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Well I noticed that I'm the newest member to this site who nominated myself for this election I think less than an hour ago. I have 0 badges but I feel I have given a good reason to get elected so I hope to get elected despite the lack of badges. The main type of thing I do as a moderator is vote to reopen questions including in some cases my own questions although I have voted to close questions before.
4 hours later…
@HDE226868 Honestly there's a bunch of concepts in there I'm not familiar with and I've not had time to read it in detail.
Hi @AndersGustafson Good luck with the election. You're up against really strong competition but fair play for putting your name forwards :)
7 hours later…
Let the counter attack ads begin.
Oh by the way my self nominations claims the other contenders are bad people.
@James "The other candidates cannot speel." ??
@bowlturner ok thats funny right there...
.... /shame
wow...total rep is pretty heavy on impacting your total score
yep half of your possible points
2 hours later…
I think @Aify is trying to bait me into making inappropriate jokes to take me out of the running.
@James Clicky-link?
Anyone want to have a mud-slinging debate in chat? I can guarantee I will claim at least one of you has punched a baby, and that several others like to kick puppies.
wo-ho, we're up to 15
do even main stack exchange elections get this many candidates?
@James That baby was shouting racial slurs, and I bet I know who taught him how...
@SerbanTanasa I was trying to recall how many there were last time but I didn't pay that close of attention...I would guess they have at least as many
stack overflow gets >30
I don't think many other sites get over 10 though
SO has significantly more mod slots, when it comes to mods/slots we are probably close to if not the top of the list.
I think the ratio of candidates to slots is pretty high
sci-fi got 11 candidates
for 2 slots
@James I could sling the mud in your history >:)
if there was any :(
well, I've just posted my nomination, and I've got a rake full of muck and a sling full of mud for anyone who dares oppose me.
Damnit why is everyone so well-behaved around here? I can't find any mud to sling.
That's never stopped real politicians.
I'm a mod not a politician, have mercy on me
@ArtOfCode I am guessing at least one person smells like cheese.
@James Honestly, don't give us all the ammo on you.
@ArtOfCode Bring it cody mc coderson
I mean I'm pretty sure @DaaaahWhoosh argued with the unicorns. Twice.
@ArtOfCode And I'd do it again, those unicorns get away with way too much these days
they practically have a monopoly on rainbows
But... but... you called Lady Stackicorn a poo-face!
@DaaaahWhoosh I am working on getting a leprechaun strike going. They are tired of all these unicorn scabs.
@ArtOfCode That comment was taken completely out of context!
@DaaaahWhoosh She still wants to get even on that one.
@ArtOfCode once slapped a muppet.
She left a mod flag for us. "DaaaahWhoosh is a smelly bum!"
@James He was pretty stupid, yeah.
@ArtOfCode I just thought of so many retorts, but then I realized you were baiting me
so no comment
Well played, sir.
@MonicaCellio ermagerd mod data
@MonicaCellio Monica has smurf slaves in her basement.
well then
@bilbo_pingouin Uses penguins as footballs (American Football)
my god, the things I didn't know about you people
@James sorry... what?
@bilbo_pingouin He's mudslinging.
Elections are fun
@ArtOfCode yeah, this is very educational.
...on worldbuilding
@James Sir, you are very mistaken, and I feel offended at that.
I use them for rugby, of course!
@bilbo_pingouin Apologies, you are absolutely right I misspoke.
better that way :)
Anyone else people would like to learn about?
Yes, This is interesting, what you got on me?
@bowlturner I hear you turn bowls
The worst mud I can find to sling at @bowlturner: you've got an extra space in your about-me.
"black smith" -> "blacksmith"
it's to catch the pedants!
Well, it worked :P
@Undo you don't know that. He might be a smith undergoing pigmentation changes.
@bowlturner Odds on you're a vikings fan? That's offensive to Native Scandinavians.
I'm glad I can't vote in this one, ya'll have too many good candidates.
@Undo Depends on how you define good ;)
@James worse, I don't like watching football!
@bowlturner You communist...
Define football
Leaves more time for bowl turning and blacksmithing!
a game played with a ball kicked around with a foot?
@bilbo_pingouin BUZZZZ you are disqualified.
or a game with a ball that people take in their hands?
@Undo you have almost two weeks -- plenty of time to earn some rep.
handball was taken, so they decided to abuse another name ;)
@bilbo_pingouin plus...lets be honest, hand ball sounds really really inappropriate.
@bilbo_pingouin now that I think about it, even 'ball' is a stretch
and I haven't had much practice, but from what I gathered no one actually watch "football", they drink and watch ads, or Beyonce concerts...
yeah, most people seem to agree that baseball is only good because it's fun to be in the stadium
I assume football is similar
my favorite memories of the Super Bowl are of the food I ate during/before it
I did not check, and have no interest to do it, but I'm pretty sure the most famous ads of the superbowl have more views on youtube than any action from the game
@DaaaahWhoosh I would disagree, football games can be rowdy and a lot of fun.
@James Eh, maybe, I don't exactly have a large body of experiential evidence. I will say that I enjoy college-level more than professional, after a certain point interesting things don't happen as often
In all seriousness, I never watched an American Football game... at least not more than 15 minutes... but I don't understand it well enough to enjoy it.
@bilbo_pingouin downs=4;yardsLeft=10;while(downs>0){downs--; yardsLeft-=play(); if (yardsLeft<0){downs=4; yardsLeft=10;}}
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e){addPoints(6);}
@DaaaahWhoosh and when does the guy come in to kick the ball...? after a touch down? 6+1?
@bilbo_pingouin yeah, it's in the addPoints method, if you get 6 you get to have an extra play with special rules
fair enough... since the 6 is fixed, you don't really need to pass it to the function, though ;-)
@James since I know you like the Monty Python... did you know that video: youtube.com/watch?v=2sD_8prYOxo ?
@bilbo_pingouin You can also score 2 or 3 points, both of which don't lead to the extra kick
see, there's more to it ;)
Convoluted rules are fun'
@undo one or two good answers and you'll be able to vote :)
Ha, ever hear of Cricket?
Yup, I know a couple of rules but that is a complicated game.
@bilbo_pingouin that's all in the play() method, I was abstracting the details for a high-level design
@bowlturner oh yes... an Indian friend of mine spent 1 hour trying to tell me all the rules
the worst of it is that a game can spread over several days!
ya, I've never even bothered to try and learn it, they hit a ball, over and over run around and... whatever.
Well the basic rules are very similar to baseball...
but the details... well there are too many of them ;-)
hit ball with stick.
I prefer killer robot Krikkit cricket.
Lots of fire and explosions and all that.
Oh my god! Worldbuilding's getting an election!!!!
@Zizouz212 if you're trying to catch up on this room now all at once, I recommend a comfy chair and a nice drink. :-)
It's always nice to come on the moment you come home from school :)
@MonicaCellio Maybe several drinks...its been busy.
Or one Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster.
(More Hitchhiker's references!)
@James the size of the vessel was left unspecified. :-)
@HDE226868 I had an approximation of a PGGB once at a con. The real ones probably aren't kosher.
(That might make more sense if you read the question. :-) )
@MonicaCellio well thanks for getting me to cast my first upvotes on Mi Yodeya :)
@ArtOfCode I hope you enjoyed your visit and will return soon. (Purim Torah is a seasonal bit of silliness, coming up this year in early-mid March.)
@MonicaCellio sounds like ripe upvoting material
@ArtOfCode if you look around the (lone) tag on that question, you'll find lots more from past years. Some of it won't make sense without Jewish context, but some should.
Wait... you lot have fun?
This is Stack Exchange, that's not allowed!
He says, in a Worldbuilding election room with a "football" discussion. :-)
She's caught me out
For a curated collection that includes some past Purim Torah, download this.
(You'll want the full-size book, not the booklet or card.)
The publications are great. Did you get them all into print?
We did an actual print run for the latest (Days of Awe, for the high holy days this past fall). We didn't sell them; we distributed them in synagogues and schools and stuff wherever we had users who wanted to help. The others are digital-only, though individual users have printed out and circulated them. I've sent people home from my Passover seders with copies of one of them, and several of us use the Purim one in gift baskets.
Purim is our "distribute sweets and stuff to all your friends" holiday.
So gift baskets/bags are a thing.
Oh right. I saw the posts about the print run of DoA, can't help but be impressed at you lot.
Oh hey - while I remember, how did that project with the SE data dumps go?
@ArtOfCode I've loaded a bunch of data into my cluster (thanks again for the scripting help!) and then found out how scrawny my VMs are -- ran out of disk space. :-( So I'm using a dozen or so sites as a way to develop some cross-site queries (background task, so slow), but I'm hoping to abscond with a spare laptop, plug a terabyte drive into it, and set up a new instance where I can load all the things.
That sounds like fun :)
@ArtOfCode it's really cool to see what a community can pull off when folks want to. Isaac pretty much led this project and did a great job of managing all the bits (especially all the extra bits that come with physical distribution).
And hey, while we're on the general topic, as a note for everyone - we're developing a bot that we hope to use to help run a Twitter account, should we set one up. I'll be posting on meta again soon about that account, and might mention it.
@MonicaCellio I've always wanted to do a big community project like that, but none of my communities really provide the opportunity...
@ArtOfCode oh, cool. By "bot" you mean something that auto-tweets, like the ones that SE has for some sites but not us?
@ArtOfCode Universe Factory is a community project too, you know. :-)
Like Anime SE did a RL meetup for an anime convention, which is pretty cool. Code Review did Secret Santa.
@MonicaCellio True that.
@MonicaCellio We're aiming for something that can sit in our main chat that people can use to suggest questions for tweeting. With requirements for the question (score, views, hotness, close votes, etc) and scheduling, obviously.
@ArtOfCode oh, nice.
@ArtOfCode Mi Yodeya had a small meetup to celebrate our fifth birthday. I got to meet other users!
@MonicaCellio You mean Stack Exchange users are actually people?!
I thought they were all AI!
@ArtOfCode some of them are. I can't speak for the rest, only the dozen or so I met.
You, for example, could be a reasonably modern server in a data center somewhere, for all I know.
Ah, fair enough. I guess there's gotta be some humans, so the bots don't run wild.
maybe the people you met were all actors employed by AIs
did they keep bluetooth earphones in at all times? That's a dead giveaway
My world is an illusion.
@ArtOfCode exactly. Somebody's got to make sure everything comes back after power outages and heat waves, y'know?
@TimB it was Shabbat, so no. :-)
Maybe they were covert earphones.
I am SO excited for this mod election...first one since WB graduated beta! Yay!!
Speaking of graduation, does anyone know when the new site design will be rolled out?
@HDE226868 last I heard, somewhere along last week
@HDE226868 Soon, apparently. 6-8.
@ArtOfCode is that just off the top of your head?
@ArtOfCode Depending on the units, I'll either cheer or weep.
@overactor 6 to 8 unspecifieds? Yes.
6 to 8 weeping sessions
@TimB progress, but not ready to update yet. Very soon, though. — Kurtis Beavers 1 hour ago
I was about to post that :D
basically the mod election and the site design are both in progress at the moment, site design is "soon", mod election is on fixed dates
is soon before or after 6-8?
Depends on the units you choose.
It is 6-8.
Six to eight sixths to eighths of soon.
I'm surrounded by blue names
Heh. It's surprising how many of our top users are mods too.
dedicated users make for electable users I suppose
@MonicaCellio Hmm, would a Jewish AI (maybe an uploaded person?) be expected to observe Shabbat? If so how?
@TimB that's an interesting question. If you made a pure AI -- if it was machine all the way down rather than an uploaded person, I mean -- then it would have to convert but it's not clear it could. (I think we have a question about aliens converting, actually.)
Now if an actual person is uploaded into a machine, there's a case to be made that he's still the same person and thus bound by Jewish law. We can violate Shabbat to save a life, so he doesn't have to unplug if that'd wipe him, but I don't know what else he could or couldn't do on Shabbat as (or inside of) a machine. OTOH, a machine that's fully part of you, like a pacemaker, is just part of you, so maybe the containing machine counts like that.
serious question,what time is it on the moon?
@overactor Where on the Moon?
Prerequisite question: how do they count time on the moon?
Are there timezones?
Maybe it's 23:35 UTC, just like here.
@overactor lunarclock.org
Damnit, Tim!
@HDE226868 Hi 5 o/
@MonicaCellio Now is this is question for MY or WB..?
it's not really a worldbuilding question
I know :) joking
So when is Shabbat on the moon?
@ArtOfCode it could be a question for Mi Yodeya.
Q: When does somebody living in space (e.g. ISS) observe Shabbat?

Monica CellioI understand that Jewish astronauts have been advised to observe Shabbat by Cape Canaveral time, by analogy with traveling to a place that doesn't have daily sunrise/sunset where some rule you use the last place you were that did. But this seems to describe a temporary journey, such as a shuttle...

@ArtOfCode you'll want to be aware of judaism.stackexchange.com/q/17108/472 (disappointing answers so far) and judaism.stackexchange.com/q/9197/472 before asking your question.
@MonicaCellio Oh don't worry, I wasn't planning to. Voting is the height of my adventures :)
@MonicaCellio interesting
I like my learning about other people's lifestyles, but it's more by reading.
Ok, fair enough. :-)
@MonicaCellio while you're around, troll to get the hammer out for: worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/review/first-posts/14542
Ouch. That was possibly slightly insensitive of me. My sincere apologies, if that's the case.
@ArtOfCode I thought the intention was not offensive and clear, for what it's worth

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