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10 hours later…
1 hour later…
that ^^
haha yesss
So, after TWC did SO well when I was upgrading my internet
It took AN HOUR to register a new modem -.-
Did you read what Tucker said after the game?
“My fantasy team is benefiting from it, as well, so I’m happy about that. Fantasy owners around the world, I hope you guys appreciate the points, as well.”
That's awesome.
Tucker now moves to 3rd place on my favorite kickers list
yeah I was laughing pretty hard at that too
@ElfSlice mmmmm tasty (the fractal - element)
Wish replys would hover what its replying to, not just highlight. if its too high up its impossible to see. unless im missing something?
oh duh, the arrow.
@Fooxz You can get a script that actually shows the message on hover too
I forget what it's called though
I have it
That's not it
though it does work
ok, so thats a new trick. how did you post that image lol
either way, my hover looks exactly like that
get a good screen capping program like greenshot
the upload button
and yea, upload
yeah, ive got no upload button
@Fooxz That's... weird.
@ElfSlice @Fooxz that IS weird..
Anyway if you have it hosted somewhere else you can just paste the link and it will show up in chat
Like I did with the second one
used puush
best screencapping software, btw
We have greenshot. Never tried puush
Okay, THAT is awesome
@tr1ppn Puush?
Yeah I love it
Instantly gets hosted after capping? Damn. Talk about simple as fuck
greenshot has an 'upload to imgur' button on it for stuff like that - probably not as fast
Also I don't want to necessarily post everything to imgur
For what I need, it works. I usually put it in paint and block out PII.
puu.sh/5PBgW.png <<< no upload button?
and holy shit puush is amazing
@Fooxz wtf
That's weird...
Try posting the link by itself though, see what that does
So you can do that at least
But hoverzoom doesn't work on that, haha
yeah, i knew about that part, but for yours i noticed it was from stack.imgur which I had never seen before
hoverzoom is the shit
@tr1ppn It does sometimes, not others
I don't know how to internet w/o hoverzoom
Stackexchange seems to throw it off
@Fooxz because I uploaded it with the button
It worked on the link, not on the pic. It was weird.
@ElfSlice Yeah, I understand that now, was confused before since I never saw an upload button. I just may not have enough rep to use it?
@Fooxz I dunno, I didn't think it had a limit.
@Fooxz I have just as much as you and I have it =\
maybe it's a browser thing?
You need 1337 rep apparently
Er, 100 rep according to another source
ha, of course. ive got 97 lol
in The Bridge, 9 secs ago, by Tim Stone
Q: Chat requirement to post images should be made explicit

Grace NoteThere is (apparently) a 100 reputation requirement to upload and post images through chat. There isn't any easily located documentation on this, however. 100 global reputation is listed as the privilege for creating chat rooms, while the chat FAQ and help both do not mention any restrictions on ...

and @tr1ppn has 106
Oh, well. Look at that.
@Fooxz Try refreshing
I upvoted you a bit on SU
still nope, don't worry about it, puush is awesome enough for me
@ElfSlice god damn, where do you find this stuff?
@Fooxz ;]
Also, all of Soulular's stuff is free (pay what you want)
if you know who that is
@Fooxz I think Phutureprimitive posted this one on facebook
morning everyone
@BcnDoge g'day
@tr1ppn good seeing you yesterday :)
haha yea for all of like 5 minutes.
That office is SO WEIRD now.
It's, idk, functional?
@tr1ppn still been a while haha, i know right? it works for now, its going to get remodeled
And people actually, talk to each other? And... what's the word...
:D weird isnt it?
Especially because D3 is set up in a very "fuck you don't bother me"
I also see you made a decision on the event for New Year's, which is nice. We got invited to like 7 other parties
You posted that a while ago @ElfSlice :P
It's still funny
Oh, I TOTALLY agre, haha
@ElfSlice hahahhahaha
haha i like that @ElfSlice
the first one is better
but the one from up is funny too
he looks like Jay Leno.
i always love the nigel thornberry ones
so good
haha they are
that's great.
lmfao omg
2 hours later…
rofl @Fooxz
right, god damnit reddit im trying to work (kinda)
I hate those days.
Fortunately I'm not trying to work, so it's not so bad
@BcnDoge amazing
god dam this is frustrating
One machine - can connect to wireless just fine when next to the WAP. Move it to the other side of the hall (other devices can connect just fine) aaaaaaaaaaand all of the sudden it can't do anything.
@tr1ppn is your network still at all associated with us?
nope. This is in menasha
They have been having wireless issues (2 defective WAPs in the last 2 months) for a while
too much goat porn can do that
it eats through the traces on router mainboards
Damn teachers looking at goat porn
they should know better.
Well, looks like I need to go to Menasha now.
Fuuuuuck my life.
road trip!
@ElfSlice so chill i like. fyi. love that kind of music. about to start the 4th song
@Fooxz Yeah, it's real nice
@BcnDoge dude, yes
@BcnDoge This is fucking awesome!
@ElfSlice yeah man, i couldn't agree more :)
@BcnDoge Light n0va is awesome
Fantastic album ^
3 hours later…

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