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Context is important!
no, on purchasing the game. I do have to play this bullet hell and tear out my hair though
This game is making me want to play all the roguelikes.
@StrixVaria What game?
Nintendo DS |genre= Role-playing video game |modes= Single player |ratings= |platforms= Wii, Nintendo DS |media= |requirements= |input= |series = Chocobo series }} , is a role-playing video game published by Square Enix for the Wii. It is an installment in the Chocobo series that focuses on Chocobo and a Cid character. Gameplay The gameplay involves randomly generated dungeons and turn-based battles of the Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon title, though new elements have also been incorporated into the gameplay, such as the Job system, which features ten jobs. Different jobs change the a...
I just loaded up Final Fantasy XIII-2
@Sterno It starts slow, but picks up fairly quickly.
30 minutes of cutscenes later, I was able to save the game, quit, and probably never play again!
I'd recommend Chocobo's dungeon 2 if buying it weren't impossible
@StrixVaria This sounds fun.
@RavenDreamer Did you ever get Suikoden? >.>
@Tristan Not yet.
@Tristan It's really fun. With Nethack having been the only Roguelike I've played before extensively, the simpler interface is a big draw too.
@Tristan Auto-battle offends me. Does the game ever get to a point where autobattle won't work for you? Because that's what made me give up on FF13
Frankly, I fear Grace Note's potential wrath more than I fear your potential wrath.
It might be because you're a pony.
Felt like I was just slapping one button repeatedly while the game did all the work
@Sterno It does not... Auto-battle will pretty much always win your battles.
@RavenDreamer What if I offered to refund the $5 via PayPal, should you not enjoy the game? >.>
@StrixVaria I've heard the term before... but... what the hell is a roguelike?
@Tristan There was this one game, called Rogue.
And it spawned its own genre.
The roguelike is a sub-genre of role-playing video games, characterized by level randomization, permanent death, and turn-based movement. Most roguelikes feature ASCII graphics, with newer ones increasingly offering tile-based graphics. Games are typically dungeon crawls, with many monsters, items, and environmental features. Computer roguelikes usually employ the majority of the keyboard to facilitate interaction with items and the environment. The name of the genre comes from the 1980 game Rogue. Origin The roguelike genre takes its name from Rogue, a role-playing video game based o...
I can't possibly describe it.
And in a sudden flash of unoriginality, they said, "All these games are like Rogue.
They're... Roguelike!"
@StrixVaria So does the Chocobo Dungeon feature permanent death? Or is it just considered Roguelike because of the randomly generated dungeons?
Diablo is a graphical roguelike. Which makes Diablo clones.... I don't know what!
@Tristan It doesn't have permanent death, but it has pretty much every other convention I know of.
A big part is identifying items, but being able to use them before that.
So you don't know what your equipment is doing unless you identify it.
@Sterno Diablrogues.
Now I want to play FLT
@Sterno Diablo is a step further from Roguelike than Chocobo's Dungeon, though.
Since Diablo is in real-time, and Chocobo's Dungeon is still turn-based.
I wouldnt' really require rougelikes to have ASCII graphics anymore
not for conventionally released games anyway
Also, I'm seriously wondering why I should ever pick up FF13-2 again. The plot is the typical FF confused nonsense, and all you do is smack one button and the game plays itself. Blaharlkjgflkdjfldkjf
@agent86 pretty sure it is, but it is worded very bad
Bulletstorm for only $5!
^ what game is that from
@Jin Witcher 2?
well, the screenshot says "witcher 2 preview build"
which reminds me, is the enhanced edition for Witcher 2 out yet?
Ayup. Witcher 2.
@Sterno Ask LessPop.
I shall ask The Google!
doh i missed "witcher 2" text.. i'm dumb dumb
is the game any good?
April 17th
It's hard.
But I enjoyed it.
(And I didn't play the Witcher 1)
hm i need to start playing ME3
I wonder if I can save my poor pilot. Took down a robot and six men with two typhoon rounds.
Radar says just one hostile left...
okay they're two but snipable
@badp All the good Jensens do.
@badp You can't let her down! :(
@badp that was a hard fight.
hm, still a shotgun man.
@StrixVaria you're welcome :) glad you're enjoying it
Q: How do I revive Downed Party Members?

Raven DreamerI'm playing the PSP version of Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. One recent encounter with a monster KO'd one of my party members (apparently pine-cone monsters explode like bombs when reduced to 0 hp. Who knew?), and I'm at a loss as to how to get him back on his feet. I know that you can us...

Q: What is the most common item build on support blitzcrank?

James BensonDo you start out with a philosopher's stone like other supports, or do you get a tear of goddess for the mana. Basically, what are the core items?

@badp you can, doing it without any lethality is really hard, but doable. it's very minor whether she lives or dies though
any1 here anygood with computers?
@Paralytic no. I'm awesome
@agent86 Fuck non-lethal.
@Paralytic good with some computers
@Paralytic I am a robot
@agent86 I did it non-lethal. shadeS
@Wipqozn same here. I didn't ask for non-lethal.
@Paralytic what do you need to know/fix
I just wanted to brag. shades
Anyone else want to weigh in on this?
Q: Is there a HD addon for Rayman Forever?

LeadriI bought Rayman Forever from Gog.com. I wonder if there is a HD addon for this game? Thanks.

@Wipqozn VTC'd
@agent86 alrightie, well A: im having trouble with my video card driver constantly crashing, and i bought 2 new video cards and im getting the same issue and they wont detect my second monitor
@OrigamiRobot Already did, but needs two more. @agent86 and nickt seem to disagree though. so wanted to see what others thought.
Slow elevator is slow.
B i keep getting the blue screen of death
physical memory dumps i mean
@Paralytic what's the error that's BSOD'ing you?
Also I can't really imagine a post-human future where we're deprived of the primordial joy of jumping when in moving contraptions such as elevators.
who here plays WoW still?
@Jin My accounts are active, not logged in for some time though
whenever I find out I can't jump where I am... I shed a tear.
usually these kind of problems are either a) heat/defective parts or b) bad drivers/software conflicts of some sort
Today, no jumping allowed. Tomorrow, what? No game-recs?
@agent86 it only says AMD driver has stopped working and has recovered, as it will occasionally freeze and the screen with go black for second
@Paralytic you might try a different version of the driver (ie, roll back a version or move to the latest)
@Paralytic So your AMD driver stops and recovers, and then you get a BSOD?
@murgatroid99 whats a BSOD?
@agent86 ill see how that turns out
@Paralytic blue screen of death. You said you got that error in reponse to @agent86 asking what was causing the BSOD
Heh, the game's "WARNING. If you use this door you won't be able to go return."
@Wipqozn Oh, sure, rub in your 10kness by linking deleted posts!
@Paralytic make sure to set a restore point before you do it
Way to spoil an ambush. Also what would I return to?
@murgatroid99 o right duh, yah i get that
how is SWTOR doing? compared to other MMOs
@murgatroid99 not always tho
@Jin If you're looking at ways to burn time, LessPop requested nukes for meta. ducks
Hey, new Game of Thrones tomorrow
@Paralytic what? I'm just saying that before you change your video driver, you should set a restore point
@Wipqozn this question was closed and deleted. It's not different than this one.
Oh look. I'm not actually triggering a cutscene where I get ambushed and get the "MISSING DLC" bit.
@murgatroid99 like back up my files?
@murgatroid99 like back up my files?
@Paralytic I'm assuming you're on windows. There is something called system restore that lets you revert to earlier settings if something goes wrong
Q: What is a good item build for support with Blitzcrank?

James BensonDo you start out with a philosopher's stone like other supports, or do you get a tear of goddess for the mana. Basically, what are the core items?

Can someone who knows LoL weigh in on this? looks like it should be closed as "Not Constructive" to me.
I approved an edit that changed the title from "What are the most common items with Blitzcrank?"
Mar 23 at 11:21, by LessPop_MoreFizz
game recommendations are off topic, as well as recommendations of things that are like games (i.e., Mods.). Last I checked however, recommendations of how to go about playing a game, including aspects like character, item, or weapon selection, are kind of the whole god damned point of our website.
@StrixVaria > Basically, what are the core items?
I'm referring to that.
I have no idea what that even means, and, based on the original title, just looks like what are he most common items.
A general strategy question about how to play support with Blitzcrank is firmly on topic.
Which would involve item suggestions.
@StrixVaria I concur. In it's current form, it doesn't look like it's on-topic.
I once again point ou to the original title:
Oh isn't Notch witty today. Mars Effect
> What is the most common item build on support blitzcrank?
I don't think it's close-able in its current state, even if it's not an exemplary question.
That's not the title any more, though.
Even if that's the asker's original intention, the question is now asked in an acceptable way.
@StrixVaria I concur,but I'm using it to show the intent of the body.
@StrixVaria I disagree. The title is fine, but not the body.
The body is essentially asking what build everyone uses.
@ArdaXi I like the game features: "An ending that makes sense", "Waist high walls"
@ArdaXi Also, the filler text is (I think) the Wikipedia article about Lorem Ipsum
I think the body could be edited to be fine, but I'm not familiar enough with LoL to make such an edit.
@Wipqozn How's that?
> Do you start out with a philosopher's stone like other supports, or do you get a tear of goddess for the mana
I'm reading "do you" as the general "does one", but I edited it to remove that ambiguity.
Okay, your edit addresses my issues.
Also, I dislike this guy:
Q: Is there a HD addon for Rayman Forever?

LeadriI bought Rayman Forever from Gog.com. I wonder if there is a HD addon for this game? Thanks.

Referring to his comments.
Q: Is there a HD addon for Rayman Forever?

Leadricommented: @Wipqozn please don't make any comment to anything you don't understand. thanks.

@Wipqozn I noticed that before. :(
Q: Is there a HD addon for Rayman Forever?

Leadricommented: Congrats Wipqozn. You saved the world.

You can one-box comments now!?
@StrixVaria So it would seem.
Look kind of odd though, since they one-box like a question/answer.
In any case, I've saved the world. So I'm a hero now.
> Congrats Wipqozn. You saved the world. You must be proud of yourself.
This guy doesn't like me either. Success. shades
Weird, he's not even a LoL player
@Wipqozn No idea what guy that is, but is this really surprising?
@Wipqozn I'm so jealous of you.
@Wipqozn How's Killing Floor?
@Tristan Pretty fun
@OrigamiRobot I have it downloaded, just never played it. lol
Q: Is there a HD addon for Rayman Forever?

badpcommented: @Leadri stop picking on Wipqozn for performing his civic duty: what's fair's fair and if he didn't notice your question, somebody else would've. This question is currently phrased as a request for game modifications, thus being either the border of a recommendation for a mod (not allowed) or a list of mods (also not allowed.)

@GnomeSlice You do know you have to sign up if you want to play tomorrow.
@RonanForman Yeah, I said I can't get 2 hours of uninterrupted playtime.
Kay, jsut checking.
@RonanForman Will be trying to get an image (ie screen shot) for you today
@James I can see your skin.
@RonanForman Bowties are kewl :)
Q: Is there a HD addon for Rayman Forever?

Leadricommented: yes you're genius. it's also impossible. there can't be a official addon to a game. because you say so. addon = patch. it's same thing.

Well, I think that's enough messages sent out on sadlonelypeople.com for one day.
@StrixVaria Do not argue with @badp
That is what that guy needs to know
I'm impressed he spelled genius right and was so incoherent at the same time.
@StrixVaria The irony is delicious.
@StrixVaria Yeah, that's why I didn't bother responding to the guy.
@OrigamiRobot I need to print the FAQ on my hand.
@Tristan Good.
Excuse me while I eat cake.
Gives a new meaning to "talk to the hand"
Q: fiddles to squishy?

mezukyI know that fiddles his a fun box in a nap-sack body. However, with all that AP once build and with health restoring, silence and fear to aid to his skill. Fiddles still as squishy as every. What i would like to ask is what do u guys out there think would be a viable strategies. Combining runes...

Q: How do attack speed slows and buffs stack on each other

IllpalazzoHow does the game calculate attack speeds slows basically. For instance if Nid healed and ally and Malphite used his aoe attack speed slow how do they get applied.

Q: Should I try to Counter Pick the enemy champion if I do not know how to play the Counter Pick itself?

PetrosIn League of Legends, the case is usually that players will be facing off against each other at the beginning of the game in the Lane phase, a part of the game that relies heavily on individual strengths and weaknesses of both players and champions. With that, some Champions skill sets may give ...

Q: How do I defeat an enemy with a parry?

animusonI'm stuck on this last trophy for Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet: Take that, Villain! Defeated an enemy with a parry. I've looked up a couple guides and they seem to say the same thing: This trophy will pop during natural gaming. Block an enemy’s attack with [circle] a...

Q: Can I find an arcade more than once during a playthrough?

spugsleyIn Binding of Isaac, can I find an arcade more than one time during my playthrough? For example, if I find an arcade during one of the Cave levels, can I find another one later in Depths?

Is the LoL tourney still going on?? hehe
Q: Is there a HD addon for Rayman Forever?

GnomeSlicecommented: @Leadri Hostility isn't taken to very kindly here. There is an FAQ you can read for some better guidelines on asking questions, and failing that, other users are trying to give you some good advice in the comments about content suitable for the site, and you're arguing with them. This isn't a forum like you're probably used to; we have a specific set of criteria for questions and answers that we allow on the site, and the community appears to have decided that this doesn't really meet them. As an answer to your question, you probably heard about 'Rayman Origins', a brand new HD Rayman game.

I'm doing being helpful for about a week, now.
...speaking of tourneys
@badp Ah...
@GnomeSlice Giving up so soon?
Where is that, again?
@OrigamiRobot Did you see the size of the shit I wrote.
I'm sorry for forgetting
so did you and wipqozn play your three games, Gnome?
Something Trello.
@badp I think we did two.
Alright, screenshot time
And then forgot about the third.
@GnomeSlice did you win or lose both?
@Wipqozn Did we finish our third game?
@badp No.
@RonanForman If you need any help with MC today or what not just ask... I am actually considering setting up just some random map with that mod to get used to not healing
@GnomeSlice Last deadline is tomorrow. We need to catch up three games to get back on schedule
I think once the tournament is DONE, I'll actually update the graphical bracket image again, and give it to the winner or something.
I think that guy who offered the prize basically forgot about us, it's been going so slowly.
@Wipqozn Ping.
upvote this shit: http://www.reddit.com/r/IndieGaming/comments/rmobp/under_the_ocean_devlog_2_building_stuff_and/
@badp Thanks for sticking up for me. You're such a nice guy.
@Wipqozn Now fire up Frozen Synapse
play with Gnome
report back
@GnomeSlice start up FS and send me a challenge sir
@StrixVaria @badp This guy in the comments is a lot like me. He refuses to believe that he could have asked something unsuitable for the site, and he's raging about it being closed.
@Wipqozn Now, do you want me to set up custom team loadouts?
I know our last two games had really unbalanced teams.
@GnomeSlice Don't care either way.
Although they were both in your favour, and I managed to win one.
@Wipqozn Do you remember what we're playing?
This guy's posting some pretty good answers. Finally a new user from the LoL stuff who's doing well!
Disputed, innit?
Dark Secure
@Tristan I thought that Bunny guy was doing pretty well
This is confusing.
My comment didn't even get any upvotes.
Shows how appreciated I am.
@GnomeSlice Tristan's steam pic is Fluttershy, not Applejack.
@GnomeSlice eh, don't take it personally.
@StrixVaria Oops, I got that backwards.
@Tristan's gravatar is @Wipqozn's Steam pic.
Oh, I'm not friends with @Wipqozn on steam.
@GnomeSlice You really need to stop being so hard on yourself.
@Wipqozn trololololol
I wasn't really upset about it.
Grah, I hate Dark Secure.
@StrixVaria Oh, you're not.
@Wipqozn how many units per team you feel like?
@GnomeSlice 3.
Is secure the one where one of you has to guard an area?
@GnomeSlice Play with 2 rockets and 1 grenadier.
Ah balls. Secure is definitely my worst gametype.
@StrixVaria Very quickly, the grenadiers would be the only ones capable of killing anyone.
You need walls to use rockets.
@StrixVaria: Are you in the GSE steam group?
@GnomeSlice Exactly
@Wipqozn I am Invader Skoodge.
@Wipqozn He's 'Invader Skoodge'.
@StrixVaria What sort of madness is this.
that's not StrixVaria at all!
@Wipqozn I know right.
My URL or whatever on steamcommunity is /StrixVaria
That's just my display name.
Yo, how's it going?
There. Added. You are now one of the cool kids @StrixVaria (have me as a steam friend).
@Wipqozn YES!!!!
@Wipqozn I should probably just concede the remaining game, I'm terrible at Secure.
@GnomeSlice Fine with me.
I don't mind winning due to the other person quiting.
I change my mind.
@badp: Wipqozn: 2 Gnomeslice: 1
@Wipqozn Hey now, just a minute @badp.
I said probably
@Wipqozn okay, that was fast.
@GnomeSlice :P
@badp No!
@badp @GnomeSlice quit before we started. Said I was obviously the superior player.
I am laughing so hard right now watching this. popcorn
OH cool, you can generate symmetrical stages in advanced setup...
What the heck is going on?
@Mana Not bad, not bad...taming the Data Explorer's user page. How is Mana today?
@TimStone Not bad, used wget to download a bunch of cat .gifs
Now I need to figure out how to incorporate them into my amazing revolutionary Android app.
What else would you download from the internet?
@TimStone Porn?
@Mana don't forget to also dismiss the flags, it isn't automatic
Fair point.
@badp Oh, I forgot. Thanks.
@Mana This.
@Wipqozn Number of turns?
Q: Dismiss Chat flags when I delete the message

Ben BrockaSo someone flags a message in chat with a mod-only message. Upon deleting the post, the flag is still there as is the UI element. I have to manually dismiss the flag even if I agree and delete the post. Can these mod-only chat flags be dismissed when a post is deleted? Once you've acted upon it ...

@GnomeSlice 1 turn. I'll defend.
@badp do you know what game number this is?
@GnomeSlice 3.
@GnomeSlice I have no idea
@Mana I played a guy in Galcon named RonPaul. Other than that, I don't know what you're talking about.
@Wipqozn Wrong number.
We've had two games thus far, and it's 1-1.
oh - game 19
@Wipqozn I mean't game in the bracket.
Ah, I se.
Also, 16 turns @GnomeSlice?
I think that's the default.
Oh my god. Are we finally finishing the Frozen Synapse tourney?
I think the default is 6.
Which is what I picked.
@Mana It doesn't help we all forgot for three weeks
@badp Nor Gnome being suspended, I imagine.
@Mana Not likely.
eh. He wasn't suspended from Trello, or Frozen Synapse. Wipqozn also wasn't suspended. I can imagine though he did have other things on his mind.
People use that thing???
I just discovered shaking a window in Win7 makes all other windows minimize and unminimize
@James Originally I misread the first "window" as "widow".
What on earth do you guys make of this?
Sounds like it has samples from like a MILLION different video games.
@John I am going to take down our Sunken Island adventure map and put up an Ultra Hardcore server for a bit.. I will save off the world as is so it wont be lost but let me know if you want it swapped back
It's... really weird.
I recognize the witch laugh from Banjo Kazooie, the stage start music from Super Mario 64, just in this one part.
Q: Skyrim: Heavy Performance Issues after a couple of location changes

DerijaOkay, I've tried different solutions: ENB Series, removing certain mods, checking my FPS Rate, monitoring my resources, .ini tweaks. It's all just fine, I don't see what I'm missing. A couple of days ago, I bought Skyrim. Before I bought the game, I admit I had a pirated copy because my girlfrie...

Q: The new top bot and mid Metagame?

SageNightmareWhat do you think the new meta will be based off the current tournaments? I think Lanewick might be coming back as Solotop more because of that Irelia nerf? What do you think? I kind of hope that Brand will make a comeback as Mid AP,and I can't remember which tournament I saw,but I remember seein...

Q: how are movement speed modifies applied?

IllpalazzoStuff like which slows stack and how do they stack. Also do slows get applied before or after buffs cause it would make whichever is applied after better. Movement speed is a very core part of the game and how everything gets applied can be very confusing to figure out how to use all your utility...

Q: Skyrim updated to 1.5 but no 'cinematic killcam'

MrVimesOne thing I loved about Fallout 3 was the slow motion cinematic killcams. So when I heard they were coming to Skyrim I was made up. Yesterday my copy of Skyrim (PC) updated itself in Steam. I loaded it. I see that the version is 1.5 (1.5 and then some more numbers). No killcams whatsoever. ...

Seriously, someone listen to Frog plays his video games.
This is the weirdest thing ever.
I don't even recognize most of the sounds.
@GnomeSlice NO
jk I'm listening.
In case you missed it, @dkanaga's GDC mix of demented game music: http://bit.ly/GVashM Raving mad and fucking brilliant! Mix of the year?
Oh man, can't wait.
@Mana this is whack.
This is really goddamn weird.
Bow-ties are Cool
@Wipqozn Next move.
Wasn't expecting that.
@James I used to have an 11th Doctor skin, but I can no longer find it.
I still want a Ten skin.

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