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@Arperum It... doesn't seem to answer the question at all
@PrivatePansy And the weirdest part is that it's the asker answering it.
@Arperum 2 times
user image
CNN finally understands
@BenBrocka That underscore shouldn't be there.
I like the random underscore to make it "computery"
@Arperum computers use underscores, okay
I imagine most CNN anchors still have a DOS 6.0 machine back home
@PrivatePansy It actually does, but only in passing.
@Arperum its a semi-common method of indicating it's one word (internetfight) that's been cut off, IIRC.
@StrixVaria That was my favourite part.
@KevinvanderVelden Doesn't a "-" exist for that?
@KevinvanderVelden So CNN is trying to turn English into German?
@PrivatePansy According to @BenBrocka they are trying to turn English into Computery
I think I have 6 of my end-game weapons now.
@Arperum I think the difference is that a '-' is word continues on the next line while a '_' is word is continued from previous line.
sling/Ling or "Crackling" - Speedlings (Zerglings with speed, or 'Adrenal Gland', upgrade)
of course, one line out of a whole slew of copypasta isn't so good
I really doubt "internetfight" was meant to be one word
1 light bowgun, 1 heavy bowgun, 2 hunting horns, and 2 lances. I also have another fully upgraded hunting horn which is what I plan on using until I get the A. Lagia one.
underscores, terminal colors/ > prompts and other ancient things are pretty often used on "news" to give that "oh those wacky computer nerds are at it again" feeling
I really doubt CNN's ability to do anything really.
@BenBrocka Especially the ">" sign
I'm surprised I've never seen a terminal prompt of something like C:\> http://www.facebook.com as a news screenshot
@BenBrocka Saw it once, but was a IE URL bar screenshot
Load "*", 8, http://facebook.com
@5pike yeah they LOVE URL screenshots. And by screenshot I mean "let me put my camera WAY up close to this low-res CRT monitor"
@BenBrocka "and tilt it 20% to the left"
"you know, ARTSY"
I imagine if you made a regular newspaper do a video game review, all the screenshots would be images of CRT monitors playing the game, and yeah, with the unnecessary tilt
@5pike That's not the camera, that's the screen that has been tilted.
@5pike +10 points if the CRT monitor has scanlines
@BenBrocka Depends on the news agency
I see "picture of my monitor" on pretty much anything that's not an actual tech news site or "new media" thinger
I wonder how often the CNN guys break apart their computers when someone tells them the files are inside the computer
@BenBrocka This just makes me think of this.
Morning, Bridge
Afternoon @SaintWacko
@SaintWacko Morning
@GraceNote That one's great
I love the two clocks
@GraceNote I like how they're ignoring that he's gaming with his numpad and mouse from the looks of it.
That's not even far enough over to be the numpad, I think he's using the insert/home/pg up keys
@KevinvanderVelden Too many things to jab at, too little space to fit it all and not go stale.
Oh hey, Wildstar sub model finally announced.
Though I could mention that FFVII on the PC could be played entirely on the numpad.
Hammerwatch looks pretty good (cc @GnomeSlice I think)
@Wipqozn It is
Standard old school MMO monthly sub, with EVE style ability to buy a month sub that's tradable ingame for ingame currency and/or to buy said subs for ingame currency.
Seems my question drowned. So here it is again: Regarding Monster Hunter Tri - Does the early-game armor do anything? Feels like it provides little to no benefit whatsoever.
@Wipqozn Yeah, it's pretty sweet.
Online multiplayer is still kind of broken though.
@GnomeSlice and interest gone./
For now.
It works for some people and not for others.
The new IndieRoyale Bundle is super cool.
Q: How do the 'Corrode / Disintegrate Armor' spells work on creatures?

galacticninjaI was wondering if it's worth it to cast spells with the 'Corrode / Disintegrate Armor' magical effect on creatures. Do those spells have any effect on creatures which don't have armor? What about on creatures that apparently wear armor (e.g. goblins)?

Q: How to get the social hub working?

TurricanSince I started playing this game last week, I've never got a positive message for the social hub. It always says it's not available. I'm using the Steam version of the game. In the meantime I've created a Square Enix account and linked it with my steam account because I thought that this could ...

@5pike I'm not sure why, but alright, I'll flag your message...
@SaintWacko Oh you
So has anyone else here played the Minecraft Hexxit modpack?
@OrigamiRobot What made you so angry?
14 hours ago, by Tim Stone
stomps feet angrily
@SaintWacko You just got up. Are you playing again?
@5pike Nah, I'm at work now
@SaintWacko Ok
According to Steam I played Burnout Paradise for 7 hours last weekend
But I can't do much because I don't have a working VPN token, so I'll probably head home after lunch
@SaintWacko slept through three alarms and didn't have any clothes and had to wait to let people paint my door so I could make sure the cat didn't get out and AGH
@OrigamiRobot Oh, wow, that sucks
@PrivatePansy Isn't it great?
@PrivatePansy Why only 7 hours?
That is, me, a professional driver-in-training, playing a game that's all about wreaking and crashing cars during my free time
@SaintWacko I have to eat and sleep, you know!
@PrivatePansy This is more important!
That game is awesomely fun
@PrivatePansy No you don't.
Although Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition is by far the best street racing game I've ever played
@OrigamiRobot RAH!
@SaintWacko What does the "DUB" stand for?
@5pike please don't let it be dubstep
@OrigamiRobot I can see you
@KevinvanderVelden I doubt that.
@5pike Ah... I don't know...
@OrigamiRobot Go roll around on the street then?
@KevinvanderVelden This was before dubstep hit
@OrigamiRobot Wildstar will be monthly sub.
Did someone say dubstep
@GnomeSlice NO.
@GnomeSlice ...I want to watch that, but I'm at work
@OrigamiRobot Buy more alarm clocks, buy clothes
@SaintWacko seconded
@5pike It's from a partnership with DUB Magazine
@GnomeSlice I see your dubstep and reply with steampunk
@SaintWacko It doesn't move, it's just music.
@OrigamiRobot With the ability to buy gametime from other players over the in game auction house, a la EVE.
@SaintWacko Google to the rescue
@SaintWacko What does DUB Magazine concern itself with?
@KevinvanderVelden Steampunk is a genre of music now?
@fredley "Automotive Lifestyle Magazine"
So it would appear
> The term "DUB" is street slang for custom wheels 20" or larger in diameter and was popularized through hip hop music.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Also is this true or just anger fuel?
It is awesome though :)
@GnomeSlice Aww
@SaintWacko So cars with scantily clad women draped over them, at a guess?
@SaintWacko Fine, just a sec.
@OrigamiRobot Someone seems calmed down a little.
CC @SaintWacko
'Lifestyle' in the context of men's magazines == boobs
@fredley Little bit of that, it looks like
CC @SaintWacko
But no, it looks like it's mostly legitimate car stuff
@OrigamiRobot You stopped shouting for a second. Now it's all fake shouting.
@OrigamiRobot It is true.
@SaintWacko It's fun to go through these things and reverse the genders (both ways)
@GnomeSlice Did you just CC @saintwacko for his own message?
@Arperum No, for my two videos.
Spam filter made me wait.
@Arperum It is an amazing MC modpack. If you ever played the old Yogsbox modpack, it's essentially that, improved, and multiplayer
@KevinvanderVelden This is folk, by the way.
@SaintWacko I'm currently playing a modified FTB unhinged pack. We only just started out our server, so starting another pack might be a bit early.
@Arperum I used to play FTB, but it has a lot more focus on industrializing
Hexxit is focused on exploration and combat
@GnomeSlice I'd agree, but they label themselves as steampunk. And the music is usually folk (sometimes faster then regular folk) with steampunk subjects
@KevinvanderVelden I can label myself a lesbian if I want, but it won't make it true.
Hexxit is a lot like Terraria in Minecraft form
@GnomeSlice there's surgery for that
You're missing my point.
@SaintWacko That does sound intersting yes.
@SaintWacko I thought Minecraft was Terraria in Minecraft form.
@GnomeSlice sometimes you have to dodge a point to make a joke, and I'm completely agreeing with you you know :)
@SaintWacko 'Automotive & Lifestyle' => Cars + Boobs, 'Health & Lifestyle' => Fitness twattery + boobs, 'Tech & Lifestyle' => iPhones nestled in boobs.
@KevinvanderVelden buuuuuuuh
@GnomeSlice Nope. Minecraft is more focused on building, Terraria is more focused on exploration
There is overlap between the two games, but they focus on different areas
@fredley +1 for 'fitness twattery'
@SaintWacko When terraria 1.2 hits: mind playing a new world/character together?
@Arperum Oh god yes
I can't wait
@Arperum What does 1.2 add?
(Note: I haven't played since Molten armor was the best you could make)
@SaintWacko Also you've seen Star Made right?
@fbueckert Huge update. Bigger than the release update
@GnomeSlice very fun game
I can't wait til they update it more
@SaintWacko I should try it.
@fbueckert Oh, wow
You're missing a lot
@SaintWacko How about Sky Nations? The guys at IndieStatik really really liked it.
They added another super-boss, which, when you defeat it, changes the whole world into hard mode. New enemies, new ores, new items
@SaintWacko My gaming time is rather limited. It'll have to be rather major if I'm supposed to play it again.
Four new sets of armour
@fbueckert I'll ping you when 1.2 hits, and you can join a server with us
Terraria is way more fun in multiplayer
@GnomeSlice How is it different from MC?
@fredley airships, basically
@GnomeSlice cunning
I haven't played it, but it's apparently not 'just another minecraft clone'
I dunno if you are familiar with indiestatik, but they mentioned it in one of their articles about the problems multiplayer indies face
And they spoke super highly of it
@SaintWacko video
@GnomeSlice Yogsbox had an airship mod. That was fun. You used coal to fuel it, and could load it up with arrows to shoot at enemies
@SaintWacko I don't know what that is.
But it sounds neat I guess?
I haven't played MC in years.
I eventually replaced it by riding a Pegasus and shooting enemies with a longbow
@LessPop_MoreFizz THAT IS AWFUL
@fredley Sounds like an alright magazine
@SaintWacko Is there a preview for 1.2?
@GnomeSlice It was an older modpack released through the Technic launcher
@fbueckert The new update brings the total itemcount over 1337 (item 1337 was shown in a spoiler)
Because it will take something huge for me to load it up again.
@BenBrocka Which one?
KSP tends to fulfill my sandbox needs.
I think I pinged the wrong person with that before
Sorry @Arperum
@fbueckert Building rockets in Minecraft is more fun, mostly because it's not designed to make the building of rockets possible
@GnomeSlice jeah, but I clicked it anyway :)
@fbueckert The official forum contains a topic somewhere with a couple screens full of spoilers.
@OrigamiRobot I dunno, I am pretty okay with it, most f2p MMOs are pretty god damned shitty.
@SaintWacko That's only partly though.
@fredley KSP rockets are amusing because they tend to explode at random with no warning, and the game's meant to be used to build rockets.
@GnomeSlice Ah, yeah, that looks like fun, too
There are at least 5 bosses added since 1.1 (wich added 4 more then you ever saw @fbueckert)
@fbueckert Almost all Minecraft rockets explode...
@fbueckert This
@LessPop_MoreFizz I will not pay a subscription for a game.
@SaintWacko It has basically zero focus on exploration, it's all about team based objectives and shit
Sheep Space Program
I don't pay a subscription for anything.
@fredley I'm working on a rocket that's supposed to launch satellites "revolver-style".
@OrigamiRobot not even your internet?
I'm calling it, "The Strix"
@OrigamiRobot Do you not have internet access in your home?
CC @SaintWacko @fredley
There are so many mods involved, it's kinda scary.
@fbueckert I want to see that when it's done
@OrigamiRobot Also, box comes with first month free, and you can use ingame money to buy future months of service a la EVE online.
@KevinvanderVelden Decent rock I guess.
If you want to argue things like phone and rent and all that, go for it, but you know what I mean.
@OrigamiRobot Yes - but trolling is fun
@GnomeSlice jup, and it also calls itself steampunk music, which is why the term is completely useless as a genre of music ><
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't want to have to play a game to earn the right to play said game.
@KevinvanderVelden It's rock.
You can wear whatever you want, but it's still rock.
Note the "completely useless" bit =p
@OrigamiRobot Your loss. /shrug.
It's not even useless, it just isn't a thing.
@GnomeSlice every new genre wasn't a thing before enough people started calling themselves that and it became a thing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It is. I'm not trying to preach or anything, this game just wont fit how I want to play and/or pay for my games
@SaintWacko I can't figure out if I want to launch the satellites along the rocket's heading, or perpendicular. It's going to be fun to figure out the mechanics of it.
@GnomeSlice It's the same that Alestorm plays "pirate metal" and turisas plays "battle metal"
@Arperum Metal is full of crazy subgenres. Like viking doom metal and whalecore
@OrigamiRobot This is how almost any game works. What with levels and shizzle
So I'm trying to solve Project Euler problem no. 25: projecteuler.net/problem=25, and my first instinct was to try log10(Fn)
@LessPop_MoreFizz At least in EVE, that's very hard to do in one month.
The resulting graph is surprisingly linear, but I can't seem to figure out why
@GnomeSlice Never heard of whalecore. The viking part is mostly nonsense too.
@fredley No, you can continue to play the level until you beat it.
A genre used to describe Mastodon's 2004 concept album, Leviathan, which is based on the story of Moby Dick.

    Frustrated that they were unable to fit the album into existing genres, fans of the band coined the term to point out the inherent humor in dedicating a full-length metal album to the topic of a whale. The album can be most accurately described as a mix of heavy metal, metalcore, and progressive metal.
@Arperum It's pretty stupid.
Something is "viking metal" if they sing about vikings...
@OrigamiRobot Oh subscription games? Fuck them.
@Arperum Yeah, most of those crazy metal 'genres' are just a bunch of stoned guys picking funny names.
@GnomeSlice Naming a genre after this album is stupid.
It's a good album, but really. Come on.
@StrixVaria Yeah.
@GnomeSlice what the hell?
ever heard of AHAB?
@PrivatePansy I'm assuming writing some code to go through every single number in the sequence is cheating.
Ooo, Preschtale is free again!
@RonanForman Not cheating, just fairly tedious without a bignum library
@GnomeSlice Already expected this to break out into a song I know by Baroness, so I have high hopes for it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz If it wasn't published by NCSoft, I'd be interested in looking at it. But since they are, and they are officially the worst publisher ever, they'll never see my money again.
@StrixVaria I have actually never listened to AHAB, but I've heard about them from one of my crazy metal friends.
I used to listen to metal a lot.
@fbueckert Why do you hate NCSoft?
I mean, yes, I suppose you could count it as cheating
@PrivatePansy Why?
Also, how do you feel about Perfect World?
@fbueckert I thought EA was the worst publisher ever
@SaintWacko They murdered City of Heroes, and treated their fanbase like crap.
@fbueckert Ah, that
NCSoft is the worst MMO publisher ever. EA is the worst overall.
NCSoft is the EA of MMOs or something
I don't have any issues with EA
@RonanForman Because most language's int datatype overflows before you get anywhere near a 1000 digit long number, which means writing your own code to handle integers that big
@LessPop_MoreFizz Sad. I can't justify a monthly sub fee, because I know it won't hold my interest long enough.
I've really been enjoying Neverwinter lately
@SaintWacko Indeed. If they had actually respected their fanbase and given them a proper reason, rather than, "Nope, going down, bye!", I wouldn't hate them so much.
I had some trouble with their customer service about an iOS app one time because you had to fill out your carrier and shit and they only listed American ones, but I eventually figured out the problem on my own.
Jan 9 '11 at 17:28, by GnomeSlice
I liked the prequel trilogy...
@OrigamiRobot So?

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