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Or I guess by @Uni's axiom of blame... DAMN YOU @FEichinger!
@Unionhawk I like that axiom, it's like the axiom of choice but instead of making infinite spheres we blame @Uni
No no, we assign blame to @FEichinger "at random"
@Unionhawk ooh right, we blame @FEichinger random people but you're always wrong. That was it. Sorry
New Macross! Woo!
Oh yeah
cc @LessPop_MoreFizz
They actually sent us an email telling us explicitly not to burn things.
@Unionhawk Wow, you know, if VCU had thought to do that a couple years ago when I was there, things might have turned out exactly the same.
Things kinda hit the fan as soon as Dr. Dan dropped the "You guys should really go home" (translated: "Go home, people, you're drunk")
> Ok. I have E-Mailed Minecraft
Reported plane crash off Spain's Canary Islands was a false alarm, boat was mistaken for plane - emergency services http://bbc.in/1g47mXP
Boat, plane, same thing
@BenBrocka so did the boat crash into the sky?
@BenBrocka "OH SHIT SOMETHING IN THE WATER IT MUST BE A PLANE...Oh it's a boat? False alarm."
Now THAT is a shifter.
Plot twist: the boat is in trouble now that they've called false alarm
Turns out the Bermuda Triangle is just a bunch of boats
You know, when I'm at sea base, I can't help but think "How the fuck would I be able to control these kids if this thing goes down?"
Like, they tell 'em that, in case of an emergency, don't jump off the freakin boat until you get the order, but...
"Do not set the boat on fire
Do not, under any circumstances, set the water on fire"
@BenBrocka It pleases me that there is a blog called "The cake is not a lie" that does this stuff regularly.
Does that make me weird?
Don't answer that.
@Unionhawk That doesn't make you weird
@SaintWacko Not better than ninja shifter.
@SaintWacko That plug thing is gross.
@BenBrocka That is actually something you need to tell scouts
I was on a scout campout once and we did set the water on fire
Scouts ruin everything
We had built a really cool floating campfire out on the lake, and the idea was to light it with a flaming arrow. We wrapped rags around the head of an arrow, dipped it in kerosene, lit it, and shot it at the diesel-soaked campfire
It wasn't working very well, so it took a few tries, and during one of those tries, the bucket of kerosene somehow caught fire
So the guy in charge of this grabs the bucket and throws it into the lake
Of course, kerosene floats, so there's now a slick of burning kerosene spreading across the lake
It was wonderful
Well done, team.
I'm just glad you used kerosene and not, say, alcohol
12 mins ago, by Unionhawk
Don't answer that.
@badp One of my scout leaders cooked using a mini can stove that ran on denatured alcohol
Ugh. I want to be at home playing RoS
stupid work
I'm still waiting on a release date for the PS4 version. I want RoS but offline play is toooooo goooooood to go back to PC.
@PanicBomb Console is offline play?
Fuck you, Blizzard
When you're not playing multiplayer explicitly, yes
And you can use the same characters for both?
@SaintWacko No, characters aren't shared between console and PC. They're mostly the same mechanics-wise but some little things may be slightly different.
@PanicBomb Oh, no, I mean single player and multiplayer
@SaintWacko Oh, yes
@PanicBomb Nice
One drawback is that there are some dupers/cheaters because the save files are stored on your console, but it's easy enough not to trade or play with people you don't trust
@PanicBomb Exactly. I understand that's why Blizzard still has the PC version always online, but now that the RMAH is gone, and Blizzard has destroyed trading, there's no reason for it
@SaintWacko and local multi
Just implement a system where you can block people you don't trust
Also, a message to Blizzard: I'm logged into your site. You know I already have RoS. When I go to look at my D3 profile, I don't need to be intercepted by a RoS ad.
@SaintWacko Clearly they want you to have two copies.
also, I finally stopped using my Buriza-Do Kyanon when I found a hand crossbow that increased my damage by 80%
I love moments like that; finding a weapon with twice the DPS as what you currently have or something
@PanicBomb I had been finding weapons with higher DPS for a while, but the +2 pierce on the Buriza, coupled with Hungering Arrow/Devouring Rune, was so incredibly OP that the higher DPS bows actually did less damage
@PanicBomb Do you play a DH?
@SaintWacko I've spent plenty of time with DHs (and I love them), but I play pretty much only HC so I don't get to spend a ton of time doing the endgame thing. I do currently have a 60 monk though
Michael Bay Ninja Turtles
@PanicBomb Ah, that's what my girlfriend is playing right now
@SaintWacko I think my current DH is around the mid-30s, I need to work on him some more
But my last one got up to like 53 or something
I like playing every class except DH. I can't wrap my head around it.
I haven't tried HC at all. I have a 63 DH and a 68 wizard, and I'm working on a Crusader
I have a 70 Crusader, and level 60: WD, WD, Wiz, Wiz, Barb, Barb, DH, Monk
Is Crusader fun?
Crusader is definitely fun, yes.
It's weird, though.
In a group, you're not really doing the killing yourself as much, but you're making your party kill things much faster.
There's one skill I use in groups that hits in a targeted AoE that immobilizes all enemies for 6 seconds and gives +80% crit chance against them.
Whatever enemies are in that AoE instantly melt when I cast it.
@StrixVaria 6 seconds is, uh, a long time
But I'm not doing damage.
Yes, it is a long time.
The immobilize for 6 seconds is the base skill; the crit chance is from the rune.
@StrixVaria Cool. Yeah, one of the things I like about D3 right now is that almost every skill seems brokenly powerful on paper, but they throw enough strong enemies at you on higher difficulties that it actually works out to be balanced still
Yeah, it's really interesting that way.
@StrixVaria Wow
My girlfriend and I have been playing ACT V on Torment I
Q: Is there a difference between the word 'Permaban' and 'Pick or Ban'?

RepliCatRecently I have had an argue with my friend about using the word 'Permaban' and 'Pick or Ban' to describe certain champions. I know that 'defining' champions with such words are more of individual preference than objective discussion, so I am not here to talk about which champions are 'Permaban...

Act V is so good.
The boss fights and elite packs are fun because they're difficult, but we ended up dropped the difficulty back down because the trash mobs were so boring and annoying
They have so much health that we're just sitting there whittling them down
But they're not really dangerous, so it was just getting boring
I prefer to play on the hardest difficulty where I don't really even have to think about white mobs.
My Crusader just got to the point where Hard was too easy.
I played on Torment with @OrigamiRobot and @kalina and it was silly.
I want to get geared up to do torment like I did at 60, but I'm not even close to there yet.
OK, bought a Logitech G600 for work. Let's see if I end up liking it better than the RAT5
I think I'm going to go through Act V until I unlock the Mystic and then go back to leveling my Crusader.
Am I the only one who thinks beating this kind of game once is enough?
I tried doing NG+ of Torchlight 2 and even that grew too boring for me.
There is no "beating" this game now.
Finishing the story mode once is enough.
Well, okay: completing the first playthrough - on normal
But now that there's another mode after story mode, it's a lot better.
I don't even know how I used to convince myself to play.
Finishing the story zero times is enough, except you have to do it to unlock adventure mode
(this is what a lot of D3 players sound like)
Ten million DPS is now feasible.
Just saying.
Anyway I don't know why I can play it for so long but I don't mind it because no other game holds my attention like this one.
I'm happy that my characterization of the average Diablo 3 player is fair.
I beat the first difficulty in One Finger Death Punch in 6 hours and I doubt I'll ever touch it again now.
@OrigamiRobot I've owned both, and I probably prefer the G600 a little bit. It might depend on how much use you have for all of the extra buttons, though.
I have over 500k buffed DPS and 5m toughness and Torment 1 Adventure Mode is a challenge.
It was good, and I recommend playing it, but it's not a long-term game.
@PanicBomb I couldn't care less about the buttons. I care about the pinky rest.
Which just happens to be a button
@OrigamiRobot Just reading "5m toughness" really makes it obvious how absurd the stat scaling in that game is by endgame.
@OrigamiRobot True, that's a nice feature too
There were a couple Logitech G400Ss in the "free for a good home" pile in the Munich office and I decided to grab one
@PanicBomb Having my pinky hanging off the edge makes my hand hurt a lot.
@PanicBomb It works, though.
I'm not sure I'm falling in love with it, but the on-the-fly resolution switcher is useful for doing ART™
I'll probably map the side buttons to copy/paste and some AutoCAD functions
Mapping buttons to copy/paste sounds interesting.
@OrigamiRobot How about CAPS LOCK
I use the only side buttons on my mouse to forward/back, though, which is also useful.
@StrixVaria You do know you do get that for free on Linux, right?
@badp Hm?
I can copy/paste with just the left hand on the keyboard.
Select a bunch of text and middle click someplace else.
Since I use the mouse with my right hand it's not that hard.
@StrixVaria I hate this functionality so much I have a script running at hop to intercept those buttons and make them do nothing.
@StrixVaria It also does not use your copy-paste buffer
So now you have two copy-paste buffers! Congratulations!
That's really awesome.
Of course you need not to select something else between a copy and a paste
This kinda gets in the way occasionally
Actually that makes sense though. I knew highlighting stuff in the terminal copied it.
I didn't know middle clicking could paste it, or that it worked outside a terminal.
@StrixVaria Surprise! It's not just the terminal!
@badp Is this the same buffer vim uses?
@StrixVaria I think vim uses internal buffers.
I thought so.
This is an X feature, afaik
I can copy/paste stuff between vim instances, but pasting stuff into vim from outside it is annoying.
CC @Fluttershy, this is in your wishlist.
I have learned shift+insert to paste because ctrl+v doesn't work in vim.
I'm really tempted.
@StrixVaria yes, there is a special buffer that gvim can use that is one of the standard copy paste buffers
This mouse wheel also seems to have tilt buttons. I like that.
@StrixVaria oh, I don't know about GTK Vim
I don't know what GTK vim means.
For the entirety of my stay at Google I used sublime text; I guess that's also because my project was sitting entirely on my computer...
I should probably look into a better IDE for ruby.
@badp I need to try that out. I've always used Notepad++
No, I use command line vim.
@StrixVaria Oh, okay.
@SaintWacko What language are you using/writing in primarily?
It makes it feel like I'm playing a roguelike while I'm working.
@StrixVaria It means vim usable on windows?
@M'vy I guess that could be useful.
@StrixVaria It's both funny and sad that we learned hjklyubn through Nethack first and vi later :D
@badp I use N++ for TPF
Pretty much assembler
@StrixVaria gvim is better than vim with these crappy console windows
@M'vy That's because the default terminal emulator for Windows is a piece of shit.
Well, the whole terminal stack of Windows is a piece of shit
@badp yeah
@badp Console2 is better
@M'vy Yeah but then I don't feel like a badass.
@StrixVaria At home I use the side buttons for PTT so that gets really annoying really fast.
@SaintWacko I tried it once. It doesn't fix the rest of the console stack
Now that I use fish, I expect my terminals to have 256 colors in them
@badp I'm not sure what you mean by that
and bold and italic and unicode
oh, unicode, sorry
now your unicorn has a unicode horn
I honestly don't know how sysadmins do sysadminery things on Windows
All this focus on guis =/
It just means you can't automate it people!
I shall leave you with this potential AAA title: "Prehistoric Nudist Jihad"
"the finest game controller ever designed for enjoying the most popular games and apps on TV"
Are you ready for this? You're not ready for this. Best controller. EVER DESIGNED. Let's go:
Awwwwwyis--oh god no
Let alone try to find meaningful patterns in the logs without first downloading them to a posix machine
@BenBrocka All the worst parts of the Wii-mote minus all of the good things about the Wii-mote.
@KevinvanderVelden To be fair, a lot of of these gui programs include automation functionality
@SaintWacko really? I've never seen that anywhere
@StrixVaria I got a bunch of upgrades, doubled my DPS again
@BenBrocka I see others are trying to go the Chromecast route
plug directly to HDMI, USB cable for power
@kalina I wish I were playing instead of working.
@kalina wat
So you're at ~800k?
@kalina What is your DPS now?
Ah that good old Made In China feeling
@BenBrocka This trend of making remotes that are designed to fit in your hand and then asking you to hold them sideways "because it's sorta like an NES controller!" needs to stop. It's always ridiculously uncomfortable
@StrixVaria 570k
@badp yeah. IIRC gamestick was the first o
@OrigamiRobot nah, not yet :p
@kalina That's not what doubled means :/
@PanicBomb Yeah I have no idea why they think it's a good idea. It's what happens when non-gamers make controllers for people they also assume are non-gamers but for some reason want to spend $100s of dollars on gaming equipment
@kalina How fast can you do torment 1 stuff now?
duno I'm in master atm with sterno
He even offers up "it's for kids and kids these days don't use controllers!" as an excuse
I did all five bounties in a torment game earlier though with 400k dps
wasn't too hard
just time consuming
@PanicBomb Also, the NES controller itself was pretty uncomfortable. Those corners. At least give us fake SNES shaped bliss
I like this article just because of the picture
@kalina There are some boots that let you walk through enemies. If I can get those, I will be able to survive much better.
my new sword freezes things
that's extremely helpful
There are so many times where I am trapped by the sheer number of enemies around me.
@StrixVaria I think I wanna move away from combination strike and build around LTK.
Q: When can I tune in to Vicki Vale's broadcasts?

SteininI love soaking up the ambiance in Arkham city. As an eavesdropper, I usually listen in on every henchman dialogue I can find. Vicki Vale occasionally broadcasts on Gotham FM which you can listen to using the cryptographic sequencer. She can also be heard from a radio in the church when you rescue...

@OrigamiRobot Dashing Strike or Tempest Rush.
Dashing Strike is really good now.
It hits every enemy in the path, not just enemies at the destination.
I think my favorite legendary weapon I've had was Thunderfury
Well, no, my favorite was Buriza-Do Kyanon, but Thunderfury was my second favorite
@StrixVaria I need lightning skills
@OrigamiRobot How much +lightning damage do you have?
@StrixVaria Just +15% now that I replaced that Fist Weapon
If I can find the lvl 70 version of that it'd be ideal
@Krazer Wow, nice
@Krazer Look at you with your max jeweler
@OrigamiRobot I'm now broke D:
How much does it cost to upgrade them?
@OrigamiRobot 500k for Flawless Royal
@Krazer o.0
Death's Breath is also required
as with Royals (400k)
Death's Breaths are annoying.
Anybody get one of the bottomless potions yet?
I want the potion of Kulle-Aid so bad.
@Yuki I got the Kulle-Aid
Fuck walls.
Dropped off Adria
@Yuki what what what?
@Krazer does it vibrate?
@M'vy D3 has new bottomless potions that also grant other effects when chugged.
@M'vy Flavor Text is "Oh Yeah!"
@badp it's no Jigglebones
@Krazer It should just vibrate in place rigidly
@Yuki Any idea where they drop?
@SaintWacko No clue, ask @Krazer.
Oh, I see
@SaintWacko randomly on any 61+ mob
@Krazer Nice
Girlfriend and I are on our way to Adria now
I got it from Adria on Torment 2
Well, as soon as I get off work, anyways
results may vary
@badp AARGHH~ my eyes~
Q: trying to move family

user72906Well, was going to comment on another question that's related to my delima, but since I'm new it won't let me. Trying to move my wife and kids to new house I built but it won't give me the option. My kid was able to move hers no problem on her game( same game console / ps3) which I was going to m...

@Krazer I'm happy you're appreciating my art
Yeah, I don't think my Spirit Barrage build is well-suited for Act V.
I don't have nearly enough AoE.
@SaintWacko And Torment difficulty required.
@Yuki I've been using Spirit Barrage ever since you showed me that passive.
I haven't tried A5 yet, but I can't imagine it's not good enough. It's the best WD build I've found by far.
@StrixVaria Really? There's just not enough AoE damage to overcome the hordes.
I've almost died several times taking out the Crucibles.
@Yuki I also use bears because every build uses bears.
It was only thanks to the Spirit Vessel passive that I even made it through those fights.
The follower legendary is really nice. I got the Enchantress one.
You use Spirit Barrage to build up mana regen and then bears everything to death.
@badp Yeeeeeah
Then clean up the stragglers with Spirit Barrage again.
@Unionhawk The dude said it was a joke. You can imagine how well things went.
@Yuki This is my favorite thing about my wizard. So many hordes. I drop a Black Hole/Blazar, then a Blizzard, then blast the gathered mob with Disintegrate/Chaos Nexus, then regenerate my AP with Electrocute/Fork Lightning, then repeat
And I use the last passive, so I'm doing +20% damage because of my different damage types
@SaintWacko I find BH (cold rune) -> Meteor (comet rune) spam to deal more damage.
@badp I don't want to imagine. But I do believe that it could be a joke.
I also imagine that reddit figuratively and/or literally burned him alive.
@Unionhawk Not a joke by somebody who's very good at Reddit, anyway. Kinda nobody pays attention to usernames.
@Krazer But that would take away my fire damage, so would decrease the damage from Elemental Exposure
I'll have to try Comet instead of Blizzard, though
@StrixVaria How do you do bears and Spirit Barrage when they're on the same skill type?
@Yuki Oh I'm so so sorry.
Turn on elective mode in the options.
Then you can use any skill on any slot.
I don't even use a primary skill with the Spirit Barrage build.
@SaintWacko I have a 70 Frostburn and a 60 Mirrorball so it's more advantageous for me to stack cold
@StrixVaria Oh that's nice.
@Krazer Ah, yes
@StrixVaria Yeah, I don't it at all.
So now you can replace whatever lame primary you have equipped with bears.
@badp I didn't say it was a good joke
@StrixVaria Does it matter which I put where? I had Spirit Barrage already equipped, so I moved that to primary.
@Yuki Nope, put things wherever they're most convenient for you.
I personally have Spirit Barrage on left click and bears on right click.
What build is this, and what class?
Well, now the world is awesome.
Then I use QWER instead of 1234.
@SaintWacko Witch Doctor.
@SaintWacko Witch Doctor Spirit Barrage + Rush of Essence.
@Yuki Ah. The one class I haven't even tried
If you equip Rush of Essence, you can Spirit Barrage endlessly.
Add mana gain from Haunt and you actually regen mana.
You regen mana just with Spirit Barrage if you cast it long enough.
All right, got the Mystic. Back to leveling Crusader.
In any case, Witch Doctor just got a lot more fun. I used to just sit around spamming Spirit Barrage. Now, I can do other things too!
Sony wants to get Project Morpheus dev kits into the hands of hundreds of indies http://sbn.to/O01sju via @Polygon
awww yiss
Yeah, Sony's all over this Facebook deal
I don't know who's been doing Sony's PR lately (as in: the last year) but that guy is good at his job.
Q: How I am able to log in (offline) a few times in Minecraft?

GerretI am a plugin developer for Bukkit. I played around a year ago with programming on a simple plugin. Now I want to finish it, but I am not able to test many of my functions of my program. I really need more players to test some features. I have one account with a original Minecraft. So I am able ...

pasta and peas tomorrow
@Unionhawk This was probably the plan from the start, Shu was already talking indies and Morpheus at the reveal
In other news 124 of my 343 Steam games can now run on Linux
If I'd been told that more than a third of my library would be available natively on linux a year ago, I wouldn't have bought it

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