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@OrigamiRobot To be fair, these eggs came from a slime, not a chicken.
@Yuki Which is why I said it gets complicated.
I'm a retard.
@ThatBrazilianGuy The first step is recognizing you have a problem. I think it's the buzzword copypasta in your profile, personally.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Me too, mostly.
@MichaelDunfield That speaks volumes about your self-esteem. Mostly that you need more.
@Yuki This is probably true.
Shoot, was my class at 4:00 or 4:30?
although I like pasta and I cannot lie. About my liking pasta.
@badp Yes, even when facing a bottomless pit, one has to keep going and move forward.
@badp Don't you get kicked out of Italy for not liking pasta?
@badp Though I am not your brother, this I can't deny.
@JasonBerkan This is not consistently enforced.
@badp When a girl walks in with a bowl of fettucini, do you go "Yum!"?
@badp So you not only admit about your killing past but you're proud of it?
Huh. Just realized that could be taken two ways.
@Yuki "Yum" might be a thought, but not the first that would come to mind.
@JasonBerkan Isn't he in Germany right now?
@GraceNote They must have kicked him out for not liking pasta enough.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Truly, you cannae kill that which hath no life.
@GraceNote There are rumours about that. Could be because of his secret hatred of pasta.
@MichaelDunfield That was my thinking.
Also I'm terrible at doing that text-accent-impression-thing.
@badp Therefore, "time" is a living entity.
> If both the PS4 and the new PS Vita models were released simultaneously everywhere, there would be an excessive burden on customers.
Just get him to admit that he doesn't like beer, and I can arrange to have him thrown out of Germany as well ;-)
According to Shuhei Yoshida. I guess that means no PS Vita TV in US near the PS4 release date
@ThatBrazilianGuy No, for time cannot make offsprings.
@MadScientist I'm in Bavaria. I think I might get hanged first.
@badp Viruses (the non-computer kind) can reproduce but aren't alive.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Reproducibility is necessary, not sufficient.
@MadScientist Although I've found out that my limit is about 0.8 liters of Weiß beer, so that might be a problem too.
Q: Does the Bola Shot's Imminent Doom stack?

SabreWolfyIf I shoot a monster multiple times with Bola Shot Imminent Doom (which has a 2 second delay before exploding), do the shots stack?

@badp If you can't even manage a Maß, that is a serious problem in Bavaria indeed
is it a one liter carafe?
It's not that I can't manage it, it's that I shouldn't just push myself to a third half liter.
Though I really don't know how you managed to drink exactly 0.8 liters of Weissbier in Bavaria, you should get it in 0.5 glasses or larger
@MadScientist I didn't. I used the magic powers of guesstimation
@badp A Maß is one litre, yes.
anybody else?
I still have three more
The bavarian minister-president once said that you can still drive a car after 2 Maß. That should give you an impression what the typical alcohol consumption is there ;-)
@badp I like spam. Just hope a moderator never finds out.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Mods don't have to find out. The community's pretty good at handling it
Hm. Can I be banned by community?
Not precisely
@ThatBrazilianGuy On the main site, no. On chat, yes
@MichaelDunfield People will livestream anything if they think people will watch.
Or if they want people to watch.
Or if they're bored, to be honest.
@ThatBrazilianGuy yes
@ThatBrazilianGuy Yes.
I have been banned by the community a lot in chat.
@MichaelDunfield No you haven't. That @GnomeSlice guy has.
@MichaelDunfield I probably shouldn't tell you at which position in the global flag highscore you are, but you can guess it easily, I think.
@MadScientist ...Am I #1?
Also there's a highscore?
You have to tell me now.
@MichaelDunfield Skullgirls live streams animation and design often and it's really cool
@MadScientist Doesn't work for me.
A couple times Mike Z was streaming mockups of new character ideas and it was really cool
@BenBrocka That is neat.
The SG engine looks really cool. He mocked up Eliza's blood mechanic in like 10 minutes, live
@MichaelDunfield Pretty sure you have to have more rep to able to view that.
Unless you need to be a diamond, in which case rep is irrelevant.
@Yuki It is mod-only
Somebody just tell me.
@MadScientist Where am I in the highscore?
If that's even what it's called.
@BenBrocka Daaaaaaang.
It doesn't sound like something to be proud of.
@MichaelDunfield I think it would be more of a "low-score".
@MichaelDunfield You're #1, and it is certainly not something to be proud of
@MichaelDunfield It probably isn't.
@MadScientist =[
Can every mod on the network see that.
How far behind me is the next guy
@MichaelDunfield Most likely.
How do I get off the list
@MichaelDunfield Stop getting flagged.
@Yuki Impossible I think.
@Yuki It did'nt do much, but he mocked together blood that falls off a character upon damage and moves that made the blood "attack" live, was pretty cool
I try not to get flagged
@MichaelDunfield Just think, "If I say this to someone sensitive, would they punch me in the face?" If so, don't post it.
Previous flags don't matter, unless you attract more current flags. As long as a user behaves themselves, any old misdeeds are forgotten
@Yuki this is not a good metric. I am sensitive and the stuff I flag doesn't get approved.
@MadScientist Can you see total flags all-time for those users?
@MichaelDunfield Moderators can always see the user history, if they check.
@MichaelDunfield That's not a metric for judging what other people post. It's a metric for what you post.
Who just did that?
That was unnecessary.
(The flag, not the response.)
And whoever is casting useless flags, just stop it right now. It annoys users across the entire chat, not only in this room
And this is why I'm #1.
Flags should be banned.
I'm like the nicest guy ever...
Anyone who missed out on Chroma Squad's Kickstarter can pre-order it here.
@fbueckert Stop stealing my job
What's the correct thing to do if I answered a question and discussion in the comments have revealed my answer to be wrong, but I don't know the correct answer? Delete it?
@ToxicFrog Yes, probably.
@ToxicFrog Or update it.
@ToxicFrog I don't believe you will be able to delete that answer. Edit it to indicate that it is wrong. Hopefully the OP will change their accepted answer.
> don't know the correct answer?
If I made a feature request on meta to reset flag counts, would it get downvoted?
@MichaelDunfield Most likely.
@Yuki Presumably, you can put in the effort to correct it.
@fbueckert Presumably. But it's not something he can do at this exact moment.
Maybe he can update with the correct answer at a later point in time, but we aren't discussing a later point in time. I think.
@JasonBerkan it hasn't been accepted.
@ToxicFrog Oh. I thought it had been.
Reminds me, I should probably delete my answer to that Xillia question.
Seriously, how the hell do I have so many flags...
@badp there is no better use of stars than RB.
@MichaelDunfield well, you have spent most of the day doing nothing but spamming the channel with videos of your favourite games, i.e. all of them.
Yay. Joined the Family sharing group.
Let's see if I can picked.
@ToxicFrog They're not my favourite. Also none of those have been flagged.
@fbueckert ?
@Yuki Steam's new useless game sharing feature.
@MichaelDunfield "Reset flag counts"?
@ToxicFrog That's... actually pretty useful for me.
@MichaelDunfield Oh, I already knew that.
@Yuki even knowing that the lock is per-library, not per-game?
@GraceNote Yes, well. That's a lot.
I would like my sister to play some of my games, but she absolutely refuses to use my computer.
I am going to be on the top for years.
Even if I never get flagged again.
@ToxicFrog This actually doesn't hurt me at all either.
@MichaelDunfield yay I made it to the list!
@Yuki right, so, this will let her play your games, but only as long as you aren't playing anything.
...wait should non-mods even be able to see that?
@BenBrocka How many do you have?
So if you both want to play at the same time, even different games, you are SOL.
@BenBrocka No. I can't. Somebody told me.
@ToxicFrog Eh, I can play my PS3 or Wii U while she does that.
Or study.
Probably study.
@MichaelDunfield Oh, that's what I thought
I have 8
@BenBrocka ;_;
So basically the only advantage over just logging her into your account on her computer is that she gets her own achievements.
Honestly, how do you even get that many chat flags?
Be proud @Gnome, just ignore everybody else and chant "I'm #1, I'm #1!"
@MichaelDunfield That language is one way towards how you got it.
@Blem No, this is not a good score.
@GraceNote That's fair I guess...
But lots of people curse.
@GraceNote what makes it useful to you?
That we're marginally accepting of cursing doesn't mean you should do it frequently or anything remotely resembling a frequency.
But I don't even remember getting flagged that much for cursing. How is mine so much higher? Do like 10 people flag me at once every time?
@MichaelDunfield There's also all the not-safe-for-work imagery you posted, especially during the period where you did it constantly.
I think it's 140 messages
@BenBrocka WHAT
I'm pretty sure it's 140 messages, yeah.
140 unique messages? I thought it was like... number of flags applied TO my messages.
You guys are making me feel bad.
probably warranted
Is there anything I can do to clear them?
@ToxicFrog Nitpickly things about the ToS and who is allowed access to an account and from that also the fact that in general the two of us watch each other playing and most things I'd actually be interested in through Steam are single player.
@MichaelDunfield No. Just stop doing things that will get flagged so that the number stops increasing.
@GraceNote That's most of the idea of changing my name. How long do you suspect it will take for me to move into #2 at the current rate if I never get flagged again.
That's why Origami made that Venn Diagram, what we've suggested many times, and even why you were gone for six months.
@MichaelDunfield Eight years.
@GraceNote I don't see what singleplayerness has to do with this, but the rest are valid points
@GraceNote ;_;
@MichaelDunfield - Don't worry about your number of flags or your ranking on some admin list. Just resolve to do better going forward.
I could make a sockpuppet that gets even more flags I guess.
But that sounds dumb
@ToxicFrog As single player games, we don't have to worry about wanting to play with each other.
@GraceNote er
that's very dumb
is that flags that were validated, or just flags?
@Sconibulus Just flags.
@GraceNote the problem isn't per-game locking, it's per-library locking - if you both want to play different games, you can't. This is an issue whether the games are singleplayer or multiplayer.
@GraceNote From my reading of the FAQ, only a single user at a time can access each library.
Library being defined as all your games.
in that case who cares? some people cant take a joke so you get some flags that are not valid
Right, you two, which is linked to the "We sit and watch each other" portion.
@Blem I have almost 100 more flags than the next guy
Now, if you never want to game simultaneously - if it's always one of you playing and the other watching - that's not an issue
@MichaelDunfield If you make a conscious effort to stop your previous behavior which got you so many flags in the first place, you're clean in my book.
But that is still irrelevant to the SP/MP distinction
@Yuki I'm trying.
@MichaelDunfield Then you're good.
At least, for me.
It's not working.
@ToxicFrog We game simultaneously for usually different games and have enough of a library outside Steam (which is to say our entire library right now) that locking the Steam library is not a problem, whether or not we want to watch the other.
@MichaelDunfield and? you post a lot of videos and there are some people that will flag anything that walks, so as long as you are not banned then who cares about the number?
@MichaelDunfield How many times have you been validly flagged since you changed your name?
The point that single player games is that if we did have interest in multi-player games, then we'd crash since we couldn't simultaneously access the library to play with each other.
@MichaelDunfield It's working fine for me.
@GraceNote right. For those of us who game simultaneously and most of what we play is in steam, this feature is worthless.
@JasonBerkan I don't know. Once or twice I guess?
I don't think I've been suspended though. So maybe none?
the vita TV is so little (the white slab in the middle)
@ToxicFrog Hence why this whole thing was prefaced with "It's useful to me", since I'm very well aware that it's detrimental to folk who have larger libraries that encompass most or all of their options.
@ToxicFrog I have two cases where it makes sense for me. I don't want the kids logging into my Steam account, but while I'm at work, I don't mind sharing my library with them. Also, we have a "shared games" account already, and this makes it so they don't have to log out of their account and into the family account.
@GraceNote I didn't think you even used Steam.
@MichaelDunfield I haven't seen any during the day when I am in here. Which is my point. I think it is working.
Any more takers?
3 Left
@MichaelDunfield I don't, largely for reasons that are solved by this new (however hackshod and limited) functionality that is under discussion.
@GraceNote Heh. Are you a desura user?
@MichaelDunfield At the risk of being shot in the head or kicked in the junk, what is Desura?
@BenBrocka I'm actually interested in seeing how well that will work.
@MichaelDunfield No.
@fbueckert I want one so bad
@Yuki in a word[s], 'Steam for indies'.
If it makes it's way over the pond, I may prefer it over an actual portable.
Except everything you buy on Desura also comes with a DRM-Free download
@MichaelDunfield thx for the offer but no thx
Just hope it supports PS Mobile so it can properly compete with microconsoles too
@MichaelDunfield I suppose I could get around to installing Desura...
@Coronus You don't even have to, you can just download it through the website if you want.
@Coronus I made that mistake. I don't recommend it. Just download the installer through the website.
@fbueckert It'd be crazy not to when it's so cheap. There's no way they'd be taking a loss on it
I really don't need something that can get me even more games right now. I'm already distracted enough.
The desura site is actually better than the client.
@ToxicFrog Yeah the client still needs a lot of work
@MichaelDunfield See, that's what I thought, but then everyone started talking about a client...
@BenBrocka If it can play Vita and PSP games, and stream from my network shares, it's a must-buy.
@Coronus It has a client, yeh.
I really like Desura, even though it's still kind of unpolished.
I love the focus on community features, the way they do their game pages is fantastic
@fbueckert It plays all digital PSP and PSX games out of the box. Plays over 100 Vita titles, but not all of them (some will need reworking to make touch optional, some will need a DS4 pad, some might never work with it)
also that's the game I'm offering ^
@BenBrocka Gamestick
I want it as a compainion to my actual Vita since it's digital I can have all my stuff on both consoles and play on TV when I want
The layout of their site confuses me though.
@BenBrocka Which is fair.
@GraceNote I think you might find it doesn't have those same issues.
Since you can download the DRM-Free copy and give it to your buddy.
I give my Dad a bunch of games that way.
I'm aware.
Mostly he doesn't play them but I just like giving people stuff.
There are a lot of not-Steam options out there for a lot of things.
@GraceNote Yes. Humble Store, Shinyloot (which is pretty new), GoG.
And indiegamestand is launching their storefront this month.
@BenBrocka Can it bounce save games?
@fbueckert I think the current risk is people won't know what it is. Lots of news sites were misreporting it like it was a box that streams from your Vita. It IS a Vita
@fbueckert PS+ can with cloud saves (or you can swap memory cards wholesale for the same effect)
@BenBrocka From what I understand, it can also stream from a PS4.
@fbueckert yeah (because the Vita can)
@Coronus Yeah the site isn't as user friendly as Steam
What are you trying to find?
@BenBrocka That'll be useful if you can't play on your main display.
Ugh, you know you're becoming an adult when you've lived through more than 3 console generations.
... God damn, yeah.
@Yuki I've lived through... 5? 6 counting the next one
NES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, WiiU
Er, that's 5
@MichaelDunfield SNES?
@Metool I don't really count that as different from the NES, should I? Were they far enough apart?
@Yuki Is it sad that I was alive for the original NES launch?
I just always think of generations in Nintendo becaues that's what I had growing up
@fbueckert No?
Why would that be sad?
Well we had a Genesis too
I miss my ColecoVision.
I've been around for...basically all console launches.
Except Atari. And it's knockoffs.
@GraceNote I apologize for being annoying and cursing a lot.
Honestly, I wish I was alive for the original NES.
Kids. Consoles didn't exist when I was born.
@MichaelDunfield Yes.
I still have a Tandy TRS-80, too!
@JasonBerkan Consoles didn't exist where I was born. Not necessarily when.
Heck, Pong was new and shiny at that point.
Nope, I lied. This was out when I was born.
@MichaelDunfield I... think I've seen that before.
@MichaelDunfield I had hopes that there would've been more than one person involved. I am disappointed.
@GraceNote Me too. =[
'people' y'know
I count six.
@Coronus Are you interested in Out There Somewhere?
@StrixVaria No, sorry, you're wrong @StrixVaria. Overly dramatic @Shiester is right.
@JasonBerkan I always forget how old you are. I always assumed you're in your mid-20s for some reason.,
so, 4 days ago, I ordered a pizza because I was tired and wanted food.
@Wipqozn Because you're in your mid-20s?
@JasonBerkan I think it's just because you're young at heart.
it didn't come, but I hadn't prepaid for it, so I didn't think much of it, and ate some popcorn for dinner instead.
Humble bundle question, does the average normally go up or down?
@RonanForman Up.
I thought Wipqozn wasn't even 20 yet.
@Wipqozn aka immature?
I should probably buy it now then.
@RonanForman The 'pay more than average' mechanic exists primarily to exert upward pressure on the price.
@MichaelDunfield It looks like I own it, was that from you?
@Coronus ...No?
@GraceNote Nope, I'm 24.
@Coronus Do you buy indieroyales?
or 23.
1989...yeah, 24.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Finish the pizza story!
So, I just walked into my hotel after working for the day, and the guy at the front desk asks if I ordered a pizza, because one showed up about an hour ago.
They delivered my pizza four days late.
Can you get a refund on that pizza?
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is a rather impressive amount of incompetence.
@MichaelDunfield Yeah, so those games show up here?
@Coronus If you redeemed the desura keys, yes.
Not to be outdone by Domino's, Joe's Local Pizza Shack instituted a "Delivery in 30 days or your pizza is free" policy.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It wasn't... made 4 days ago, was it?
@JasonBerkan Nah man, young heart.
@RonanForman I never paid for it in the first place.
@Coronus In any case, I highly highly recommend you play it
@Coronus I don't believe so. Guy at hotel front desk tells me it was hot when it showed up. He called them to explain what happened and they told him to keep the pizza. So he has a free cold pizza now.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What did you eat four days ago?
@MichaelDunfield Not pizza, apparently.
12 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
it didn't come, but I hadn't prepaid for it, so I didn't think much of it, and ate some popcorn for dinner instead.
Oh, my bad.
@LessPop_MoreFizz How long had the pizza been waiting for you?
Oh, wait, you said an hour.
There we go.
@GraceNote About an hour according to desk guy
Oh amazon shows delivery dates for PS4s now
Q: Pacific islands where you can still find native naked people that are wearing no clothes

DerfderJacque Fresco once mentioned (http://youtu.be/kj21LpHUqnM?t=43s) that he find naked people in Tuomoto when he was living in South Pacific for 1 year. But that was in the 50's, so a lot has probably changed. He said that they don't have any clothes ad were naked and that they do look into the eye...

IS that jim
As opposed to the naked people that wear clothes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Native naked people that are wearing no clothes!
WTF that's not jim
@Vince No, I need that info for a project I am working on. — Derfder 26 mins ago
Q: Is there a way to disable hard pogo on extreme?

oscilatingcretinExtreme difficulty is so unfun when it's mandatory that you have to use hard pogo. Is there a way to disable it even on extreme without it counting as a cheat?

Oh, hey, gifts count as furniture. Fancy that.
@spugsley Because virulent homophobia is delicious.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That should not be as funny as it is.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You know ... I think "tasty" would've been more appropriate here.
@spugsley How's the nature reserve?
@RonanForman has lots of potential. I got a few things but Id like to go back when it isn't balls humid
That an imperial measurement?
@RonanForman don't be silly, you know it is
fuck it I am pouring whiskey in my coffee
Ahh the good old whiscoffee.
I refuse to apologize.
@RonanForman I believe the proper term is 'Irish Coffee'.
The proper term is coffee.
We've reached peak reality TV: http://i.imgur.com/uH2Pcjk.jpg
I have no words.
@BenBrocka Whoopsie.
@TimStone wow
You get paid on wensday? Weirdo
@Sterno I, too, feel like playing some Payday.
Oh, the game
cc @OrigamiRobot / @RonanForman / @Yuki
I'm in Mumble, and I'm not wearing any pants.
I'm pretty sure my daughter, who is rolling around her crib not asleep yet, is planning on crying right around the time I start a game, though
She's crafty like that.
@Sterno I am wary of opening Splinter Cell for the same reason
Also UPlay, but.
She's staring at the camera, daring me to start a game.
Q: What free DLC did the australian version of Saints Row 4 get?

LateralFractalWhile I wait for my mutilated* Australian version of Saints Row 4 to finish downloading; a question occurred to me: What precisely is the free DLC that the Aussie version is getting? The news reports in late-August didn't specify and neither has any recent new or blog entry I can find. Was it j...

@MichaelDunfield Listening to those songs you linked now.

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