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@AshleyNunn Yeah, I think the concept is great. I'm not that great at it, but I really like playing it.
Eh, I'll just play @IanPugsley's or @spugsley's :P
@FallenAngelEyes The liking playing it is what's important. :)
@GraceNote I feel like I've been to the "secret boss" at least a few times, but it's been years since I played it.
@AshleyNunn Haha, indeed!
@agent86 It's not that hard. It's definitely the way to go for maximum score.
Q: Kingdoms of Amalur: A Contest

LaurenIn honor of the release of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, we’re holding a contest. To enter, ask or answer questions related to Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning as you play the game. Anything tagged kingdoms-amalur-reckoning is eligible for this contest. Prizes: The people who (1) ask the most...

Q: What is the max level in Kingdoms of Amalur?

Raven DreamerWhat is the max level in Kingdoms of Amalur? And, perhaps more importantly, how many ability points will you have when you reach it? Is it always 3 per level?

@AshleyNunn I read this article on Massively the other day and realized that I relate a lot to it.
@FallenAngelEyes Oh, yeah - that describes an interesting part of my relationship to MMO's and things of that ilk.
I like the stories, but I don't want to spend time futzing with armour levels or raid groups or whatever I just want to play some stuff.
@AshleyNunn I think my difficulties stem from the fact I'm not consistent with this. In some things, I do want that challenge and strive to wring the most of the system, but in others I don't. I occasionally have min-maxing tendencies, but I also have this thing where I really like alternative "win" conditions.
@FallenAngelEyes Alternative win conditions?
Most games, I am content to play through the story and be done. I am probably one of the few people who get frustrated with a "new game +" mode or special levels (I am looking at you, Super Mario 3D Land.....) that are just harder or whatnot.
Okay. I'm resolving not to buy any more games for at least two months.
@AshleyNunn Like, I don't really enjoy takng a cookie-cutter build that's well-known for max DPS or something and just using it, but I do enjoy using off-kilter builds that others may think suck or just aren't as effective as the cookie cutter build and try to wring the most out it, min-max wise, just because I can.
@GnomeSlice Easy way to do that... pre-order everything you want today, then don't buy anything new for 2 months! :P
@Sterno I just bought the pre-alpha of Miner wars for $20. I'm done. I can't afford to keep doing this.
@FallenAngelEyes Right, that makes sense. Just doing something crazy/different because you can. :)
@GnomeSlice Wagers on how long this lasts? I'm going to go for around 4 hours.
@StrixVaria I really can't afford to keep doing this.
@GnomeSlice I don't expect this to fare well
speaking of Alphas and such, Cobalt (the game Mojang is publishing) is very fun, and is about $13 or so right now
@GnomeSlice I told you this months ago. I totally did.
@AshleyNunn Yeah. I'm not down on people who use FotM builds (Flavor of the Month) or anything, but it's just not where I derive the most fun and satisfaction from my gameplay.
I just have to find a good dual stick shooter and link it in chat...
Back when you first ran out of your PayPal funds.
In exactly 4 hours.
@GraceNote You totally did.
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, that makes sense to me.
I tend to be pretty sad when something can only be played one "right" way
Gah, I had about $60 in my paypal, and I was trying to decide if I wanted to buy an AfterEffects plugin for $45.
Well, so much for that.
I think I need help.
@FallenAngelEyes I like having options. Especially because the usual "right" way often doesn't work with my style or logic. I am not good with MMOs. XD
@GnomeSlice do you have a Trello account?
@GnomeSlice how that job interview go - have you heard anything yet?
@badp I think I made one after you linked your last game-chart.
@badp I second this for game organization!
@IanPugsley Nothing, yet. =[
@AshleyNunn I have this problem in that I tend to really dislike repeating content, so stuff like endgame grinding often has little appeal for me in and of itself. The loot grind treadmill is not one that makes me super happy.
@GnomeSlice did they say anything about when you might hear from them?
After reading that article, I'm trying to figure out where this leaves me as a gamer.
@FallenAngelEyes eah, I just get bored. I want to keep doing new things - kill/fetch quests get old for me super fast.
@GnomeSlice also have you written a thank you letter/email? It can be a good way to touch base again with them.
@IanPugsley I don't actually have contact information for them.
This was done through the college. They were looking for students in my program.
One of my professors approached us.
And nobody bothered to give me contact info.
I suppose I should have asked.
Like you, I often don't play New Game+, as it's just a repeat of the content. I'm not sure what to do. I'm wondering if I'm not getting the most of out of my games, but on the other hand, there's the part of me that just wants new experiences.
@GnomeSlice for future reference this is a key step
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, that is me completely. Luckily, most of what I play (3DS/casual PC stuff, Nintendo stuff) lends well to that style and makes me happy, but I know that for people who play "real"er games or bigger name titles, it can be an issue
@AshleyNunn lol real games
@Wipqozn It is the easiest way to explain it, though - the things I like often are not considered "real" games. (I am looking at you, HOG and Match 3 stuff....)
@AshleyNunn I know what you mean, I just have to laugh when people use that term
and rage
@Wipqozn Yeah, it makes me kinda rage-y but I don't know how else to explain it. I lack vocabulary XD
@FallenAngelEyes Quiet you!
Who would've thought that someone named Wipqozn would be so bad at using words...
@GraceNote I lol'd
sometimes games are only fun when they are new. other times, fun survives even when newness fades (points at tetris)
tetris defines grind, but.. still
Seriously though...
@AshleyNunn Anyone who calls those "not real games" has never played EBA's Jumpin Jack Flash on HARD ROCK!
@OrigamiRobot Amen to that!
I think part of it for me is that I tend to enjoy the challenge aspect of games more with friends. Accomplishing stuff as a team or in co-op is more fun for me than just solo.
I often don't mind myself playing a lot of the mainstream games. I do play some of them (like Dark Souls and Skyrim), but more often than not I find a lot of them are just the same game (MANLY MEN WITH LOTS OF SHOOTING) with a lot of repetitive and shallow gameplay.
@OrigamiRobot I should withhold comment.
Hence why I do enjoy PvP as a team, but 1v1 dueling is just meh to me.
@GraceNote I dont know what this means
@GnomeSlice get on steam please
@badp I don't have it on this machine. What's up?
Oh no worries, I found you
Oh, you mean the game?
@OrigamiRobot Nothing negative, just... well, Fallen could explain why I would withhold commentary about highest difficulty levels.
I don't think it's going to go to Steam.
Oh, nevermind.
What did you need my Steam for?
@OrigamiRobot @Grace weighs the same as a duck.
@GraceNote I simply meant the common argument of "no skill required" does not apply in that case.
@OrigamiRobot Tangential commentary.
@FallenAngelEyes @GraceNote did turn me into a robot.
Q: Unfreezing the Frozen Synapse Tournament

badpSo, our Frozen Synapse tourney has been inactive for a few months. Let's change that. I will now be using this Trello to organize the remaining games. Here's what going to happen: Every game now has a hard deadline - two weeks per game, as previously arranged. The home player must comment on t...

@OrigamiRobot See!
@OrigamiRobot You got better.
Someone sign up for this, please. You don't need to pay anything. I'm trying to get into the community website development, and having affiliate registrations looks good on your profile.
@FallenAngelEyes @dma57361 @Wipqozn @ArdaXi @jaminja @Brant see above ↑
I haven't seen DMA in ages
@badp Oh, you're done with the infographic?
@FallenAngelEyes Then you'll win by forfeit. No biggie.
@GnomeSlice It's not an infographic
@badp Do I have to sign up for Trello to do all this?
@badp Whatever. the Bracket Graphic.
@GnomeSlice It's not a graphic.
@FallenAngelEyes Can't you leave comments anonymously?
I'm talking about the one I made.
We're done with that?
Q: Re-open the Horse vs. Dovahkin "race" question

IsziSome days ago, I posted this question: At what point does the horse provide little to no benefit to the Dovahkin? If I recall correctly, it was quickly closed as "Not a Real Question" or something similar. Then, after some clarification as to its usefulness, it was re-opened. After that, it w...

Q: How do I chain Shadow Strike?

Raven DreamerThe description for the Finesse, Dagger-based "Shadow Stirke" move mentions that it can be chained up to 5 times in a row. When exactly are you supposed to press the attack button to chain the move? I've been practicing this on barrels, to little effect - usually my character just stops after th...

Otherwise you can do a one click sign up by logging in through Google IIRC
@badp I didn't even try, was wondering about the signup.
Hm, no, you can't comment anonymously. Oh well :/
I can add comments for you though.
Or Gnome can.
Just do let us know.
@GraceNote Not fully.
@badp Do Trello boards have 'administrators'? Am I one?
I will re-send to DMA
@GnomeSlice You are one now.
@FallenAngelEyes DMA was last seen on Gaming Meta 31 minutes ago
If you do join Trello I can add you to the board and assign you to cards so you get notifications and stuff
or at least that's what I assume it's going to happen
I'm still very much testing the limits of this thing
@Wipqozn Yeah, that's my problem. I also can't play any of them, especially if they are shooters or heavy on the inventory management/levelling choices
@GraceNote Ah, woo, thanks for the head up. I know he doesn't frequent the Bridge often.
@Wipqozn My b/f and I got Gears of War and Army of Two to play together for some couch co-op and I don't think we're ever going to finish. :(
ugh, lots of good questions for KoA, looking forward to digging into it and asking and answering some.
@Wipqozn <3 Vanquish.
@agent You had commentary regarding the horse versus human race question for Skyrim, neh?
@GraceNote hmm? I don't believe I did...
smells like a req question:
Q: Mouse with grip most similar to Razer Krait

constantius9Sorry for such a directly-pointing-at question, but this is just about the specific mouse. I hope it still meets the rules of the site. By “grip” I mean the way you hold the mouse. With Krait, it's very easy to hold it with thumb and the little finger so that index, middle and ring fingers are o...

@agent86 I thought you had
"It's not a shopping rec, I just want to know what to look at"
No, that's still "recommend me a thing"
Oh, right, you had commentary on a different question that was going to be dupe-closed as the wrong direction, righto.
@GraceNote I don't think I participated in that question
@GraceNote this sounds more likely. the SC/SC2 ITG, perhaps you're remembering?
@agent86 Well, I'm still electing you to take point and "strut your stuff" on the new Meta post. Because I can do that. ♪
@AshleyNunn Putting a disclaimer does not make it
@OrigamiRobot THat's my point. :)
@OrigamiRobot It's like saying, I'm not racist but...
@AshleyNunn I know, I just wanted to make that tag :P
@OrigamiRobot I like that tag. :)
@GraceNote sure, I'll take a crack at it :P
Nice de-tzenes, @badp
@GnomeSlice Were you the one who up voted that shopping rec question?
Thanks to whoever registered for MinerWars through my url.
@GraceNote I had to fix another typo and see the revision history to understand what you said.
It's kinda sad really.
Shouldn't we avoid answering offtopic things like shopping recs? Doesn't having an answer encourage people to ask them, because it stands getting an answer before it gets closed?
@AshleyNunn yes
@AshleyNunn And we shouldn't be up voting them either...
@AshleyNunn Deleted.
@Wipqozn That's what I thought. I just wanted to check - I tend to have trouble remembering the hows and whys of a lot of things.
I dunno about answering in the answer area, but when I do close stuff but know a couple of helpful pointers, I'll typically mention them in the comment area
@badp That makes sense to me. Helpful pointers are definitely...well....helpful.
Murdering askers and giving them good advice are not mutually exclusive. The rocket really is the way to go.
The main reason to avoid answering is expecting the "Well, I got help anyway" effect. Which is that people get away with (and thus may perhaps continue) asking off-topic stuff - sure it gets closed, but they still get to use us as a resource.
@badp Yes, I don't mind that so much
but you shouldn't be posting an official answer. I just encourages them.
I'm personally okay with doing it in comments - it still technically applies, but more importantly, it's a lot less striking than posting as an actual answer.
@GraceNote Yeah, that was what I was trying to say, but I think you said it a lot more eloquently :)
@GraceNote even better would be doing it in chat, and linking to the chat in the comments
driving them to ask in chat if they have something similar ever again
I've even answered and solved closed identification questions in comments.
I still don't like the way we deal with new users who ask questions unfit for the site.
The common answer is 'when you have 20 rep, you can ask in chat'.
@badp and so it is
But we downvote them to hell, ruining most chance that they'll actually stick around to get the rep back from the downvotes anyway.
@GnomeSlice Not always.
@GnomeSlice New users... don't really suffer reputation loss from downvotes
This fellow is an exception since he clearly already knew shopping rec was not on-topic, but asked anyways.
that deserves a lot of down votes.
@GnomeSlice If they only have 1 rep....well, you can't go below that.
I don't deny though, that we can always be more welcoming by just being nice with comments.
I would find it inappropriate to give a new user four upvotes just so he can join chat
@GnomeSlice They can't go negative, so if they didn't have rep beforehand, it doesn't really matter...
@badp Indeed.
@GraceNote They do if they need 20 to enter chat. Not to mention the fact that the downvotes make them feel unwanted or whatever.
People aren't going to want to come back if people downvote the shit out of their first post, even if it's unfit for the site.
I agree with you @GnomeSlice that some users are really harsh on new users. I usually try to avoid down voting questions / answers by new users, but in some cases (like this one) down votes are warranted.
Then what do you suggest?
@GnomeSlice If they get hammered before they even get an upvote, there's effectively 0 loss. That's what I'm noting, technically.
@GraceNote It's not just about reps.
@GnomeSlice We're generally pretty liberal with upvotes here, though. If they give a decent answer or question, they'll reach that very easily.
@Ullallulloo This.
I think you're all missing @gnomes main point
I wouldn't want to come back if my first post got downvoted into oblivion.
@GnomeSlice It not being about the reputation is precisely why I want people to avoid upvoting these kind of things, in fact.
Keep in mind that a closed question comes with a free downvote courtesy of Community.
He's commenting on the negative stigma down votes bring
@GnomeSlice It's not his first post
@Wipqozn ...it's, uh, pretty much the whole point though, isn't it?
@murgatroid99 Second. First Post[s]
He already has a good question at +4 with an accepted answer
"-1, please don't post this." "+1, please post more like this."
He could have come to chat
@GnomeSlice He already knew he shouldn't be asking.
@badp Downvotes are not supposed to be happy fun time, they are like "oh hey, this doesn't work here." Is that a good assumption to make? (As in, am I making the correct one?)
You can tell that from his question
@AshleyNunn That's close votes.
@Wipqozn I hope it still meets the rules of the site
Downvotes say it's bad.
@Ullallulloo If you have them, sure.
@Ullallulloo Well there's answers too
You should just close it without casting any votes, and leave some constructive comments.
@GnomeSlice The question isn't about shopping recommendation, I just want to know what mouse to look at :)
@badp There's flags for that.
So many questions in answers, every day
@GnomeSlice I do agree with that.
@Ullallulloo Flagging is not a replacement for downvotes
He's clearly trying to subvert the system.
@badp For off-topic stuff...
@Wipqozn It seems to me that he just doesn't have a clear idea of what's permitted on the site.
He knows he shouldn't be asking this, but is trying to get in through some loop hole.
@Wipqozn Agreeed.
@GnomeSlice Which should be handled by a constructive comment to the user
Please continue to flag about bad posts that need removing, but don't forget to give the poster some negative feedback as well
@GnomeSlice It feels like this "I don't know what to buy, but I can't ask that, so if I ask what to look it, well, its not technically buying....so I am using a loophole."
@GraceNote Yes. But downvoting people for making mistakes isn't going to make them want to come back.
A: Re-open the Horse vs. Dovahkin "race" question

agent86In my opinion, this is a bad question, and I think it overlaps in some ways on several different types of "bad questions." The FAQ reads: You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face. Chatty, open-ended questions diminish the usefulness of our ...

@GnomeSlice But how else do they learn?
@AshleyNunn You close it, and comment on it.
Basically do what happens currently, but without the downvotes.
Downvotes aren't for off-topic stuff; they're for bad/low-quality/wrong stuff.
@GnomeSlice This isn't some 'honest mistake'. It's an attempt by a user to abuse the system.
Erps. Capslock.
@Wipqozn I don't get that impression.
@GnomeSlice Again, a closed question carries a free downvote (also cc @Ullallulloo)
@GnomeSlice But that is the impression that the downvoters are getting.
@GnomeSlice When are downvotes appropriate, then?
@GnomeSlice Multiple others users are though.
@RavenDreamer I picked "mail me the game from amazon"
@agent86 Zen yew are UESLESS TO ME!
because it's the one whose failure case is the easiest for me :)
I should think if a user was repeatedly posting questions like that, you'd assume he was intentionally trying to subvert the system.
@Ullallulloo I disagree to be honest. I think a lot of down votes are not for off-topic stuff, but one or two are fine imo. More often than not users would know a question is off-topic if they took the time to read the faq.
Downvotes for the downvote gods, dammit!
But if it's a first offense...
@badp That's to de-motivate people, but I still don't think others should downvote them usually.
@RavenDreamer what are you after?
@RavenDreamer Yours was purchased yesterday, should actually be in your possession by now
Where does the money for these SE contests come from?
@GnomeSlice I'm not arguing we should drive every post to minus fiftyseven before it can be deleted
@Sterno They take it out your wallet when you're not looking. Not everyone's, just yours.
@Sterno StackExchange...
@GnomeSlice Which seems to an intentional move by the asking to abuse the system.
@agent86 Nicely done on the horse question.
@GraceNote There weren't any restrictions on location for the 'mail from Amazon' method, were there?
@GnomeSlice People are drawing this conclusion from the explicit mentioning of knowing the existing rule.
@OrigamiRobot thank you :)
@GnomeSlice The only restriction I think we have is "Canada is evil".
@GraceNote But it 'tisn't, so I'm investigatoring.
That's what I mean. Maybe he just doesn't have a good idea of what constitutes 'shopping rec'.
@GraceNote =[
@GraceNote Awww, boo. :( Why evil?
My main point is, we shouldn't upvote new users just because they're new. We don't need new users, or traffic, that desperately.
@RavenDreamer Poke Steam, then, because on our end, it's totally marked as purchased
@AshleyNunn Yanking on chains, as it were. Ain't an actual restriction
@badp I agree with that. Which is why I have a problem with whoever up voted that question/
@badp I didn't say you should upvote him. I said you should go easy on the downvotes.
@GraceNote Hm.
@badp At least not off-topic stuff. If it's a good answer, I think it's reasonable, and review encourages that.
@GnomeSlice He's asking for what to look at for shopping purposes
@murgatroid99 Maybe he's a kid. You don't know.
@Ullallulloo I'm not sure a lot of "off-topic" stuff reaches me in the moderation queue
You don't up vote a question because you think it has too many down votes, and you don't down vote a question because you think it has too many up votes.
@GraceNote I have had so many issues with shipping things here in canada that i am starting to suspect it is evil
Q: Mouse with grip most similar to Razer Krait

constantius9Sorry for such a directly-pointing-at question, but this is just about the specific mouse. I hope it still meets the rules of the site. By “grip” I mean the way you hold the mouse. With Krait, it's very easy to hold it with thumb and the little finger so that index, middle and ring fingers are o...

Q: How Do I Defeat Yomi?

YuckWhat is a working strategy for defeating Yomi? Which paradigms should I be using, which monsters in my paradigm deck, and what is the overall flow of battle?

also, shift key, y u no work/
@Ullallulloo Okay, yeah, I guess I asked the wrong question. I guess I meant why does it make business sense for StackExchange to fund contests on Gaming.SE. I don't see ads on the site, so I'm not sure how increasing effectively paying to increase traffic helps them. Other than it being awesome for awesome sake
@GnomeSlice You're not on the list for people who have claimed their games yet. Have you just not sent an email?
@Wipqozn I don't think this is really anything anyone is contesting here.
@GraceNote I'm just making a comment on the fact someone has up voted this question
@Sterno I think eventually the plan is to monetize gaming.se in some way. I think the plan now is to try to build our viewer base.
@GraceNote Uhh?
@Sterno I think that they're trying to build the site more and use it to build the others before they fill them all with ads and make boatloads of cash.
@Wipqozn No reason to assume that that is the reason, though, is it?
@GraceNote No, but there also isn't harm in me making the comment, is there?
@GraceNote Actually, that was exactly the reason. I've removed my upvote.
@AshleyNunn Canada? Or the shipping ocmpany?
Future feature request: disable ads with high enough rep :)
@Sterno That already is implemented.
@GraceNote Ah, sent to the wrong email address.
Or do you mean the side ads @Sterno?
@Sterno there's kind of a chicken/egg problem with these kinds of sites. participation in a user-content-generated site is dependent on there being worthwhile content to begin with. providing incentive for people to contribute jumpstarts the cycle.
@GnomeSlice I see. No harm in late, just give me a nudge when it sends out and I'll alert people

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