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I think the Gregory Brothers had some of their Christmas songs hit with Content ID, which sucks 'cause I really like them.
Vancouver weather: "Snow at times heavy changing to drizzle this afternoon. Snowfall amount 10 to 15 cm. High plus 3"
My sister is arriving on a flight from Beijing in 2 hours. I don't think she's getting out of Vancouver.
@JasonBerkan Oh no. :(
Today's Steam deals: (PRICES NOT UPDATED YET)
Holy shit
In Starbound
I just ran across a sloth-faced turtle
@3ventic Fez, eh?
@JasonBerkan It shouldn't be that bad (from an East Coaster's perspective). The airport is right on the water. If her flight's in already, there's a decent chance that her next one will leave (assuming there's a plane to leave on).
I thought Fez was already on sale?
Also Fez is kind of overrated. It's a really interesting game but... I don't know. It's not as good as I was hoping
@MBraedley It has to leave on time though, as they have a connection in Calgary to catch.
for one thing, the map is terrible
Speaking of sloths (look away @OrigamiRobot):
We are the knights who say née!
1.7 KB/S, awesome steam download speed
This is why I can't play TF2 lol
@ElfSlice Yeh, I'd say so
On the bright side, Valve finally got smart and made server installs not need all the sound and texture files
@ElfSlice get a betterz internez, not likez da crapp tha ma country haz
@Powerlord That makes me feel so much better
Eh, I didn't really like the tf2 community anyway
@ElfSlice Needs more italics on the so
They all get pissed if you don't use a gun they think is good
Like if you use the medic crossbow you get shouted at
@ElfSlice ewwwwwww!
@ElfSlice I knew they got upset if you use a gun that's considered cheap/easy, but unless you were playing MvM I'm not sure why they'd get pissed.
And they've since rebalanced the crossbow
Hey, I liked the crossbow. Ranged healing
Three times now, actually, since they nerfed it the second time to the point of unusability.
@ElfSlice Do you have anyone who can snail mail you patches?
@FAE Not really, no.
One of my Medic loadouts has the crossbow (with the Quick-Fix Medigun). And if it wasn't for how much damage the Syringe Gun does in MvM when you need to kill Scout bots and the like, I'd use it in MvM too.
I don't think I ever made a successful kill with the syringe gun.
Strangely the medic was my most played class too
even though I like the heavy the most
I got shouted at for using the quick fix too
@ElfSlice Well, in MvM it's 6 players versus waves of bots. And the bots are (mostly) stupid and run in straight lines.
Which makes the syringe gun do more damage than the crossbow because it does like 8-12 damage per hit.
(and fires a lot faster)
The crossbow is also weird in TF2 as it's the ONLY weapon that does more damage (and healing) the farther it travels.
@ElfSlice Ah, dang. One of my guildmates used to do that for me back when I was on dialup and the MMO we were playing patched. It was faster for him to do that than for me to try to download a 2 gig patch on dialup in a house with a single phone line.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute I do..
@ElfSlice I'd offer, but the frequency with which one would need to do this with international shipping would end up getting pricey. :/
btw, don't download TF2 today if you're doing a new install. Today is (highly likely) patch day for the Christmas update.
@FAE Yeah, don't worry about it. :P
@Powerlord I will not be downloading TF2 ever
@Powerlord MvM is the mode I'd probably play TF2 for now because I like that kind of play (co-op vs. AI horde mode kinda thing) but I don't have good gear/drops and I don't want to play with PUGs, so... yeah.
I just realized I have no idea how much it'd cost to mail an envelope to Canada. USB drives are light enough to mail in a standard envelope I think.
@Powerlord About twenty minutes ago.
@ElfSlice btw, are you on dialup?
@Braiam No. 'High speed'.
@Braiam He's on "just fast enough to drive you slowly mad"
@Ullallulloo Oh, they pushed it already? Figures.
It's not just the speed that's infuriating, it's how inconsistent it is. It's pretty bad today. Some days it's okay.
Soda Popper no longer minicrits.
Now grants quintuple jumps instead.
Short Circut buffed.
@Ullallulloo Actually, I saw that and immediately assumed this was another set of fake patch notes
Like five other things buffed.
But then I checked my updater screen on my TF2 server and saw it did indeed install an update
Holy cow.
Head and Misc slots have been gotten rid of.
Hat slot is gone and we now have 3 Cosmetic slots
We've been asking for this change for ages
I don't get the whole hats thing
I prefer to play them with the default appearance
@ElfSlice HATter ¬_¬
The hats just break the immersion
> Valve doesn't do Nerfs half way, either it's OP or useless
(someone talking about Soda Popper change)
@Powerlord link or never happened...
Also, congratulation Valve for having an entire year where TF2 gets no new weapons, only reskins.
Granted, rebalancing existing weapons isn't necessarily bad
@Powerlord meh
@Powerlord Wow, they made the Short Circuit cheap. I remember when it cost 30 metal a shot.
@Yuki They'd already lowered the amount it cost once.
@ElfSlice Kind of "mrrrgh" on what feels like the very lazy concept of "Oh hey, save the girl"
@FAE Oh do they have more about the actual concept now? I can't get the site to load.
I've just seen that gif before and it looked amazing
@Yuki The sad part is, this now makes the Short Circuit cheesy since you can essentially prevent a Demo from being able to kill your stuff indefinitely.
@ElfSlice Wait, are the on-ship weapons right next to the brig?
@Yuki Heh, it looks like it
@Yuki That makes me think of Evil Genius, where your holding cells and gun racks were both in Security Rooms.
Q: When does a speedrun starts

PhaDaPhunkWhen does a Speedrun starts exactly and where does it stop. I think a speedrun starts when you do your first input. But when it comes to where it ends I'm a little confused. Is it when you loos control of your character When you put your final input

> Dive into an epic adventure through deep space. Find the princess to restore peace, and rule the universe.
@Powerlord Did you hear they're making a FB game "sequel'?
@FAE Oh. Heh. Yeah that does sound kind of silly.
@ElfSlice And then there's no mention of that in the trailer or on the rest of the page, so it just comes off as kind of a lazy hook to me, I dunno.
@FAE I heard rumors of such a thing.
Maybe it's a translation thing?
Ah good, IDA is finally finished analyzing TF2's server_srv.so
I'm hoping that TF2 didn't break SourceMod and the like.
@Powerlord It's in open beta now, apparently.
Granted, there weren't really any major mechanic changes.
@ElfSlice But like... it's their entire title. >_>
> As smugglers, trade and sell merchandise, even illegal ones such as spacedrugs or slaves.
But beware of the Spacecops!
Hey, you can > multiline messages now
Q: Showing up on SpeedRunsLive

PhaDaPhunkI know once that once I meet the requirements, My stream will be on SpeedRunsLive. How many races does one have to do to show up on SpeedRunsLive page ?

Hats for bats
Q: Is there an easy way to find your character?

3venticI seem to constantly lose track of my character. I get confused and suddenly realize I'm not in control of the character I've been tracking for the last few seconds. Is there an easy way to keep track of your own character? Maybe there's a way to make other characters more transparent than your o...

@Lazers Speedrunners!
It's quite fun
I played the demo for the first one on Xbox 360 a lot with some friends.
Never did grab the full game, but it was pretty sweet.
also bought some bit.trip games
gonna try those out
@3ventic Those are very fun. Not very forgiving though, but very fun if you like music games.
Are you talking about a specific game? You have only tagged this with 'speedrunners'. — Mondrianaire 1 min ago
@3ventic lmao
@3ventic To be fair, that is a pretty generic name.
Time to write a tag wiki it seems
Speedrunner HD ^
The previous game
Seems like they took what was good about it and improved it, and dealth with what was bad about it
I've heard the new one is really good
What's its genre?
@3ventic Platformer, I guess.
Great. I got a hat for saying hello. Now I need an avatar.
Steam says very broadly "Action, relaxed, early access, race, sports"
@3ventic heh
I guess racing platformer is pretty accurate
Somebody downvoted your question @3ventic
@ElfSlice mm?
Q: Is there an easy way to find your character?

3venticI seem to constantly lose track of my character. I get confused and suddenly realize I'm not in control of the character I've been tracking for the last few seconds. Is there an easy way to keep track of your own character? Maybe there's a way to make other characters more transparent than your o...

that one
for no reason
I think that "what game are you talking about" is the reason
CC @Fluttershy
And other metroidvania fans
@ElfSlice he already has it
I think I'm gonna have to get it.
@3ventic Your timing was also terrible. There's mutiple bad speedrun-related questions on the front page right now (well, not anymore, since one is at -4 score now).
Those reminded me to ask, actually.
I made the tag wiki, feel free to review it
@3ventic Aren't the characters colour coded?
I'm drunk
Everybody pay attention
@ElfSlice Yes, but on some levels it's still very hard to follow your character
SwiftKey is the only thing making me Leighton at this point
Oh sfffs
@fredley making you Leighton, huh?
What's up with drunk British people and this chatroom?
@fredley I said it first
@Arperum Now, now, drunk non-British people are just as frequent.
I'm on a bus
Their typos just aren't as cute to watch.
I'm on a bus,
Yes, we got that.
@FEichinger Recently it's drunk Brits.
Look at me moehtufuckef cos I'm sailin on a bus
> moehtufuckef
I should watch some map
That show is so great
Mlp *
@fredley You got put on a bus?
@pow I'll return when I like!
And none of youse can stop Mr!
There should be a hat for being drunk
You already have that one.
Wait what?
Drunk hats? Drats?
@fredley "Winter is Coming" is definitely the being-drunk hat.
I'm a pony
In fact, I bet you're just faking it so you can get stars for the hat!
"These are the adventures of the Starship Bridge, protecting the Stack Exchange network from the tyranny of Mr. Exclamation"
@FEichinger He has the winter is coming hat already.
@Arperum I know, I know. That was my attempt at baiting stars. :(
I failed miserably.
I don't even want to know what hats you guys are talking about.
@Frank There's a hat for getting starred on Dec 20.
@Frank The hat you will get in a bit.
@FEichinger Oh, Winter is coming?
I got that yesterday.
@Frank Your yesterday. Our today.
Wait, no.
@Frank free star anyway. I never run out of stars either way.
Or maybe yes.
I dunno.
It was Dec. 19th when I got it.
@FEichinger No, our yesterday too.
I'm bad at timezones.
By...a lot.
Yesterday afternoon 2-3Pm or so I think CET
I think kalina even made a meta post about it. and got the answer that there was some place on earth where it was dec 20 already.
Oh well.
@Powerlord You're a bad, bad man. I'm at work gorammit!
Now, back to topic: @fredley is drunk!
@MBraedley So am I!
@Powerlord One does not simply leave TVTropes
@MBraedley Yes, they do! (It's called close tab)
@MBraedley I do. That site is moronic.
@ElfSlice You get a chance to play that game yet?
Also today's sale items are really disappointing.
@MechanicalLoon That's okay, you can save money that way!
I just broke my fork while eating lasagna...
I'm gonna have to install the Steam app on my phone, so I can obsesively check it out while at my parents.
@JasonBerkan You are just an old fun hater!
@Arperum Frozen lasagna should be heated first.
@FAE On days with bad sales I'm upset there are no good sales, but one days when there are good sales I'm upset I'm going to spend money.
@JasonBerkan It is heated. i don't even know how it happened.
@OrigamiRobot I am. An old stick in the mud.
@Wipqozn There's just no pleasing you, turtle!
@JasonBerkan I haven't evolved into hating all fun yet. For now, I just hate it when people have fun with things I don't have fun with.
One moment I'm like "Tasty lasagna", the next moment I'm like "What just happened?"
@Wipqozn Doesn't the knowledge that you're getting enough games to think about playing for an entire year make it easier?
@Coronus It's offset by the fact I won' tplay half the games I buy.
@OrigamiRobot Because those people are wrong!
I was excited to eat KD when I got home, but when I went to get the pot out of the dishwasher, it was still dirty :(
Q: If I buy multiple 3 day xp buffs, will they stack?

user64437If I buy for example 6 x 3day bonus xp, will they stack giving me something like "Increase xp earned by 600%"? Thank you!

@OrigamiRobot sour cream
@OrigamiRobot salsa
@OrigamiRobot pringles
What? I love pringles.
@kalina Sour cream and salsa on taco salad is the bomb.
Are pringles something different in the UK?
sour cream and salsa are awesome by themselves, with other food as well is just amazing
@OrigamiRobot "pringles" is a brand name
Pringles are icky. Manufactured potato chips. shudder
are you kidding
@kalina Right. Why would you think I don't like them?
pringles are like crack cocaine for hungry people
@OrigamiRobot you don't like sour cream and salsa
I prefer actual potato chips.
These are the best in Canada: missvickies.ca/en/prod.php
@JasonBerkan We have those in the US
I prefer tortilla ships to potato chips.
nope, I'm going to have to go to the shop
@OrigamiRobot Those are also good.
I need salsa and sour cream
With salsa and cheese.
Nope. Plain tortilla chips.
I know. My last line was specially crafted for you.
I only get potato chips to put on peanut butter sandwiches
Q: Reduce the size of redstone circuit

BryanI'm looking to reduce the size of a redstone circuit as much as possible, but my redstone skills aren't that great. Would someone be able to offer some advise? Currently I have the following circuit What I'm actually trying to achieve is as follows. I'm trying to have an output that is stead...

cc @AshleyNunn
@OrigamiRobot On, or in?
Q: Which of the combination artifacts can be used together?

Grant PalinThe various combination artifacts each involve some number of individual artifacts; to equip a combined artifact, the slots for the individual artifacts must be available. In some cases equipping multiple combos becomes impossible. In other cases, such as with the Statue of Legion, there's little...

@MechanicalLoon Yes. It's so good.
It's really really good
Q: What to do as support with all this gold?

KatustrawficEver since the preseason changes to support items I tend to find myself having a large amount of gold. Since I'm not used to this amount of gold as support I was wondering what I could use it best on. Most supports now have their utility scale with AP so should I build like an AP mid to strengthe...

Yay, I saved Christmas!
@MBraedley yay
Is there anything else to do beyond this?
Well, that is embarrassing. Why won't my avatar update?
@Pvt.Grichmann caches, it takes time
@Pvt.Grichmann It takes time on chat
Ah, okay, thanks.
@Pvt.Grichmann I keep reading your name as Private Grinchman. And then I wonder how the Grinch became a private.
@MBraedley Me too!
@Powerlord I know. No-one notices the other N.
You're a monster, @Pvt.Grichmann
@SaintWacko Yeah, well Private Grinchman stole Christmas. Beat that!
@Pvt.Grichmann Hit ctrl+F5
And hey, that was misread as Gricham once.
Even that isn't working yet
Isn't that the main bloke from one of those murder mystery shows?
@SaintWacko Mind you, I bought another upgrade, and have to save Christmas again (for the third time).
@Pvt.Grichmann I think Gricham is an author
Or something like that
Well, that was dumb. I just realized that while waiting for this to compile that I'd accidentally run the file and instead tried to start a second copy of my local app server. Whoops.
@SaintWacko Oh. Never heard of him. Doesn't matter, though. What matters is that it isn't me.
I went to look for my compile window (which is a command prompt running Maven) and noticed it wasn't there.
UPS: If you were smart, you'd have put both packages from Amazon on the same delivery truck.
Instead of making delivery trucks stop out at my place twice.
How do you like my new gravatar?
It's a puppy. With a diving mask.
@3ventic No, bad, stop it.
I'm going to keep it
You're literally worse than Hitler now.
Hitler wasn't that bad
I'm much worse than Hitler
Ha, mine is a TF2 spy wearing a towering pillar of hats. Just not THE Towering Pillar of Hats.
@Powerlord You just killed TFWiki.
@Pvt.Grichmann Why do you say that?
@Powerlord Because it gave me "this site is experiencing technical difficulties" for a few tries.
I guess it got better.
Q: Lionshead Black & White 2 Lumber Mill

Rik TelnerFor those who don't know yet. There is another game called like this and has no nut to do with Pokemon. My questions are about Lumber Mill: If you make more people refiners. The efficiency gets higher or it just takes less time? Do I need to put wood on Lumber Mill or they just take it automat...

@Lazers Wrong game tag, then?

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