« first day (9 days earlier)      last day (369 days later) » 

1. HDE 226868: 154 (162 up, -8 down)
2. Tim B: 145 (152 up, -7 down)
3. Monica Cellio: 141 (149 up, -8 down)
4. bowlturner: 94 (104 up, -10 down)
5. Serban Tanasa: 86 (90 up, -4 down)
6. Michael Kjörling: 73 (81 up, -8 down)
7. ArtOfCode: 67 (78 up, -11 down)
8. James: 53 (60 up, -7 down)
9. Monty Wild: 47 (54 up, -7 down)
10. Samuel: 36 (50 up, -14 down)
11. bilbo_pingouin: 33 (37 up, -4 down)
12. DaaaahWhoosh: 30 (35 up, -5 down)
13. JDługosz: 11 (18 up, -7 down)
14. Aify: 6 (16 up, -10 down)
I think the theory is right, people are downvoting Samual because he's at 10 and they want either bilbo or daaaah in
although having said that artofcode and bowlturner both have nearly as many down
That point may be right, but the theory that it is made by people behind might be less so
for sure
and on the other hand, Samuel already had many DV when he was 9th and Monty was way behind
it's most likely supporters rather than candidates
When the primary election is done, I intend (if no one does it before me) to make a plot to see the evolution of the scores, up and down votes...
But I don't understand why some people collect that many downvotes. And Samuel is clearly one of them.
Aify and Jim2B collected a few of those as well... if I could understand a somewhat strategic factor to downvote Samuel (for him to leave the top10), why are Aify, Jim2B, AoC and bowlturner collecting 10+ downvotes?
some people don't like them for some reason....hard to guess
well, I'm not sure people voting are actually counting to see who stands in place 10 and who is in 11 (or 12). I certainly wouldn't.
Quite a close race for the 10th place at the moment
In a way, yes... except that since some 10 hours or so, only DaaaahWoosh got an upvote from the 10th-12th candidates. Which, of course, makes it more tight.
We might see a rush in the last day
maybe... it was the case for the nominations... by the second day, essentially all candidates were there... except for 3 who came on the last day, IIRC.
1 hour later…
Regarding the upvotes and downvotes: In my case, casting a downvote meant "I do not want you to be a mod", nothing else. And upvote meant for me "You would make a good mod."
you know that you don't have to vote for every candidates, right?
TBH, I did not know it :) But I considered it as a primary: You in, you out. Real decission will begin for me when I have only 3 votes (I guess)
And, when I can cast say 27 votes, I usually enjoy my right to do so
because one pattern could be: upvote "I think you could be a good moderator", no vote "I don't think you'd be a good moderator" and downvote "I think you'd be a horrible mod"
@PavelJanicek fair enough ;-)
@PavelJanicek you know that the STV system is more than having 3 votes, right? I learned that in the last days, but you only have one vote
but that vote could be partly or fully transfered to your second choice if your first choice makes it to the election threshold, or gets eliminated. And the same for the third.
Ouch. I should educate myself about the elections :)
Can you post me a link to elections?
I am having my "stupid eyes" time and cannot find anything :)
give me a minute
ah, I thought you wanted to see other elections: elections.stackexchange.com
but if you wanted the page for ours, @overactor gave you the link... it is on the right side on our main page
I mean, the rules
like how many votes can I cast and what does it mean
yesterday, by AndreiROM
see also that discussion in chat starting from ^^^
ahh. I see
Will se how lazy I am going to be with regards understanding the system
@bilbo_pingouin Yeah, that was my pattern...although I didn't actually bother with any downvotes since no-one I would downvote was anywhere near the top 10
Q: How are moderator election votes counted, in plain English?

PopsThe election pages' sidebars state that Stack Exchange elections use the Meek STV vote-counting method: After m days, the final voting results will be freely downloadable from this page forever, and we will calculate the n winners using OpenSTV with the Meek STV method. How does that work? ...

Or how excited I am going to be to be able to cast three votes
Plain English. Thats something I could read even in my lazy time :)
The whole idea with STV is that you don't need to worry about it. Just pick the three people you most want to be moderator in order
Wow, so that is the system I am going to use
Because so far while I have some preferences, people in top 10 make good pack to be Mod
like anyone from them
yep, I'd be happy with anyone from the top 12 in fact
@PavelJanicek I think most of the candidates (being on place 11, I don't want to limit to the top 10 ;-)) would be reaonable moderators :)
@TimB same here, actually...
I do find it interesting how different stacks have different ways that mods do things.
A certain SE that a number of us use seems to be heating up.
@Mourdos Some of that has been discussed in this very venue before. We concluded that we, in WB.SE, are awsome... er, a happy familly. :-)
@Mourdos can you specify, I seem to be out of the loop
Some recent election has seen quite some drama. I don't know if Mourdos was referring to that one in particular though. But we discussed a few days ago, and concluded that here wasn't the best place to discuss what happened there.
TBH I am quite happy that this election is really drama-free
aren't we all?
On other hand, as retired internet troll, I sometimes feel that some drama and flamewar would be enjoyable :)
there have been some mudsliding on the way ;-)
Feb 3 at 19:17, by James
Anyone want to have a mud-slinging debate in chat? I can guarantee I will claim at least one of you has punched a baby, and that several others like to kick puppies.
mud-slinging and not sliding... sorry
I think it's funny that most of the top people have upvoted each other (or at least several have said they have and I see no reason to disbelieve them)
I've upvoted HDE and Monica and HDE said he'd upvoted me
I must say that it is one of the thing I totally love on this site: That common mindset of top users is "how to make site great" (or even greater than it is)
If it happened then obviously I'd be a bit sad not to be elected but I'd still be happy we had a good mod team, if that makes any sense
well regardless of the outcome, the mod team will be changed as Vincent did not re-apply, if that's what you meant
@PavelJanicek Meh, I've no time or patience for drama. Far more important things to be getting on with :)
@TimB Reason I retired from being internet troll. While some drama can be enjoyable, I do not really have a time to keep up the drama :+
( I just mention it, as you might not know... in chat you can edit your recently posted message. This can be done by pressing the up arrow on the writing box, or on the left side of a message with your mouse. )
Lets try (It worked). Ohh, this is nice. Thank you
1. HDE 226868: 154 (162 up, -8 down)
2. Tim B: 145 (152 up, -7 down)
3. Monica Cellio: 141 (149 up, -8 down)
4. bowlturner: 94 (104 up, -10 down)
5. Serban Tanasa: 86 (90 up, -4 down)
6. Michael Kjörling: 73 (81 up, -8 down)
7. ArtOfCode: 67 (78 up, -11 down)
8. James: 53 (60 up, -7 down)
9. Monty Wild: 47 (54 up, -7 down)
10. Samuel: 36 (50 up, -14 down)
11. bilbo_pingouin: 35 (38 up, -3 down)
12. DaaaahWhoosh: 30 (35 up, -5 down)
13. JDługosz: 11 (18 up, -7 down)
14. Aify: 6 (16 up, -10 down)
I'm catching up again....only 9 behind HDE now... I was 5 behind yesterday though so I think it's a lost cause
wow, Samuel and bilbo is only 1 vote in it
Another stupid question: Does winning primary mean something more than having a good feeling that you ended on first place?
no, only matters if top 10 or not
primary results are visible though so it may influence election voting
but hard to quantify that
@TimB apparently I had a downvoter changing their mind... and upvoting me instead.
That downvoter was me
oh? Well thank you :)
@PavelJanicek what changed your mind, if I might ask?
that 10th spot is actually a pretty close fight between Samuel, bilbo and daaaah
@overactor Is "personal feeling about the candidate" stupidd answer?
@PavelJanicek lucky me, then :-)
TBH, primary mean very little to me personally
Real voting will begin tomorrow for me
I think Monty is safe now so really it's just those 3 fighting it out, I don't think any other places are going to change unless Monica passes me
@PavelJanicek and you are right. I sincerely doubt that whoever takes the 10th spot gets elected. I know the system might work still that way, but I doubt it.
well, 11th has 0 chance, 10th has some chance
@TimB Well if some people are waiting for the last moment to vote, there might still be some significant changes, like you overpassing HDE. So it's hard to be certain.
In my own case I am only strongly radiating towards HDE
@PavelJanicek and he would/will make a great mod for WB :)
I have the same feeling
For me 3 spots to give are pretty hard. As there are more than that I would like to have as moderators...
Same here, I have about 4-5 candidates to vote on, all in top10
that's an interesting question... can a candidate vote for themselves in the main election?
I would say yes, but it is indeed interesting question
for the primary part, it isn't possible
Which makes sense, because you use standard Upvote and Downvote functions and it is not possible to upvote your own post
(Even when you know it is great post and it totally deserves an upvote)
well in a way, people always consider that you would alwlays avoid your own post... otherwise you wouldn't have written it.
Not in my case. Mine posts are so awesome that they deserve upvote even from me. And it is hard to get upvote from me :)
True, but not everyone has your standards ;-)
@bilbo_pingouin avoid = upvote?
indeed, sorry, can't edit it anymore
no problem
if it were, "always" would not be written as it is... no thinking about different sentence at the same time...
I once abscentmidedly typed the word cheese into a completely unrelated sentence
and actually hit send before I noticed
that was weird
@ArtOfCode Yes, I'm alive.
@ArtOfCode why can't we have the bot on our main chat?
@bilbo_pingouin we can, if you like.
well I think it's a more appropriate place to play with than here :)
I stuck it on here so I could give out genius medals :)
Lemme get it set up for main
yes in the final election candidates can vote and can vote for themselves but do not have to
I think I know who I'm voting for but it's a really tough choice
@TimB I think I have my first and second... but I'm doubting for my third... well unless I make it :)
yeah, I'm similar. I'd really like to have 4 choices not 3
4 choices would work for me
And it would be more fair because there are 4 posts open :)
yes, in that sense 4 votes would be choosing your complete team...
I'm sure I've had this debate somewhere else very recently...
yep, me too
1 hour later…
1. HDE 226868: 154 (162 up, -8 down)
2. Tim B: 145 (152 up, -7 down)
3. Monica Cellio: 141 (149 up, -8 down)
4. bowlturner: 94 (104 up, -10 down)
5. Serban Tanasa: 86 (90 up, -4 down)
6. Michael Kjörling: 73 (81 up, -8 down)
7. ArtOfCode: 67 (78 up, -11 down)
8. James: 53 (60 up, -7 down)
9. Monty Wild: 47 (54 up, -7 down)
10. bilbo_pingouin: 35 (38 up, -3 down)
11. Samuel: 33 (49 up, -16 down)
12. DaaaahWhoosh: 30 (35 up, -5 down)
13. JDługosz: 11 (18 up, -7 down)
14. Aify: 6 (16 up, -10 down)
@bilbo_pingouin overtook @Samuel
16 down, Samuel's still getting downvotes. I wonder why
It is remarkable
maybe people didn't like the archduke of moderation joke
seems like someone switched his vote on him
Could be. No way to know who if someone did
actually this lets us test the hypothesis
if bilbo starts racking up downvotes now
depending on whether it was bilbo supporters downvoting
that's true
but it's easy to see why some people might feel stronger about Samuel not making it than they do about bilbo
bilbo is less polarising
I'd bet
yep, votes make that clear
I still don't understand the hevay DV that some users have. Though, there, I think that someone wanted to have Samuel out of the top 10 :-/
well it wasn't one person it was 16 :p
I don't suppose anyone has multiple sockpuppets with 150+ rep
well he did have a few DV before he got to the 10th position
well I could probably make some pretty fast if I really wanted to, but no I doubt it
@TimB what I meant is that if someone did change an upvote into a downvote, that was probably due to the rank
could be. Take it as a compliment
you both have an upvote from me. If you're feeling bad about it I can downvote you instead :p
I'm feeling bad for Samuel that people are DVing him. I'm perfectly happy with people not DVing me :D
ahh, that pesky sympathy thing.
it's called empathy... ;-)
I've heard of that.
Samuel was behind you in day one, climbed ahead on day 2, now you ahead on day 3....what will day 4 bring? :)
I'm pretty sure Samuel was never behind me... oO well not until this very instant
you were 10th for a while weren't you?
it was Monty, who overpassed DaaaahWoosh, myself and Samuel
ahh no, it was monty
yeah my bad
I wonder if historical vote data is in sede...would be really interesting to see a time series line graph with a line for each candidate showing how many votes
like every hour or sometihng
it would... but thanks to Hoh' and others, we have regular pointing of the scores...
well, not really regular...you'd need to adjust for time. Excel would cope with that though
or maybe not, the new graphing in excel is rubbish
sure, we need to set the x-axis for time... but I think it will still be useful. Nevertheless, yes it would be nice to see how the voting went on SEDE
Q: Primary Election Statistics: Query

bilbo_pingouinThere is a moderator election on Worldbuilding right now, and we are in the primary part of the election. We were wondering whether it was possible to see the evolution of the votes as a function of time using a query like SEDE. Or are these data not available to users?

Nice :)
SEDE is only updated once weekly, right?
not too often, indeed... but we could wait until Sunday to see the stats...
hello, folks
@AndreiROM hello yourself :)
Should my js function maybe be posted there in case people every stumble upon that post during an election elsewhere?
@AndreiROM hiya
@overactor - couldn't hurt
nvm :)
Q: StackExchange Election: Primary counter

pokeI want to keep an eye on the votes of the ongoing election, but the unsortedness of the list during the primary election phase makes it hard to keep track of anything. So I wrote a quick script that goes through them all and puts a short overview list at the top, sorted by the current vote count....

yours is better :)
It does get the actual scores...
1. HDE 226868: 154 (162 up, -8 down)
2. Tim B: 145 (152 up, -7 down)
3. Monica Cellio: 141 (149 up, -8 down)
4. bowlturner: 94 (104 up, -10 down)
5. Serban Tanasa: 86 (90 up, -4 down)
6. Michael Kjörling: 73 (81 up, -8 down)
7. ArtOfCode: 67 (78 up, -11 down)
8. James: 53 (60 up, -7 down)
9. Monty Wild: 47 (54 up, -7 down)
10. bilbo_pingouin: 35 (38 up, -3 down)
11. Samuel: 33 (49 up, -16 down)
12. DaaaahWhoosh: 30 (35 up, -5 down)
13. JDługosz: 11 (18 up, -7 down)
14. Aify: 6 (16 up, -10 down)
speaking of, no change at 10. bilbo still in by the skin of his teeth
Q: 2015 Election Live Vote Monitor

Jason CUpdated for the November 2015 election! I wrote a live election activity monitor which you can use to see the current status and watch the votes live; it shows the cutoff line for the final phase as well. Image below is sample only, counts and ranks are outdated and do not reflect the current ...

also gets the current scores...
so, at the risk of sounding like a complete noob, how does one run the code to generate those results?
what web browser?
you need to open the javascript console and execute it on there while on the election page
press F12
@AndreiROM on the starred message on the right, there is a function made by @overactor
then select console in the pane that appears
thanks :)
It takes about 40 seconds because of ratelimiting though
yeah it needs to ask stack exchange hte score for each candidate and stack exchange will only let you ask 1 question every 2 seconds
40 seconds I can live with
just gave me the results
very nice, I'm impressed
i did a lot of back end development when I started in the field, and only started doing front end work over the past 8 months. I'm still not up to date with everything you can do with the dev tools in each browser, but I think i'm catching on pretty quickly
I think i'm gonna spend the next 20 minutes dissecting that function :-P
yeah, modern browsers have built in javascript debuggers and consoles to run arbitrary scripts
it's a lot of jquery...doesn't make it very readable unless you know how jquery works
thankfully, i do
i'm pretty comfortable with javascript and jquery
nice uses of reduce and suchlike as well
not an expert, but i can figure it out
that's why i enjoy reading new functions and other (more advanced) user's code .. learn a few new tricks
I'm competent in javascript but my main expertise is Java. I could have written that but it would have been less neat
yeah, it's a good way to learn
i've used microsoft technologies for the most part
even better is to try and modify it
i think Java is evil
deletes AndreiROM
i had a crazy prof teach us java back in college, ruined the language for me
goes looking for the destroy button
recently took a course on Java Server Faces, finally made my peace with it :P
Mods actually do have a destroy user button. It's very satisfying in a "DIE SPAMMER!" sort of way.
i actually lol'ed
@TimB jQuery does tend to do that, but it's not too difficult to learn if you need it
Yeah I know JQuery, the reduce stuff you did to generate the tables I'd not seen before in Javascript though. I could follow what it was doing but couldn't have written it like that (not knowing that functionality existed)
I would have added fat arrow functions had tehy been widely supported, but they're not (yet)
that would have made it a lot cleaner I think
@TimB how do you like Java 8?
I <3 it
Something I only noticed a few weeks ago, though I'm not sure if it has been around for a long time
not used the stream API as much as I'd like yet but it's really nice and really powerful from what I've seen
the lambda stuff alone is soooo good though
given a function signature
just under a year since Java 8 released I think
T someFunc<T>()
you can do
SomeType someVar = someFunc();
I've used Java 8 features mainly for school projects, where we use java to learn OOP and general programming
at work I only use java for android programming which is still stuck on 7 :(
yeah, that works. You also have the diamond operator which is handy for saving typing...that's java 7 as well
wait there were no templates in java up until 1 year ago?
there are no templates in Java...There's generics that does the same job and has been around for ages
some new syntactical sugar was added recently
It's so, not very java-like
I don't have to write the same type 3 times!
because what you described with your T someFunc... are templates (in C++ terms). And they've been around for a good while. So I was puzzled.
@overactor RPG.SE
@Mourdos I lokked it up by now, wasn't it sci-fi?
Hmm, I did put the generic parameter at the wrong spot, that wasn't valid java
@bilbo_pingouin Yep, I'm familiar with C++ templates. Generics is the Java equivalent (although it works differently since templates actually create a new version of the class for the type while java uses the same class). They solve the same problem though.
generics only working with reference types is a major pain though
I'm referring to the meta situation, not elections
Is meta on rpg that bad at the moment?
That in combination with nominal typing annoys me
I've leave it for you to judge
what's wrong with RPG meta?
in what world is ToDoubleBiFunction<Type1, Type2> in any way preferable over (Type1, Type2) -> Double
@Mourdos I'll have a look
Hi all!
For a second there I thought I'd landed in the SO chat
salut, serban
1. HDE 226868: 154 (162 up, -8 down)
2. Tim B: 146 (153 up, -7 down)
3. Monica Cellio: 142 (150 up, -8 down)
4. bowlturner: 94 (104 up, -10 down)
5. Serban Tanasa: 86 (90 up, -4 down)
6. Michael Kjörling: 74 (82 up, -8 down)
7. ArtOfCode: 68 (79 up, -11 down)
8. James: 53 (60 up, -7 down)
9. Monty Wild: 47 (54 up, -7 down)
10. bilbo_pingouin: 35 (38 up, -3 down)
11. Samuel: 33 (49 up, -16 down)
12. DaaaahWhoosh: 30 (35 up, -5 down)
13. JDługosz: 11 (18 up, -7 down)
14. Aify: 6 (16 up, -10 down)
bilbo still holding to that 2 vote lead
@SerbanTanasa you look comfortable in that 5th spot, have done for a while
@TimB, I would be even more comfy in the 4th spot
dunno. you're definitely in the running...safely through the primaries at least
Yeah, the main election will be a different beast. I dunno how many if any of the votes i got would be a first or even second vote for me
so many strong candidates makes it really hard to guess
I've decided I don't want a 4th choice, picking the first 3 is already hard enough
Tell me about it
well, at least the community only stands to gain
very true
with so many strong candidates it's guaranteed that the whomever wins will be a solid mod
I know it's been said several times but any 4 out of the top 10 would in theory be a good moderating team... of course it's impossible to know how it will work out until we see it but on screen they look solid.
This community is pretty friendly and cooperative, so to repeat yeah I agree any four of the ten should do fine.
Oh weak, someone either changed an upvote to a downvote or removed an upvote and I got another downvote.
Oh well, I suppose, internet points and all that.
@Samuel you still have about 24-25 hours to recover don't you? Still might make it, but not looking good
@bowlturner Well, it's not as if I'll hold a rally on the campaign trail :)
I'll do an update, give me a few seconds
About 40? ;)
1. HDE 226868: 154 (162 up, -8 down)
2. Tim B: 146 (153 up, -7 down)
3. Monica Cellio: 142 (150 up, -8 down)
4. bowlturner: 94 (104 up, -10 down)
5. Serban Tanasa: 86 (90 up, -4 down)
6. Michael Kjörling: 74 (82 up, -8 down)
7. ArtOfCode: 68 (79 up, -11 down)
8. James: 53 (60 up, -7 down)
9. Monty Wild: 47 (54 up, -7 down)
10. bilbo_pingouin: 35 (38 up, -3 down)
11. Samuel: 33 (49 up, -16 down)
12. DaaaahWhoosh: 30 (35 up, -5 down)
13. JDługosz: 11 (18 up, -7 down)
14. Aify: 6 (16 up, -10 down)
No change
votes seem to have slowed down a lot
numbers haven't changed much all day
I don't think they've changed much since last evening.
I suppose I'll stop withholding my vote from @bilbo_pingouin now...
your call :)
I think he means he's pulling out the downvote to snip ! ;)
You could update and see :)
I wonder what happens if you are dead even
it probably resolves using rep
or downvotes as a tie breaker
Yeah, not worth trying in that case.
1. HDE 226868: 154 (162 up, -8 down)
2. Tim B: 146 (153 up, -7 down)
3. Monica Cellio: 142 (150 up, -8 down)
4. bowlturner: 94 (104 up, -10 down)
5. Serban Tanasa: 86 (90 up, -4 down)
6. Michael Kjörling: 74 (82 up, -8 down)
7. ArtOfCode: 68 (79 up, -11 down)
8. James: 53 (60 up, -7 down)
9. Monty Wild: 47 (54 up, -7 down)
10. bilbo_pingouin: 36 (39 up, -3 down)
11. Samuel: 33 (49 up, -16 down)
12. DaaaahWhoosh: 31 (36 up, -5 down)
13. JDługosz: 11 (18 up, -7 down)
14. Aify: 6 (16 up, -10 down)
Or upvotes ;)
you upvoted bilbo, very magnanimous of you :)
I loosed my vote on @DaaaahWhoosh too.
Well If I'm going to loose, I'm going to do it with some magnanimity.
Also votes are secret. It appears that my vote was up, I'll not confirm that.
tie breakers are resolved through reputation
and that's very noble of you to loose your upvotes :-) but note that it is possible that some voters wait for the last hours, so do not lose hope just yet... and if you do remove your upvote, I'll understand :-)
for the nominations, most were done within the first 24 hours... an the last ones on the last day
@bilbo_pingouin Naw, I'm realizing how polarizing I apparently am here. Whatever the reason, it would make me a bad choice for mod. If I can't get the benefit of the doubt for mod actions it's not going to be a good time for anyone.
as you wish, I feel like I should mention that it might not be so dramatic, but could be some not well received Q&A or presentation text...
I cast upvotes for people I think would be good mods and (a couple) downvotes for people who I think wouldn't be this time (no matter how awesome you might be, three weeks is too new). And there are a bunch in the middle I haven't voted on yet, though as I read questionnaires I'm able to add some upvotes there.
Oh sorry, didn't mean to jump into the middle of your conversation. Was reading the transcript and missed the latest.
2 hours later…
1. HDE 226868: 154 (162 up, -8 down)
2. Tim B: 146 (153 up, -7 down)
3. Monica Cellio: 142 (150 up, -8 down)
4. bowlturner: 94 (104 up, -10 down)
5. Serban Tanasa: 86 (91 up, -5 down)
6. Michael Kjörling: 74 (82 up, -8 down)
7. ArtOfCode: 68 (79 up, -11 down)
8. James: 53 (60 up, -7 down)
9. Monty Wild: 47 (54 up, -7 down)
10. bilbo_pingouin: 36 (39 up, -3 down)
11. Samuel: 35 (50 up, -15 down)
12. DaaaahWhoosh: 31 (36 up, -5 down)
13. JDługosz: 11 (18 up, -7 down)
14. Aify: 7 (17 up, -10 down)
not much has changed
@Samuel you're going up, one downvote converted in upvote :)
1 hour later…
1. HDE 226868: 155 (163 up, -8 down) +1
2. Tim B: 147 (154 up, -7 down) +2
3. Monica Cellio: 143 (151 up, -8 down) +2
4. bowlturner: 95 (105 up, -10 down) +1
5. Serban Tanasa: 87 (92 up, -5 down) +1
6. Michael Kjörling: 74 (82 up, -8 down) +1
7. ArtOfCode: 69 (80 up, -11 down) +2
8. James: 53 (60 up, -7 down) No change
9. Monty Wild: 47 (54 up, -7 down) No change
10. bilbo_pingouin: 37 (40 up, -3 down) +4
11. Samuel: 34 (50 up, -16 down) -2 (2 downvotes added)
12. DaaaahWhoosh: 32 (37 up, -5 down) +2
Votes since this morning
largest change is bilbo's +4, most people only 1 or 2 votes in either direction
I think someone is messing with @Samuel. Switched their vote back
Congrats to @bilbo_pingouin in being the least unpopular, with the lowest number of downvotes.
thanks... but last time that was mentioned I got a downvote within minutes ;)
well you'd still have the lowest!
ah Serban got another one...?
looks like I won't break 100 :(
I wanted a 'gold'
there's still a day to go
22 hours isn't it?
well, there is a chance a last rush. But I think I've had one vote in the last 24-36 hours.
I'm pretty sure that some people are waiting for the last minute to vote... but I have no idea how many ^^"
seems a strange thing to do but it's possible :)
Has everyone submitted their answers to the candidate Q+A? That would be a valid reason to wait.
if a candidate hasn't submitted their answers by now I doubt people are going to read them if they do so at this point
JD, Jim2B and Anders are still missing
but I don't know if the current scores motivates them though...
one idea to wait until the end, would be to do some strategic voting. At the end, you know how things stands. You can modify slightly some tendencies... like for the 10th place. One user can make a difference of 2 in either direction, for example
Well I'm getting close to my Refiner badge, it would give me one more 'point' but I don't think I'll make it before the election closes...
it might make some difference if you were to have it before the main election. For the primary, I don't think it's going to change your position now
no, I meant for the main election
I'd think that the best place for last-minute voting for the primary is right around the #10 spot. Anyone higher than 8 is going to move on, lower than 12 isn't going to make it
what I'm saying is that people should vote for me :)
@DaaaahWhoosh - that was hilarious :-D

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