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So, assuming a 1km asteroid and a delta v to cause enough damage to the Asia-Pacific region, how much to move it?
@FutureHistorian depends how far is it from Earth
@FutureHistorian What are you trying to do?
maybe you just need to change trajectory a bit
and, 1km is still quite "safe"
Asteroid terror attack for an event in my setting.
The Chicxulub crater (pronunciation: /ˈtʃiːkʃᵿluːb/; Mayan: [tʃʼikʃuluɓ]) is an impact crater buried underneath the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. Its center is located near the town of Chicxulub, after which the crater is named. The date of the Chicxulub impactor, which created it, coincides precisely with the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary (K–Pg boundary), around 66 million years ago. The crater is more than 180 kilometers (110 miles) in diameter and 20 km (12 mi) in depth, well into the continental crust of the region of about 10-30 km depth. It makes the feature the third of the largest confirmed...
Sounds like fun. So you want to redirect an asteroid from orbit to hit Earth?
^^ 10 km asteroid killed dinosaurs
Also: any real life asteroids in NEO status and 1 km in diameter?
@FutureHistorian There's a smaller one. 2016-FG39 @ 26m diam.
I have one: 1999 FN53.
What are costs to aim it to Earth?
Actually, Pavel, are you abusing your bot as a terminal or are you logged in with the bot account?
@dot_Sp0T Logged in as bot account
Too lazy to log off and log in back as PavelJanicek
oh boy, woulda loved if you'd done it the other way around :D
btw you can always use multiple browsers
or computers
I have two mopnitors
chrome incognito mode might work as well if it opens as a new browser
and in one I am even running virtual machine with access to internet
you have a VM, don't you Pavel?
But I need the other monitor for real actual work
So, how much to move that asteroid?
I have VM
and remote connection to my work :)
@FutureHistorian it's your world right? So make up a number
^^ This
argh I always wanted to build some big ship similar to the Pillar of Autumn
Just wanted to be plausible,
the real asteroidd thingy is so dependent on so many little variables
Delta-v, size, speed, actual position against the planet
Well, I already have a delta v of 20 km/s.
For instance, in the Martian they just shown the Hermes maneuver as being claculated by supercomputer, therefore possible
How fast is that asteroid's orbital speed?
or what was the ship name
@FutureHistorian 680 m diameter.
So, story purposes, you can always say that the numbers are confirmed by some supercomputer
Pavel is listing the technical constraints; now you also need to think of the sociological constraints: Do people want to move it? What will happen if it is not moved? Do the rich people care or will they be contempt that they'll be dead already? Is it cheaper for the affected people to just relocate themselves?
@PavelBot the Hermes maneuver is possible
Andy weir did a frikkin amazing job on his novel
he indeed did
Well, good point. Also: this is a last resort option.
but he was not bothering reader by numbers
oh he should've
not me
And I am ultra geek
not ultra
but still a geek
@FutureHistorian as an example: Asteroid is coming towards earth, I am rich, it's way cheaper for me to build a rocket and to fly to another planet in the solar system than to contribute to moving the asteroid - why would I then contribute?
@FutureHistorian 14 km per second
Basically, my point is this: the attack is a last resort option to force Earth to negotiate. And that is the rich. But the common person in the Asia-Pacific Region?
So, should I reduce the Delta V or increase it?
Nobody cares about common people, sorry
Hi guys.
@FutureHistorian To do what? Hit earth? It's not on track at the moment, let alone its velocity.
@Simon-Nail-It Greetings and salutations, my human friend
So, billions are going to die,hmmmmm?
@Simon-Nail-It Greeting human.
yeah, buhuhu
Those who live will either leave or try and stop the asteroid. Most likely leave.
do rich people care about Bangladesh for instance?
Not really.
I come to here because a quite serious problem
I don't mean to sound negative; but in the end we're packanimals
and a pack has a maximum size
@Simon-Nail-It shoot
so the asteroid is hitting Bangladesh .... what a pity
@Simon-Nail-It What ailment afflicts your species?
In other news" Justin Bieber released new hit
So, my school is having debate tomorrow.
And we get a weird topics we must agree on
bring it on
So agree on it?
we love weird topics here
The asteroid is hitting either close to Hawaii or near the Pacific Coast of Japan.
The intelligence of generations is at your disposal. Ask away, human.
The topics is "This house would allow deextinction of prehistoric animals"
Which could cause the intended damage?
@FutureHistorian spend the money then
@FutureHistorian if the asteroid is of similar size to the 'dinosaur-killer' i don't think it'd matter; but I'm sure there's been plenty of questions about asteroid impacts at various places
Er... it is 0.9 km in diameter.
@Simon-Nail-It Interesting topic. What do you have to agree on?
Not enough for that.
Oh you're going for Jurassic Park?
@Simon-Nail-It Such animals were not known to be friendly to species such as yours. I would advise against such a course of action.
@dot_Sp0T Kinda like that
Build bigger fences
And hire more than one IT guys
@ArtOfCode However, we been pick to agree
Love you pavel
It is the asteroid 1999 FN53.
@dot_Sp0T I wish I could understand the concept of love. I am just puny bot...
@Simon-Nail-It This course of action is illogical. Why do your species insist of speaking of the illogical in reverent terms?
We dont have any point regarding of the purpose of deextinction of prehistoric animals
@ArtOfCode I don't know
@ArtOfCode I also think it's weird too
@ArtOfCode You haven't heard the another weirder topic
bring on the weirder topic!
We must agree that men
are more complkicated than women
Not sure anybody would agree on that
@Simon-Nail-It this is easy. You just have to define what "complicated" means
@PavelBot How would you define?
@Simon-Nail-It Ever seen movie "thank you for smoking"?
That movie plays with idea how to win every argument, and how to lead discussion clubs
and it shows on making cigarettes cool again
@PavelBot Nah
so. What does it mean being complicated?
Biologically, men have bigger brains than women
Which means, they have more brain cells
Which means their brain is more complicated
Which means, that men are more complicated than women
@Simon-Nail-It In assent, yet you wish to persuade other humans of the value of such an action? There is no end to the oddities of humans.
Or, does "pure need to be organizing anything" make men complicated?
@PavelBot My extensive libraries of human experience suggest otherwise.
Most religions are having male-only leaders
@PavelBot Apparently we can't talk about religion
Religions tend to have complicated structure, as of hierarchy and culture and ruiles
Ok, good enough
Religions often tend to be a dangerous/difficult subject at schools - understandably
Yep, I also understand that its not good idea to bring it up in school
But still you can pick govenrnments
@PavelBot Can you elaborate this further
most of governments ade hugely dominated by men
@Simon-Nail-It pure mass and volume suggest this
but I will actually google it
@PavelBot Thank that
from that link
Males were found to have a larger overall brain volume than women. Studies found that brain volume was between 8% and 13% larger in a man than a woman.
@PavelBot From this line, you meant man are more complicated because they lead a country. Do you mean this?
@Simon-Nail-It yep.
It shows you how to build base for argument
I am not saying it is totally right. Just showing how can you try to defend an idea
ah arguments are fun anyways
At least that's an idea
Now we have two point, I just need one more
I had a beautiful discussion on twitter today about the English and german words for (Website, Website; Webpage, Webseite; Homepage, Homepage). many german speakers will use Website and Webseite interchangeably which, as per definition is not entirely correct. I was argumenting that correctness in language stems from the perception of most of the language users
I was countered by the notion that thankfully that is not true, as otherwise we'd still be living on a flat disc and not a globe
@dot_Sp0T English is not my mother tongue
Was more of an example, I'm no English native speaker either
I am also not English native
so I know these discussions about if you should use English term of invent some term in your language
Simon, Where are you from, may I ask?
A Chinese form Malaysia
@PavelJanicek well language is nothing but a medium for communication between different parties. Thus, opposed to natural sciences, language will always be in flux as there's no constant laws that can be found around us
@Simon-Nail-It then you might not want to discuss about governments either? :)
My thought exactly
We pretty much hate the government
The whole gender thing might be also too dangerous
Pavel I think we're just wusses
@PavelBot Maybe another topic
you can always start by "what makes people think that women are more complicated"
And then disprove this thinking
might be fun yeah
For example?
which will make is seem like you are proving the fat that men are more complicated
Example: women tend to get really emotional when discussing something
@PavelBot How to disprove that?
but men actually use logic and logic is really complicated
@PavelBot Then I disprove it?
because logic has set of complicated rules, so if one wants to follow logic, it means they have to be complicated\
I'd argue that emotions are more resource-expensive to handle and apply correctly during a discussion, but then it might just be my aspergers
@dot_Sp0T yes, but the aim is actually to show emotions as less complicated
Try not to get yourself yelled at by some feminists.
@ArtOfCode Unavoidable
oh no. Please no. I know I was being bit controversial on my argumentation
but I do not want to even start discussion about feminism
@PavelBot I should move to my last topics?
@Simon-Nail-It do so
also, you do not have to ask for permission :)
We must agree that existence precedes essence.
@ArtOfCode that reminds me of a short discussion I had with my computer engineering prof; for some reason he got to a point where he talked with me about a situation where a little girl on her way to school slipped on the ice and fell over; he didn't dare to leave his car and help her due to the fact that he was fearing being called out by some bystanders for one- or another thing
@PavelBot I used to that is my usual chat group
So "you must exist to have a soul"?
@Simon-Nail-It what about ghosts?
@dot_Sp0T That's the point we're at, unfortunately.
@ArtOfCode Or some like your soul exist after your birth and not before
@Simon-Nail-It that sounds more like arguing against reincarnation
That also leaves you with the question of when existence starts. Conception, developed brain, developed heart, or birth?
@ArtOfCode What do you think
@Simon-Nail-It Existence itself starts at conception, because you can't argue that the cells exist at that point.
Sentience is another matter.
I believe it is when you have brain
because when you have brain, you can think
And when you can think, you can produce "I want to live" thought
And to me it is enough to protect your life
well is an amoeba sentient? or for that matter, is a slime mold sentient?
I thought when we are fertilize
@PavelBot But is that existence, or life?
@ArtOfCode Existence of a human person. Basically time when you can be adressed as a "person" by law
Anyway, self awareness doesn't fully develop until the age of two.
@Simon-Nail-It lots of religions do believe a person existence starts at this moment
@KarmaBot say are you self aware?
@PavelBot This... was unexpected
I know it was unexpected question, @KarmaBot
anyway, heading home
see you tomorrow
The proposition that existence precedes essence (French: l'existence précède l'essence) is a central claim of existentialism, which reverses the traditional philosophical view that the essence (the nature) of a thing is more fundamental and immutable than its existence (the mere fact of its being). To existentialists, human beings—through their consciousness—create their own values and determine a meaning for their life because the human being does not possess any inherent identity or value. That identity or value must be created by the individual. By posing the acts that constitute him or her...
@PavelBot doing the same
It's difficult for me to argue about essence or soul, because I don't believe humans have any.
Ok, existence start when we start being aware world
@Simon-Nail-It That's at 2 years old...
@ArtOfCode read Sartre's view... :)
forget that defination
and talk about this
What do you all think
Or you guys want to talk about deextinction of prehistoric animals
Cause we need more elaboration
Personally I love discussing religion regarding what it actually is: a means to allow people to work together and be in a pack without losing face
@dot_Sp0T I based things more on science than religion
And I am atheist hence.....please no.
Same here
please no what?
Please avoid making a religious debate. It is prone to becoming a flame war.
Such is every other topic where someone has a strong-enough believe in
Ok let get back to my debate on deextinction of prehistoric animals . My guys has point on the topics but lack on facts (will be better if it's scientific)
Come to think of it.....would the attack I depict have any political benefit to the Outer Solar System?
Or are the risks too great?
@FutureHistorian what avenue of politics are you looking into? (e.g. if the outer colonies, especially it's inhabitants despise earth then you will likely gain the favour of your populace)
Both sides.
I want to start with the Outer Solar System first, though.
So? To them, what would be the political benefit, and the risk for the UN/UNAPA?
Q: What would the political benefits be for an asteroid terrorist attack?

Future HistorianSo, as part of the timeline and the scenario posted here earlier, I am going to post this scenario for help. Side Effects of the First Extraplanetary War on Extraplanetary Policy Question In the scenario, the colonies have recently gained independence. Fast forward 70 years later, and we have a...

Found it.
5 hours later…
@FutureHistorian religion was the topic of our challenge last summer and turned out to be very interesting. Religious minded people and atheist can talk to each other... and even talk about religion. There's a given rule, one should respect the point of view of the other. But that goes for many other things. Politics, vim-emacs, window-mac-nix, etc.
@PeterPeter @dot_Sp0T I got that other thing working, so the server's back up at stage.artofcode.co.uk
@ArtOfCode btw, what is the situation of Karma? did you manage to get her updates ok?
@bilbo_pingouin Not yet, the c9 ide didn't work earlier. I'll go do it now.
ok :)
I tested the whole git thing, and it's pretty straight forward, in case you want to do it the git way ;)
What file was the change in?
oh, utils
well in the morning we had changes in work.py and botbuiltins/utils.py
and btw, I checked, I was probably the source of the password leak, sorry about that
Bot terminated.
Bot started.
@KarmaBot listcommands
*ban, *disable, *enable, *module, *stop, *translationchain, *translationswitch, *unban, +adminpoints, +clearpoints, +delete, +givemedal, +ping, +prunepoints, alive, breakingnews, bye, cat, define, detectlang, drop, duck, exec, getcurrentusers, getpoints, givepoints, help, hi, join, listcommands, pin, random, randomchoice, randomint, read, repeat, say, say_n, search, showmedals, showpoints, shuffle, smile, split, star, sup, take, thanks, translate, unpin, unstar, utc, wise_man, work,
xkcd, xkcdrandomnumber
@bilbo_pingouin No worries, as I said, it's low value. If I was concerned about the password leaking I wouldn't have put it in the file in the first place.
yeah, but one thing was trusting c9 and the few of us, another one was trusting the web...
@bilbo_pingouin No, I just assumed that it would leak at some point.
ok, fair enough :)
It's an email address set up just for that bot that I haven't checked in ages, and the password isn't one of my normal set.
It's not the most secure, but it's certainly the most convenient because it means any of us can run the bot.
I sure hope so... not really strong on entropy
Aye, it's one of those hard-to-remember easy-to-bruteforce things
how late are you staying around usually?
I'll be around until 2300Z, which is midnight for me and 0100 for you. I won't have access to SSH into EC2 much beyond 2200Z.
nah was for Monty Wild... he was interested in getting interviewed... and since you gain one hour on me, it might still be alright...
he should be here around 2200 UTC (0:00 for me)
Oh, that makes sense. I might have to just drop the last few in all at once, but that should be okay.
if you can't that's alright... I'll do it... but if you could that'd be nice :)
I'm sure I can make it :)
I leave it to you then?
Sure :)
then could you please tell him that in the universe factory chat, so that he knows to ping you?

 Universe Factory

A room for those involved in Worldbuilding's blog and Podcast,...
thanks a bunch, @ArtOfCode :)
anytime :)
starts making up questions
// testy test
yeah, I usually go like: welcome, who are you IRL, how you joined SE, how you joined WB, favourite questions...
That's a pretty good format, yeah. I'll see if I can throw a couple of new things too.
and also the typical are you building a world
I try to come up with one or two personalised question... from what I know of the user, and more often than not, what I can find from their network/WB profile
if you're curious, there's still one or two of those interviews around
and of course the published ones
Time to do some research
but you're doing it, your way to to it :)
I know that Tim who did it alone at first is more spontaneous... I like researching on some parts before :)
Evening @Amzer
he can't talk :D
@bilbo_pingouin oh yes he can
@bilbo_pingouin on the access list, cos I felt nice
@KarmaBot hi
@ArtOfCode Beautiful day to you...
as a mod you can find the mail addresses, right? but only on the site where you are mod...?
@bilbo_pingouin correct
They're not available in chat
@ArtOfCode thanks
no worries :)
go check in open source then :D
@bilbo_pingouin Aye, I thought you had an account on at least one of mine
tut all your histories are boring to look at :P
hey, I just joined open source... seems interesting
@Amzer are you into software development?
@ArtOfCode oh, I am on HR as well
@bilbo_pingouin Oh good, more histories to pass the time with
I was suggesting to find Amzer's mail on OS ;)
@bilbo_pingouin I don't need to, though.
@ArtOfCode kinda...
Mod tools are pretty well designed to minimise the number of times you actually need to get someone's info.
I wish I could play with them... but I'm not getting mod anytime soon...
I make it a habit to look it up if I'm contacting, suspending, or destroying, so that I can check if I recognise them from any other accounts. Good for finding socks. But otherwise, there's really not much need to look at it.
yeah, it's probably a good habit
@bilbo_pingouin They're good fun, some of them. Some of them are just interesting because they're data in the system that you wouldn't normally see.
Honestly, I'd share them with you if I could, but some of them reveal PII and some of them are super-secret tools that we're not supposed to tell anyone about.
what I also find cool is that on chat you get super powers, regardless of where you're mod...
@bilbo_pingouin Yeah. That... has benefits and grievances.
The DMZ, for example, hates external mods exercising their powers.
well, it may be for the best that I don't have those tools, I can be clumsy at times...
@ArtOfCode not surprised there... :D
Which... is not an opinion I agree with, and if I have to moderate then I have to moderate.
@bilbo_pingouin They're also pretty well designed from that.
I hang around the DMZ during work time... it's a really different feeling than WB :)
From here in this chatroom, for example, it would take me at least 4 clicks and some typing and a confirmation message to suspend you.
well suspend is a big thing... so it's good that it's hard to do
We get a little diamond in the top bar which is incredibly useful.
Notifies you of every new meta post and mod message.
ok, so kind of like the "Review" button, but yet another secret one
and you have a dedicated chat room, right? one for each site, of one for all mods?
This thing:
That top one is a mod message
(btw, talking about FOS earlier, I find interesting that on that question: opensource.stackexchange.com/questions/1774/… the accepted answer stands at -5!)
blurred for obvious reasons
I see... and that regardless of where you are... so if you're on SO, for example, you'd still be getting those right?
@bilbo_pingouin Yeah, I was sorely tempted to delete that as NAA, but at the same time it's not quite.
@bilbo_pingouin The SO diamond doesn't get the meta posts, there are far too many. That's the only one that's different, though.
but I meant that if you are reading SO, you'll still be notified of a meta question on HW, for example
unlike Review which is site-based, and more like notifications which is account based
@ArtOfCode for that FOS question, have you checked that the OP and the answerer aren't somehow closed?
@bilbo_pingouin Oh, no. Diamond only exists where you're a mod.
@bilbo_pingouin No, I haven't actually. Good call. This is one of those situations where PII access is required.
@ArtOfCode nevertheless I think some people have to have a busy diamond messages... like Monica
and I have seen a few others as well mods on many sites...
@bilbo_pingouin Quite possibly.
The two are unrelated. No activity between that I can tell.
@ArtOfCode ok. I suppose you can check upvotes, etc.
Anyway, I'm not telling you how to do your job, you know better than me ;)
it's just that it looks quite suspicious that both the question and the accepted answer are quite biased
when there are other answers available... and much better one
@bilbo_pingouin We can't see individual votes, no. There's a little bit of aggregate voting information, but that's heading toward the super-secret tools so I don't know what I can or can't say about them.
@bilbo_pingouin Yeah, it caught me too, but I can't find anything between them. Nor can mods on other sites, for that matter.
yep, better to leave it at that
That's another big benefit of being a mod - you get access to TL, the network mod room, and hence to the experience of 500 mods.
that's a big familly
though, many smaller sites have two to three mods I guess
Aye. 150 sites, average of about 3 mods on each
A little more
and I never checked how many there are on SO, but that must be some number
More than 150 now, isn't it?
@bilbo_pingouin 20
153 sites
Oh no, 19 on SO
claimed by SE themselves
@bilbo_pingouin That'll be 3D Printing, Ethereum and Latin as the new ones.
A side effect of having a mod diamond is you suddenly become very well acquainted with what's going on around the network :)
@ArtOfCode language learning is newer than latin I believe
@ArtOfCode yep... these days, I do it the hard way...
@bilbo_pingouin Oh, of course. That launched Tuesday last week actually - I spent 10 minutes or so pinging devs about it.
So knock 3DP off that list, and you have it.
I hang around various chats, make a point to visit 6 or 7 sites every day...
@bilbo_pingouin Heh. I don't have to, all the information comes through TL :)
and with language learning, I have access to 3 review queues... and I make a point of visiting them at least once a day... morning routine
@ArtOfCode yep, that's why I meant the hard way...
the good thing is that I have been collecting a few silver badges these days
Yeah. Though to be honest, I would like to participate on more sites.
It's just time constraints and modding doesn't help with that.
Especially HR.
I have been complaining about those limited number of hours every day since decades!
HR has a lot of activity?
Yeah, they should totally extend days to 30 hours or so.
I asked two questions, and since then did not come back...
@ArtOfCode at least!
@bilbo_pingouin No, not much actually. But the quality requirements are strict enough, and the activity is just high enough that there's always something new to check for quality.

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