree that a stomach flu would have run its course. Time to check for celiac disease, and chrohns and all kinds of wonderful stuff.
@FAE nope, got the test results back...no bacterial infection
Additional fun Rob Ford story, involving much less serious and scary allegations: news.nationalpost.com/2014/01/28/…
Bleh that sucks.
@spugsley oh dear :( hopefully they figure it out quick so they can help you feel better.
@spugsley oh god chrohns is the worst by all accounts.
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah. Can't even get into the GI doc until Feb 11th so I get to suffer until then
@spugsley D:
@spugsley Ugh. Well, if it is potentially celiac, you can deliberately just go gluten free for two weeks just for the hell of it?
Worst case scenario, you bought some expensive pasta for a week or two and aren't any worse off for it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is not a bad idea, actually, because it is likely one of the steps they will have you take anyhow.
@LessPop_MoreFizz that's the plan.
(My sister has microscopic colitis, and they were like "try gluten free stuff and see what happens" while they were working to figure her stuff out)
@AshleyNunn did that help her?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have no idea what any of those place are.
@spugsley in general, gluten and colitis aren't linked.
@AshleyNunn Supernatural is a really polarizing show. Like... I think it gets better as it goes on. @OrigamiRobot thought it got worse, and gave up on it. So... yeah. :\ Sorry!
@Fluttershy No worries
I am two episodes in and I am just like..do I keep going>
@LessPop_MoreFizz oh oh yeah I see now. I overlooked the first part of what she said. Sorry!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, they aren't really.
@Fluttershy No, no, no. It stayed that same.
@spugsley They like to use it as a "rule out some of the stuff" step
@OrigamiRobot Oh, right.
There is zero character development.
@spugsley yeah, basically it's a case of "Well, you've got some kind of gastro issue. it could be gluten related, so cutting it out is probably not the worst idea in the world while we do weeks of blood work. If we find out it's celiac, great, you're already fixing the problem. If instead, it's chrohns or colitis or some other awful thing for which bread is not your problem? Oh well, you ate expensive pasta for a few weeks are you really worse off?"
@LessPop_MoreFizz Pretty much.
@OrigamiRobot I have spent roughly 250 hours in Charlotte and I know where several of them are.
Also, prepare yourself mentally for the idea of possible colonoscopy type fun.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, that is not really my idea of fun
I had one of those once.
@Fluttershy I think it gets worse as well.
I've only had an endoscopy and a hysteroscopy.
The 48 hour prep forever tainted my Dragon Age Origins experience.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I just feel so awful. I go from feeling ok to completely debilitatingly sick to where I feel like I'm dying. I just don't even know anymore
In fact I stopped watching it last season or the season before .I can't remember.
@Wipqozn Yeah, but you're always wrong.

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