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@Wipqozn Or whatever agenda the media reporting it is pushing.
From what I've seen there is enough blame to go around on both sides.
IT's a tragic situation that never should, and the fault lies with both sides from what I've seen.
Ah, good old BBC, and their unbiased (mostly) reporting.
Zimmerman should have left it for the police, and the boy shouldn't have attacked zimmerman. I understand why he did, but I still don't think he should have.
Just like I understand why zimmerman followed the boy, but never should have.
@Wipqozn Did he really?
@Wipqozn Right, just because Zimmerman was in the wrong doesn't mean Martin was in the right.
I don't think the kid attacked him. Or maybe I missed that in the coverage somewhere.
@fbueckert That's the point of contention. Who started the actual fight.
@OrigamiRobot Yup. That's one of the biggest problems with people. They always want to blame just one person, and make the other to be faultless.
I'd say in the majority of situations no one person is to blame. Situations like this are usualyl a lot more complex than that.
@fbueckert oy vey
That terrifying moment when coffee doesn't wake you up not even a little ....
@Michel adrenal fatigue
@fbueckert Steam only lets you buy DLC you don't have the game to as a gift. And only if it's actually priced - free DLC can not be redeemed as a gift, as far as I remember.
@Michel Welcome to my life.
Caffiene, it does nothing.
@FEichinger I find that interesting. I'd think Steam would still sell it to you, regardless.
@WorldEngineer Do I know you and you change the name, or you are new? PS: Thanks ^_^
@fbueckert That was a curious situation with the BRINK DLC, which was free for early adopters, but not as a pre-order bonus. Which is why I remember. :P
@Michel I only fairly recently started hanging out in here much
@fbueckert I'm pretty sure I get sleepy after coffee... and I even took one week break from coffee to try "recovery" my system
@WorldEngineer "welcome" then =D
@fbueckert From what I read, Zimmerman actually lost sight of Martin. Martin had a clear chance of escaping, but he chose to go back and confront Zimmerman for following him. That's what caused the Stand Your Ground law to apply, I believe.
I'm @fbueckert Deputy =)
@Fluttershy Does confrontation equal attacking, though?
@Michel I'm one of Programmers' mods
@fbueckert That's where it becomes hazy. No one actually knows who hit first.
@WorldEngineer I love Programmers, but... I don't have good questions for they =( and SO is mean to me... so... I focus on arqade xD
@Michel SO is mean in general.
People think Programmers is mean
...they're often right
it's more that we're sick of being SO's dumping ground
Arqade is meab
@Fluttershy I believe Stand Your Ground is just "If you feel your life is in danger"
@WorldEngineer Programmers has a problem, though. And that's that it mostly looks - to the outside - like some weird twisted kind of SO.
Has anyone played Reus?
@WorldEngineer Understandably, though - you kinda get a lot of SO's rejected stuff
@Fluttershy I heard that as well, but I wasn't sure how accurate it was.
@Fluttershy In general, I'd rather let a probable murderer go than convict and jail probably innocents. It's not perfect, but that's what, "innocent until proven guilty" is all about.
@OrigamiRobot That's probably accurate.
@StrixVaria I just bought it.
@fbueckert Exactly.
@WorldEngineer Fact =X Programmers have amazing topics
@StrixVaria No, I want to get it though.
@StrixVaria I've played.
@FEichinger Programmers has many problems
99 of them in fact but you ain't 1
This is what's pissing me off so much about people. They keep acing with this "GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT" mentality.
But no, that's wrong.
@Wipqozn So unless they can prove without a reasonable doubt that he did it, he should walk.
@Fluttershy Any good?
Civilized courts use innocent until proven guilty for a very, very good reason. IT's better to let a guilty man go free than to lock up an innocent man.
i need some oranges in path of exile
My dad's refusing to by things for me online anymore, so I need to sort out my bank account before the deal ends.
accepting donations now
@StrixVaria It's not bad. Seems a bit shallow for a strategy game, but I haven't really played it that much.
@Jin gives citrus
@RonanForman Welcome to Manhood, enjoy your stay.
@fbueckert In my opinion, the fact that he followed Martin in the first place is what makes him guilty.
@WorldEngineer Banks are scary!
@RonanForman Dress in a suit, you'll fit in better and be less nervous.
@RonanForman No, they're evil.
@WorldEngineer That's actually pretty decent advice.
@WorldEngineer The stay ends when you die.
Or you hit senility.
@FEichinger Is that a personal thing or just generally evil?
@OrigamiRobot He was captain of his neighborhood's neighborhood watch. He was never explicitly told not to follow him, so he did what he thought was right.
Aaand rep cap. Wheeeeee.
@RonanForman They really are :( but sometimes you get lucky and get someone nice like I did when I opened my student stuff at CIBC
I need to reboot my brain... it's too slow ... T_T virus I think, or malwares ...
@fbueckert Or someone hits you in the junk with a shovel.
I'm inclined to agree that following was unnecessary, but I can see why he did it.
@RonanForman Generally evil.
@RonanForman I assume the UK has something like credit unions?
@RonanForman Just remember, they want your business. You have something they want; you.
Oh, nevermind, there is an accept in there. 3 rep away from rep cap!
They will try to sell you things
@Fluttershy 911 said "Are you following him", He said "Yes" and 911 said "You don't have to do that"
@WorldEngineer Ah right. It's technically a buildings society, so I don't have to worry about that.
Even if none of that took place, I still call getting out of your car to follow someone being confrontational.
Shopping advise .... ebay.ca/itm/…
Never brought anything from ebay, any tips
I don't think neighbored watch is intended to be for arresting and chasing down criminals yourselves. I think the purpose is to report suspicious activity to the proper authorities and allow them to handle it.
@Michel I love long coats like that. Flaring is so cool.
@Michel Amazon has similar
@Wipqozn This.
@WorldEngineer hmmm
@Wipqozn That's why it's called a "watch".
Not a "Go & Follow".
@WorldEngineer The meetings are on a different day and everything!
I don't understand the neighbourhood watch, if you're not a member do you not report crimes?
@WorldEngineer "Neighbourhood Go and Follow" makes for a very interesting name.
@RonanForman The idea is people take turns specifically looking out and patrolling the neighborhood.
@RonanForman Ego, dear. Ego.
@FEichinger Is it more interesting in German?
@WorldEngineer It's not really a thing in Germany, as far as I can tell.
@RonanForman Do people who aren't in book clubs not read books?
At least that's how I think it's supposed to work.
Which may or may not be because the police actually does their job here ... Kinda, sorta.
@FEichinger Translate into German, is the phrase more interesting?
@OrigamiRobot No, but a book club gets together to read books, so I assume the watch need someone else with them when they report a crime.
@WorldEngineer I don't think I can reasonably translate NhGaF into German, I'm afraid.
@RonanForman No, they just call it in. The patrolling is the difference.
@WorldEngineer you're really helpful =) thanks going to take a look there (amazon). I'm a whovian, but I love sherlock (I'm just not as sherlockian as I'm whovian... not enouth to be a wholockian).
@Michel The 8th Doctor had a similar coat I think
Q: Actual Effect of Taking a Blacksmithing Potion

theJollySinThere are three Blacksmithing potions in the Reckoning: Minor Blacksmith's Craft Greater Blacksmith's Craft Master Blacksmith's Craft And so far I have been using them in this way: swig a blacksmithing potion craft as many items as I can But do these potions make the items I craft better? I...

Q: Can I buy DLC for a game I don't have installed?

WhiskeyLets say I got a game in my Steam library but I don't have it installed. Can I still buy DLC for it, though? For example, I have Empire: Total War, but I don't have it installed. Now, I'd like to buy a unit pack since it's on sale as part of Steam Summer Sales. Considering I don't actually have...

Q: How to make a joystick axis completely undetectable in Windows 7?

CrazyEnzo03I have an old Saitek ST290 Pro USB joystick and I only have one problem: some games such as Jane's F-15 or F/A-18, will detect the stick's terrible, godawful throttle control, which is placed underneath my arm, and then, in a display of some developers' infinite genius, require me to use it witho...

@WorldEngineer Nachbarschafts Geh und Folge ... Something like that. At best. And that's still painful.
@WorldEngineer I little more steampunk stylish
@Michel Get a leather flying cap, a red scarf and some googles, preferably leather with green glass and brass rims.
@Michel Because pocketwatches are cool.
@WorldEngineer PotterHead detected?
@fbueckert Cool ... cool cool cool
@Michel hardly
Late 8th Doctor
@WorldEngineer I need to get the "old files" ....
@Michel What are you looking for? I can't follow you and @WorldEngineer's reply-hating conversations.
@OrigamiRobot we're not "hating" talk =) just small talk about clothes and fandoms
@Michel No, he means that you're not using replies (joking that you "hate" them) so he can't follow what you're talking about
4 mins ago, by Michel
@WorldEngineer you're really helpful =) thanks going to take a look there (amazon). I'm a whovian, but I love sherlock (I'm just not as sherlockian as I'm whovian... not enouth to be a wholockian).
I have no idea what that is in response to.
@OrigamiRobot Sloth
Your mom is a sloth.
@FAE Gotcha!
@OrigamiRobot /looks at pointy claws
@WorldEngineer No, no, no. You're doing it all wrong! You actually need to post a picture of a sloth.
uh, I suppose I wasn't supposed to make the robot the sheriff?
@badp It's Fallout. You can do whatever you want.
but the experience! and the loot! and the stuffs!
@FAE But I'm using replies, am not o.O ?
@Michel If you're looking for steampunk clothes, I actually enjoy finding random bits and putting together a costume. Usually it's just in my head, but still.
Sloths are cute.
I would've rolled back if the latest manual save wasn't two hours ago
@OrigamiRobot So are you.
@Wipqozn And as such, I never claimed I was cute!
Spiders are the real jerks.
You know what are the best pets? Treecats.
waits for someone to get the reference.
@OrigamiRobot I like long coats but is hard to find good ones for men. I imagine how hard should be for you (as a robot...)
@fbueckert something something google
@Michel Search for dusters
@Wipqozn That still doesn't get the reference.
@OrigamiRobot Wool please... I'm from brazil, but, South region... it's a little cold here this time of year.
@Michel Define cold.
@OrigamiRobot But, thanks for the name (Dusters).
@fbueckert something something david
@fbueckert Canadian Autumn
^ Bridge Coat
@Michel Canadian Autumn = ~10 C.
That's spring jacket weather.
@fbueckert I know... I study history, weather, language and all for my migration to Montreal... but ... that path blow up in a way that is better not to talk about...
That said, I have a kickass long coat for winter.
Super comfy.
@OrigamiRobot I have 1.87cm (i'll NOT convert -_- ) this is short for what I want =X
and change
3 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
user image
@WorldEngineer I'm falling for you <3
@Michel I am 5'9" and this coat comes down past my knees.
@Michel You probably don't want it dragging on the ground; it would get real dirty real fast.
@fbueckert Sherlock and 10th long-size-coat
@Michel At most, you probably want it down to mid-shin; less chance of stepping on it and tripping yourself.
@Michel These are 44" long
If you want longer than that, dusters are what you want.
@Michel You think coats are hard, try finding boots for men.
@OrigamiRobot Easy peasy.
@WorldEngineer Those are just regular boots.
@WorldEngineer Aside from the fact that I find them all hideous, that's actually quite a nice range.
ok. boss is driving me crazy again...
See you around ... soon =X

I kind hate Crystal Reports right now..
@Michel That's because they're awful!
Finally, actually rep capped.
Don't talk to me about awful until you've used Sharepoint.
Which leaves me with the magnificent rep count of 1666.
I hope nothing else good goes on sale for the rest of the Steam sale.
Today was a good day.
@fbueckert ok, you live in hell. I know that
@StrixVaria I wouldn't count on it. The final days tend to punch you in the guts for buying early.
My brain right now...
I used up a barter magazine to try and get better prices and now that I need it to unlock a dialogue choice it's not there
I guess I'll level up again elsewhere and get points in both that and explosives and come back later
@badp Never use magazines for secondary benefits. Bad idea. They're very useful for these particular "Dammit, just a couple points more." situations.
Getting better prices is a secondary benefit of bartering?
I thought it was the whole point
@badp Dialogue options > Better sales.
Missing dialogue options can block you out from particular parts of a quest. More caps just mean ... more caps. With the exception of some caps-based dialogue options, which are just annoying anyway.
> XP: 1079/1050
Aww. End of Nations went from MMORTS to MOBA.
Interest gone.
@fbueckert Oh, good. I wasn't crazy.
I could have sworn that wasn't originally MOBA
It was a good idea, I thought, but now they're jumping on the rest of the crap bandwagon.
@badp Played around with the console?
I killed a thing then looted something else in quick succession; heard the "level up" sound but didn't
now that there's more people about
3 hours ago, by FAE
People who have played Dishonored, should I get the DLC?
@FAE Which one?
I has extra KSP card; anybody wanna trade?
@FEichinger I dunno, any of it. I haven't played the base game yet and everything's on sale.
heh, of course I'd need 25 in both of those
@FAE Knife of Dunwall is really nice.
that said, I already have a ton of dynamite
@FAE Pre-order DLC in general just imbalances gameplay, so I'd say no to the Arsenal. And the trials are just side-stuff that's for challenge's sake.
If you're on a budget, stick with Knife of Dunwall.
@FEichinger Okay, thanks a bunch. :)
Any time.
Wasn't the first DLC really, really bad?
I might be thinking of another game though.
Q: Should I convince villagers to stay, or send them packing?

Ashley NunnI had a villager come up to me today and tell me that she was leaving in a few days. I can't stand the thought that Piecaken is not a good village for everyone, so I convinced her to stay. Now I find myself wondering - if villagers leave, is that a bad thing? Or is it like the real world, where ...

Q: Do Sigils of the Night stack?

BrianIf I put a Superior Sigil of the Night on both my main hand weapon and my offhand weapon, will they stack to +20% damage? The other two static damage bonus sigils, Sigil of Force and Sigil of Accuracy, do not stack. The Sigil page on the official wiki says that Static bonuses stack with them...

cc @AshleyNunn
@Wipqozn OMG <3
@badp Holy snap crackle and pop.
IT's about time! Excellent. Just excellent.
This is the best change they've ever made.
@badp Feb 14, wtf?
That is precisely why we need a proper changelog.
@AshleyNunn pusheen.com
@FEichinger this was just implemented, Feb 14th is the day it was proposed
"edited 1 hour ago" is what you're looking for
Undoing your close vote however is final
@badp I'm well aware. But the fact that a first workable concept was already up that early and hasn't been mentioned anywhere, is pretty ridiculous.
@FEichinger wah?
animuson is an SO moderator, not an employee
he just mocked up the UI
and the mock up was adopted
@badp Yeh, I just realized that.
animuson always keeps me confuzzled.
Your confuzzled is weird.
@badp Well, when he was not a mod, I always figured him for a mod. Now I always figure him for an employee.
That's consistent confuzzled.
Q: What happens to Completed Games list when a title is updated with new achievements?

Diego QueirozIn Xbox Home we can see all our achievements. There is also a screen called "Completed games" that shows all games that you have max. gamerscore, that is, got all achievements. So far, so good. So what happens when a completed game earn new achievements? It will be removed from the list of compl...

Q: Can I see cards for games I do not own?

David StarkeyI know I can go under my profile and click "Badges" and see all the cards for games I own as well as progress, etc. Is there a way that I can see the cards for the games I do not own? I know games with cards say so down by the Single-player, Steam Achievements, and other tags. I also know I co...

Q: Can't install purchased game

Janne HemiläBought a game, Atom Zombie Smasher, can't install it. I get: The following packages have unmet dependencies: atom-zombie-smasher: Depends: atom-zombie-smasher-bin (= 1.85-0ubuntu7) but it is a virtual package What to do? Running Ubuntu 13.04. Tried: sudo apt-get install atom-zombi...

Now I like Daft Punk. Look what you people did to me!
@jeffreylin_ made you more awesome?
DX:HR for $3 is insane value.
@fae I have not played either DLC, but I heard the one that is just challenges is lame, and the one where you play another assassin is good
@Sterno Ah okies, I picked up just the main DLC, which I think is the one you're talking about.
@FAE Yeh, it's what I told you earlier.
Just with less titles and more wordswordswords.
I still need to finish that game.
@Sterno I finished the game. I just never finished KoD.
Something else cool came out and I got distracted. Probably XCOM.
@Sterno Depending on where you are, you really oughta keep playing.
@RedRiderX Which means "pizza and LoL" is now considered a valid "vegetables and sports" doctor prescription.
I intend to. Gaming time is hard to come by right now though. I don't remember where exactly I am, other than there was like a big bridge that I had to move into place.
Just think about that for a second.
@FEichinger Its horrifying that this is true
Oh wow, PewDiePie is hosting a show with other people.
This is going to go well.
@AshleyNunn See, I'm all for more coverage and acceptance of games. But calling LoL a "sport" doesn't really get us any further.
And the US in particular is just ridiculous when it comes to this kind of stuff.
Q: Do you receive Trading Cards at set intervals?

avestar101When playing a Steam game that supports Trading Cards, you can receive a certain amount of trading cards which you can use to craft badges or sell on the Steam Market. Does Steam give away these cards randomly, or do they give it away at set intervals (Ex. every hour a new card is given)?

@FEichinger It makes it easier for pro players outside the US to get visas.
That's about it.
@RedRiderX Are you sure you want that? Just think about what it means if a single one of them pulls any sort of shenanigans.
The media would be all over it, the conservatives would be all over it.
@FEichinger Would it be worse than US players acting crazy?
@FEichinger Would they even pick that up?
@RedRiderX Yes. Now it could be called terrorism, because reasons.
@FEichinger I admit that I underestimate US Politics news coverage.
Well, think about it this way: Is the LoL community remotely sensible when it comes to politics ... or any sort of social interaction?
Particularly the "professionals"?
@FEichinger ?
I have no idea, actually.
Oh, wait.
Online multiplayer.
@RedRiderX That times 6.25.
@FEichinger Well it can't be as bad as the Brawler/Street Fighter community, right?
@RedRiderX Hmmm, it's close, at least.
@FEichinger Oh wow, really? Yikes.
It sounds like playing Cod with mics on.
@RedRiderX Well, see, in general any player can blame four other people on their own team for any failures.
Rather than looking at themselves.
So, they get vocal, they get worked up and they get nasty.
@FEichinger True that type of game can lead to a lot of blame built up.
I think there was a Extra Credits video on this.
And given that they tend to get acquitted for "minor offenses" by Riot, because they're big shots ... Well, it's not exactly a healthy environment, even though you gotta give Riot credit for trying.
@RedRiderX Yeh, a while back.
@FEichinger Yeah, it seems like there could be better moderation tools in those types of games.
Then again, a good moderation system is non-trivial.
There it is: Toxicity
And probably not their forte.
@FEichinger Yeah, that was a great one.
@RedRiderX The efforts are great, but sadly the roots can't really be dealt with. :/
@FEichinger Yeah, trying to engender cultural change in such a huge player base is also non-trivial.
@fbueckert Getting into orbit is... troublesome.
Building a ship which doesn't crash and burn is more troublesome. I've been sticking to the stock Kerbal X for now until I can manage to actually get into orbit a few times.
@Wipqozn The trick is to start turning at around ~40 km up.
I've gotten to orbit a couple times.. but then I can't get beyond that
actually getting an orbit which doesn't intersect the planet
Challenge #1: Establish a stable orbit.
@fbueckert With out reading anything else, You are talking about KSP aren't you? :)
@James Yup.
Q: How to beat Cerulean Gym 2 in Pokemon Tower Defense?

AlexSince there is only two spots for your Pokemon, and Kyogre uses the move sleep to get more health, is it even possible to beat this level? Or is their a strategy to beat it?

Q: What is the best island tree set up for beetle farming?

Roman AlexanderHow should I set up my island to best farm beetles? Should I move all my mango trees to the center of the island in a line?

Oh, so @Wipqozn is starting with KSP?

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