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@BenBrocka I'll never understand why the big shots are even focusing on mobile at all nowadays.
@FEichinger F2P! IAP! Monetization of the tiniest things! Nickel and dime your fanbase to death!
I hope whichever company buys Capcom starts localizing all the Monster Hunter games and does it quickly.
Also Makes MH4 on WiiU.
I really want some big companies to fall on their sword over mobile so the others stop chasing it
@Wipqozn I agree with both of these statements.
Hope it's Activision or someone else I 100% hate instead of Capcom which I lovehate though
@BenBrocka EA.
EA needs to burn.
@fbueckert But it doesn't even work. There's like two or three companies that succeeded in that market and their profits are still ridiculously low.
EA won't burn though, even if they fail miserably their Sports division will keep them alive
I'd hate to see Dead Space and Mirror's Edge go, but otherwise I'd be okay with that. But I don't see EA going away soon
@Sconibulus Yeah, they have too many golden geese
@Wipqozn I hope they make Megaman Legends 3
@BenBrocka Meh, we'll see how well Mirror's Edge 2 works out.
Aw damn, profiles aren't currently supported on Android devices.
@FEichinger But it worked once! That means, you just need to tweak the formula to reproduce the results Angry Birds got!
@OrigamiRobot and not on 3DS, ideally...
@Wipqozn @OrigamiRobot @kalina Do any of you have methods of recording?
@fbueckert Ever looked at the numbers Rovio pulls in? That's spare change for Actizzard and the like.
@RonanForman No sir.
With the exception of Pokemon and Animal Crossing I will probably never play a DS/3DS game without wishing it were on another console
@FEichinger Business guys are salivating at reproducing it with a "AAA" mobile game.
@RonanForman I have a cellphone and ductape...
@fbueckert While failing to appreciate that you can either get 10 million downloads OR you can charge AAA prices, not both
@BenBrocka This. It just makes absolutely no sense and it flat-out cannot work the way it is right now.
I mean look at this this is laughable given how big a "phenomenon" Angry Birds has become.
@BenBrocka And that's sort of the point. It just doesn't make sense to us, but bureaucracy has no self-awareness.
@Wipqozn If we do record a stealth bank heist. It'd be nice to have more than one view, especially because my view isn't great.
"€55.5M net profit"
Dear antivirus software: Please, rather than logging a threat and telling me all about it with a popup, clean it up and shut the hell up. Thank you.
@RonanForman Ah, I see. Well I don't really have a way to record maybe.
Angry Birds would not have been remotely as popular were it a $50 wii/whatever game
Actually, I've got CamStudio. I'm not sure how good it is.
Also: "merchandising now 45% of sales"
@BenBrocka Yep. It isn't even the game that sells, it's the plushies and shirts.
@BenBrocka Not at all.
@Wipqozn I'd probably recommend OBS over camstudio, even for local recordings, unless camstudio has improved vastly in the last few years
In fact,I hate the angry bird devs. They're so fucking arrogant. Jesus christ. You've made a 99 cent game. That's why it sells.
Things I want from Capcom:
Megaman Legends 3
A new Onimusha game
More Monster Hunter
It's not some revolutionary game that is "best game ever" or anything.
Speaking of angry birds, the angry birds trilogy, of all things, is retail only on the Wii U. What idiots.
@Unionhawk there was recently a bug in some antivirus software that marked a required windows file as a virus, please don't implement autoremove :)
@OrigamiRobot LOTS more Monster Hunter.
Preferably a PC MMO.
@fbueckert I'm with you on the PC bit :)
@Wipqozn There are tons of flash games that do stuff very much like it. They're just harder to find and don't have the marketing
@BenBrocka Blame Actizzard.
@OrigamiRobot New Onimushaaaaaaaaa
@FEichinger did they publish it?
@BenBrocka Yes. IT's not an original idea. They just stole any number of other ideas and made it birds.
@KevinvanderVelden There is a Monster Hunter MMO; sadly, it's only out in Japan.
@KevinvanderVelden It's a bunch of tmp files in \me\AppData\Local\Temp, I think I'm fine.
I would have thought rovio would just go direct to nintendo
@BenBrocka Yep.
Er, wait........ is it chrome files somehow?
I like the idea. Continually adding new weapon upgrades and monsters sounds like the perfect game to keep playing.
@Unionhawk in this case yeah, but antivirus isn't perfect =p
@FAE I didn't know you liked Onimusha. Though, I shouldn't be surprised with all the pretty flowing man hair.
@Wipqozn Their only notable skills are animation/presentation. They make very good ads, likeable characters and animations. I don't like the game but it's presented well
@OrigamiRobot We've talked about this!
It's been a very long time since I played though.
Oh yeah, here we go
Yep. Chrome temp files. Awesome.
@OrigamiRobot Remember, I sent @Fluttershy my extra copy of the first game last year?
@Wipqozn I declare myself rich.
Wait, where's my money?
@Wipqozn Worked out really well ... Given that they went to consoles with $50 games themselves a year after.
@Wipqozn Sorta like Nvidia declaring consoles dead...the same year they find out every major console is using AMD
@BenBrocka I still love that. Finally gets AMD back on track.
They're just assholes who have let their success go to their head, even though their success has more to do with luck than anything else.
@FEichinger Yeah. Eagerly awaiting the...9000? Series or whatever the hell they're going to do. I think it's still a couple months out though
Planning to upgrade my GPU but I have to wait for that before I decide
@FAE Nope.
@FEichinger I know they aren't top of the line anymore, but AMD will always have my business as long as they keep making affordable, cost effective hardware.
Wasn't it like two years ago that everyone said PC games were dying?
(while completely ignoring Steam)
@OrigamiRobot Definitely. Intel CPU, ATI graphics. Been that way for me forever.
@Sterno People have been saying that for years.
BAck to the days of the gamecube.
@Sterno That happens every couple of months.
@Sterno I think that might have been because they were looking at sales for retail stores, because steam didn't share those numbers.
I haven't bought a PC game retail in probably 5 years.
@FEichinger I always buy AMD CPUs because I am not made of money.
Just under 5 years... the last was Fallout 3 with the lunchbox, which was October 2008
@Sterno PC games are dying, PC is dying, consoles are dying, portables are dying, why are you people typing full sentences you're supposed to be on tiny smartphones taking pictures of your food my investors told me so
@OrigamiRobot You are made of paper though, you could always start counterfeiting.
the lunchbox which now gathers dust in the basement. Excellent purchase, @Sterno
@OrigamiRobot Meh. Intel CPUs generally get reasonably cheap rather quickly. And they age well.
@Sterno As a meaningless gesture I bought Dead Space 3 physical...I don't think that actually prevents Origin from taking it away from me though
@FEichinger I don't know what "reasonably cheap" means to you.
@Sterno Wow, that's a while. I still like having physical collector's editions.
@FEichinger Depends on which model. For the versions that are actually significantly superior to AMD, the price seems to stay pretty stuck over $300
@FAE It was around that time that I realized all I do with them is shove them in the basement and ignore them forevermore.
@Sterno I think my last retail purchase was around the same time. Probably before that, even
@Sterno I have that lunchbox.
No idea where it is.
I haven't had a computer that could handle good PC games until recently though, so that might have been it...
I haven't pre-ordered a game in a bit.
@BenBrocka This is what I typically see.
I never plan to pre-order one again.
@Sterno We've kind of stopped doing it because of lack of physical space. My apartment is very small. :(
@FAE I only buy collectors editions for cool figures at this point, and only a small few japanese developers even do that
My price range for a new CPU tends to top out at around $150
@BenBrocka It's all about the art books for me.
I hate art books, I'm too scared to open them and damage the spine so I barely look at them
@BenBrocka Usually the ones I get are hardcover, so that's less of a problem.
@Wipqozn With digital I rarely see the need to preorder. For me the main benefit was having the game day one
Softcover art books are meh. :(
Though ideally I could preload them, but I think only Steam does that
@FAE Yeah I have hardcover ones, still don't want to open them too much
also artbooks are usually teeny-weeny
I'd prefer something more like Half Life Raising the Bar
@BenBrocka Yeah, I usually prefer art books that are at least A4 size.
@BenBrocka That's the case now, because quadcore+ has become kind of a problem in the AMD vs Intel issue.
Wasn't all that bad a couple of years ago, in my experience.
@FEichinger I've only been looking in the last few years
Yeh, I haven't been due for new hardware in years. :P My PC has aged surprisingly well.
I encode video and record gameplay so hardware is never enough
Probably this or next year, though. Still not decided whether I'm grabbing a laptop or a new woodchop.
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I tried out a gaming laptop and returned it. For the same price I could build a second, much more powerful and less annoying desktop and put it by the couch where I was using the laptop anyway
I could also avoid Windows 8 and shitty laptop wireless cards
@Lazers Is it just me, or is this one just painfully obvious?
@Unionhawk It is.
@FEichinger Just checking.
@FEichinger I only know about cases when I was actively looking to buy something
@FEichinger Why does quadcore make it an issue anyway?
@BenBrocka And the heat issues of a laptop.
@BenBrocka Separation between Intel and AMD got much bigger in terms of how they handle multiple cores, which allowed Intel to keep their price up. AMD on the other hand suffered from low OEM sales. :/
@OrigamiRobot yeah, that was a big reason I ditched it. It gets to like 50C in use (and almost no difference between load and idle temps!) and it blew heat out the sides, not rear
I've never really had issues with Laptops. No overheating, no terrible hardware ...
And I actually found the touchpad more annoying to use than my trackpoint nub thingy
Worst really is the OS, which is replaced in a couple of ... well, hours.
@FEichinger Every single laptop i know of that is used for heavy gaming has heat issues.
@FEichinger depends what you're using. This was a medium end gaming laptop but it ran pretty hot and didn't perform particularly well
@FEichinger Unless you have a terrible laptop, like I did for the longest time.
@BenBrocka It's a friggin Acer Aspire 7735. Never ran into any issues beyond wear and tear with it.
And I've been torturing it with a lot of things.
High-school issued convertible tablet (from before convertible tablets started to be cool), running Vista, terrible hardware otherwise.
Heck, I got Win 8 to a BSOD on it within hours.
I like how, with about 36 people in chat, the screenshot of gnomeslice saying he's gonna "shit the bed" has 13 stars :|
@KevinvanderVelden It's pinned. That's how pins work.
I think we're all just 12 years old
@KevinvanderVelden Pretty much
Windows 8 was another issue. Couldn't ditch it without losing proper drivers
@FEichinger It gives it more stars? =p
I have no use for a laptop and will not in the foreseeable future.
@KevinvanderVelden Yes. And more stars. And even more stars.
It'll get much better with 8.1, but eh. The other issues made it not worth it regardless
So I am biased against them.
@FEichinger you are at least partially correct it seems, it's got 14 now =p
Yeh, I thought I'd favourite it too.
@KevinvanderVelden Pinned messages don't disappear off the star list, so they get a lot more time to accumulate stars.
It's just the natural conclusion that pinning results in more stars.
@RonanForman fraps
@kalina Do we really want to record our massive failures?
I have no issue recording your massive failures as long as my own performance is of a high quality
@kalina If we got a couple of us to record it then send it to me I could mix them together.
Last time I tried to use fraps, I hated it. I don't remember why though.
will reduce my FPS to 30 though
my extreme headshot action might suffer
If the game had a replay mode...
@OrigamiRobot Fraps is a huge pain in the ass
actually I have a much faster graphics card than the last time I used fraps
@kalina Why does it do that anyway? I told it not to reduce framerate to the recording rate but it does it anyway
Hey! Guess what day it is? (hint: it's not Friday)
@BenBrocka something to do with vsync I thought
never really played around with the options
perfectly capable of playing WoW at 30 fps
but with an FPS that might be a different story
@kalina Really? Vsync should be 60 though
vsync is <multiple of monitor refresh>
30 is 0.5 of 60
so fits in with the rule
@kalina based on that logic is everything a multiple of 60.
@Arperum hardly, 37 isn't a multiple of 60
Yeah, but 60 is also vsync, and there's no vsync option in Fraps that I'm aware of. I don't know why it'd knock framerate down
Yeah 37 == 60 * (37/60)
I should try recording at 60 FPS and see if then it stays at 60. I'd rather not though, it's going to go to 30 when I put it on youtube anyway
it records at your current frame rate, if you have vsync on in the game and normally run at 60 fps but instead drop to 55, it will slow to 30
It's... binary multiples of 60? Is that the correct term?
I think you mean "integer divisor of 60"~
well, it works will multiples as well, so 90, 120, etc
@ToxicFrog That's a whole different beast.
you just don't see that as much
Or integer factor of 60, perhaps.
@kalina only if your monitor refresh rate is that high.
We're just using 60 here because most LCD monitors refresh at 60 or 75Hz, and 60 is easier to work with.
@ToxicFrog you can do 120 fps with vsync on and a monitor refresh of 60
@kalina Then it's not working right, because half of those frames are wasted.
@ToxicFrog Isn't it because it is more common then 75 too?
@kalina The whole point of vsync is not to render frames you'll never display, and not to flip halfway through vertical refresh.
The former reduces load, the latter tearing.
Xbox One cupcakes
the whole point of vsync is to prevent the screen being written to while the monitor is refreshing
what in the hell
to stop tearing
@BenBrocka I don't think Fraps even has this option. I just see "recording frame rate: 60, 50, 30, 29.97". I think it's Dxtory with the magical frame rate features
Man, I want Doritos now :(
@Unionhawk there's a lock framerate button, and I have it off
@kalina I just said that
@kalina You do.
@OrigamiRobot I misunderstand your face
@BenBrocka Ah. Right. I do recall Dxtory having some magical framerate properties though, in-game frames whatever, file frames locked
@kalina point is, if you have vsync on, but your framerate is above your monitor refresh rate, either you don't actually have it on, or the game (or driver) has horribly fucked it up. Or there's some weirdness where e.g. you have a dual monitor setup and it's counting each screen as one "frame".
@ToxicFrog this could be it, I've had more than one monitor for most of the last decade
(it shouldn't but I can easily believe that some software does)
> Lets do the maths, there are maybe (if your lucky) 160,000 Ouya owners. As we know, only around 25% of Ouya owners are buying games ie 40,000 Ouya owners are buying games. If a game was very successful , it might sell to 5% of them ie to 2,000 Ouya owners. If the game was offered at $15 a pop on Kickstarter , then that's 2000*$15 = $30,000 . ie well short of the $50K minimum. That's the problem with the FTGF in a nutshell.
@ToxicFrog I have never seen that happen, both OpenGL and DirectX make a context for 1 monitor and vsync is for that monitor
@BenBrocka FTGF?
free the games fund
@KevinvanderVelden I would not be surprised to see a game that creates a context for each monitor and then sums the framerate from both contexts and reports that to the user when show_fps is on.
@ToxicFrog I'd be very surprised at that as multiple contexts are a pain to manage
And I know of like... 1 game (series) with support for multiple monitors
@ToxicFrog Free the Games Fund, Ouya's terrible kickstarter backing idea
Setting aside stuff like Eyefinity that treats multiple monitors as one huge monitor, I can think of one offhand, Supreme Commander
@BenBrocka $50K minimum for what?
Anyways, the alternative explanation is that they rolled their own vsync and screwed that up. Which is pretty common.
@ToxicFrog jup, that's the one. And eyefinity is as far as the game is concerned one weird monitor.
@OrigamiRobot To get the matching funds from Ouya.
@FEichinger I mean like 50k in sales or 50k KS goal?
@OrigamiRobot KS.
@OrigamiRobot To get ouya's funding you have to raise at least 50k on Kickstarter while pledging to be Ouya exclusive for 6 months
Anyone that can raise 50k is probably big enough and has enough money to chase a bigger platform than Ouya
Ouya really should be focusing on the little guys but it seems like they don't give a fuck
I have an Ouya, not played a game on it though.
So the problem with FTGF is that it is essentially meaningless?
@BenBrocka Seems that Ouya is getting desperate.
@OrigamiRobot More or less.
@ToxicFrog they might be using adaptive vsync hardocp.com/article/2012/04/16/…
@5pike Very.
And seems to have a loophole a mile wide.
@OrigamiRobot the problem is that kickstarter charges about 30% of the money (I think) so you can easily get 50K together, and get 70% back with little effort
@5pike Hoping the Vita TV kills it
@KevinvanderVelden What does that have to do with FTGF?
@BenBrocka It might
If PS mobile is on the Vita TV and they make PS Mobile development as open as Ouya...GG
Only thing the Ouya really has at that point is emulation
@OrigamiRobot FTGF makes it possible, you start a kickstarter, dump your own 50K on it, get 70% of that from kickstarter, and another 100% from ouya
is that Pikachu?
@BenBrocka Many other, cheaper ones have too.
@tombull89 And Zelda Link, it seems
but they are not as straight forward as ouya
@tombull89 Such a bad knockoff.
Seems like they just pulled some Nintendo fanart
@5pike Doubt emulation is enough to keep it afloat. How many people are that into emulation but that unwilling to play on PC?
@KevinvanderVelden It's not like Ouya couldn't prevent this from happening pretty easily.
@PrivatePansy It's not uncommon
@OrigamiRobot They can't. Or, at least they won't.

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