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@Yawus Audio bugs? Never had any of those. It is absolutely worth completing though
Q: How to use adobe gaming sdk?

Andrey TsarevRecently I have downloaded Adobe Gaming SDK and I can't get it working.I have Adobe Flash and Adobe Flash Builder and I installed the Gaming SDK. Now when i try to use starling it gives me error: -the import starling could not be found And I cant use the starling. Any ideas guys ? I'm trying ...

@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh wow
Good morning, Bridge
Hi fbueckert
Good morning fbueckert!
@fbueckert You were right, Monster Hunter is great fun.
@GraceNote City Connection was the name of this game. Hah!
@5pike Told you. :P
Grace's talking to graceself, I'll get the tranqs
Got it on the Wii. Loads so much faster than compared to the psp.
But I'm hesitent to invest into a WiiU just to get my hands on it.
I'm surprised they insist on putting out monster hunter on portables mostly, with the graphics it seems it'd be best for home consoles
@5pike It's worth every penny.
Wii U isn't THAT bad. There's also Mighty Switch Force HD, Pikmin 3, soon to be Wonderful 101, Nintendoland is pretty fun
@BenBrocka Aside from the fact that only now did I remember the name, it was a not-so-subtle means to get folks to read up.
@fbueckert Mhhh... I do have the mony, but 350 € for game and console doesn't seem like a good deal
@GraceNote It's much more fun to assume you're crazy
I've got ~270 hours into it. That's something slightly over $1/hour.
@BenBrocka It's not contradictory to maintain that assumption. Especially if you take the alternate route.
Not including any other games I play for the Wii U.
I might get monster hunter 4.
3ds should go pretty cheap now.
On ebay or local classifieds.
I've found that the tiny screen and awkward layout detract from the enjoyment.
That's why I couldn't actually play Monster Hunter on PSP; the grip needed to control everything was...awkward.
@fbueckert awkward and your hands get a cramp
@fbueckert What other ones do you enjoy on the Wii U?
That said, if you're going to get MH3U on 3DS, you owe it to yourself to grab the Circle Pad Pro while you're at it.
Underwater fights are much better with the second analog stick.
@Sterno So far, absolutely none.
@fbueckert I plan to do that
But I wait till 4 is out
@fbueckert Ah, okay. That's why I was curious... I hadn't heard of any other good ones yet.
@Sterno Pikmin 3 is out, although I've decided not to get that.
@5pike 4 doesn't have underwater fights, so it will probably be superfluous.
@fbueckert Game already sounds so much better than 3.
@Sterno I understand Pikmin 3 is pretty good.
I'm looking forward to Wonderful 101, too. It looks delightfully crazy.
My daughter will soon be of an age where waving a controller around and seeing the screen react might be fun, so I could see that being a tipping point for me to get a Wii U if there were good games for it I'd enjoy. otherwise, she can settle for the Wii I currently have. :P
I'm excited for the new Smash Brothers and the 3d Mario platformer that are both not out yet.
@StrixVaria Yeah, that Super Mario 3D land looks pretty awesome.
@Sterno This sounds like a solid plan.
@StrixVaria Plesioth issues?
@GraceNote I've killed about 30 lagiacrus and still don't have all the plates I wanted.
Now it's moot since the armor wouldn't be good enough anyway, but I'm still bitter.
@GraceNote My least favorite monster. Ever.
@fbueckert Pikmin 3 is great, best in the series, though the others are still great
@fbueckert That one we fought the other day was neat. It was on land and had electric attacks.
Does the early-game armor do anything? Feels like it provides little to no benefit
@StrixVaria Oh, don't talk to me about Lagi Plates.
@StrixVaria ...Plesioth has electric attacks? Since when?
@fbueckert No, I was trying to describe a different monster we fought. I don't know why I replied to that message.
@StrixVaria Oh. Ivory Lagi.
@fbueckert Nope.
Yeah, that one's fun.
I think it was 1200 slain before my friend got a Plate? Over five months of hassling the same monster over and over? Something like that?
It was something else.
Baleful Gigginox?
Zinogre. Yes. That one is quite fun.
We've been killing Stygian Zinogres lately, to get @Wipqozn a part he needed.
@GraceNote In the time that we killed those 30, I got 1 and @Wipqozn got about 4.
Of course, @Wipqozn didn't need any.
That's how it always works.
@StrixVaria Desire Sensor, ho!
@fbueckert Nargacuga also looks like it would be a fun fight.
@StrixVaria I've fought SO many of those.
So, just checked the games that came out for WiiU - not interested in any of them. 3ds on the other hand....
except Monster Hunter...
Please don't hijack questions. You can ask a new question and link to this one as reference (if needed). — 5pike 5 mins ago
This causes crappy questions to be asked.
Mhh.... yeah. Any ideas to write that better?
@GraceNote reminds me of why I ragequit Disgaea 4. Stupid interrogations and pirates
@5pike Pokemon Gen 6 is going to suck away all my free time when I get it.
Because hijacking happens frequently
@BenBrocka The wonders of re-rolling that.
@StrixVaria Can't get into pokemon anymore.
@5pike If it's actually a new, decent question written as an answer, feel free to tell them to ask a new question.
@5pike Gen 6 looks amazing.
Full 3d battles.
@StrixVaria I don't care about looks
@StrixVaria Passerby cat?
If it's crap like this one, I'd recommend just using the automated review queues to just post the pre-generated comments.
@GraceNote Still takes ages. And I hate rerolling. Part of the fun of Disgaea is the feeling of constant progress. Leveling up nearly every attack, stats always going up...reloading saves feels like hell
@5pike I mean, the gameplay has only gotten better over the years too.
@BenBrocka But it is hell.
@GraceNote You have a point.
netherworld, technically
@StrixVaria That comes out right before my birthday. I'm making some heavy hints about what I want.
@fbueckert The automatic....what?
@BenBrocka I always liked the original tagline on localization, "The Netherworld has gone to Hell".
@fbueckert Same. Every time my fiancee asks me what I want I just straight up say "3ds and gen 6".
Q: Payday 2 - Unlocking the Sharpshooter Skill

DareThe "Unlocking the Sharpshooter" "ACE" improves all rifles, so does that means also the assault rifles?

Q: What is the range of ECM jammer in Payday 2?

SmilediverWhat is the range of ECM jammer in Payday 2? Let's say I put it in the middle of the jewelry store's shopping room in the Jewelry Store Heist mission, how far it will reach?

@5pike There's a review queue where you can generate some automatic comments. I believe it's...Low Quality?
I think gen 6 will be my first "full" game I buy on digital for the 3DS, so I always have it with me (and I don't have to swap carts; having ACNL always in the slot has majorly limited my desire to play other games)
@StrixVaria GameStick plz
@fbueckert How do I use that? Do I flag it?
Bear in mind, I am pretty new
@5pike I'm not sure if you need a certain amount of rep to use it, but you can get at it through gaming.stackexchange.com/review
It's on the top bar, next to your badges.
You should see a list of the queues.
Oh yeah, I see it now.
@StrixVaria I think I am to old for pokemon.
If that's even possible.
@5pike You're never too old for Pokemon.
@fbueckert I simply cannot get into it any more.
If you're too old for Pokemon, try new DIGIMON Darker and Edgier!
Tried it with black
@BenBrocka I actually like those, too.
It was fun for a while, but after a few gyms and badges, I lost interest.
I wasn't a big fan of the anime but the Digimon World game I got was actually really fun
To be fair, the newer Pokemon games really don't capture what was fun about Red, Blue, Gold, and Silver.
except for the grind of raising a new digimon once they un-super-mega-digivolved back into an egg or whatever the hell they do
My main complaint about games post gen 2 is that catching all pokemon is no longer feasible without visiting over a dozen physical space, time-limited events and 4 versions of the game, and the fact I know about EVs/IVs/personalitys
@FEichinger Oh, neat. I hadn't realized that was in the privilege list.
@fbueckert It wasn't until they changed the rep requirement.
Yeah, there's really cool new worlds, but they're focusing too much on a heartwarming message for kids, and it's not quite as simple anymore.
@BenBrocka Disregard EVs/IVs/personalities!
I do, the knowledge of their existence still bugs me though
@BenBrocka Someone beat the Elite 4 with a level 100 Magikarp.
as do the basically impossible to get pokemon
Also, they still haven't corrected some of the imbalance of increasing difficulty.
That shows you just how much you don't need to pay attention to that stuff.
@fbueckert Did they use Bounce on the ghost-types?
or did they Struggle them?
@ShotgunNinja I dunno.
The feeling I get with new Pokemon releases - Slap in more monsters, add another crazy organization and you are good to go.
It took craptons of items, but they did it.
I think they struggled them.
@fbueckert yeah you don't, but the knowledge that, in all likelyhood, there's something stupid that makes your pokemon not remotely optimal, is really annoying
I know that doesn't do it justice, because they fix other things, but that's just how it feels to me.
@BenBrocka OCD for the win!
@ShotgunNinja I kind of remember reading that they sruggled them.
Especially when it's out of your control, save for save & quitting a billion times until you get your perfect pokemon, for every single pokemon (or cheating, which the new games REALLY seem to encourage at this point)
But even in the newest games, they can't seem to get straight the balance issues between subsequent Gym leaders. Some parts they make too easy, so your Pokemon don't get stronger, then they throw an obnoxiously hard Gym leader in, and you have to grind weakass Pokemon to beat them.
I don't recall ever having to stop and grind deliberately in gen 4
@ShotgunNinja Grinding == Fun
The worst offender is the Elite Four. There's only so much you can do when the grinding area, Victory Road, is 10-15 levels below the Elite Four's Pokemon.
Don't you know Japanese developers?
@BenBrocka In Gen 4, this wasn't as bad. It's really bad in Gen 5 though.
@5pike I think that's just part of the Japanese mentality.
@ShotgunNinja It is.
Anything worth doing is worth working your ass off for.
@BenBrocka Don't get me started on the number of Chimchars I bred just to get an Adamant personality.
I had something in the order of three or four boxes full.
@fbueckert See I've never actually done that
@fbueckert I think that only proves that YOU have an Adamant personality...
It just bugs me to know that's even remotely part of the game to do anything "ideal"
@fbueckert If a game requires that much work, I would simply cheat.
@5pike And that's why Missingno was awesome.
@ShotgunNinja Hell yeah
@BenBrocka It got so bad, my friends got me a Chimchar stylus.
Annoying and amusing, all at the same time.
@BenBrocka At some point I figure this is as terrible a thing to concern one's self with as premature optimization in programming is.
@GraceNote It is, but the problem is I don't have to DO it for it to bug me. Just knowing it's there, and people do stuff with it, is bad enough

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