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@tombull89 I have no time for your pesky flagging, I must catch that butterfly!
@Arperum but look at the flags! the pretty waving fluttering flags!
I just lost 350 rep on a question being deleted. Oh, such pain have I rarely felt.
350 rep on one question in under 60 days?
@3ventic Yeah.
@3ventic I am currently in mourning.
Q: Similar games to Clash of clans

eLborfor the last two weaks I have been playing mobile game called clash of clans, I enjoy it very much, but i am frustrated with the gem system (you know where you need to spend the money to complete sertain things much faster). I know that you can play this game completely without spending a dime, b...

It was that "which platform does the developer get the most money for a game" question, right?
@Lazers No. Off-topic
Good morning, Bridge
When I posted this question there was no clear answer. Now, that valve have implemented the new MM system I feel that it should be closed. Thank you for your input. — Bloodcount 7 mins ago
why would we close it?
now there is a clear answer and this is q&a
We wouldn't.
Hello "Frank"
@Frank Whoever normally stars that must not be around, so I'll star that for you.
@kalina Hello, "kalina"
you know, Frank is the UK's drug assistance service
@Sterno They must be confused because it's "Frank", not "fbjaklafjekj-kert".
Oh, man, now you just made it turn into "JerkBert" in my head.
Finally a non-swear version!
@Sterno And hence why I changed it!
@Sterno fbucket
Now it just changed into JuiceBucket.
I don't want to keep going down this rabbit hole.
Wasn't Frank the "rabbit" from Donnie Darko?
@tombull89 yes
user image
You guys suck.
I don't talk about that in public
@Frank Name changes suck too.
i live near the netherland border i dont need frank :)
@Frank welcome to the literally worse than hitler club
allow me to extend this friendly invitation
@FEichinger ...
@Wandang Use the side by side markdown to see the difference.
Q: What's the easiest/fastest way to get tokens?

NovargAs topic says: What's the easiest/fastest way to get tokens? I collected all of them from achievements that I got. And I know that fastest way is just to purchase them, however it's not what I'm planning to do. I also know that sometimes you get 50 tokens as a daily reward when you collect all 3...

@Frank terrific view
Flag Troll sense tingling
did somebody just flag me?
there it is
inb4 flag troll
and this is why WE CANNOT HAVE NICE THings.
23 hours ago, by Wipqozn
Oct 9 at 19:07, by Sterno
I think we can all agree that if @fbueckert changed his name, it would be the one name change that doesn't make someone worse than Hitler.
Okay, that one could legitimately not be a troll.
@Sterno Ahyup.
@Sterno I think you placed your hat wrong
wtf who flagged that
Okay, that one was trolling.
That said, it wasn't me. I was busy thinking of a better comeback.
@ElfSlice I did it exactly as I intended.
Apparently someone in here really hates the word "penis".
I sincerely hope whoever it is gets whacked with a ban, too.
Are you kidding me?
You get a ban! and you get a ban! Everyone gets a chat ban!
Who got flagged? aside of @kalina
Just FYI, I'm currently running that script that shows the names of flaggers here in this room.
I think @FEichinger got flagged.
(for god knows what stupid reason?)
Dear Flag Troll,

Yesterday, moderators discovered that they can figure out who flagged things with a script one of them wrote. Check yesterday's transcript for details. Please stop being an ass. Thank you!

Everyone Else on The Bridge
@Yuki Hm? No, I'm still here.
I manually deleted that one message, no need to keep it around.
@FEichinger Well, I think I invalidated that one.
@Sterno Alternatively, don't stop being an ass, so you can get banned, and everyone else will be happy about it.
To be fair, calling someone a troll and an ass doesn't really help.
Also, @Frank got flagged for sure, but I think everyone invalidated that.
At least, I would hope.
@FEichinger I'm not always helpful.
@Yuki I...did?
@FEichinger Even if Sterno would change those into non-swear words, the message would be the same.
Whoever flagged @kalina may have had a legit complaint (which I don't agree with, but whatevs). Whoever flagged @Frank is definitely a troll, though.
@MadScientist @kalina would like to know if you can un-ban her.
@Yuki I second this request.
@FEichinger I third this seconding.
So it's only a legit ban if it's me?
@5pike I have my fair share of problems with the whole "bah, flag troll!" thing, this public shaming is going too far.
@MadScientist so...how would we go about using this in other rooms?
@Yuki That flag was validated by quite some users,. I didn't follow the whole discussions so I've no idea if that was purely a joke, but I'm not going to reverse it in this case
@ElfSlice That's not what was said.
@tombull89 Works only for mods as far as I know
@MadScientist Seeing how it was directed at me ... o.ô
@MadScientist You should run it in the math room too
They produce even dumber flags than us from time to time.
@FEichinger To be clear, I'm directing my message at whoever flagged Frank. In which case, it is not too far. Besides, no one is being publicly shamed, because I have no idea who the person is
@FEichinger Didn't check that. If it was directed at you and you want her unbanned, I can do that
@ElfSlice mwahaha...and The DMZ
@ElfSlice I'm just reporting for @kalina since she's been banned. I don't have you on Steam, so...
I totally dont understand whats gong on here. Someone is getting flagged for spam?
Re "flag troll": If the flag is invalid, invalidate it, done. Don't claim to know what the motivation behind the flag was.
@Sterno what? Gimmie
Because of a chat message here?
@MadScientist Ahyup.
@Rob Yes. Somebody flagged a bunch of messages, two of which were pretty clearly not offensive in any way.
I can't read that so I'm not sure
@MadScientist thanks mwah
I hope you got a name out of the script
@ElfSlice, and that bans ytou from the chat room?
Alrighty, hometime for me again, then.
@Sterno And I wouldn't expect us to be told who it is, anyways.
@Frank Agreed.
@Rob If people validate the flags, yes. The two nonoffensive ones were invalidated though.
@FEichinger wave
But the first one was validated, so @kalina was temporarily banned from the chatroom, yes.
I'm still not even sure which of my stuff got flagged.
I am an expert on chat bans.
@ElfSlice, so does a message pop up someowhere asking others to confirm it's Spam or something? (My first time in the chat system today...)
@Frank the comment you said immediately after I got banned
8 mins ago, by Frank
I sincerely hope whoever it is gets whacked with a ban, too.
@Rob Only if you have 10k network rep or more.
Oh, me hoping whoever's doing it gets banned, too?
@Rob Also, everyone on the entire network with over 10k rep can see it.
@Frank yeah that one
@kalina Welcome back. =]
Ah, I have a way to go there then.... :)
@ElfSlice o/
@ElfSlice I'd elect you moderator of ChatBans.SE
@Sterno =[
Well, I still sincerely hope that. If that means we get less stupid flags in here, I'm all for it.
@ElfSlice That should be cause for rejoicing!
there have been a lot of silly flags in here recently
that's why I hope that little episode resulted in high quality data for @MadScientist
It is unclear to me what action, if any, moderators can actually take with that data.
@kalina yes but is anything going to be done about it?
@tombull89 a chat wide ban for a week as a warning, a month as a second warning, a year as a third warning
Particularly on the more subjective cases of flag abuse. The one on Frank's message is the only one that was unquestionably bad.
@Frank The existence of that script is likely to discourage malicious flagging. I have the users logged that cast the two frivolous flags, the only reason I haven't acted is that I've no idea how reliable the script is. If stupid flags happen again, I'll stop caring about that and assume the script is correct
@Sterno in this instance
@kalina chat ban, or chat flag ban?
@Sterno Kalina's second flag was pretty bad too
@tombull89 chat ban
13 mins ago, by kalina
That was also flagged
@ElfSlice I didn't even see that one
I agree then.
You... agree? ...with me?
I... I'm so full of emotion
careful, precedents being set
I understand @FEichinger's point of "be nice and try to be understanding of flaggers", but come on, some of these are OBVIOUSLY trolling
@MadScientist I approve of this.
@MadScientist can't room owner mods see flaggers as well?
In other news, Saints Row IV is awesome in every way that GTA 5 was not.
@ElfSlice mods only
@kalina mods who are room owners, right?
@Sterno Isn't that always the case?
@Sterno this could be taken to mean that SR4 is not awesome at all because there were no ways in which GTA5 was not awesome.
@MadScientist it's good you got info from it, from the testing Manish did yesterday it was spot on
@KevinvanderVelden Only by a crazy person.
@ElfSlice mods in general
any mods
Why do they need a script then?
within 3 hours of release, 3800 unique players on 400 different servers for Just Cause 2 Multiplayer. Aww yiss.
because there's no user interface for the data
the data is present but there are no buttons to show it
@Sterno have you seen some of the spam we get? There are a lot of crazy people
@tombull89 yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
@ElfSlice first hour was a bit screwey but after that things went well
Q: Fallout 3 GOTY edition doesn't start

PenguinAgenI can start the launcher, but when I press play the game closes instead of running. Any one have an idea what the problem might be or away around it? Or any idea for something I can try would be appreciated.

@tombull89 I'm annoyed I had to start with the rico skin again, but otherwise had some fun. The trick to playing JC2MP is you have to expect you're going to die.
I was getting really frustrated at first but then I changed how I was playing
much more fun
Ok, Christmas is coming early for somebody. I have a gift of Defender's Quest available, for whoever wants it.
Good game.
@Frank That game is excellent.
I should check what Steam gifts I have
@ElfSlice Yeah, don't play is as a deathmatch and more of a sandbox and it's a lot more fun.
Did I miss flag drama?
I got a faction together and base jumped off a few mountains during the beta, that was good fun.
Only requirement is: you need to contact me on Steam to get it.
I've got Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light and XCOM: Enemy Unknown for anyone who wants.
Why would anyone flag twerkalina? :o Or fibbikert?
@Fluttershy this is The Bridge. There's always flag drama.
@Frank Guess that won't work for me since you blocked me
@Sterno You want anything for TR?
What's your steam name?
it's been deleted already
Speaking of gifts:
@Sterno Er... Lara Croft, or whatevs. I'm nihilistronin on Steam. I think we're friends on there.
Anybody interested in any of those?
I need friendship nothing in return
FBueckert, I am tired of your shit. An artifact cannot be provided because it violates LAW. The law supersedes the rules of this website. Go harass someone else please. Owners can go to this place at anytime and listen to it, since I provided an accurate location. — Assylum 21 mins ago
there we go
@kalina hasn't been deleted for me
@kalina Yeah, he doesn't like me. I don't care.
But yeah that person apparently doesn't know much about copyright law, specifically the fair use bit.
@ElfSlice I disliked Hack Slash Loot so much
@ElfSlice Hack, Slash, Loot and Paranoutical Activity look interesting.
Frank = FBueckert?
@Sterno Yeah it was kind of a letdown
@tombull89 Correct.
@tombull89 ...
Snorkeling Rainbow Dash is best Winterbash hatting, well done @kalina.
@tombull89 Yes. I changed my name.
@5pike Do I have you on Steam?
I feel like someone telling you exactly what point in the game a song plays is valid in terms of having an artifact.
@TimStone thanks
@ElfSlice I don't think so
But who will I internally call f*ckbert now
@TimStone Thanks. We'll try again tomorrow.
@BenBrocka so mean
@Sterno That does seem like a decent audiovisual artifact
@Sconibulus there's no audio involved
Unbelievable. Prolonged doge exposure has made me into a comic sans fan. I feel... such free
but the question is about audio
@kalina blame my brain, I read it like that a lot
it's a bit middle of the road
@BenBrocka yes but that's his name, you might offend him
There is enough to identify it precisely
@OrigamiRobot If you come back I'll ban myself for mentioning hats that which shall not be mentioned.
...in some parallel universe
which is the point of the artifact
We're not asking someone to identify a game, either. We're asking about content in a game. The thing we're supposed to be experts on.
@TimStone got tired of that meme when I started people using it as advertisements
...where @Frank actually takes offence to anything
@BenBrocka Yeaaaah.
Whether or not music identification in games is on-topic is one thing, but saying "At this exact point in the game, what is it?" seems solid in terms of providing what is needed for an expert to answer your question
@kalina You stole my snorkel idea? :(
@Sterno And if any more effort had been provided, beyond, "Here's screenshots, find it yourself", I'd be fine with it.
@Assylum if you're worried about Youtube taking issue with you uploading music (which is perfectly reasonable), see if you can upload a snippet to Ge.tt or dropbox or something for us to listen to. =] — ElfSlice 5 secs ago
There needs to be more effort on the asker's part (especially THIS guy).
@Sterno The only exception being if it can vary between plays
@TimStone huehuehue
@Fluttershy what? you didn't have this idea
@Sconibulus Granted
@kalina I've had a snorkel on since day 1 of the Winter Bash! :P
oh wow you're using snorkle
no you were using the bear last time I looked
If I actually played Postal 2, or knew where it was, it's easily possible to find a walkthrough on Youtube ALREADY.
@Frank Well, if I agreed with you, we'd know there was something wrong.
you people. Can horses even swim?
I've never used a bear. O_o I don't even have a bear.
fine we can be the mane six snorkellers
Q: Can I find out what data is in the Steam Cloud for my games?

RobOut of idle curiosity I'm interested to know what files the Steam Cloud contains for my games. Is there anyway of seeing this information, either via a Valve website or an application that maybe uses Steam API's to interrogate the cloud?

my rainbow dash avatar looks like she's smacked on coke
I guess my point is that the point at which he links the audio, it's not even really a video game question anymore. It's a song identification question.
So requiring that seems odd
@Assylum if you're worried about Youtube taking issue with you uploading music (which is perfectly reasonable), see if you can upload a snippet to Ge.tt or dropbox or something for us to listen to. =] — ElfSlice 2 mins ago
Is this constructive?
@ElfSlice seems so
@Fluttershy you have a strange hat on last time I looked (around the time you first noticed there were hats in chat) that wasn't the snorkel
@kalina Mane six swim team? I'm okay with this.
Aah, I missed @OrigamiRobot's one message today!
I was trying to find a good avatar lastnight to use my unicorn horn
@Sterno Which is another problem I have, since it does nothing to play to our strengths.
and gave up and went with this
completely independently
But that, apparently, is still something we help with.
Are any hats small enough to work with my avatar?
@BenBrocka No.
@kalina The snorkel was the first one I wore. I tried that eagle thing for a minute, but it looked dumb, so I went back to the snorkel. It is best hat. Until I get doge. Or Twilight Sparkle.
@BenBrocka have a look through my hat collection and see
@Fluttershy How do you get the doge hat?
@Fluttershy twilight sparkle is the horn?
@ElfSlice I dunno. It's apparently a secret hat.
I have a unicorn horn and ears
but it doesn't fit my avatar properly
I willed gravatar with like 20 pictures of rainbow dash
trying to find one that worked
@kalina According to that list of hats that Ktash posted, it's her actual face.
wait, list of hats?
Hey. Did we ever get the receipt photo for that purple dye?
that purple hair dye that turned my hair black except under direct light?
I should still have it somewhere
@kalina A+
don't even
I was so angry
Hat bugs are amusing
Clearly you should just dye your avatar's hair.
I wonder if I can place a hat so that it obscures my name in chat
@BenBrocka crackcocaine dash
@kalina that's not snow...
FROM ZERO TO AWESOME IN... wait, what was I doing?
@OrigamiRobot HATS HATS HATS
@OrigamiRobot HATS
in Mashup , 1 min ago, by Fooxz
http://puu.sh/5PBgW.png <<< no upload button?
@Sterno Gift received! Thanks!
In other hat related news I somehow ended up with some rare TF2 hat. I never even play TF2. People kept contacting me over IM to buy it...
sold it for about £15 in the end. Result
@Rob nice

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