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It made me sad that the story in the trailer for the game was better than the story in the actual game.
because I am just that goood
I actually already have every achievement other than the foxiest of the hounds
@Sterno At your age, you should know to never trust trailers.
these "updated textures" don't seem like that big of a deal
yay I've already broken the game
That was fast.
breaking things is my role in life
somehow every time there are subtitles I now get three conversations worth of subtitles
This is true. Well, congratulations.
Q: Which hold item is more effective?

C-dizzleWhich hold items are more effective during the battle phase? I've seen "duplicate" items throughout the game, such as the Zap Plate and the Magnet which both increase electric type moves. But which one gives you a greater increase to damage? I know there are others, such as the Flame Plate and Ch...

I guess
every time a conversation finishes, the last line of that conversation appears with the next line of subtitles
Q: Why Deus Ex:HR very slow and laggy when I play the Missing Link DLC or the new Director's Cut?

Li-aung YipWhy do I have such terrible graphics performance when I play the Missing Link DLC or Director's Cut editions of Deus Ex : Human Revolution? When I play the original DX:HR, I can play full screen at 1920×1200 resolution with high graphics settings. When playing either The Missing Link or the new...

Oh dear
> badp has added badp to the list of this room's owners.
Oh dear indeed.
Are you done?
No, clearly not.
Q: Is it normal for a boat to break after like 5 blocks travel distance?

John Doe SantaWith the newest patch released, I created a new world and spawned on a very, very small Island. So I made a wooden Boat. But it keeps breaking after a few Blocks of travel distance. Is this normal? I am on Singleplayer normal mode.

@badp The robot is excluded?
I just readded current or past arqade moderators, and wipqozn so I can de-owner him later.
I mean, while I was at it...
Could Xbox One and PlayStation 4 actually fail? http://sbn.to/16gx7Uk
mmmm clicks
you people play shiny new Candy Box V2, right?
@badp This whole thing is just a setup so a certain other person (LessPop) can go on a removal spree again isn't it?
@Arperum Owner removal spree go-to guy is... was? Origami
@badp Last one was LessPop because too many owners.
Well I'm sure he can deal with moderators being also owners
13 hours ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@Arperum They don't NEED to, but it is appropriate for some mods to own the room. (There also are technical reasons for this, @LessPop.)
@badp I predict a lesspop owner removal spree later.
Good morning, Bridge
every time
@fbueckert 'noon
wait oh dear we left out @Fluttershy from the owner removal spree. Now he'll feel left out and unloved :(
you wouldn't
@Unionhawk The cat's out of the box now! If I did remove him now that'd feel like a cheap plastic imitation of the real thing.
@badp He got removed and readded for reasons.
Also, you just readded Wipqozn so you could remove him later for fun... didn't you.
10 mins ago, by badp
I just readded current or past arqade moderators, and wipqozn so I can de-owner him later.
@badp I was removed last night. And then re-added because of my taste in beer and ability to discuss said beer.
@badp I can always count on your love for removing me to result in my always being added again.
@Wipqozn oh can you? can you?!?!?!
@badp Apparently.
of course he can.
grumble grumble
Deus Ex Human Revolution - Director's Cut has stopped working
that was fast
@kalina to much fire?
what can I say
@KevinvanderVelden actually I haven't pulled the trigger once up to this point
@kalina huh, odd.
Ah, it was @badp who removed me for no reason this time.
Arperum has approved 1 edit suggestions and rejected 4 edit suggestions. I wonder where I'll end up with rejects vs accepts of edits...
this game feels less polished than I remember it
somehow if you toggle crouch and then jump, you stay crouched
... looks at transcript ... I leave for what, an hour, and you all @badp turns crazy?
iron sights is a toggle with no option to hold it
I'm also incredibly bored on account of me already completing this game like 10 times
@FEichinger you must be new here
@badp If a mod needed to be room owner, can't they just add themselves?
@Sterno Yes, so?
@badp So adding everyone right now seems pointless, except perhaps to provoke room owner drama. Which I approve of!
It's not pointless! They simply didn't get around to/did but got removed without realizing/etc.
What does being room owner give a mod that being a mod does not give a mod?
Sometimes the site gets confused and decides that you only have an account on Area 51
if you don't have a diamond there, this removes your diamond chat-wide.
@badp Oh, I'm not surprised, just a little ... disappointed, is all.
By remaining an owner, you still have a little bit of control over this room.
So Area 51 is the King of StackExchange.
You know, like when @Sterno misses drama.
@Sterno More like the unloved hated outdated special kid in the class room
BRB applying for Area 51 mod
Grace Note does have a diamond there, but should she quit her job, well, she still should be an owner of the room. Period.
Until the next spree.
@Sterno Why would you WANT to moderate that place?
@fbueckert Delicious drama
@Sterno You get the drama without even being a mod.
Behind-the-scenes drama is best drama.
@fbueckert he's a drama-pire, like a vampire but even worse than the twilight interpretation.
I burn in the sunlight, not sparkle.
@Sterno and sparkle when exposed to drama, hence being worse
I guess. I'm not a Twilight expert, so I'll defer to your wisdom on the matter.
This is our network's Twilight expert:
A: Who is the blonde girl in the Deus Ex: Human Revolution opening credits?

PoindexterThat would be Megan Reed, Adam Jensen's girlfriend.

@Sterno ... that may be the worst burn I have ever received tips hat
discussion about spoilers in answers going strong, anyone else wants to have his/her say?
@Arperum: the question is about who she is - it's sufficient to say that it's Megan
it's actually not necessary at all to mention whether she's alive or dead
@Li-aungYip +1
@Li-aungYip It doesn't really matter if it does or not, though.
The game's been out for a year.
@Li-aungYip But WHY must the part that is known early on be placed in a spoiler?
it does spoil the surprise of actually finding 4/5 of the dead characters alive near the end of the game
@Li-aungYip Then just remove the part about her being dead. As it is not really relevant.
@Arperum: the text reads "At this point in the story, Adam believes that she is dead." <- implying that she comes back to life later on
OR just leave the spoiler markup in because it's not worth the fight.
no fight, we're having a discussion :)
@Sterno Shush, we are feeding you minor drama, just eat and watch.
If you're editing an answer that's NOT your own to remove spoiler markup, and people disagree that you should, it seems best to just leave it alone.
And this is from a guy who hates spoiler markup
@Arperum: I would approve of an edit that just says "It's Megan Reed, Adam Jensen's ex-girlfriend".
@Sterno If you're editing an answer that's not your own to add spoiler markup, and people disagree, it seems best to just leave it alone.
@Li-aungYip So would I.
@fbueckert Also agreed!
@Arperum in that case, I will make it so
@Li-aungYip And I will accept your edit suggestion.
@Sterno Original revision had no spoiler markup.
And looking at the history, I guess Robotnik is to blame. Let's all point fingers
@Sterno: actually, I proposed the original edit
@Unionhawk Is it @Sterno?
Robotnik was just the approver of my edit originally
@Wipqozn Probably.
Has it been 24 hours?
Fine, I'll just blame @Wipqozn
@Li-aungYip Yea, but two people (I and @fbueckert) rejected it, after which Robotnik edited it in anyway.
@Unionhawk I stopped making old jokes for 4 whole days.
@fbueckert, @Sterno, just because the game has been out for two years doesn't mean that people aren't just starting to play it; especially considering the game was re-released as the Director's Cut about a week ago
@Li-aungYip It doesn't matter.
We don't tiptoe around answering the question.
@Li-aungYip My argument has nothing to do with how long it's been out.
yesterday, by Wipqozn
I'm going to wait another 24 hours, just to prove I can!
/me shrugs
Sure enough, it has been.
There are two camps when it comes to spoiler markup, and neither really seems to be winning. Which is why my default is just to go with whatever the original author did, when it comes to answers. Otherwise we can edit war all day long
@Li-aungYip I approved of your current edit, if one other person does so the debate is closed.
For questions, I'll err on the side of people who like it, since those can be seen on the front page by people who didn't mean to read it.
@Li-aungYip I'm going to remove my comments about spoiler things from that question too, so the comments are more related to the question. Do you mind cleaning your comments?
@Unionhawk Oh, well, thta wasn't an old joke anyways!
I'm still mostly of the opinion that people scream a lot louder about not wanting to see spoilers than they actually care. I'm not going to be browsing plot-related questions like that on the site halfway through the game without expecting the possibility of spoilers.
@Wipqozn True enough, I suppose.
I think the entire site should just be one giant spoiler mark up.
@Wipqozn And we should tag everything with , , and
OMG, I clicked this question about the meaning of the Bioshock Infinite ending, and it told me what the ending was! HOW COULD YOU SPOIL IT FOR ME?
Ponies are never needed.
@Sterno This was also my point, I can see the use of spoiler tags in the question, but in an answer they are most of the time stupid.
@Arperum: done
@Sterno That is an example of stupid.
I maintain that there are times when spoiler markup is apprioate, but I'm too lazy to make one up or track one down.
@Li-aungYip Thanks!
@Wipqozn The ones I tend to see are like, "What's the significance of <item x>" and the answer mentions some details about the ending of the game and how it's relevant, and people are all "ZOMG SPOILERS"
But I still maintain that you shouldn't be looking at questions about the plot/meaning of shit halfway through a game and not expect spoilers
Usually the reason you don't understand is because you didn't finish the game yet.
I got 3 hours of sleep last night, but it was worth it because while I was up, I finally got my sockpuppet created
sorry but if you browse to a question titled with the words "meaning", "relevance", "purpose", etc and then cry about spoilers you should be taken out of the gene pool
Now I just have to figure out how to switch back and forth without it being a huge pain in the ass. I guess two different browsers, maybe.
@kalina Want to star, but it was 3 separate lines
@Sterno: porn mode^W^W Private Browsing Mode
Anyone know anything about ciphers?
@Sterno use IE for sockpuppet
@metool: I never did crypto, but I am slightly qualified on topics of mathematics, so shoot
@Sterno Heh. Nice.
Wondering what you'd call something that combines a page with seemingly assorted characters with another page with holes in it to reveal a message or two.
What's going on here?
@5pike [closes shutter]
@5pike BURN!
fancy, star count burns too.
@Metool Hmm... I know there's a name for it.......
@Metool there's a specific term for that, but I don't remember what it is.
everything in crypto has a name. Otherwise cryptonuts couldn't communicate.
ah forget it...
Hmm. I honestly... this may be a job for WP:RD/MA. I'm sure they've got a cryptonut or 7. Dunno if that'd be the right reference desk though.
@Unionhawk The name is probably encrypted though.
@Unionhawk hmm burrito
(I'm somewhere between philosopher, nihilist, and sage, depending on the context)
@KevinvanderVelden Are these red lines new rivers made by the storm?
Welp, my countries train system is currently paralysed
Or just massive traffic jams?
@Arperum that are the places the train is currently not going
Q: Should Garry's Mod Gamemodes have separate tags?

The UglyIn the Half Life 2 mod-turned-developed Valve game Garry's Mod, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of separate gamemodes, and to make things even more confusing, each server can have different modifications to those gamemodes. Because just tagging questions "garrys-mod" still leaves such a wide r...

@KevinvanderVelden Holy shit, seriously?
@FAE jup, current NS status :) ns.nl
@KevinvanderVelden Damn.
@FAE storm already killed someone in Amsterdam today
As part of our community consensus on not grouping the squirrel questions, this needs another dupe vote
@KevinvanderVelden Geez.
Glad I wasn't planning on heading to Rotterdam today for anything.
I heard there was a pretty massive storm going on around southern England. I hope you guys are OK.
2 deaths in the UK and 2 deaths in the netherlands is what I read about a couple hours ago, noone even hurt in Belgium.
We've had crazy winds here the past couple days.
Gusting around 80kmh.
@FAE storm is dying down now, still 100kmh+ gusts along the coast.
@KevinvanderVelden The last time we had a storm like that, I replaced my back fence and all the shingles on my house.
@Arperum Oh my.
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, I'm definitely not going to go to Scheveningen today. :P
@JasonBerkan jeah, fortunately I live nowhere near the coast so it's relatively calm here
some train got a tree falling thorugh the drivers window.
I suggest not using trains today.
@Arperum Glad he's alive.
> In Engeland is een eerste dodelijk slachtoffer gevallen als gevolg van het stormweer. Een 17-jarig meisje uit Kent kwam om het leven toen een boom viel op het huis waar ze verbleef.
@Arperum unfortunately not an option for me, but I'm going to the south, away from the storm
@Arperum That's awful. :(
In England a 17y old girl died when a tree fell on her house. (roughly translated)
@Arperum I can read Dutch. :)
@FAE there are more people in this chat =p
@FAE I know you can, but most others here can't.
@Arperum Haha, there used to be long conversations in here just in Dutch back in the day.
@FAE Didn't know that.
This was like 3 years ago or so now.
Back in the day
@TimStone when sterno was only slightly old and dinosaurs ruled the planet with an iron claw
@TimStone 3 years is a long time in internet time!
Oh, the N7 onesie arrived on Saturday :D
As did my zip-up hoodie, which is quite nice.
Rain is getting worse here, so more storm coming your way @KevinvanderVelden
Friend of mine got a Kaiden hoodie, which did you get?
I just got the basic N7 one, I think I'd have a hard time pulling off anything more bold. :P
Q: I beat the game what do I do next?

mvwThe game told me I beat it. I kind of feel empty now. And I seem to have lost my old save states, restoring from slot 1 one gives me an almost empty state (40 candies or so). It seems now to be possible to play the game on hard mode. Is that what to do next? Is it just harder or do new game p...

I’m not reviewing any Xbox One games so I will tell you right now, Ghosts on XB1 is indeed 720p vs PS4′s 1080p. Could that change? Maybe?
@Lazers random star much.
Wow. So much for that "games will be the same on all consoles" thing
Oh, China. Always cutting corners.
Or, in this case, windows.
@fbueckert pretty obvious one too
@BenBrocka only from close up I'd imagine
@BenBrocka From close up, yeah. Further away, they pass muster.
@fbueckert Why would you even do that?
@Arperum Save money.
@fbueckert Light won't hit 'em right
@Arperum china's all about the illusion of prosperity in some areas, while actually building up pretty cheap
@BenBrocka that would work if you're at the right angle, not really at others I'd think
@BenBrocka Bah.
This comment picture is golden
@5pike Looks right.
@fbueckert Would have thought they'd skimp on the harder-to-see balcony windows, heh.
@5pike It would make suicide jumping out of the window pretty hard.
Or at least painted in a disrobing older gentleman to prevent people from trying to look at them too long.
@TimStone See, that would be a dead giveaway, since he'd never move.
You wouldn't want to look long enough to find that out though = success!
@fbueckert pun fully intended?
@fbueckert Dead giveway huh.
@KevinvanderVelden Happy coincidence.
I wonder who had the idea in the first place.
@5pike If I had to guess, I'd say the Romans.
So it's picture day at school, which makes me wonder...
Would a game about forging passports, presented as a companion to Papers, Please, would be particularly interesting?
@Metool could be interesting, difficulty is how to present it
Q: Notoriety for tank, healer, and DPS

JulianI know that based on the notoriety that you have for specific factions in Rift, you're able to purchase specific items. Outside of Lycini and Torvan Hunters however, what are the most useful factions to max out notoriety in first? I plan on primarily being a tank with my cleric, so I want to kno...

Q: My feenix nascita mouse isn't moving my cursor. Ubuntu version appears to not matter. How do I debug this, and get the mouse working?

NullVoxPopuliI had 13.04, upgraded to 13.10, and did a fresh install of 13.10, no luck. Any ideas? Just tail -f'd my syslog and plugged in the mouse. here is what I got: Oct 26 16:15:50 Orithyia kernel: [83369.618365] usb 1-1.5.2: new full-speed USB device number 6 using ehci-pci Oct 26 16:15:50 Orithyia ker...

How to forge a passport 101: Step 1: just get the sex wrong, and have everything else correct. That'll fool him.
There needs to be a mechanic that counters just perfectly forging everything.
Like, there needs to be an "incentive" of some sort to do it wrong.
@FEichinger get different criminals, you have to make them good enough to fool the criminal but not good enough to fool the authorities so they can catch him.
But get someone who is fleeing from a country, or a spy or something and you have to get it good enough to fool everyone
askljdfh,.. the more I look at this stupid oscilloscope screenshot, the less I understand what I'm looking at here.
Aah the squiggely red lines of trains that aren't running are coming towards me
Or uuh the train I take
In two days, my Steam account turns 10 years old.
My Steam account is so young. :(
My Steam Account is...exactly as old as Half Life 2
@KevinvanderVelden How far do you have to go?
@FEichinger Setting - WW2. Done.
@BenBrocka Mine predates HL2. Probably because registering a retail copy of HL1 on Steam gave you copies of all the HL1 mods.
Q: Computers with Small Capacity SSD - For caching?

RXCRecently, in newsletters from websites, I have been seeing computers for sale from manufacturers that include an HDD and an SSD but the SSD has a small capacity like 24 GBs. I don't know if this still holds true, but I learned that when building a computer, you would want to install your OS on y...

(and incidentally, still does)
@Arperum bout 30 minutes, one train though (utrecht centraal -> ede wageningen)
@KevinvanderVelden Bit far to walk though.
@Arperum just a tiny bit =p
@Powerlord Wish I hadn't lost my HL1+ mods CD keys
I already played opposing force though and blue shift seemed...not good
@KevinvanderVelden Even worse if you have to swim half the distance and climb over fallen trees the other half.
@BenBrocka Well, in my case I didn't have the HL1 expansions... until I registered HL1 on Steam.
I already have 'em, but I'd rather have them on Steam. PC is the one platform I give zero fucks about owning disks/cases on
Is there a limit to the amount of people you can ping with a single message?
@Arperum there is a limit to the length of the text I believe
Probably just character length/until a mod suspends you
@BenBrocka Good job breaking it, hero. Losing it, I mean.
Today I realized I might have a twirling problem.
@KevinvanderVelden Text length limit is rather large, and with ~5 characters per user to add. @-sign, three first letters and a space that would result in a lot of pings.
@OrigamiRobot admitting is the first step to WHAT THE HELL, GO AWAY, BAD ROBOT!
@OrigamiRobot you were born to be a flag girl
accept your fate
@Arperum also editing gives a lot of pings to ^^
@OrigamiRobot twerking problem?!
@OrigamiRobot My brain parsed that as twerking...
Socks and linoleum should not be this fun.
@Fluttershy We are no longer friends.
Q: What is the actual durability of an Unbreaking tool?

y0urs3lvIn Minecraft, the "Unbreaking" enchantment causes tools to last longer, but the exact durability of these tools is something that I have failed to find. By using "F3 + H" I have found that the durability counter of the item does not change. The only thing I have noticed is that it will not decre...

@KevinvanderVelden So making the message of doom, then edit it until suspension follows. I should really do that one day.
@Arperum name yourself something gnomeslice related to make the banning faster and longer
@Arperum There's only a two minute edit window, so the amount of time you can edit is severely limited.
@fbueckert I'm pretty certain that you can push a lot of edits in two minutes. even more when using some kind of macro.
@OrigamiRobot I kinda read it as that as well. Twirling is fine, just don't start twerking!
@KevinvanderVelden You are also no longer my friend.
@Arperum I'd recommend not doing so, regardless, as people will find it rather annoying.
@OrigamiRobot that means I was your friend at some point. Score :D
Somebody out there is googling something about robot twerking, or something, and, I implore you... stop what you're googling you will probably regret it
@fbueckert If I was going to do it I'd be prepared to face at least some suspension.
@Unionhawk I would definitely google this if I weren't at work
Anyone that could read that as twerking thinks about twerking too much.
@Unionhawk IHATEYOUNOW. Mental image hurts.
You're welcome, everyone.
...that moment when you have a problem figured out, and you lost track of how you got there.
(auto playing audio warning)
Q: Friend Spawning underground and nothing is moving

TwilightLink1999I made a server and when my friend tried got in she spawned underground and when she got out nothing moved, I tried opping her but it didn´t work. Please help!!!

@FAE Thanks @fredley!
@OrigamiRobot well it was more like I read the word twirling but my brain came to the meaning of the word twerking.
@KevinvanderVelden Even worse.
@FAE Yeah, you can thank @fredley for that fix. :P
@OrigamiRobot not my native language! I sometimes get words wrong. Especially when they're words I never use that look kinda similar
@KevinvanderVelden I stand by what I said.
@Arperum espurr wants a hug
Huuuuug iiiiiit
I should get pokemon and build an entire team of pokemon that vaguely resemble cats
@BenBrocka Espurr is zalgo of pokemon
@KevinvanderVelden Meowth, Espurr, Skitty, Purrloin, littleleo, Glameow are all actually proper cat things
@KevinvanderVelden With ~700 pokemon, you can scratch the vaguely
@FAE Still able to ping around a 100 times in the time limit.
Luxray is also pretty lion like
Just don't evolve most cat pokemon or they become terrible
same with rabbits for some reason
I sure as hell hope my analysis is correct. It's giving me the expected result, anyway, so, that's usually a good sign.
@BenBrocka They evolve into crazy catladies?
@5pike true, but I would also want it to be a relatively balanced team so hence the vaguely
@Arperum No, just extremely ugly cats
@Arperum Yuck.
@KevinvanderVelden there's normal dark and psychic in there, though most of them are normal
The legendary catdogs are pretty vaguely catlike and a good mix of types
@FAE And doing it would require a stupid low amount of work (just register a really quick macro to one of my G-keys, and then spam that button.
@Arperum why not put it in a loop?
(I'm not really planning on doing that, all this speculation is just purely theoretical)

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