and since stackexchange have just basically said that one of their mods talking about watching such material is not a serious issue, you've definitely enlightened me with the knowledge that Stack Exchange do not think Rape is serious.
I'm playing Pokemon X current, and I really want a female Fennekin (as seen in the trailers). I've read the chances of getting a femsale starter are low, but not impossible.
Someone on GF said that the gender of your starter depends on the gender you pick (at the start of the game). Is this a ru...
@KitFox No, we were discussing the repercussions of linking a video about rape. Surely you can see how "I want to see that." could be misconstrued in that context, yes?
So no, my moderator flag was not inappropriate, but you guys go sit together in your cute little circle, telling me how rape isn't a very serious issue.
Here's an idea... How about we just... I dunno... Let the Arqade mods handle it? And not some people who clearly don't know how we operate here? Just a thought.
@kalina Yes. See the Schindler's List argument above. Maybe not one graphically depicting rape, but one chronicling the life of a rapist? That seems interesting.
Well, now we've established that a portion of Stack Exchange's mods think videos depicting rape are ok, let's move on before the rest of my faith in humanity is destroyed.
I'm with @kalina on this one. @KitFox, act like a professional, not a child. You don't find rape offensive, fine. Don't be condescending to someone who does.
@KitFox @ManishEarth Just to be clear, the video was not a documentary. It was animated video which was meant to be funny, and the humour was intended to be derived from a trucker raping multiple people.
Which is why everyone took offense from it when i was first posted, and why people were stating they don't understand why gnome didn't realize it would be received so poorly.
To be clear: None of us think rape is OK of unoffensive. I personally do not want to watch that video now that I know exactly what it is, and most probs neither does Kit.
But given the context it seemed like a documentary, which is why Kit was within her bounds to say she wanted to watch it.
Also, although I do think @kalina overreacted, I do agree that your original message came across that you wanted to watch a comedic video about rape, @KitFox. I'm not saying you wanted to, but that's just what it looked like to those of us familiar with the vide.
reminder: moderators don't have the right to be official SE spokespeople so no, anything we say only reflects ourselves and not the company by which we are not employed
Claiming ignorance after you joined a conversation where the contents of the video had been clearly discussed is your own problem, and does not reflect on me or my reaction at all.
I am really fascinated by the idea that on the one hand we have a group of people who seem to react as though it was live video of babies being murdered, and on the other hand, a bunch of people who are reacting as though it was a teenage fart joke.
@Powerlord I'm soft-resetting just for a female Fennekin. If I felt like having no life for the next few days I could soft-reset until I find get a shiny one.
@user56652 By the way, in TF2, it is possible to force players to play domination lines using a server-side mod. I've already written one. However, it's not possible for a client to do it.
@ManishEarth That was kind of a piss-poor way to jump into the conversation. The fact that we're continuing to discuss this is pretty ridiculous. There was nothing to be done about @kalina's flag (as serious as the subject may have been), but continuing on this path has served little purpose other than continued provocation, and I am skeptical that anyone involved is unaware of this.
@Manis I don't think kalina was mad about the first message, so much as she was pretty pissed off at Kit's reaction after being called out on wanting to watch a video of a trucker raping someone. That reaction was "If it's good, yes." That's offensive.
I should update Force Domination Sound to add an option for players to play it themselves. Right now admins can do it via /dominationsound @all [class]
@badp Kalina flagged Kit's message with a message of incredulity that a moderator wanted to watch a rape video. That was declined, and she got a banner saying "flags for serious issues only"
I think @Tim actually gets the underlying issue here
So fine, I disagree that my flag was inappropriate but because you can only flag one message that's a limitation of the system. It's still inappropriate to state you want to watch something like that only a few lines below being told what's actually in it.
General lack of sensitivity is also a serious issue, in conjunction with the subject matter at hand.
People have to decide for themselves on what videos they want to consume for whatever reasons they want. Saying that's inappropriate for somebody to say that they want to watch a video about raping implies that the somebody wants to watch the video because they'd basically get sexual gratification out of it, and the implication is offensive.
I don't ban you every single time you talk about your consumption of illegal drugs. Please afford to others the same freedom you are afforded.
@badp This is a WILD jump. Don't make assumptions about my problem with this topic of conversation. Making a jump to that conclusion is absolutely disgusting.
@ManishEarth The problem is expressing desire to see a video on this topic needs a very, VERY, specific context to not be offensive. That context was not present at all.
@tombull89 you can raise a moderator-only flag against them, they barely ever go through though and it pretty much results in a swarm of blue coming to your room jumping to conclusions based on nothing
@jokerdino Yeah, apparently I clicked reply while chat was scrolling and the next post's reply button happened to be pushed to the spot the previous one was at.
Since they love pulling the "i'm not acting as a moderator when I say this" card, they should get banned like they're not a moderator when they say it.
@tombull89 There are regular flags which 10k+ users and moderators can respond to, and then a moderator only flag. The moderator only flag allows to a custom reason and can only be handled by moderators.
@FEichinger To be fair I had every intention of destroying his ownership after he finished the job, though I had a suspicion he planned to do it himself.
@FEichinger To some degree or another, I believe a recent discussion led to a bunch of passive aggressive starring. I assumed Origami would've been fine to clear those out while leaving the rest of the stars, so I appointed him. Then war was beginning.
At this stage I think that between Strix and that short-lived turtle, whatever star situation was present will be swiftly fixed without more ownership shenanigans. At least until I deal with the turtle.