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I'mg oing to change my avatar to this:
@MichaelDunfield It is overused by people with little or no computer skills.
People who put "things" in quotes that should not be in quotes.
@fbueckert Begins? Clearly you haven't seen any of the Nitrome clones on iOS
I thought this was the [no-ponies] room...
@PrivatePansy wait.. so that Medium post is a spoof? i si confuse
@kalina Don't you dare.
@Jin It is a spoof
@Jin Yeah, not enough rainbow text around
@FEichinger already done it, sorry
@Jin Yes, it's a reference to false medium
@Coronus That's what they want you to think
Then, when you least expect it, *BAM*
Which is a great twitter account, wish I thought of it
Small, candy colored cartoon equines
Living With a Cracked iPhone Screen
have an eyegasm. t.co/QQniltQi7K
@kalina You evil, evil thing, you!
"Usability for Dogs"
@Jin So hungry. ;_;
"3D Printing a Banjo"
I don't get it.
@FEichinger I'm not evil
@kalina Don't worry, I've never liked you! high five
"I Must Justify My Job Title as a UX Designer"
@kalina Yes, you are!
@Jin Why? Why on the day I skip breakfast?
@Wipqozn high five
@FEichinger no, I'm not
@Coronus cuz i'm literally Stalin
I find it incomprehensible that other people have different preferences and tastes than I do
Holy crap, 31 stars? I think that's had the most stars of any other message.
@kalina Yes, you are.
I think the previous record was somewhere in the late 20s
@Wipqozn did that beat my lazor msg?
Mar 6 '12 at 16:53, by Jin
@StrixVaria mothership lazers stay.
That's only at 17.
This is the second highest message I've starred:
Mar 21 at 17:18, by Sterno
Feb 24 '12 at 22:31, by Jin
that had 24
26 stars.
a wild rainbow dash appears
@Jin Now it's 25.
@fredley it's already fixed
Apparently I never starred that before. Weird.
keep your fucking pants on
@kalina I always have my fucking pants on, I lost my other ones.
@kalina Now that is something I didn't expect you to ever say.
@FEichinger hey what are you trying to suggest?
@fredley huh?
Oh cool, there doesn't seem to be any restriction on the age of a post when it comes to pinning it.
@kalina Yayy new gravatar! :3
@BenBrocka The grey line
@Fluttershy \o/
@MichaelDunfield hipsters, I assume
@kalina Remember the last time you asked that? I'm not answering this time either.
@fredley Oh wasn't sure if that was part of the layout of the gravatar
@BenBrocka neope
@fredley I'm on mobile. No striking for me. =(
@Fluttershy D:
It is at this point that certain population of the room should feel glad that SE doesn't allow animated gifs, because there is an animated version of that avatar of Dashie licking the screen
room topic changed to The Bridge: General gaming chat room, wherein there is no cause for alarm, everything is fine, do not panic and please fully enjoy your continued breathing of perfectly fine, breathable air. [jin-fanclub] [lazers] [more-ponies]
Now I'm sad. Why don't I ever get to be a room owner?
@Wipqozn I'll swap you ownership privileges!
@fbueckert You're too angry
@fbueckert you would unleash nuclear terror
wow it's weird not having pinkness next to my name
More asbestos more asbestos more asbestos
@fredley I'm out.
@kalina I hate you now.
What a silly flag.
@FEichinger what did I ever do to earn your hate?
Stupid flags are the worst flags
only a few days ago you were telling me how much you missed me while I was gone
@kalina You could... get Pinkie
@kalina That Gravatar!
now you're telling me you hate me?
make up your mind
@PrivatePansy No, I'm Pinkie
@PrivatePansy actually using a questionnaire suggests that pinkie pie is the pony I am most like
@kalina I made up my mind. I liked you then, I hate you now. Because pony gravatars are stupid. grumpyface
Apr 26 at 20:18, by fredley
@fbueckert Next time @OrigamiRobot asks me to promote him to room owner maybe I'll promote you instead.
20 minutes until my world gets 20% cooler
@kalina New rap battle?
@fredley Or Cheerilee I guess
@MichaelDunfield ...hometime
@PrivatePansy NOOOO
ooh, déjà vu
@kalina =P
@fbueckert erm
@fbueckert NO
Hey, conversation needed derailing from ponies. This fit that need admirably.
@fbueckert "The moistening"? Seriously?
@FEichinger Hey, I didn't make it. I just found it.
@Wipqozn Can I be owner?
@OrigamiRobot Maybe one day.
Maybe I should make @GnomeSlice a room owner.
It's a shame he hasn't been around in a while.
So I suppose I won't.
@Wipqozn You monster
i want to make a spherical grid skill tree for SE sites
A plugin that makes Google Hangouts look like the Metal Gear Solid codec screen.
mat has the best ideas
people can spend rep points to move around on the grid.. unlock abilities 'n stuff
Oh, @kalina is a pony now.
@Wipqozn Make everyone room owner
Make @TimStone a room owner.
Sep 5 at 19:38, by Coronus
@MichaelDunfield I'm Spartacus GnomeSlice.
@OrigamiRobot He's already a mod
@PrivatePansy That's not enough.
@Wipqozn To be honest, I don't need to be a room owner. I'm perfectly happy being a normal user.
@MichaelDunfield Your point being? I never said I was going to promote you. I was talking about @GnomeSlice.
@OrigamiRobot so?
@Wipqozn That's me, and you know it.
@kalina So what?
@OrigamiRobot aren't you supposed to be getting ready to dunk your pole in a lake?
17 hours ago, by Michael Dunfield
Okay everyone, I changed my name a while ago but I started acting dumb again. I'm going to stop. Just forget I was ever GnomeSlice okay?
Q: How did I end up in handcuffs?

SternoI am unclear on exactly what has to happen for a guard to subdue me and place me in handcuffs. Entire SWAT teams with heavy armor, riot shields, and tasers, and large automatic weapons can have me surrounded, but I'm free to run around and shoot them at will. But sometimes a lone bank guard will ...

Q: crysis 2 maximum edition shuts my computer down?

zekeWhen i play crysis 2 i cant run it useing directX 11. If i attempted to run the game useing directX 11 the game would fully shut down my computer in a mater of seconeds. But when i run the game in a lower version of directX i have no problem at all. (i dont know the exact one atm i would have to ...

Q: How can I dominate my enemies?

SternoI've put one point into the Mastermind's Dominator skill, which says it can be used to intimidate non-special enemies. However, I'm not sure exactly how to make this work. Last time I tried it on a bank guard (before any alarms had been raised) by coming up to him with my gun out and smacking the...

That's not how fishing works.
@OrigamiRobot Read as "fisting".
@Lazers Everybody view and upvote, this must hit the supercollider
@Wipqozn That's not exactly what I meant by 'forget I was ever GnomeSlice', hahaha.
@OrigamiRobot Oh that was a fishing reference? I thought... nevermind.
Nice memory though
@Lazers haha, I remember when that happened to @RonanForman.
@Lazers I'm thinking there's got to be a better title for this
Dominate + handcuffs = so much potential
@Wipqozn It's happened multiple times, one of the hazards of stealth.
@Jin rare badges to break locked spheres
@ravendreamer is actually my sockpuppet #confession
@Sterno "I like BDSM."
@BenBrocka SE X: The Game
I pretend to have lunch with "him" so people think I have RL friends
@Wipqozn A little too on the nose.
@Sterno "I've got this friend who likes BDSM"
@Sterno Too bad it's already been asked. :(
@Sterno BDSM of the nose?
I would have asked a long time ago.
@OrigamiRobot I'm wondering if it makes more sense to re-title that question than to try to get another answer that that expands upon the mechanics of how to do it.
Since the title fits, but the actual question he's asking is really just "can I dominate multiple people?"
@Sterno I think so, yes.
Actually I think the old question should be closed as a dupe of the new.
@OrigamiRobot That's not how it's supposed to work, is it?
You could edit the old one and improve it
Not normally.
I'm cool with them being totally separate. I mainly care about how, as in user-interface speaking", I actually make it happen
@kalina Using my misfortune as an example, for shame
But he did ask it first.
@MichaelDunfield Then it would make the existing answer bad.
He cared if you could do it to multiple people
@OrigamiRobot Hm..
@MichaelDunfield Not normally, but if the second question is vastly superior exceptions can be made.
I don't think we need a one-stop shopping question for how dominate works in all situations.
@Sterno I concur.
Otherwise merge 'em
I think that would get too broad.
WAy too broad.
I think both questions are 100% relevant to each other and that makes it stupid to have them separate.
@Wipqozn If I want to know how Dominator works, I shouldn't have to go to multiple questions. The scope is plenty narrow for a single question.
@OrigamiRobot I re-titled his, since I think the new title fits what he's asking better. That said, if we want a single spot for it, I think a merge is better than duping
@Sterno Merging will just bring the answer from one to the other.
But, even taking out the fact I asked it and am involved, I'd think they make more sense to keep separate.
@Sterno I think that makes the least sense.
@OrigamiRobot Then I guess that's bad too. Neither question as it stands is the broad question you seem to want.
They're seperate questions.
HAven't we had this discussion before?
@Wipqozn Yes, but none of us ever agree.
@Sterno Which means we hash it out!
It may have been nice if the original user asked a more all encompassing question, but they didn't.
We shouldn't retroactively change the question just becaue it came first.
@Wipqozn They're separate questions that don't need to be separate.
@kalina I like how both your answers mock @RonanForman for getting caught.
@OrigamiRobot They might be, but if we do close them we should close the more narrow one of the more general one.
I would be fine with closing the older question as a duplicate of the new one, but retroactively changing the older question is silly.
Keeping them separate just makes it harder for users to get to information that is relevant for either.
@Wipqozn I agree.
Although I also agree with @Sterno that we should avoid making too broad this question captures every single situation type questions.
There are advantages, but also drawbacks.
@Wipqozn It's a single skill. That's not a broad question.
The biggest drawback being that if I have a situation which isn't covered in the huge ass question then getting an updated answer be really, eally difficult.
@RedRiderX We all do
@RedRiderX wat
@FEichinger looks at headline
> The true life story behind the familiar face best known for licking a PSP.
Yeaaaah, no.
@RedRiderX Is that unusual?
@MichaelDunfield Well don't we all?
@Wipqozn Very much this. It's the problem we usually run into.
@Wipqozn cf gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/37365/… and this line in the accepted answer "though the details of this depend on the specific item and installed DLCs".
@RonanForman gotta draw upon experience!
We shouldn't be trying to collapse questions together at the expense of getting answers.
(which may or may not be the case here)
@Sterno It's especially troubling for new users, who really can't do anything except for ask a qustion.
@Wipqozn The fact that you can't dominate more than one enemy at a time is a restriction on Dominator which means it's already in the scope of Sterno's question. We're not making it any broader.
@RonanForman also I found this absolutely hilarious and was unaware it was possible until it happened to you
@OrigamiRobot Yes, which is why I'd be fine with closing in this specific case.
@Wipqozn If someone wanted to ask about converting enemies, that would be a separate question. Even though Dominator/Joker are extremely closely related and I think it could work as one question, that's a case of forcing two questions together.
@MichaelDunfield People*
I have voted to close the old one.
@BenBrocka especially gamers
@OrigamiRobot I don''t think these two questions are the same
@JasonBerkan I'm not seeing the relevance. I assume it's staring me right in the face.
@kalina They aren't. I'm saying they could be covered by one question, but there would be no reason to force them to be.
@OrigamiRobot and as such I'm voting to close you as not a real human boy
@Wipqozn It's a broad question, where the answer hints that there are relevant specific details, yet all "lost item" questions get duped to this one.
Do these people honestly have nothing better to do, haha.
We should just have one "how does the domination/joker ability work?" question though imo
@JasonBerkan Ah, okay.
In other news, I'm trying to decide on a secondary weapon.
For my M308.
@badp Hah I have no idea what that one is
@Wipqozn situational, silenced pistol for stealth, shotgun for escapes
that's what I do anyway
shotgun for rats day 1, etc as well
It must be a thing though
@MichaelDunfield Stay outta my shed
@kalina For stealth I use CAR-4 + Silence Pistol (may eventually swich to Compact-5 once I get Bare Essentials mod)
@kalina Have you ever used the Para?
the para?
It's an SMG.
I'm assuming not, then.
I specifically use:
full stealth: silenced car-4, silenced pistol
Right now I'm deciding between Bronoc, Loco, Para and Stryk.
partial stealth: silenced m308, silenced pistol
I already bought the bronco. Might just buy the loco and stryk too.
Just figure out which I like most.
"going in heavy": m308 or car-4, locomotive 12g
the locomotive 12g is a nice gun
Yeah, I think I'll just toss down the money for the loco and styk.
Try them both out.
Stealth: Stealth barreled car-4, silenced pistol w/ light
Balls to the walls: double barreled shotgun, para submachinegun
basically any non-special you shoot will die, regardless of headshots, and specials will die from a headshot (except bulldozer)
There's nothing in between
the primary double barreled shotgun is the most powerful weapon in the game
Bulldozers like double barreled
There, bought both.
@3ventic are you an enforcer?
Load up Google Play Music with videogame music. Listen to it for days. Try the Music All Access plan. Click "I'm feeling lucky." Playlist is actually filled with videogame music. Wee
@3ventic Were you the guy who joined yesterday asking if we were fully?
TYG or something?
@kalina Ghost
@BenBrocka although it's only AAA titles' videogame music. Nothing too obscure like Spotify has.
@Wipqozn No, I've been playing singleplayer for the last week
@3ventic Ah, okay.
I find the AK surprisingly accurate and easy to get headshots with
Tempted to try the m308, but it's a lot of money
@Sterno I find it only useful in Rats day 3..
I find once you silence the car-4, it takes too many bullets to kill anything
Really I'd like to keep the same feel but with more damage
you can hit anything anywhere in visual range
it just takes too many bullets to take them down
@Sterno stick a scope on it, basically a sniper rifle
@Sterno @RonanForman uses one a lot afaik
I tried out the secondary that's a shotgun but didn't like it
@kalina HE does. It's a one shot kill on a headshot.
@Wipqozn oh yeah it will, pretty much on anything as well
@badp Googlge music all access actually has video game music?
I'm watching all the videos I recorded lastnight to find an example of domination
@Wipqozn Anywhere unarmoured actually, mainly heads, but also anywhere on the less armoured guys.
@kalina Any enemy in the game according to the wiki.
so I can update my answer to @Sterno's question
@Wipqozn I'm not sure it applies to bulldozers on overkill
@kalina I was going to suggest my one from firestarter...
@RonanForman I only have videos from the banks
When you say "AAA" do you mean amazingly forgettable CoD BF3 and whatever else, or stuff like Mega Man and Final Fantasy?
@RonanForman I have the start of our framing frame clear
but it halves my FPS
Because if you told me BF3 had no music I'm not sure I could tell you were lying or not
@BenBrocka My playlist has: Assassin's Creed Revelations (starting point), Crysis 2, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Splinter Conviction, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Warhammer 40,000, Defiance, Batman: Arkham City, Mass Effect, Dead Space 3, The Sims 3, Mass Effect 2, ...
Yeah that sounds pretty terrible
@BenBrocka I have to say I'm quite impressed with the soundtrack in Payday 2
but it is my kind of music
@kalina I'll see how it affects me, then I might get you an example if I can.
well I did put one song on repeat for a while
I want Final Fantasy, Mega Man, Kirby, WipeOut...
Anyone want to play payday 2 with me? :)
@kalina It's great isn't it. I especially like how they managed to time the drops with the wave starts.
@3ventic Me but I don't have it
Also I'm at work
@RonanForman stable 60 fps to jittery 15-45 fps plays havoc with stealthing
@RonanForman yeah I have the game music so loud
@BenBrocka Well they sound pretty different from what I'm hearing and it might be they just didn't get matched, let me see if they show up when I search for them

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