Well I noticed that I'm the newest member to this site who nominated myself for this election I think less than an hour ago. I have 0 badges but I feel I have given a good reason to get elected so I hope to get elected despite the lack of badges. The main type of thing I do as a moderator is vote to reopen questions including in some cases my own questions although I have voted to close questions before.
Anyone want to have a mud-slinging debate in chat? I can guarantee I will claim at least one of you has punched a baby, and that several others like to kick puppies.
I did not check, and have no interest to do it, but I'm pretty sure the most famous ads of the superbowl have more views on youtube than any action from the game
@James Eh, maybe, I don't exactly have a large body of experiential evidence. I will say that I enjoy college-level more than professional, after a certain point interesting things don't happen as often
In all seriousness, I never watched an American Football game... at least not more than 15 minutes... but I don't understand it well enough to enjoy it.
@ArtOfCode if you look around the (lone) tag on that question, you'll find lots more from past years. Some of it won't make sense without Jewish context, but some should.
We did an actual print run for the latest (Days of Awe, for the high holy days this past fall). We didn't sell them; we distributed them in synagogues and schools and stuff wherever we had users who wanted to help. The others are digital-only, though individual users have printed out and circulated them. I've sent people home from my Passover seders with copies of one of them, and several of us use the Purim one in gift baskets.
Purim is our "distribute sweets and stuff to all your friends" holiday.
@ArtOfCode I've loaded a bunch of data into my cluster (thanks again for the scripting help!) and then found out how scrawny my VMs are -- ran out of disk space. :-( So I'm using a dozen or so sites as a way to develop some cross-site queries (background task, so slow), but I'm hoping to abscond with a spare laptop, plug a terabyte drive into it, and set up a new instance where I can load all the things.
@ArtOfCode it's really cool to see what a community can pull off when folks want to. Isaac pretty much led this project and did a great job of managing all the bits (especially all the extra bits that come with physical distribution).
And hey, while we're on the general topic, as a note for everyone - we're developing a bot that we hope to use to help run a Twitter account, should we set one up. I'll be posting on meta again soon about that account, and might mention it.
@MonicaCellio I've always wanted to do a big community project like that, but none of my communities really provide the opportunity...
Like Anime SE did a RL meetup for an anime convention, which is pretty cool. Code Review did Secret Santa.
@MonicaCellio True that.
@MonicaCellio We're aiming for something that can sit in our main chat that people can use to suggest questions for tweeting. With requirements for the question (score, views, hotness, close votes, etc) and scheduling, obviously.
@TimB that's an interesting question. If you made a pure AI -- if it was machine all the way down rather than an uploaded person, I mean -- then it would have to convert but it's not clear it could. (I think we have a question about aliens converting, actually.)
Now if an actual person is uploaded into a machine, there's a case to be made that he's still the same person and thus bound by Jewish law. We can violate Shabbat to save a life, so he doesn't have to unplug if that'd wipe him, but I don't know what else he could or couldn't do on Shabbat as (or inside of) a machine. OTOH, a machine that's fully part of you, like a pacemaker, is just part of you, so maybe the containing machine counts like that.
I understand that Jewish astronauts have been advised to observe Shabbat by Cape Canaveral time, by analogy with traveling to a place that doesn't have daily sunrise/sunset where some rule you use the last place you were that did. But this seems to describe a temporary journey, such as a shuttle...