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David Dunfield is an unfortunate name. Too alliterative.
@OrigamiRobot A bit I guess.
I hate my name.
Also my dad is a genius
So am I apparently, but I think those tests were wrong.
@OrigamiRobot A relative of yours?
@OrigamiRobot Oh my god I never want to see that thing again
Do you know what that is
That is a timer he built to control my video game intake as a child.
@JasonBerkan That is the bane of @GnomeSLice's existence.
I had to input a password
I know what it is.
And then it supplied power to the television for a programmable amount of time
@OrigamiRobot oh
@MichaelDunfield That is more awesome than awesome.
@MichaelDunfield You're right. Your dad is awesome.
I felt like if he had gotten someone to design a pretty case and market it, he could have sold a lot of them.
> This is a prototype Video Game Timer - It can be used to limit access to any device which requires mains power. It works by securing the mains power connection in a sealed box, and controlling the power only through a configured schedule.
And it had like programmable curfews and shit, multiple 'accounts' (different code) and like required break times between sessions
> Each user has an access code, which enables a configured number of minutes each day. The system enforces "break times", a nightly curfew time, and also handles rewards and punshiments in the form of extra minutes added or taken away from the daily allowance. It provides ample warnings (audible and visual) before cutting the power if the session is not volentarily ended on time.
5 minute warnings, 1 minute warnings
@OrigamiRobot His spelling isn't the best.
I never voluntarily ended my sessions.
I got really good at memorizing the inputs to save my game though, because I would do it after the screen went off.
Did you not know how to use a screwdriver?
@OrigamiRobot If I took it apart that would be breaking the rules.
Well duh!
@MichaelDunfield Oh? He just used it to kill power to the TV?
@JasonBerkan It was a power supply for the TV
Like the TV wouldn't work without it.
I wanna know what he programmed it in.
Well, that's good parenting right there.
@OrigamiRobot I can ask him if you like
@OrigamiRobot C
@MichaelDunfield Please and thank you.
A: How do i get charged creepers?

user54796f u f u f u f u f u f u f u f u f u f u f u f u f u f u

you know what you doing.
@OrigamiRobot "C mostly - bit of assembly"
@JasonBerkan Could be ASM.
See? ASM.
@OrigamiRobot Would've been my second guess.
I think @gnomeslice's dad is my hero.
> It uses an 8051 cpu - I wrote the C compiler I used
^ My dad
I texted him
@MichaelDunfield He wrote the C compiler he used to compile the C code for the project. That's awesome.
I would hang out with @GnomeSlice's dad.
@JasonBerkan He wrote a compiler that he distributed that was actually pretty popular for a while apparently.
Also he did stuff like write the operating system for a custom made computer for a family friend with a disabled child.
Well he wasn't really a child.
He was slightly older than me I think.
He called it 'Cam' I think. The guy's name was Cameron.
I wonder if it's on his site
Also he likes Portal a lot.
@MichaelDunfield Assuming this is your sister, you can ask questions about her game!
@Sterno My dad said something about my sister showing him this game she was working on with two people puzzly things or something
@MichaelDunfield Did he use mains power to power the timer? I don't see a transformer in there, but it could be obscured.
that probably is it
@MichaelDunfield Who doesn't. Now that I've read the site, I'm even more impressed. He put together that timer as a weekend project? Heck, I barely can get my lawn taken care of over the weekend.
@OrigamiRobot Beats me
What is mains power?
@MichaelDunfield Power form the outlet.
I think it plugged into the wall.
@Sterno Also she is a huge fan of Golden Sun, this is probably her
Yeah that picture is her
Fuck my family, why are they all so successful
No, the better question is: Why are you not?
@MichaelDunfield If I were you, I would find it and keep it forever.
@FEichinger I don't know, I'm a deadbeat.
@OrigamiRobot It's still around somewhere.
My dad keeps stuff like that.
He still has an article from his local newspaper which he was featured in when he was 16 for building an oscilloscope from scratch
@MichaelDunfield Everyone is unique @Gnome. Find your success in what you like to do.
I love this.
@OrigamiRobot Hahahaha what the hell
@OrigamiRobot I would never ever get my hands on that technology and abuse it.
Also does anybody here use DOS?
I am in love with your dad.
Omg he has the photo on his website
That's amazing
> I was quite disappointed when it was announced that our project for the term would be the construction of a "digital clock" kit (premade circuit boards etc.), as I had already home-built such a device (*note). When I mentioned this to the instructor, he asked what I would like to build, and the first thing that came to my mind was "I've always wanted an oscilloscope.".
What kind of kid 'has always wanted an oscilloscope'
@MichaelDunfield The kind that already built a digital clock at home, I guess.
Yeah I guess.
@MichaelDunfield Me.
As it turns out, when a female co-worker asks you if her new outfit makes her look hot, saying "Yes, like a spicy sausage." is a terrible response.
@OrigamiRobot Why didn't you build one?
@Shiester If your female co-worker is asking you if an outfit makes her look hot, you should probably take her out to dinner.
@Shiester When did that sound like a good idea?
@Shiester Well, better than "like a wet banana".
@MichaelDunfield Lack of motivation. Also, CRTs are scary.
@FEichinger In his head, apparently.
@Shiester I can't think of anything that would be a good response, to be honest.
He really likes plywood
> Software for the system is also my own creation. The operating system is called CUBIX, and features a powerful command shell, flexible file system and over 100 system calls. Applications include line and text editors, APL and BASIC interpreters, a C compiler, resident 6809 assembler and debugger, an 8080 simulator, a full featured HELP system, and many system utilities.
@MichaelDunfield Ask him if he will marry me.
I didn't realize he wrote the OS too...
@MichaelDunfield I have a mission for you, for the good of mankind.
@Yuki ...Yes?
Surreptitiously collect DNA samples of your dad. We will need them when cloning technology is invented.
Better yet, get your dad to make a cloning machine.
My DNA isn't the greatest, there was a lot of interbreeding in those little maritime communities
A ways back the Dunfields... crossed some more Dunfields.
Or something.
Hey have any of you guys heard of a compiler called Micro-C?
@OrigamiRobot Am I right in assuming you'll be looking for a residence in New York or California in the near future?
He had that as a vanity plate on his jeep when I was a kid. It's the name of the compiler he made.
@Yuki What?
> This document describes the results... This little machine was my companion for many years. Even after it was no longer a main working system, It would often travel with me as a datascope. (It was always the subject of intense scrutiny by airport security people who would invariably A: ask me to turn it on to prove that it was a computer, and B: request that I remove the top so that they could inspect the contents of my "wood box").
Hahahahahaha I bet the airports didn't like it
@OrigamiRobot Never mind.
@OrigamiRobot Have you heard of Micro-C?
@Yuki I am a robot.
@MichaelDunfield No
Anyway, gotta get to class.
How many of you have facial hair?
@Shiester Currently? No.
@Shiester Currently? Yes.
> The keyboard came from a local surplus dealer who had a pile of them new in boxes, with no documentation - I made him a deal that I would figure out the keyboard and give him an information package with the wiring, control commands for the proprietary controller chip and a table of character codes in exchange for several of the keyboards (I must have had a LOT more spare time back then!)
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
@Yuki I am a robot.
@Shiester Oh, hell no.
@Shiester Or, I dunno, pay a bit more attention when shaving.
@Shiester "Designed for guy's with goatees"
@fbueckert Hell, You don't even have to pay that much attention.
@OrigamiRobot My dad is the best.
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
> The keyboard came from a local surplus dealer who had a pile of them new in boxes, with no documentation - I made him a deal that I would figure out the keyboard and give him an information package with the wiring, control commands for the proprietary controller chip and a table of character codes in exchange for several of the keyboards (I must have had a LOT more spare time back then!)
@OrigamiRobot ಠ_ಠ
@OrigamiRobot That's what I'm saying. So long as you're using a mechanical shaver, all you need to do is pay attention to the edges.
@fbueckert I just use a normal razor and I barely pay attention
16 hours ago, by Retrosaur
@OrigamiRobot Hey you can download his CUBIX simulator if you want to see what it was like classiccmp.org/dunfield/d6809/index.htm
@Retrosaur Yes, you keep saying this.
What's your point?
It's at the bottom
@Shiester 27
@Retrosaur Old news
@Retrosaur Uh ... so?
@AshleyNunn but it's only yesterday
We don't really care, and repeating it is not going to make us care
@FEichinger I've already contacted the local authorities
@Retrosaur Besides, none of that actually -proves- anything.
@Retrosaur Your reaction is...overboard.
@fbueckert no pun intended?
@MichaelDunfield I am far more interested in the hardware than the software.
anyone want to play an exciting and fun browser based multiplayer game full of action and adventure?
@Retrosaur I don't see how that's at all punny.
@OrigamiRobot is my first Bridge squadmember.
@fbueckert The Bridge.....overboard
@Shiester Yes, but later.
He's special.
@Wipqozn I hope he's a rookie.
@Sterno We're having a lovefest with Gnome's dad? Damn, I need to stop playing XCOM and join in.
@Wipqozn I am the best. I will never let you down.
@fbueckert Hei s.
@MichaelDunfield battleon.com whenever ur redy u v me 1v1 obs no food no items no prayer no magik maylay only
And a Sectoid mind controls him and shoots the rest of your team.
@Shiester Oh god, that's still alive?
@Shiester Oh god I used to play Mech Quest
These games are terrible.
@FEichinger unfortunately.
I used up my list of RL Male Friends who I OH WAIT, I forgot about Garrett!
I'll rename @OrigamiRobot to Garrett.
@Shiester Oh, hey, they finally added pvp?
@Wipqozn D:
naaha,I'll name the next guy GArrett.
mech quest.
I knew I was forgeting one of my close RL friends.,
I think one of this first real things I did in java class was make a pvp client for that game.
well... ish, it didn't really verify that you had any of the items that you claimed you had
@Sconibulus awesome
Q: How to "install" Flash player 11.8 on Ubuntu 13.04

user190160My work supplies me with a laptop so I have converted my old laptop for my kids to play on. I use Linux mainly as a deterent against WinDoz viruses. Even though I have the latest Adobe Flash player 11.2 for Linux in Firefox - ref: flashplayer security doubts - a particular online flash game th...

Well fuck. Gotta love when this happens.
4-panic country has a very difficult abduction mission.
But I don't care that much about this specific country. IT's just argentina.
the 4 scientist reward would be nice though.
@Wipqozn You're gonna have the most hilarious mishaps in my game, I can feel it.
@fbueckert Hilarious mishaps are the best kind of mishaps.,
Fine fine, very difficult it is. I hope this doesn't go terrible.
@fbueckert I was playing that game once, doing really well on iron bad mode, got up to use the bathroom, came back, buddy of mine thought it was like final fantasy tactics crossed with mass effect and was trying to figure out how to switch to a melee weapon at point blank.
@fbueckert Hug gun?
oh, the graveyard
That's not toooo bad
@fbueckert Also, when you get a chance, can you answer this?
Q: Are There Any Benefits/Drawbacks to the Different Movement Types Besides Speed?

Michael DunfieldOnce you research the necessary Science and train your soldiers with the correct military skills, they gain the ability to perform a variety of different stances, both while moving and while stationary. The new abilities are as follows: Stationary Abilities Lie Prone Crouch Stand (Default) ...

@Shiester Oh Jesus.
Did you slap him upside the face for playing someone else's game?
I think the game got stuck in a loop
alien was all liek
@Wipqozn What month are you in?
and now it's jsut sitting there staring at the alien
@JasonBerkan second
@Wipqozn Very difficult shouldn't be too bad then. You haven't seen a Muton yet, right?
I need to finish XCOM. I keep putting it off.
I keep deciding to not build the story facilities.
just ran a query on data.stackexchange to see what the lowest rated posts on the site are
I've staring at this one spot left for the Gollop Chamber for... three or four in-game months now?
how the hell does this guy have a -65
oh gosh, guys, Twitter is down.
@ShotgunNinja Oh no, I should post about that on MySpace.
Or Xynga. Or whatever kids use these days.
4 hours ago, by Michael Dunfield
Indiegala Flashpoint Bundle featuring (among others), Hammerfight, Knytt Underground, Saira. All games come with Steam activation.
For the record, @Retrosaur's evidence is crap. YoungGuilo is from Jamaica. The legal drinking age there was 16 for quite some time. Now it is 18, but authorities don't really press the issue. So it is irrelevant. That is all.
Also Zigfrak is $1 on Shinyloot
oh right
I forgot about that stupid thing
where panic raises in countries that weren't eveninvaded provided it's te same continent
@Fluttershy I ... don't think "Lake George, NY" is considered Jamaica.
Why on earth are we worried about YoungGuilo being underaged?
@Yuki We aren't.
@Yuki Some people here care too much about what other people do.
@Fluttershy Lake George, NY
Read his answer on that seasoned advice question.
@Fluttershy It could be badly written. In that he was implying it was cheap where he lives, rather than that he lives in Jamaica.

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