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We went down to one computer, then back to two, and now that the kids are older, I'm thinking we need three, just so that I get my laptop back.
also, @Sterno, I'm onto your games. You're just buying your wife a new SSD so you can steal it again.
@Wipqozn likely
I guess even at that price the 1TB is still cheaper per GB
@Wipqozn So far it seems that @Sterno's just plundering things, really.
@GraceNote yeah, he's a thief.
Actually, her machine is better than mine. If nothing else, I should swap out which PC we're using
Maybe he should play thief
@Wipqozn I want to go with pirate, really.
@GraceNote but then I wouldn't have set myself up for my brilliant joke.
Clearly, you guys just don't understand the intricacies of marriage.
@Sterno What your is mine and vice versa.
@Sterno maybe you could... you know, set up her pc, buy her a game, and then you do all the house work for a few weeks so she can play games?
@Sterno The context I'm getting is that your wife married a pirate.
@Sterno Buying your wife a SSD and then taking it for yourself? I think I got it.
@Wipqozn we're talking about marriage, not Monaco
@kalina I do over 50% of the housework
marriage step 1: buy stuff you want. marriage step 2: use stuff you want. marriage step 3: eh?
@Sterno and yet she's the one that doesn't have time to game
sounds like something is slightly off balance
@agent86 Seems reasonable.
@GraceNote Yarrr
you should totally get MrsSterno into chat
@agent86 Step 3 is Canadian?
@kalina She primarily played only WOW.
there is plenty of time for my wife to play games. she just doesn't. I have to remind her there are games she wants to play, and she'd rather watch TV.
So it had larger time needs than most games
@Sterno don't preach to me about the amount of time required to play WoW!
@kalina I have some questions for her as well.
I bought her dance central 3 a couple of years ago. I think it's still in the shrink wrap. She'll get to it someday, I'm sure.
Let me put it another way... she has time to game. She chooses not to play most games she has time for.
@agent86 I have time to game and I can think of a good number of things still in their boxes.
For instance, right now she's at home all day long while the kid is at day care. Prime game-playing time!
@OrigamiRobot I want to know how she feels about @Sterno letting The Bridge name her child SkyDrift.
@Sterno Sounds like you need to reactivate your WoW accounts
Like, say, Skyward Sword. That ended up never happening.
She can't, however, support scheduled things like WOW raids, which is really what she'd likem to do
@kalina never.
@GraceNote Radiant Discordia
@Sterno do it
@GraceNote How can you resist the allure of mascara link and even more motion controls than Twilight Princess?
@kalina That would probably have a ruinous effect on our marriage, and that is not a joke.
@Sterno "happy birthday, I've upgraded your WoW account to MoP and put 6 months of game time on it for you"
@GraceNote well, her backlog consists of perhaps 2-3 games, if that helps set the stage.
@OrigamiRobot Did you mean Historia or did they come out with another game starting with "Radia"?
@BenBrocka I liked TP's controls.
@agent86 That's smaller than mine.
@GraceNote Oh, yes. See my point?
@BenBrocka So far we pretty much bought it for the golden Wiimote.
The aiming was alright but otherwise I didn't like it
I think she'd rather play co-op with me if that's an option and she likes the game. the stars rarely align on that, though.
@GraceNote that's kinda what I did too, but I just got it recently and opened Ratchet and Clank first
@agent86 Co-op is fun stuffs.
I got confused because Radiant Historia is sitting right next to Principia Discordia on the counter.
cc @FAE
@agent86 tbh there aren't that many great story driven co-op games
We haven't setup our Wii again so the Wiimote isn't getting much use anyway.
@OrigamiRobot Hail Eris
last one we played for realz was borderlands 2.
@BenBrocka That was the majority of the motion controls!
Co-op reminds me that I should probably setup the 360 so we can get back into Tales of Vesperia.
The sword was the "majority"
@agent86 yeah that's pretty much the last one I can think of as well
she's not much for PC gaming, would rather sit on the couch. her rig is a mac mini
The sword controls were pretty meh. And I hated the "song" controls
We managed to find an English copy that plays on NTSC-J so that was a very big win for us.
@GraceNote we co-op'ed tales of symphonia back in the GC days. good times.
@agent86 with Steam Big Picture you can set up a PC for the TV pretty easy now
also that one game with the gameboy advance controllers.
@BenBrocka I call flicking your wrist a lot less than aiming at the screen.
crystal chronicles maybe?
@agent86 Most likely
@BenBrocka yeah, most of the PC games don't have couch-co-op, or the ones that do tend to have console ports. haven't seen much co-op action out of big picture mode. then again, it probably boils down to game preferences as much as anything else
@OrigamiRobot You do it like 10x more than aiming though. And part of the disappointment is it was mostly just flicking your wrist, so a simple button press would have been preferable
What I'm gathering from all this is that I should never have children because it will cut into my gaming time.
@Wipqozn true dat.
@agent86 Depends what you have, I have a fair amount of couch co op in my Controller Friendly library, though some are from humble bundles
@Wipqozn I got this as well
also toddlers are psychopaths
@Wipqozn Yes and no. You also get to game with your children as they get older.
like, in any other human relationship you'd dump their asses. seems kind of heartless on a 2yr old though.
Mario Kart with your entire family is fun times.
@JasonBerkan yeah, shortly it will be minecraft time around here. I have the 360 version with splitscreen burning a hole in my game library.
oh good.
@Wipqozn If I were to go by how it worked for my parents, they didn't really get "less time" to game as much as they didn't want to spend too much time gaming since it would set a bad example and make their kids addicted.
Quick question: Windows 8 worth getting?
@Sterno nope.avi
@Sterno no
@Sterno Ask @badp
@Sterno sure
@BenBrocka I see it the opposite way. It freed up the buttons for other items.
@Wipqozn On the other side, they're adorable.
@Sterno So are kittens.
@agent86 My oldest two love Minecraft. I have one kid who uses TNT to blow up everything and another who builds giant houses and racetracks.
@OrigamiRobot Only really a problem because of the wii controls though
@Wipqozn Kittens don't giggle.
@Sterno what do you have?
@JasonBerkan So, one kid blows up the other kid's stuff.
@Sterno True
@BenBrocka HA! HA! SVN! HA! HA!
@GraceNote Exactly what I was thinking.
@GraceNote Yeah - they aren't allowed to play on the same worlds.
@BenBrocka I had more of a problem with the shield bash because I could never do it consistently.
I completely forgot shield bash
@Sterno yes
It wasn't a problem until later when enemies required it.
Though to your point with your parents, @GraceNote, I find that I restrict my kids gaming far more than my parents restricted mine.
@Sterno require that people have used it for more than a month before they're allowed to answer
@JasonBerkan That rule was added after the first crisis? Or did it require a second war?
I have free Win8 but I'm not installing it.
I really liked the visual design of the Twilight stuff and the general visual design was good, but I didn't feel very satisfied finishing Twilight Princess
@Arperum That rule's been in place since they started playing with toys.
@JasonBerkan Well, that seems fair, considering for example that in my case, they acknowledge that they failed. Mom still doesn't game much because she still doesn't want to be addicted.
@kalina This is why I shoved the responsibility on @badp
I think the Double Clawshots should have come sooner. You use them in like one dungeon and some minor uses elsewhere and they were the only item that felt really cool
That's part laziness part fear of every other Windows OS.
@JasonBerkan I see where it comes from. Sibling fights can be mean.
@BenBrocka Not having actually played Twilight Princess directly, but my favorite item was really the ball and chain.
@Sterno if you have to pay for it, I wouldn't. if it came on your next PC, then y'know, you'll learn to deal. Probably at some point directx updates will only be for win8, but if you wait long enough I think they're going to undo some of the crazy bad ideas they made mandatory.
@agent86 Like the GUI?
(for the record, I have a win8 laptop and have owned it for several months.)
Partly because it's very satisfying, and partly because after years of watching enemies get to swing that around, it's nice to be able to be the one doing so.
@GraceNote It was mostly notable for being a Megaton hammer that was slightly less awkward to use
@agent86 you running 8 or 8.1?
@Sterno If you have XP or Vista, upgrade. If you have 7 and are willing to suck it up for a few days, upgrade.
(If you have XP or Vista and aren't willing to suck it up, well, you're gonna suck it up anyway.)
Well, I just decided on 7 because I'm familiar with it and I want to get her up and running quickly.
@kalina I believe I patched it to 8.1. I remember that taking a while...
At the current rate DirectX12, if it's 8 only, might be the new DirectX10 (there's a reason most games are either 9 or 11)
@agent86 yeah that sounds like the 8.1 patch
I lost my previous install/key of 7 when I moved, so it's a case of just needing to replace it
@agent86 Do you see a start button? Yes: 8.1, no: 8
@Sterno if you've never used 8, what they did to the "start menu" will likely make you cry for a few minutes the first time you use it.
tbh I find Windows 8.1 is a really nice operating system
I don't use the start menu in windows at all so I'm totally fine with 8.1
8 was a bit clunky but fundamentally still an improvement, albeit minor
@3ventic me neither, I have everything I use pinned to the task bar
I'll upgrade on 8 to my own eventually so I can learn it instead of forcing her to
my start screen has a bunch of stuff I would use if I ever hit the windows key though
@kalina same, and those that I don't, win+s will launch for me
the windows key became the "switch to a mobile phone OS" key
Oh, 8.1 is a separate download. That means I have two free copies of Win8.
I'm going to hate it when I need to reinstall Windows..
I find searching in Windows 8.x is a significant improvement over search in other versions of windows
@BenBrocka Why does Parker always look so sad (to me at least)?
Windows + S hotkey is amazing
@Frank Are you over halfway to RoS yet?
@Arperum I'm over 75%.
@3ventic I take it that's something new in Win8? It's not doing anything on my win7 machine.
@Frank Goes fast.
@Powerlord search charm bar
@Krazer he's actually always super happy. I think it's the shape/markings of his face
@kalina Can you easily tell it "assume every file is a text file, yes, this includes .py, .cpp, .java and .xml, and search for these strings inside"? Because that's a pain in 7 and Vista.
plus his pupils are always wide
@MartinSojka I don't think so
@MartinSojka not something I've ever tried
@GnomeSlice NOPE
@kalina Lies and denial
@GnomeSlice ... that looks like whiplash injuries waiting to happen.
Are there people on it...?
@Yuki whiplash is not a thing
@fredley [citation needed]
Sure, it's not a medical term.
I downloaded Windows XP 64-bit? GROSS
@OrigamiRobot wtf were you THINKING?
Or were you drunk?
But I'm pretty sure it's a thing.
Whiplash is a non-medical term describing a range of injuries to the neck caused by or related to a sudden distortion of the neck associated with extension. The term "whiplash" is a colloquialism. "Cervical acceleration-deceleration" (CAD) describes the mechanism of the injury, while the term "whiplash associated disorders" (WAD) describes the injury sequelae and symptoms. Whiplash is commonly associated with motor vehicle accidents, usually when the vehicle has been hit in the rear; however, the injury can be sustained in many other ways, including headbanging, bungee jumping and falls....
That reminds me, I should download everything I can from MSDN just because I can.
@MartinSojka Ugh. This is by far the worst "feature" in modern Windows.
@Yuki It's an insurance term
@MartinSojka this is why I just use "find in files" in notepad++. Windows itself is super dumb about finding text in file contents
@fredley Yes, but "whiplash is not a thing" suggests that there is no such thing as injuries caused by sudden distortions, often due to collisions.
Misleading statement, it is.
"whiplash is not an accurate/appropriate term" might have been a bit clearer.
And it's not just programming - I keep a lot of information in RTFs (which are just marked up text files). Windows will not search inside of them.
@agent86 This is what I imagine is happening every time you swap UI style in Win 8
And I have to contrast it with my Mac, where I click the magnifying glass, type in a term and get a nice organized list of everywhere that term appears on my hard drive.
@JasonBerkan I just contrast it with WinXP, where "search for this string in every file" just worked.
@MartinSojka Also that.
... or find -lots -of -options -with -details -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l 'complex regular expression' ;)
@BenBrocka what's wrong with pink?
The case is black with red LEDs for one thing
@MBraedley Should dress up as me and do the rest of my shift so I can go home and play Diablo 3.
@Wipqozn y u not plvl 9001?!
@Wipqozn Ugh, now I'm conflicted about D3 since Dark Souls II is available for pre-order on Steam.
I could get both...
@Yuki I'm holding off on Dark Souls 2 until I have time to really devote to it, which I don't.
too many other games.
@Wipqozn This is why I hate pre-order bonuses.
I think I'm going to focus on the Nintendo Games for a while. I suspect they will be a lot shorter than Dark souls 2.
I really wish I could hold off on it, but pre-order bonuses are tempting.
@Wipqozn Shelter
Oh yay, this weekend is the start of Daylight Stupid Time in North America.
Actually, meant to make up a list of games I need to play.
@Wipqozn That's ok. When do you usually play? I've been meaning to dust of my Monk.
@Krazer Lately? After work until I go to bed.
@Powerlord Except for the parts that ignore it.
My Wizard is level 47 and my Demon Hunter is level 60 (with 2 paragon levels).
@JasonBerkan True. Too bad the area I live in isn't one of those parts.
@Powerlord oh no
I've got a Witch Doctor at 36, but I probably won't be playing him again for a while. Not really enjoying him at the moment.
@Powerlord I'll think of you as I wake up at my normal time Sunday morning.
@JasonBerkan you monster
So Apple insists that the word 'Android' is not visible in any user-submitted content in order for my app to be approved
This is fucking insanity
That is marketing.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Dark Souls II
Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls
Age of Wonders III
Yoshi's New Island
Am I forgetting something?
I feel like I am.
@Ender Literally
@Wipqozn I might have some rings and amulets that you can use. They've been piling up for me
They rejected the word because it contained the word 'Android'
I pointed out it was user-submitted content
@fredley what?!
They messaged back saying 'we stand by our assessment'
Fuck Apple
@Wipqozn Bravely Default, Zelda: Link Btwn Worlds
@Wipqozn Is'nt Kirby soon?
@Krazer Not going to boither with default until at least next year, already bear zeld.a
It's web content, so I'm just filtering out Apple IPs, so that their testers will see different content
fuck them
@BenBrocka That's what I was forgetting.
@Wipqozn SHELTER
@fredley A walled garden means they don't even have to be reasonable about it.
@Frank Jup
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Dark Souls II
Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls
Age of Wonders III
Yoshi's New Island
@Frank I'll wall off their garden and see how they like it
@Wipqozn SHELTER
I think I have kirby preordered, I know I have Ground Zeros and Yoshi preordered
@GnomeSlice that's only an hour long. It doesn't count.
@Wipqozn SHELTER
@fredley They'll just sic their army of lawyers after you.
Here's the spiritual successor to megaman zero:
I also would like to play through Final Fantasy Tactics at some point. Never played before.
Maybe FF8 at some point as well.
@Frank PR: Apple sues cancer prevention startup for violating a rule that was stupid in the first place
@Yuki omg
@Krazer oh damn, Inti Creates! They did awesome work with MM Zero and ZX
@Krazer Does this have a release date yet?
oih, this might not be the same game I'm thinking of./
This isn't the one made by the MM creator, is it?
@Wipqozn Summer 2014
They really need to do a better job of advertising their features.
@Wipqozn This is ALSO by keiji inafune apparently. But you're thinking of Mighty No 9
@Wipqozn It's not. It's another game he's directing.
oh my
He's really living it up since he left Capcom.
The Crusader has a healing resource generator skill?
cc @kalina
I don't know, I know nothing about Diablo 3
I just play it and button mash
that's what you're supposed to do in a Diablo game, no?
@kalina And then shiny things come out. Don't forget the shinies.
hey, at least I button mash, rather than click
@kalina I was more letting you know than asking you.
I am no filthy clicker
@OrigamiRobot then why the question mark?
@kalina It's an item and gold farming simulator not based off Diablo 2.
@Wipqozn i played tactics a shitton as a kid right? but always rented, so i never got far
@Wipqozn he's made other games too, he directed Soul Sacrifice
@kalina I was making you aware of the question.
@Krazer I duno, some of the recent changes definitely makes it feel more D2-ish
Which was already rhetorical.
@Wipqozn so i finally get it for my 16th birthday and can finally play thru the whole game at my leisure, and spend months screwin around a levelin up and fighting battles for exp and stuff. nothing was hard, not the story battles, nothing.
I played for like 4 hours the other night and got ~10 legendaries and upgraded literally every slot on my sorceress
@Ender I played the gba and ds ones, but never the original. I hear it's the best one, and the music is fantastic, so now I want to play it.
and every single one of those upgrades and legendaries made me squeeeee
@Wipqozn so im playing the storyline and its getting good right? and I fight this one battle, and finally, the FIRST almost difficult fight of the game, plus the story is really taking off, so im phsyced as all hell. Super excited for what happens next.
@Wipqozn Then the credits start rolling.
@Ender that's really anti-climatic :/
does the game have different difficult modeS?
Could always just turn up the difficult if I find - oh
the only way to make the game harder is to limit what you do to your characters
only use certain job classes, ect
@kalina more so Torchlight 2/POE imo in some aspects (like the rifts seeming like a dumbed down poe map system)
im not saying its a bad game, i had TONS of fun, it was just a funny story.
well what with Torchlight 2 basically being the real successor to Diablo, I'm not sure how this doesn't make it "more D2-ish"
@Ender Yeah, I'll just need to remember to not go in expecting a huge challenge.
37 minutes
@kalina Torchlight 2 is the successor to Torchlight.
@GnomeSlice if I could be bothered to get out of the slouch I'm in atm, I'd facedesk
@GnomeSlice Oh snap, crackle, and pop!
I'm gonna go eat and stuff
@BenBrocka I will mark this video to look later.
@kalina I'm pretty sure @GnomeSlice just made you look like a total fool. So no facedesking allowed!
@Wipqozn no he didn't, he completely missed the fact Torchlight is made by the guys from Blizzard North, who got fired during D3's development
@Krazer Damn, that looks good. Is that done by Capcom?
@StrixVaria Apparently I was reading outdated info before. I am reading the Crusader skills that @Wipqozn linked earlier and they are amazing. I want to have this class's babies.
@Frank IntiCreates
@GraceNote Oh, that's a studio? I hadn't realized.
33 minutes
I thought Mighty No. 9 was the spiritual successor to megaman.
@Frank Inti Creates did the last several mega man games anyway
@BenBrocka Even better!
Mega Man Zero 1-4, Mega Man ZX and ZXA were all Inti Creates, and they're some of my favorites in the whole series
Imagine if Mega Man X were consistently good, that's basically what they are
No X7 or anything like that
@BenBrocka I absolutely adore the X series.
That's why I liked the trailer; it looks very similiar.
@Frank If you haven't, seriouslly check out Mega Man Zero and ZX, you can get them all for DS pretty cheap now
@Frank There. Changed it to refer to MMZ
You've got to admire Apple's dedication to providing a good experience for their users
They play similar to Zero in X4 but with busters too

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