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Oh, that's gone now
It is a useless question.
Yeah, doesn't look like a good question, but I don't think too broad fits
...that's such an odd thing to have a code for.
@fbueckert The question has a very distinct goal and theoretically has a very distinct answer. It's a stupid question, sure, but there's nothing broad about it.
A: What are your thoughts on AR code requests?

SevenSidedDieThe biggest problem I see with AR and Gameshark codes is that there are billions of variations possible for each game, and much of the point of the devices was doing amateur programming by trial and error. I think that might make some questions about them "too localised" or "off topic", but I do...

Oh, wait, Wario's actually playable on the DS version, so I s'pose it's the kinda thing that probably exists in some fashion.
> The biggest problem I see with AR and Gameshark codes is that there are billions of variations possible for each game, and much of the point of the devices was doing amateur programming by trial and error.
Having billions of possibilities doesn't really seem like a problem if you only want 1
...under what circumstances, though?
Off topic?
@Sterno Aye t'this.
If it's even possible for that to work.
You're also pointing at an accepted answer that has less votes than the contradicting answer. Yay meta!
I mean, it's theoretically possible, however incredibly improbable it is to find it.
I've reworded the question to not automatically assume it needs an AR code to do so.
Besides, I don't see a "this is a bad question" close reason, which seems to be what the answer proposes closing it as
That should hopefully make it better.
If it's something one might have legitimate expectation that people would delve in to do, that'd be one thing (like your traditional garden variety of codes that most people divulge for invincibility and infinity and unlocks and the like). If the task is something that is entirely esoteric and left field, that is a sort of problem that goes more around what we wants to do (and, more relevantly, what we as a community can reasonably answer).
I, however, want lunch.
@GraceNote It's not too broad, it's in fact too narrow - it's a single unique case that takes tremendous effort to reproduce and/or solve.
@GraceNote I'm not sure I follow that last statement.
We want the esoteric and left field questions when it comes to memory editing?
Actually, now that I read that answer closer, it seems to be "Ignore the fact that it's an AR question. That has nothing to do with if it's closeworthy or not. Judge it on other merits."
Whereas I originally read that as "close them all!"
Q: Walwigi CODE Super Mario 64 DS

user237104I am looking for an action replay code to play as walwigi. It does not have to be perfect, as I know he is not in the game, but somthing to make a charecter look like walwigi. P.S. I am using Super Mario 64 DS version 1.1

Q: Is there a way to make Wario's face show up where Peach's is?

user237104I'm trying to change the icon on Peach's castle to be Wario instead of Peach. Is there a way I can do that?

Q: can't clone a map in minecraft

Laurbert515I have read the wikis and know the recipe for cloning maps (one piece of paper next to a map) but when I put them in their associated slots, there is nothing in the 'created' box for me to get. There is supposed to be 2xmaps in that slot so that when I click on it, I get my map and a duplicate. ...

Q: Walwigi CODE Super Mario 64 DS

user237104I am looking for an action replay code to play as walwigi. It does not have to be perfect, as I know he is not in the game, but somthing to make a charecter look like walwigi. P.S. I am using Super Mario 64 DS version 1.1

@fbueckert No.
Honestly I'm not sure I see the problem other than the fact there might be no answer.
Something that goes around what we do is very much not what we go int...
And that's something we deal with on a lot of questions.
@Sterno It's in the same area as lore not addressed in canon.
@Lazers See, that second question now kinda points at the more problematic kind of thing I was alluding to. We're not the right community to do custom hacking.
There needs to be a reasonable expectancy that what is being attempted is possible in game.
If it's off-topic because we simply don't think we're experts on it, I'm behind that.
I've re-worded both of them to be more like, "I want to do this. How can I do it?"
But just about any other reason we invent seems forced to me. This is the type of question which actually seems to fit the SE model just fine. Distinct question with (1 or more) distinct answer(s).
If custom hacking is outside of our scope, I'm on board with that.
We need another answer on that Meta post.
@GraceNote Ah, I misread your statement, then. It sounded like these were exactly the types of questions we wanted to keep.
@Sterno This is the direction that is preferable. I think that AR codes as a whole spectrum is not entirely something we need to concern ourselves about when the more relevant problem is probably something else (in this case, what the AR code is for).
And he rolled it back.
When you're essentially trying to rebuild a game to what you want it to be, rather than, say, unlocking something expected to be in the game, that's not too much what to be we are in the doing of.
@fbueckert I would've, too. The edits essentially changed the question to something different.
@GraceNote Really? It still made it possible to perhaps get what he wanted, without requiring an AR code to do it.
ShouldI get this tales of Xilla collector's edition?
@BenBrocka What's in it?
@BenBrocka What he/she/it said. :P
@GraceNote gamestop.com/ps3/games/tales-of-xillia-collectors-edition/… Millia figure (cool) soundtrack and artbook (cool but I'll probably look at them once) and the game
@fbueckert The second question explicitly states that Waluigi is not in the game and the intent is to basically hack his likeness into the game via AR code. Labelling this as "How do I play as Waluigi" is, to this community, not going to work because our answer is going to be "No".
and whatever "classic tales costume DLC" is. Hoping it has Symphonia stuff
@BenBrocka How big of an artbook?
100 pages
@GraceNote Technically, the whole point of AR codes is to hack the game to allow something that's not within the game.
I dunno about everyone else, but I'd prefer to not become a repository for AR codes. That's what gamefaqs is for. Or cheatcc.
@Fluttershy or codejunkies...
If there's no Wario icon in the assets provided for Super Mario 64, that, too, isn't something within the game. That's one of the main problems with AR code requests.
@fbueckert Right, but it's a very different realm to approach entirely changing the game versus, say, unlocking content without effort or messing easy variables.
Does Gamefaqs even have action replay codes? Not sure where the standard place to find/request action replay codes would be, but I'm fine with it not being here. Especially not "can you do impossible task with AR?!"
@fbueckert Correct. That's where I think we should be looking at.
@BenBrocka I was recently looking at Pocky & Rocky and they have AR codes for it, so, yes, they kinda have some measure of it. But again, they only handle the general things - unlocks, invincibility, limitless quantities, etc.
@GraceNote My expertise definitely doesn't run into game hacks. Text file manipulation is usually as far as I go.
@BenBrocka I have the "Limited" edition.
Is that the same thing?
Has anyone played Tales of Xillia? Is it better than ToS2 was? Because I didn't like that one and eventually quit
@BenBrocka Yes, and I dunno.
ToS was great of course, and the other Tales game I played was pretty good, but not good enough to continue playing after I lost my save file that was 20+ hours in
Haven't played Symphonia.
Symphonia was amazing and generally considered the best of the series, ToS2 felt....not good
I'm waiting for the HD remake.
I'll probably buy it too...I don't own a copy, I borrowed it, despite over 100 hours played. And now it costs crazy money to get a gamecube copy
@BenBrocka I own one.
Tried to request a forgotten password on Gamestop.com, I got the following alone on a page:
> {"result":false}
Guess I don't have an account after all
@fbueckert How did you not play it?!
@BenBrocka Can't find my Gamecube controller or memory card.
Oh. I was a stupid face and sold my gamecube and wired controller in college, probably for less than the controller now costs. Still have a Wii and wavebird though
It's probably in the same place as my first Classic Controller.
I have no idea where that stuff went.
> You can only get a PowerUp Rewardsâ„¢ card at a GameStop store, but you can reap the benefits whether you're in the store or online.
boo physical stores
Oh well not like I'll be buying much at Game Stop anyway
@fbueckert Have you used the classic pro controller? So much nicer
@BenBrocka It is, indeed.
I get where they were trying to go with the classic but....ehhhh not very comfortable
I use it exclusively for Monster Hunter.
The Wii U Pro controller is even better
@fbueckert I use it for all my Wii-only VC games now. Oddly lots of wiimote-but-not-motion-control games don't let you use the classic/pro controller so I have few actual wii games that let me use it
There's one thing about papers please I do not understand
@badp Hmm?
How can they create documents that expire before they are introduced
@badp Why, yes, I talked about that a couple of days ago.
The suspension of disbelief answer is: "They forged the documents, duh!"
But why would you forge an expired document?
The game logic just doesn't check for a minimum date (which, depending on the implementation, would require an additional check indeed.)
See also: forged €3 banknote
@badp Bought the forgery? I dunno.
@badp See? People do forge stupid stuff, that's enough for me.
Badp's Forge of Documents That Will Get You Stuck In A Foreign Country's Jail
Q: Using JA2 Stracciatella

vartecI'd like to have Jagged Alliance 2 Wildfire running native on Ubuntu 12.04. So far I've installed .deb package with JA2 Stracciatella. I've also got original JA2 Wildfire on GOG.com. Where do I go from there? What are the exact steps?

Q: How can I change my Khajiit character into a werewolf?

BrittanyOkay, my character on Skyrim is a Khajiit and IM not very far in the game....but i would like to know where i have to go in order to become a werewolf?

Q: Will skipping a quest prevent me from getting an achievement?

Doozer BlakeIn Knightmare Tower for iOS, you have the ability to skip/bypass a quest by paying gold coins. If I skip a quest by paying for it, will that not allow me to get the Conqueror achievement, which is described as Complete all quests?

Q: How can I craft weapons and masks?

3venticThere seems to be a crafting system in the game, but I can't find it. Where is it and how does it work?

doesn't sound like a hot sell
@badp On the flip side, it's fun to look up videos of people paying with $2 bills.
Since I forgot to post it:
Tales of Xillia Collector's Edition in stock at GameStop, $85 shipped using AUG15 and SAVER codes http://ow.ly/nT3ZD
@BenBrocka It's got an artbook and figurine.
The OST comes with the Limited Edition, and so does the costume code (I think).
@Ben when's your BoI steam? Tonight or tomorrow night?
I got a DLC code to punch in that I haven't gotten around to adding yet.
@badp thursday
@Ben when's your BoI steam? Tonight or tomorrow night?
34 secs ago, by Ben Brocka
@badp thursday
Someone hit @badp's reset switch
@fbueckert I know, just ordered it. Will put the figure with my prinnies and Disgaea figures I guess. A couple come with my Disgaea D2 set too
@Ben when's your BoI steam? Tonight or tomorrow night?
...I might try and make it at least to chat. I found a room with a computer born hidden in the ground floor of this hotel and I hope they don't they mind that I use it then.
@badp I can't make the blood green for your German censorship policies :(
except the ones that already bleed green anyway
thanks - for some reason I'm both timing out and sending messages, which is always fun
@badp Oh yeah it does that to me sometimes at work
I just hit F5 to see what's real and what isn't
@BenBrocka Now, now, BoI is uncensored in Germany.
Surprisingly enough
Really? Kinda surprised. I thought the religious/blasphemous stuff would be a no-no in addition to the gore
@badp Not really. German censoring is weird but it's not sweeping generalisations, at least.
I don't think religious themes are not a problem
... although your German registration does require you to state your religion - for taxes. Yes.
Isn't blasphemy still illegal there?
@BenBrocka No? I'm fairly certain it hasn't been for at least a century at this point.
<-- no idea
The restrictions usually only apply for advertising stuff, so you can't sell unrated games e.g. openly in a shop, but you can sell them upon request. Websites aren't censored in any way
@MadScientist This, too. BoI doesn't need a rating, because it doesn't hit brick-and-mortar retail. As such, no censoring anyway.
> In Germany, blasphemy is covered by Article 166 of the Strafgesetzbuch, the German criminal law. If a deed is capable of disturbing the public peace, blasphemy is actionable. The article reads as follows:
@mad so what was that about doom and the fifteen year anniversary?
@BenBrocka Why, yes, public peace. But that's a whole different story.
@badp Now you can sell it openly in a shop, before you could only sell it under the table
Blasphemy in itself isn't a problem.
@ben if you're playing a game in public you probably have the spezialencopyrightpolizeiofinternetiencriminalcasenfromhell to worry about rather
@badp We actually don't have an organisation that actively pursues games piracy, as far as I can tell. We have a couple that technically have that on their list, but they don't actually do anything.
@fei this is the part where I almost made an inappropriate joke
thankfully I stopped myself.
@badp :P
@RonanForman This is pretty fun. A little shallow, but maybe the release fixes that
Definitely something I'll pay $6 for
@Wipqozn Can't believe the olympic committee is still okay with using Russia
@badp Nazi jokes are usually not really well received in Germany ;-)
@BenBrocka they're looking at what to do
It's hard to switch locations this close to the games
@SaintWacko Their latest statement kinda sounds like they're totally cool with Russia and the policy: thinkprogress.org/sports/2013/08/12/2452621/…
@SaintWacko The worst is that the powers that be said at first that the laws against homosexuality would not apply to olympians and now they have said that they will....
@SaintWacko Surely they must have backups.
@BenBrocka What. The. Fuck.
@mad it wouldn't have involved that word directly of course
@Wipqozn woo Canada
(don't forget Italians were partners in mischief like Italians forget)
@badp One thing you mustn't forget is that Germany protects rights pretty much universally. Consumer rights just as much as author's (or, well, whoever holds them) rights.
@badp Well, can you blame the Italians for forgetting? No one agreed with Mussolini's policies. They ended up hanging him in the middle of the capitol.
or something like that.
That, of course, leads to a lot of intervention. But at the end of the day, I'd rather have this than questionably legal EULAs like the US.
Never mind, he was executed by gunfire in a small Italian village.
> Just then Mussolini opened his jacket and screamed, "Shoot me in the chest!" Audisio complied and shot him in the chest. Mussolini fell but did not die and was breathing heavily. Audisio went near and he shot one more bullet in his chest.
World in general, and Russia in particular, grow the fuck up
A quick showcase of how you shouldn't promote a game about cancer:
The Powerfully Moving That Dragon, Cancer Is Now A OUYA Exclusive http://bit.ly/17mD6om GET SOME.
That is all
@BenBrocka Oh dear headdesk
So ... OUYA wants me to GET SOME Cancer, eh?
"The powerfully moving" and "GET SOME" should never be in the same ad anyway, let alone the "get some cancer" connotation
The comma in the game title is awfully, awfully placed.
It's awkward but deliberate
I mean it makes the entire tweet look even worse.
There. Answer about custom code hacking added to AR question on Meta.
@FEichinger Oh yeah, the title case really screws it up
Especially without quotes over the title
Q: What determines the actual rate of fire?

XenoxMany cannons list 2 rates (or a range of rate) of fire in the specs. For example take this tier 10 German cannon: When installed on a tank the actual rate of fire is shown: What determines the actual rate of fire?

@FEichinger It's an exclusive!
Ouya exclusivity seems like a terrible idea, honestly
@BenBrocka It's very much backwards on the vision they presented in the funding campaign, too.
Ouya is probably paying them or something, but IMO Ouya can't survive on exclusives, it has to survive as "hey, it's PC/mobile indie games...but with a controller! And cheap!"
And yeah, exclusivity is very much NOT open
@BenBrocka And not, "Play all these classic games! On an emulator! For free!"
@RonanForman I am pretty interested. I guess now that I have a job I can justify buying games again too.
@BenBrocka GameStick > OUYA
Q: need help to install steam on ubuntu 13.04 (64 bit)

moonish maknojiamakmoonish@makmoonish-Satellite-L655D:~/Downloads$ sudo dpkg -i steam_latest.debSelecting previously unselected package steam-launcher. (Reading database ... 195097 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking steam-launcher (from steam_latest.deb) ... dpkg-deb (subprocess): cannot copy ...

@fbueckert Did you see the emulator that charges you for "cheat time"?
The potential for quality contributions seems low.
@BenBrocka I did not.
That's dirty and underhanded.
It's basically "hey, see all these features all these emulators give for free or a small one time fee? You can use those here, paying by the minute!"
A: In Ib, how do I prevent Mary from killing Garry?

TheOnetheycallAwesomeI can't seem to get the red ball of paint that was in the doll's stomach cuz i kicked it. What do I do? 3:

Job Get.
@GnomeSlice What kind?
@Ullallulloo The kind that gives me money.
I'm going to be a motion designer/animator
@GnomeSlice So, McDonald's?
@GnomeSlice That's a good kind.
@GnomeSlice Cool
It's a client project run through my college. The students working on the applied research thing are going back to school in a couple of weeks so I'm picking up the rest of it
starting tomorrow
@GnomeSlice Are you any good at animation?
Aug 7 at 18:43, by GnomeSlice
I'm going to get a bottom job like stocking shelves and that's going to end up being my career
It's only temporary
End of September it's gonna be done
Aw, doesn't one-box...
@OrigamiRobot still this
Aug 1 at 1:08, by GnomeSlice
I'm probably not going to be looking for a motion design career job for at least a year though
Hey somebody just subscribed to me on Youtube
@OrigamiRobot well it fell into my lap
One of my professors messaged me on Facebook and was like hey you want to do this thing
Ninja edit.
@BenBrocka On some level, I get where they're coming from. I still think it's rather underhanded, though.
@GnomeSlice That's cool.
Also one of the girls I'm working with is really cute
@fbueckert It's freemium evil applied to what's traditionally freely open
@ShotgunNinja Thanks.
They're exploiting (or trying to, and probably failing miserably) the Ouya customers, who are going to be primarily gamers.
@GnomeSlice Awesome. Is she taken?
Hah, dunno. Probably.
Who know better, and take a rather dim view of crap like this.
I should upload that one to newgrounds because the version I did upload got fucked up
good evening =)
@BenBrocka How goes Pikmin 3?
text got disaligned
or something
@BenBrocka GameStick
@Wipqozn Beat it, then got all fruit, still haven't finished it WITH all fruit yet
*Good afternoon (correction =X)

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