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Q: steam downloads < 1kb/s

blake nelsenso i started downloading terraria on steam via wine and my current peak download speed is 900 bytes when downloading on windows i was getting 5mb/s + terraria is small but as it stands it will take all of the next 24 hours to download. My Internet downloads are faster then windows and i have trie...

Q: Terraria Closes Immediately (Terminated due to an Unhandled Exception)

DillmoRecently, I updated Terraria to the latest version. Suddenly, it stopped working. So soon as it starts, it terminates. I have tried reinstalling .NET and XNA, but to no avail. Could someone please help me? Here is the error I found in Event Viewer: Application: Terraria.exe Framework Version: v4...

@Lazers Dupe. User already asked this.
@fbueckert This means I technically get to downvote the same question twice!
Need more votes on that Terraria vs. Minecraft question that was, for some strange reason, reopened.
@Fluttershy I think the main reason was, "You used the wrong reason!"
@fbueckert Which is the worst reason to reopen.
@OrigamiRobot You're telling me.
@fbueckert Never reopen for that!
19 secs ago, by fbueckert
@OrigamiRobot You're telling me.
Aug 20 '12 at 21:32, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert people get too up in arms about close worthy questions being closed for the wrong reason.
@OrigamiRobot Indeed they do.
I bet if someone asked an ITG and it got closed with the piracy reason it would get reopened.
I care more that the question is closed. It might send a wrong message to the asker if we use the wrong one, but for this one, the user is aware enough of our policies.
@fbueckert That's what comments are for.
@OrigamiRobot That, too.
I am saddened by the lack of fellow close voters. :(
@Fluttershy Five of us can't vote again.
Can it be going home time?
@Powerlord Soon, yes.
@Fluttershy I'm clicking the close button, but it won't let me vote again!
@Fluttershy What needs closing?
(been answering questions about coprophagia so I haven't been paying attention)
@AshleyNunn You're one of the unvotables.
@OrigamiRobot Damn it :(
Post Reopened by SevenSidedDie, Billy Mailman, 3ventic, fredley, shanodin
Post Closed as "off-topic" by OrigamiRobot, Unionhawk, fbueckert, Ashley Nunn, kalina
Psh, shame @OrigamiRobot anyway.
@FEichinger No, I'm on the praise team :(
> When an Asian giant hornet stings a human, they introduce venom so powerful, it can virtually dissolve flesh. By breaking chemical bonds and bursting cells, they unleash a torrent of cellular debris. The wreckage of destroyed blood and muscle cells enters the bloodstream, to circulate until the body’s filtering system - the kidneys - can remove the waste. Patients piss streams of black coffee and blood, the amount of foreign proteins (and possibly nephrotoxins) causing the kidneys to fail.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's racist.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That is really fucking horrifying
@OrigamiRobot I wonder what the special mega is for Y
And yes, Dark is way better
@AshleyNunn Be thankful I didn't link the whole article
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, I am.
@OrigamiRobot I like X.
Those are the only revealed megas that are different between versions AFAIK and I like X better in both cases.
Same here
But I prefer the Y legendary
@SaintWacko Me too. We are in the exact same boat.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nature has invented a large number of pretty fucked up ways to kill other animals/humans. Though the "dissolve flesh" part seems to be a bit exaggerated.
@OrigamiRobot Gah. Who would want a physical Mewtwo? He's all about the special attack.
@fbueckert I don't like Mewtwo at all, I'm just judging looks.
I am not a fan of Psychic pokemon.
Except Metagross
@AshleyNunn Asian giant hornets are in many ways one of the most horrifying things in existence.
@OrigamiRobot That's because metal is badass
@GraceNote I am getting that impression, for sure.
Isn't it Meta*g*ross, though?
And Lugia
@MadScientist prt much. Nature wants to kill you. Also, the rest of nature:
Yeah, definitely getting Y
Like how one single hornet can typically take out entire hives of rival bees. Assuming they aren't the kind of evil bees that sorta hug-and-overheat it to death.
I should probably preorder it
I am now apparently a legend among ratkind.
I'm trying to figure out where I can go for a midnight thing to get all the cool release stuff
@RedRiderX o.0
> The next phase is called - and I am being completely serious - the slaughter phase. Scouts mark the target hive with pheromones signaling the impending killing spree; up to fifty hornets will attack the hive, staying close to the entrance, killing all counter-attackers.
> During this phase, the bodies of the dead are ignored. Once the slaughter phase has begun, the hornets will not stop; if it’s a lengthy fight, some will starve to death. In slaughters directed at the popular target, the European honeybee, the attacking Asian giant hornets are rarely killed. The European honeybees are virtually defenseless; their home will be decimated, the surrounding area littered with decapitated heads and torn-off wings.
> Attacks on a European honeybee hive by 20-30 Asian giant hornets will usually result in the deaths of up to 25,000 honeybees within one to six hours. The slaughter phase continues until the defense is ceased.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, hey, yeah, this deal is exactly what I'm talking about.
@SaintWacko It might be related to the events that resulted in the 1000-odd rat corpses I have in a closet somewhere.
@RedRiderX Haha
@GraceNote and yeah, article goes on to talk about the japanese honeybee death hug defense
@SaintWacko They're giving me tribute and everything, it's great.
@RedRiderX o.0
@LessPop_MoreFizz Fuck that noise.
download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/discovery/directory-1.4.xml <-- This is referenced in the latest Eclipse version. Note what it returns.
@SaintWacko Yeah, there was this whole procession thing at my front step. Rat-priests laying red gold and brightly patterned silks at my feet. A dozen or so rats bowed once in a show of respect.
> temporary workaround until a 1.4 catalog is available
@GraceNote Yeah.
Now, keep in mind that Eclipse versions are (usually) released in May.
It was crazy.
<directory xmlns="http://www.eclipse.org/mylyn/discovery/directory/">
 temporary workaround until a 1.4 catalog is available
<entry url="http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/.m2e/discovery-catalog/org.eclipse.m2e.discovery.oss-catalog-1.3.jar" permitCategories="true"/>
Although it looks like they were late this year and it was in June. It's October now and there are still no plugins?
Meaning that you can't use Eclipse's Maven -> Check Out Maven Projects since none of the SCM connectors exist for the new version.
As I said, Eclipse is arson.
@RedRiderX What is this?
@SaintWacko Fallen London. Join us, delicious friend.
> RedRiderX, an insightful and intriguing individual of mysterious and indistinct gender
Are you @GraceNote now?
@MichaelDunfield Was there a time I wasn't an insightful and intriguing individual of mysterious and indistinct gender?
@RedRiderX Well, no.
@MichaelDunfield Exactly.
@RedRiderX I have, but I'm not that far yet
@SaintWacko What is your username?
@SaintWacko You have? That's great! I should invite you to dinner or something.
oh god, speaking of dissolving flesh, Krokodil has made it to Chicago gaaaaaaaah
@AshleyNunn Same as everywhere :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz That shit scares me. So much.
@SaintWacko Shiny
@AshleyNunn I think I already added you
What's your name there?
@SaintWacko literally the most terrifying narcotic on earth
@AshleyNunn Ah
it's a russian street drug made by mixing codeine with paint thinner and gasoline and injected
So you might have added not-me
@LessPop_MoreFizz It is very hard to believe that anyone would use that stuff
it pretty much causes instant gangrene and necrosis on the injection site; the name krokodil comes from the 'scales' of dead skin that it's users develop
@MadScientist It is, but they do and the effects are HORRIBLE
@MadScientist it's showing up in the US now.
Do not image search it it will scar you for life
...why is it a thing? Like, what is the purpose of even... why would you...
@GraceNote Because Russia
@GraceNote basically it is a dirt cheap substitute for heroin
because Vodka is no longer hardcore enough.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's not just mixed, it's a reaction with phosphorus and some other stuff. And of course they can't clean up the stuff properly, so they inject all the crap that is still in there.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Heroin, I might add, is another thing that I'd say those exact word strings about.
It's one of the few things that Meth is less horrible than
METH is less horrible
phosphorus and hydrochloric acid are not something one should inject
@LessPop_MoreFizz That sounds all sorts of toxic.
You know, too bad we don't use analog clocks any more.
I'd take it down, wind it ahead 30 minutes, automatically assume it was correct and then go home for the day
What is Fallen London?
@fbueckert Just a little.
There are a lot of really cool stories in the Nexus
@SaintWacko What ones have you tried?
@AshleyNunn Fallen London, Maelstrom, Below, Annwn, and right now I'm looking at Zero Summer
7 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
What is Fallen London?
Frogatto and Friends is a jump-&-run sidescroller which throwsback to classics like Donkey Kong Country.
Using GnomeSlice's patented approach.
@OrigamiRobot Fallen London. A story-driven browser game.
> Discover a dark and hilarious Gothic underworld where your actions affect everything from the fate of the British Empire to the price of your soul. Dance with devils. Seduce an artist. Wrestle tigers. Converse with cats. Plot a revolution. All in your coffee break. And did we mention it's free?
Can somebody repost that so he can see it
or tell him yourself
@MichaelDunfield -1, Frogatto is not a frog cat
@badp That would be 'Frogchat'
@MichaelDunfield Tsk tsk.
@Badp I think you're thinking of 'gateau' which is cake
@MichaelDunfield Nope.
@badp Source pls
Maybe I'm wrong.
@MichaelDunfield Have you tried googling "gatto"
I was never very good at french.
@badp No
I don't know why I just assumed you were talking about french
@OrigamiRobot A rpg/interactive-narrative thing.
@badp I get a bunch of names with gatto in them, and a bunch of images of cats
@RedRiderX I don't know what that means.
@MichaelDunfield I wonder why
@RedRiderX I saw that, but I don't know what I'm looking at.
Il gatto domestico (Felis silvestris catus Schreber, 1775) è un mammifero carnivoro appartenente alla famiglia dei felidi. Si contano una cinquantina di razze differenti riconosciute con certificazioni. Essenzialmente territoriale e crepuscolare, il gatto è un predatore di piccoli animali, specialmente roditori. Per comunicare utilizza vari vocalizzi (più di 16), le fusa, le posizioni del corpo e produce dei feromoni. Può essere addestrato a obbedire a semplici comandi e può imparare da solo a manipolare semplici meccanismi come le maniglie delle porte. È il felino col più vasto areale...
30 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@RedRiderX I saw that, but I don't know what I'm looking at.
Let me rephrase: What do you do in Fallen london and how do you go about doing it?
@OrigamiRobot It's a browser based game wherein you make you way in Fallen London, taking jobs and stirring up trouble.
@OrigamiRobot It's a choose your own adventure story, sort of
But with a lot of options
The main interaction is, in the barest sense, super intricate dialogue trees.
I give up. I apparently don't know the right words to get the information I want. :(
Q: How do orders work in the iFruit App for Los Santos Customs?

Zero StackI have just ordered my first upgrades via the iFruit App to my online car. Roughly how long does this take to apply to my in-game content? Do I have to take money out of my bank to pay for this or will it be auto-withdrawn? Do these items automatically apply to my car or do I need to take...

Only need one more close vote on that Minecraft/Terraria question!
Wikipedia is only slightly more helpful.
This is what my screen looks like right now, note the options I have, the traits, the opportunities. (minor spoilers.)
I now get the impression that this game is played in session rather than ongoing. Sounds like Fiasco.
@OrigamiRobot Yes, you play 10 minutes at a time, max.
@RedRiderX Now we're getting somewhere!
@RedRiderX You can, or you do...?
@Coronus Actions cost action points, which regenerate every 10 minutes or so, and you can have a max of 10 action points stored up.
More action points cost money, which is where the F2P stuff comes in.
But the game is definitely meant to be played in short bursts.
@OrigamiRobot You embark on storylines, some of which require certain items, traits, or the right connections.
You definitely get RPG and choose-your-own-adventure book vibes.
@AshleyNunn I think you would like Annwn, too
My interview went really well.
It was excellent.
I'm basically awesome.
and now I need to spend the next 2 hours entertaining my nephew
Q: New RPG Locking: How does it work?

Garrison NeelyHaving used RPGs a ton in Battlefield 3, I've been seeing some video of BF4 RPGs achieving a sort of lock (looked like an x in the video I saw). What are the requirements of locking, and will it score additional damage like the Javelin did?

@Wipqozn Play video games!
@Wipqozn Did you hire them?
Q: can't install steam on ubuntu 13.04 64bit

user200365So I wanted to install steam, and I went to the steam website to download the package and when I did it took me to the software store and on there was no install button but just a error. So after that I restarted the software store and it let me install it but when I tried to install it, nothing ...

Q: How many bee hives are there per world?

Baked PotatoI have recently stumbled upon a jungle in my large terraria world and found a beehive inside it. Excited, I rushed in with bombs and summoned a queen bee. I tried to kill the boss but failed. After my defeat I attempted to find another bee hive in the jungle but as of now I can't find any. My que...

@Lazers what, why do we have a version tag
QUICK, EAT CHOCOLATE WHILE YOU CAN. Gobble it all up there's only seven years' worth left http://bit.ly/1c4yyq9"
> There will be a chocolate shortage and there isn’t a solution to the problem. Seven years is what we think we have left. Experts have worked out we need 2.3 globes to accommodate man’s needs for chocolate in terms of forestry and space. … We are ­destroying the whole thing.
> The problem we’ve got is that much of the space that was used for cocoa ­plantations is no longer there. The Chinese love their cars and they have found that rubber makes more money than cocoa and at a much quicker pace. Cocoa farms are being chopped down and turned into rubber ­plantations because they get a ­better yield.
@FEichinger What were they thinking?
Stop crying. That paragraph pretty much says "nothing is gonna happen".
If - as predicted - Asian consumption of chocolate rises, that means Asia will need to produce more chocolate themselves to keep the price low.
Which means they will use some of that space for cocoa just as well.
Also they won't export as much
@FEichinger And price will naturally rise if demand goes up.
It's a balancing act on the free market.
@RedRiderX @AshleyNunn I believe I've added you.
@fbueckert Indeed. That's why they need to counteract it by producing for themselves, rather than importing with the price rising.
For those just checking in, we've cancelled the Wii U level editor and because that sucks, we're handing out Steam versions with editor.
@anybody with Toki Tori 2 on WiiU =[
@Coronus Very good! Coronus42 is it?
@RedRiderX That's me!
@Coronus I shall invite you to dinner!
@FEichinger Or by replanting with cocoa.
...Which is exactly what you said.
Derp. We're in agreement, nothing to see here!
Either way, the fact that China reduced production recently just means that none of this has any real impact in the future. Sensationalism at its finest.
Seriously Google, W.T.F.
I know you're trying to help and all, but seriously, this isn't how you do it.
@RedRiderX that's hardly a new service, they've been doing that for dumbphones since ever
It's also not much of a problem.
and IIRC there's a link at the bottom to go to the full site
well, there used to be
back when I used to cope with that stuff
the very second to last link is "View page directly"
@badp Oh, well that is better, I suppose.
Nothing to get worked up about. That's a pretty good way to go about it, actually.
but yeah, I can see how that's annoying
uh, I never saw the "zoom out" view
But if you are actually trying to provide a responsive site that uses progressive enhancement techniques, and then you have Google just deciding that you aren't competent enough to handle bad browsers.
Hmm, I guess I might of overreacted, but it still feels weird...
@RedRiderX I think the real problem here is that the "view site directly" link doesn't have an anchor for sites to use
As much as the W3C likes to deny it, backwards compatibility always trumps features.
maybe it's by design, maybe it's an overlook. I wouldn't know.
An override would be nice (and is probably even possible already, depends on how Google pipes it through), but it is better than sites breaking on crappy browsers.
Q: When Should I Explore The Jungle?

ZibbobzOn my previous runs of Terraria, I find myself diving into deep caves to get Copper, Iron, Silver and Gold materials first, then taking that loot and going up against an Eater of Worlds, then taking THAT loot along with Meteor equipment to fight Skellitron, then taking on the Dungeon, then taking...

@FEichinger Yeah, I guess it is still the case that most websites are not very friendly towards small screens or under-powered browsers.
I think the simplest way to opt out is probably to make it so you don't get served a mobile version of Google to begin with
either via URL majicks or otherwise
@badp Yeah, I imagine that there are ways of users opting out, but I can't help but feel that Google is a little overzealous in doing this on the 3DS.
I mean, Google shows you this:
When you would other-wise see this:
@RedRiderX I understand that. I don't know why that is. If I knew, I probably couldn't tell you.
if I were in a website's shoes and I were positive I didn't want this kind of optimization, I'd probably put a text field at the top of my page with a short link for people to copy paste in their address bar.
@badp Yeah, sure, I wasn't really complaining to you in particular, more just shouting into the ether.
That's what the internet is for, right?
then use your CSS majicks to avoid showing that to anybody else... or screen readers
@badp That could be arranged, of course.
of course how many people do know what an address bar is?
@badp Thanks to Google, fewer every year.
@badp That's my main issue, the Google "slim" version is all that most people will see.
Q: World edit 100 Million Blocks

MeshkaI need to render in 100 million block on a server i own for a big new project i am starting , my problem is the server cant render the blocks fast enough (It's doing 1 layer of grass on layer 70 that is 10,000x10,000) we really need to get started on the map building if we want to launch this in...

@Lazers My tip? Think small.
@FEichinger ...context. Context is good.
@RavenDreamer Context is delicious, too.
(To provide context, "Context" is a drink in a bar here.)
@FEichinger In that case, I also enjoy Sex with an Aligator.
@RavenDreamer Sounds fancy.
@Wipqozn Awesome.
Oh, FUCK YES. Farming Simulator Titanium Edition is out.
They skip right the hell past gold!
@Sterno They have simply embraced being the laughing stock of the games media. Seems to work, after all.
@RavenDreamer No, no, context is bad
Where's the fun in context?
@SaintWacko I'd rather not think of the ramifications of anyone's small tip.
@JasonBerkan I played mario.
I wonder of Pets.SE will allow questions.
@Wipqozn Dont do it, turtle.
@Sterno Uh oh, it has an online mode...WHAT WILL WE TAG IT WITH?!

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