@JasonBerkan It shouldn't be that bad (from an East Coaster's perspective). The airport is right on the water. If her flight's in already, there's a decent chance that her next one will leave (assuming there's a plane to leave on).
One of my Medic loadouts has the crossbow (with the Quick-Fix Medigun). And if it wasn't for how much damage the Syringe Gun does in MvM when you need to kill Scout bots and the like, I'd use it in MvM too.
@ElfSlice Ah, dang. One of my guildmates used to do that for me back when I was on dialup and the MMO we were playing patched. It was faster for him to do that than for me to try to download a 2 gig patch on dialup in a house with a single phone line.
@Powerlord MvM is the mode I'd probably play TF2 for now because I like that kind of play (co-op vs. AI horde mode kinda thing) but I don't have good gear/drops and I don't want to play with PUGs, so... yeah.
@Yuki The sad part is, this now makes the Short Circuit cheesy since you can essentially prevent a Demo from being able to kill your stuff indefinitely.
When does a Speedrun starts exactly and where does it stop.
I think a speedrun starts when you do your first input.
But when it comes to where it ends I'm a little confused.
Is it when you loos control of your character
When you put your final input
I know once that once I meet the requirements, My stream will be on SpeedRunsLive.
How many races does one have to do to show up on SpeedRunsLive page ?
I seem to constantly lose track of my character. I get confused and suddenly realize I'm not in control of the character I've been tracking for the last few seconds. Is there an easy way to keep track of your own character? Maybe there's a way to make other characters more transparent than your o...
I seem to constantly lose track of my character. I get confused and suddenly realize I'm not in control of the character I've been tracking for the last few seconds. Is there an easy way to keep track of your own character? Maybe there's a way to make other characters more transparent than your o...
@3ventic Your timing was also terrible. There's mutiple bad speedrun-related questions on the front page right now (well, not anymore, since one is at -4 score now).
I'm looking to reduce the size of a redstone circuit as much as possible, but my redstone skills aren't that great.
Would someone be able to offer some advise?
Currently I have the following circuit
What I'm actually trying to achieve is as follows. I'm trying to have an output that is stead...
The various combination artifacts each involve some number of individual artifacts; to equip a combined artifact, the slots for the individual artifacts must be available. In some cases equipping multiple combos becomes impossible. In other cases, such as with the Statue of Legion, there's little...
Ever since the preseason changes to support items I tend to find myself having a large amount of gold. Since I'm not used to this amount of gold as support I was wondering what I could use it best on. Most supports now have their utility scale with AP so should I build like an AP mid to strengthe...
Well, that was dumb. I just realized that while waiting for this to compile that I'd accidentally run the file and instead tried to start a second copy of my local app server. Whoops.
For those who don't know yet. There is another game called like this and has no nut to do with Pokemon.
My questions are about Lumber Mill:
If you make more people refiners. The efficiency gets higher or it just takes less time?
Do I need to put wood on Lumber Mill or they just take it automat...