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@KevinvanderVelden unless it gets modpinned.
@tombull89 true, but that'd be a dickmove waits for modabuse
@Powerlord We star @kalina because she deliberately posts innuendos and reacts weirdly to being starred ... or, used to ... she's gotten soft.
@tombull89 Owners can pin, too.
is she a she or not
We star @kalina because she deliberately posts innuendos and reacts weirdly to being starred
it's only a flower after all
@FEichinger I don't want to know why you thought kalina was hard...
stop starring my honest questions
@Powerlord I have no response to that that wouldn't get me flagged.
@Wandang Rule #1: Don't ask "is she a she or not" ... Like, ever. Just don't.
Rule #2: Don't ask to not-be-starred. You will be starred for that.
Rule #3: Games are off-topic.
Rule #4: Don't make obtuse references to the rules of Fight Club. It's getting old, to be honest.
Rule #5: Lazers are better then lasers
Is she or not is she? That is the question.
@FEichinger well it is wierd to talk to some1 as her when she is in fact a man.
@Wandang /cc: @GraceNote
Just don't use pronouns then.
/cc @GraceNote
singular "they" is a nice way of talking about someone if you don't know their gender.
i declare that we are all dogs anyway
@KevinvanderVelden ...but laser is an acronym.... Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
@Wandang Uhh... dogs have genders too...
@FEichinger Hm?
@Yuki shh
@Wandang can I be a dragon instead? Dragons are way cooler than dogs. And they both start with a D so there's little difference!
Oh geezers do I have to do that whole "Pick a pronoun and stick with it" deal again?
cc @someone is like a magical summoning ritual
@GraceNote only if you want to appease @Wandang
Which there's no real reason to want to do so no
@KevinvanderVelden And we haven't found a dragon yet so there's no way to know if they actually have gender differentiation!
@GraceNote I figured you're the best person to involve when this stuff comes up, is all.
@Wandang it's a lot weirder if you try to avoid he/she completely..
@KevinvanderVelden you can try catch one: 1.bp.blogspot.com/_jvb_zWfEPsg/S97WU199KXI/AAAAAAAAAeo/…
Since it's something you've handled already in the past, can't you just link to the transcript?
@GraceNote Although it's fun to alternate between "he" and "she" for you. :P
@FEichinger I'm actually what some might call a statistical outlier to a point, since most people either insist on a specific pronoun or never speak up about things.
so we all just spammed grace note till he/she/it comes?
@FEichinger Like... I want to star his messages, but she isn't saying anything star-worthy?
@3ventic Exactly!
To be fair I prefer not to speak up about things and I only speak up when people won't shut up about things because somehow people "defending my honor" as to what I am when I haven't even stated a claim and I don't need people to defend my honor.
Maybe we should just all start using I/you/he/she/it/we/they/dog/cat/lazer/lazers
@3ventic Don't forget lazer.
sigh What did cat do this time?
That's why I instituted a basic policy - people use whatever pronoun they want when they refer to me. The only rule is that you don't correct other people. If one person calls me "he" and another one calls me "she", neither is wrong.
@Yuki Good point
In fact, I would like my pronoun to be lazer.
@GraceNote Sure, but you're also the example-case of "pronouns get weird either way", is all.
@FEichinger All the more reason they don't matter, which is rather the point.
Lazer would get really weird if lazer replaced all pronouns with lazer.
@GraceNote And you're the one that can make this point perfectly, history and all.
So that's the story, @Wandang - forget about whether someone is a he or she. Only if that person tells you otherwise should you care to stop.
@GraceNote alright mrs sir
If someone else uses a different pronoun than you expect and you feel pressured to adapt, it's your choice to do so. Your choice. Emphasis on choice.
Without actually putting emphasis on choice. Emphasis mine.
I choose to think of you all as fellow robots.
@GraceNote i am totally lost
@GraceNote Honestly, "your" should have equal emphasis there.
@GraceNote Grrrrrrrr
I hope we're not going down the emphasis path again
@3ventic We've went down it before?
on a sidenote: should wie implement
@OrigamiRobot Wow I even thought about pinging you here but I decided that since you weren't actually here I shouldn't be cruel to you.
@GraceNote "emphasis" now pings him, too.
@GraceNote I've been lurking for bit.
@OrigamiRobot after the inevitable robot uprising we will all be robots (except those that resist, they'll be batteries)
And no, that didn't work as good as it did that time
Good morning, Bridge
@KevinvanderVelden can i be an accumulator too?
@KevinvanderVelden You're already batteries.
Good morning, @fbueckert. Emphasis mine.
@KevinvanderVelden you can refill me whenever you want
@Wandang obvious starbait is obvoius
Soo ... is anyone else having zalgo-remains now?
Also, wb @Arperum?
@GraceNote For maximum trolling, you want to say "Emphasis mine.... xD"
@Wandang You're free to troll me if you so desire. You won't do so for long, though.
Or was the repaint just slow on my PC?
@GraceNote de-emphasis on your emphasis is emphatically mine.
@Sterno Needs moar commas as ellipses
@fbueckert WHAT ?! what did i do now
@Sterno I'm keeping the number of smilies I've posted in the public transcripts of Stack Exchange Chat to a minimum.
@OrigamiRobot I wonder how kalina would react to ..,.
@Wandang Just commenting on getting pinged about it while I was asleep.
(also I hope you've appreciated my abandoning of the Periodic Gender in referring to you)
Not really for any good reason. Basically I just made a sort of decision when I joined the network way back then, and it's stuck with it.
(although the Periodic Gender is clearly the best gender, especially if the period is irrational)
@fbueckert thought you never spleep. just wait
@Sterno That just gets you ignored.
@fbueckert you were up at around 4 oclock in the morning in germany
I thought you couldn't ignore mods?
@badp I had assumed you had stuck to something back when you noticed I had let slip.
@Wandang I live in Canada.
@3ventic You can.
@GraceNote I didn't notice any slip up, I've just settled on my mind-canon
@fbueckert Ignore is a wonderfull feature indeed.
@Wandang Not everyone lives in Germany.
@fbueckert but you are german right?
@badp Mindcanon is best.
@Wandang He is not.
@Yuki germany was a lie!!! oh noes
but his real name is bückert Oo
@Wandang I know a little bit of german. Mostly low german. That comes from being mennonite.
@OrigamiRobot Beep, boop, I am a robot. I am here to steal American jobs.
or really bueckert?!
@Wandang Welcome to World History. Names have travelled far.
Technically my name doesn't actually have an umlaut in it, because even though the proper word has one, my surname is the anglicized version.
@FEichinger mine hasn't, mine stayed right in it's place.
@FEichinger i know that. still i was so sure about that one
I mean it's still right to write it with an umlaut and I'll do it occasionally for fun but on paper it's ae.

The rules of the Bridge

16 mins ago, 1 minute total – 5 messages, 3 users, 2 stars

Bookmarked 5 secs ago by boo

@Wandang Making assumptions about people on the Internet is a very easy way to one's downfall.
@FEichinger so i will be banned soon again
@boo I'm now cited as the rules? Neat.
@GraceNote's last name is Fußgängerübergänge
Where's @FEichinger's law when we need it?
6 mins ago, by Wandang
on a sidenote: should wie implement
@boo Yeah, I get the most important rule :D
(hopefully that's not something offensive... it was the first crazy German word I could find)
I mean, nowadays the truth is pretty much obvious
(Grace Note) (@jzy on twitter)
 [ _ _ _ ] --- [ Jin Z_ Y_ ]
     [Jang Zhang Yi]
@GraceNote Also, I think I have my guess now.
Neh, @badp, what did iDOLM@STER just say earlier in German?
@Sterno foul mouthed
@fbueckert Oh?
Aug 26 at 17:56, by OrigamiRobot
@FEichinger's Law of Gravitation says that every topic on The Bridge, must, inevitably, eventually return to sex, food, or insanity.
There we go.
@GraceNote I'm gonna go with Neliel. She sounds like your style.
Kinda sorta relevant.
@fbueckert A good amount of thought went behind that guess, I can tell.
@GraceNote I dunno what Sterno's said, but he's not my real idol.
@GraceNote And yet, I bet I still got it wrong.
@Sterno Uhh ... "pedestrian crossing", essentially.
Google says it means "Pedestrian Crossings"
@FEichinger Hah. I see.
@OrigamiRobot You can't shatter a mindcanon twice
It's usually specifically an elevated one, but that's beside the point.
@badp I can remind you of the trauma.
@fbueckert Credit goes where credit is due. She is pretty high tier. Alas, it is indeed wrong.
If I ever want to be literally worse than Hitler, I'm renaming to Fußgängerübergänge
@Sterno We'll just call you Gigi or something.
@Yuki I would so call @Sternold "Gigi"
@Sterno Just make your name Butterscotch.
@Sterno You want a non-english character first to make it harder to autocomplete.
What's happening? I do not like this!
Actually, since you'd have 4 G's, we'll call you "Gigigigi".
'course my plans will be all for naught if I can't find an image I'm satisfied with.
There's actually an early-game CG that would be perfect to use too.
@RonanForman non-ASCII auto-complete directly from @
@3ventic Oh really, that's neat.
Naaahaa! Found that CG!
@GraceNote Yay!
Also, for our KSP folks: KerbalKon 2013 starts soon!
So what game did you pick up recently, anyways?
...now to find a site to actually use the image on.
Fußgängerübergänge = street crossing
@fbueckert ...Guided Fate Paradox.
@GraceNote So I was close!
cross-walk to be more exact
Yeah. I told you you were very close.
Which site...
The dropdowns in the new top-bar are annoying... It keeps swapping the dropdown when I move my mouse horizontally
Can't be a blasphemer so that easily knocks off some of those.
@GraceNote what? But being a blasphemer is so much fun!
@KevinvanderVelden Kinda as part of being y'know, employed here, I have to at least have the graces to not offend an entire site.
@GraceNote well, then I'll be offensive for you! Would that work?
I could go for the character-link, except I already have a Seasoned Advice avatar which I'm not only satisfied with but also fits with the actual color theme of the site.
@GraceNote What character did I keep trying to get you to use as an avatar?
@OrigamiRobot Anyone from Legend of Dragoon.
@GraceNote Which I would wholeheartedly support.
@FEichinger For the KSP people who also like Portal 2 kotaku.com/…
I really want an HD remake of that game.
Cooking would still make the most sense moreso than others though, hrm.
Ooh! New Tales game announced. Tales of Zestiria
Silly Bandai and their non-words.
Heh, Reverse Engineering might've been good for Neliel if I did pick her.
so is any1 from germany?
Q: Can weapons be destroyed or poisoned?

David1) Can weapons be destroyed in combat? I have a feeling I keep fat-fingering and accidentally dropping my weapon when I have to move around a lot in combat, but I can't find my weapon on the ground after combat. 2) Can weapons be poisoned after crafting/finding them? The weapon I lost in the que...

@Wandang I'm from Austria, if that counts.
Can today be over yet? I wanna go home and hunt monsters.
@Wandang no, people from germany are auto-banned
@KevinvanderVelden Autobahned you mean.
@KevinvanderVelden i would like to response to that but i dont want to be chatbanned again
@GraceNote Nice one.
Thank you.
@GraceNote I hope you feel bad for that pun. It wasn't nearly awful enough for the Bridge.
@GraceNote what a weird feeling, a pun I actually appreciate :o
that's so wierd...
@Fluttershy oh right, maybe that's why I generally don't like puns. I spent to much time here
never had heard jokes with german puns from an non german speaker
feeling abused
@Wandang most people know the autobahn as a magical place without speed limits
This is distressing. Every site I could use her on matchingly, I either already have someone, or it would be blasphemous.
@KevinvanderVelden but thats only a myth
@GraceNote Solution: Create a new proposal on Area 51 that she would fit perfectly with.
@KevinvanderVelden That's the place I use to drive 180 km/h with my truck in Euro Truck Simulator 2
@JasonBerkan The one she fits perfectly with is Seasoned Advice!
@3ventic o gosh people play that?^^
@Wandang Yeah, why not?
@Wandang I'm aware (living like half an hour from the border) but most people don't
@GraceNote Make Jin change the Seasoned Advice layout so your current one doesn't fit anymore!
@Wandang yes people, @3ventic and someone else
Not without mods tho
But I already have someone else who fits perfectly there because chefery is not exactly a hard trait to find both as a strong point and as a suitably quirky aspect, like with the whole carrot thing on Vio.
I like playing games that have mods
@3ventic well it is kinda the same then lumberjacksimulator
@Wandang same as holzwhat
that makes more sense
I'll give this some chapters to simmer on my plate before I decide on a site.
@GraceNote Every time I see Seasoned Advice, I'm sad it isn't called Desperate Thymes.
a german game developer makes all kinds of silly simulators
@GraceNote Chefery is the last clue I needed! I know who you chose now!
Q: Is the Guide the ultimate crafting guru?

ken.ganongIn the Guide's crafting help menu, you can give him an item and he will show you what you can make with that item and which crafting station you have to use to make it. Does the Guide know all of the crafting recipes? Are there any 'hidden' recipes that you have to discover for yourself by colle...

@Wandang They also sell pretty well.
@Wandang ...no, just no
So, I am not sure if this has been tossed in here yet, but apparently free Fallout games on GoG is a thing right now
@fbueckert I figured me saying Seasoned Advice the first time would've given it away, heh.
But yes, her.
@GraceNote That just connected to the color scheme.
Didn't pass the primary filter process, though.
snowplow simulator
@fbueckert Well, the color scheme connection only applied to my current avatar there, heh, oops.
@Wandang This is hilarious because the windows look like googley eyes.
@Wandang oh god...
@AshleyNunn Internal server error
@3ventic Worked for me, I suspect they are just getting slammed
@3ventic GoG's servers are failing pretty spectacularly this morning.
@Sterno ... my brain
@AshleyNunn it's been tossed in jeah, and they're getting slammed pretty hard
@JasonBerkan then why are they still failing? You'd think half a day would be enough time to fix it
@OrigamiRobot "Your parents never held you accountable for anything and gave you everything you wanted, so after you drive drunk and kill 4 people, we're going to go ahead and not hold you accountable either!"
@3ventic you mean an hour and a half?
> Defense attorneys put a psychologist on the stand who testified Couch was a product of wealth and got whatever he wanted.
@KevinvanderVelden fine, 6 hours
@3ventic The sale showed up in my Facebook feed one hour ago.
@Sterno oh god... that guy
/me: sorry son, you won't get books this xmas either
@Braiam That makes me so mad
@3ventic 1 hour 38 minutes
this one is the best:
@Wandang Straßenkehrer Simulator?
@Sterno Can't you get treatment and jail?
@5pike yes
@GraceNote Took a little while to remember the name. Kuroiel!
@fbueckert Aye aye.
@Yuki apparently... no
@Sterno Apparently, the same judge made this ruling.
@Yuki Free Republic ...
@FEichinger It was the first one listed on Google.
@FEichinger can we just bomb america now? PLEEAAAAASE?
That and it wasn't splashed with ads all over the place.
@3ventic touche thats the cherry on the cake
@Yuki Ah, those that subscribe to the "hug a thug" mentality.
That company needs to make a zamboni simulator. My kids would play that in an instant.
Those judges need to experience what those thugs do. They won't have that viewpoint for long.
@JasonBerkan No zamboni, but there is one for snow groomers
@fbueckert hug life?
@fbueckert Y'can see that you were only a bit off, neh?
@GraceNote Yup!
Q: Can weapons be poisoned after finding/creating?

DavidCan weapons be poisoned after crafting/finding them? The weapon I lost in this question was a very effective poisoned spear, and I'm wondering what happened or if I can get a spear and re-poison it.

there is your zamboni
@Wandang Holy shit
My kitten is patting at my face for some reason.
@5pike that music totally makes the game exciting... no it does not
@Sterno Yeah, I'm conflicted on what should have happened. On the one hand you want hard justice for the victims' families, on the other you have to figure there's something actually wrong with these individuals to be so unbelievably careless, and straight jail time probably won't magically fix that (and unless they were tried as adults, they would likely end up with a small enough jail sentence that their recklessness would become a problem again for society in the not-so-distant future)
@fbueckert pat it back
Q: Why does my cat keep patting my face?

Ashley NunnMy cat has a habit of randomly patting my face - sometimes when I am sleeping, or when he is snuggled in my lap, or when I am sitting somewhere. I can't really find a pattern to it, and it is somewhat cute, but can also be annoying, especially if he accidentally gets me with his claws. Why is he...

@TimStone Something that says, "You are responsible for your actions, whether your parents think so or not" would be preferable.
I'd post a question "Why does my dog keep showing me his tongue", but it's too trivial..
@Wandang It's missing the ice girls, but awesome, nonetheless. Downloading as we speak.
@AshleyNunn When I try to pet her when she's patting my face, she tries to bite my fingers.
@fbueckert Maybe she wants food?
And thinks you trying to pet her is you giving her your fingers to eat?
@fbueckert She's simply going "WAIT YOUR TURN PUNY HUMAN"
@Yuki I keep her food dish full.
@fbueckert Norbert does the same sometimes, usually because his food is empty
But I should double-check that, just in case she inhaled all of it.
@fbueckert she might just want to play with you
Also I totally read it as "My kitchen is patting at my face for some reason"
I don't know why
@JasonBerkan your welcome :D
Or just be a nuisance
Tomorrow, I shall begin my quest to get a gold badge for Zamboni Simulator questions.
@5pike Nah, when she wants to be a nuisance, she knows what to do.
Tomorrow, I should begin my quest to get @JasonBerkan declared legally insane.
Shouldn't be too difficult...
@JasonBerkan i am still in favour of Heroin Hero:
@Powerlord Psh, he's doing all the work for you already.

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