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2:50 PM
@Fredy31 YAY! More "Made In Genshin" horror!
Caribert returns for more nightmare fuel lore!
1 hour later…
4:01 PM
I am not someone to really care about fanservice, yet I am pretty annoyed by double-standards.
Just wanting to point out that Stellar Blade was censored on the day-one patch, after the developer promised an "uncensored global release".
The censorship not only alters outfits (fanservice) but also tones down the amount of blood. Comparison shots exist.
Can't say I care for the game, but it is indeed awesome to see how some are granted the "honor" to have "private part slider" in their character creation menu, "romance a bear" options and some censor blood in a 18 rated game
And ironically, they already managed to get on change.org
I assume that since there's an uncensored version of the game that was publicly available, there will be a mod within the next 24 hours that will undo the censorship.
4:24 PM
@Nzall mods on a console? Again, I don't know the full details, don't own the game. I just stumbled upon the news on youtube and did some research.
Basically, the game fanservice level is a bit above Bayonetta/Nier Automata. Gainaxing, fanservice outfits and that's it. No "full undressed" options like other games, no romance nothing. And anyway, they apparently censored blood too.
Pretty clear "censorship" has nothing to do with "ethics" .
It may be a very old game, but Conan Exile is still uncensored and actually quite promoted (pops up on sale every two months) on PSN

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