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I've used Dapper and MiniProfiler in projects before, they're cool.
After using Dapper in Data Explorer, I want to shoot myself when I go back to Java and use Hibernate. |:
crashes through space
@Brant I misread that as "... before they were cool". You hipster.
insert coin
Wait @MarkTrapp... you are inserting a coin in the mother of god?
@Fredy31 type insert coin on a line by itself in here
insert coin
@Fredy31 What, never heard of a Tiajuana Bible?
I think we need to play insert coin for game on! one week.
Oh god
@Fredy31 See?!
Mother of god.
is there other Eastereggs like these in the chat?
Q: What Easter Eggs do the chat sites have?

MosheAccording to @balpha, he SE chat sites may have individual Easter eggs, depending on the site. If you find them, please post. Edit: Because it's so easy to make this stuff up, a screenshot as proof would be nice. (Although Photoshop ain't that hard either...)

rm -rf /
d20 lets try this
Doesnt seem to work
But I wonder if we could get some G.SE only easter eggs
They only work in certain rooms.
That was my guess
So tomorrow is the spleef tournament right?
@Fredy31 RPG only
Yeah, you joining?
I just have to remember it
@RavenDreamer Have you checked out Sunvox yet?
Which I obviously suck ass at doing
Join the steam group and you get a reminder.
Yup I got one today.
Thing is, when your in the middle of something else, Its no good.
Ah, I guess I missed Game On today, didn't I.
What game was it?
Q: Playing Super Smash Bros (N64) with Master Hand?

Fredy31I remember playing the N64 version of Super Smash Bros where you could play as master hand. Was it just my imagination or there's a way to do it?

@RavenDreamer Since I can't figure out a way to reply to you without dismissing the flag, I think it's fine
as in the question can be left alone. He's clearly asking "Is Master Hand actually playable in Smash 64", which IMO is a question that many people who played that game asked
chirp chirp
@RonanForman @GraceNote will be so happy.
insert coin
@StrixVaria iOS has eaten Nintendos lunch so hard.
I see it
This is driving me nuts.
There must be a way to map the LFO frequency to the song's bpm.
I still think your terminology's a bit screwy. You're not mapping it to the bpm but to the amount of ticks that have passed at any given moment.
I'm not mapping it to ANYTHING at the moment, I'm just earballing the oscillation frequency.
@GnomeSlice I know. I meant that's what you want to do.
Aha, part of my problem is that I have 5 TPL.
@Mana What? How?
@GnomeSlice I dunno.
For anyone who is wonder what the hell I'm on about, this is what it sounds like currently: dl.dropbox.com/u/29281634/wubs.wav
@Mana Okay, 6 TPl = 4 Lines per beat.
That's easier to work with.
I still need to figure out how to pick the right frequency though.
@GnomeSlice I played that and found my desk vibrating. (My subwoofer is inside it)
It sounds a little better now, but...
You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you, @RavenDreamer?
@GnomeSlice Depends on what "this" is.
Scroll up.
8 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
There must be a way to map the LFO frequency to the song's bpm.
^ TL;DR ^
I have no knowledge of most things music, especially not music synthesis software.
@RavenDreamer Using the maths to make a wave where the apex is always on the beginning of a note
This frequency isn't even given to me in Hz.
Actually maybe it is.
@Mana Er. Phase shifting doesn't change the sound.
@RavenDreamer It does if you apply it to the sound's Low Frequency Oscillator.
It's not just phase shift I need though.
@RavenDreamer Wow, I think I felt my head phones oscillate.
Sounds a bit better now, but I'm still just earballing it.
I'm basically using an LFO to oscillate the amplitude.
@GnomeSlice phase shifting only part of the waveform? Yeah... that would have an effect.
@RavenDreamer No, I don't think you realize what an LFO is.
@RavenDreamer A low Frequency Oscillator is used to oscillate an effect on a sound wave. In this case, I'm using the LFO to oscillate the amplitude of the bass sound.
Which is why it's going wubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubw
@Mana did you listen to the one I just linked?
I can probably live with this until I figure out how to do it proper.
@GnomeSlice Also possible.
@GnomeSlice I wouldn't be able to tell it was off once you put some stuff over it.
Anyway, here's the bassline I'm trying to ripoff emulate:
@GnomeSlice can you use a cosine instead of a sine? Cosine starts at 1.
@RavenDreamer No, but I can phase shift it. It's just not clear what these values mean in sunvox.
Anyway, you're not understanding my problem
Forget the phase shift.
I need the frequency of the LFO to make it so that there are a certain number of 'wubs' between each note change
And so that it ends up where it started by the next one.
So you need to play with the oscillator waveform's frequency.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, I'm trying but I don't think the adjustments are precise enough here for me to get it perfect, or I just don't know the technique/maths to do this.
Frequency, not phase shift.
I knew that.
@RavenDreamer :(
This is really annoying me. =[
Okay, the way I have it just now sounds pretty good.
It's not perfect, but I don't think I'm going to get any closer.
Let me reupload it and see what you guys think.
Gaming on an iPad.
user image
@RavenDreamer This is the only acceptable use of those things.
@Mana I think this actually sounds pretty good.
@StrixVaria Except that the embedded magnets in the back might mess with some mice.
@RedriderX So it's not good at anything!
@StrixVaria Preeetty much.
@StrixVaria So have you heard any news about iPad 3?
@GnomeSlice yesit'sgood
@RavenDreamer? How's that sound to you?
@Mana okaythanks
@RedriderX If the news is anything other than "apple ran out of money and is going to stop making things", I don't really care about it.
@GnomeSlice I can't hear the first set of wubs as distinct tones anymore - the volume dropped since the 2nd upload
@GnomeSlice Sorry I have stone ears most of the time. It's still just rocking my headphones.
It's not wubby enough any more.
I gotta go figure out this lambda calculus stuff. bbl
@StrixVaria Preeetty much the same here.
@RavenDreamer First set of wubs? What do you mean by 'set'.
Oh, the low ones.
Well, I can hear it on my subwoofer, and they aren't supposed to be too distinct anyway.
Well, the thing is, I used to be able to hear them.
@RavenDreamer I dropped the power of the LFO oscillation a bit, to make them less distinct.
i.e. lowered the difference between the minimum and maximum levels.
gotta go
the first seven minutes of this are amazing
the rest is great too but in particular the first seven are amazing
that's all
@Mana Hunh. Interestingly enough, I"m working on program music myself.
@RavenDreamer Oh by the way, I just found a pretty great free sample library.
@Mana nice. I like it.
Weew! In Missouri. Now it's just a three hour drive til I'm home. =D
> the LFO is currently in milliseconds, not synchronised to the tempo of the song
@Tristan nice
Finishing the drive tonight, or tomorrow?
No idea what time it is for you and all.
Q: What triggers a weapon clash?

Ian PugsleyWhile testing various timings and attacks for Does Leixia's weapon clash get through instead of bouncing back? I've found that not all attacks that occur at the same time will clash. This is obvious when I think about it, but it has me wondering - what triggers a weapon clash? Do the two att...

@RonanForman I'm gonna batch up the video resizing and such from the first LoL match earlier - what resolution(s) did you want?
@IanPugsley 1280x720
@GnomeSlice he mentioned possibly wanting 360p in addition to 720p, just checking
He can size it down himself.
@Wipqozn Tonight. It's only 8:30 here.
Man. I earballed it perfectly.
Damn, I'm good.
I don't think Earballing is a thing.
Maybe you "Pinna"'d it perfectly?
I would say he "eardrummed" it.
@StrixVaria Or this.
I earballed it, bitch.
insert coin
insert coin
Q: How do I Turn Yoshimitsu Around?

GnomeSliceI've scrolled through the entirely of Yoshimitsu's moves list, but I guess I've missed something because I absolutely cannot figure out how to turn him around so that he's facing away from his opponent. The only consistent method I've found of doing this is to do the deathcopter move and fly ove...

Q: How to play a private match on android?

YamikuronueI want to play with my friend and nobody else. If I make a public game, anyone can join. If I make a private match, however, according to any information I can find online, I have to "alt-tab to Steam, right-click on your friend, and invite to game". Which is great, except I'm on an Android phone...

Well that was awesome
@SimonSheehan I take it you enjoy shooting us? WHAT DID WE EVER DO TO YOU?!
@GnomeSlice Honestly, I think I support Earballing and Eyedrumming.
insert coin
insert coin
@SimonSheehan You should check out erkie then
Now, how do other rooms get a secret Easter egg...
insert coin
Ah. Good to know.
insert quarter
@RavenDreamer insert dime
insert penny
insert nickel
Note to self: Social Experiment success, though John was the only one to fall victim to it.
@Tristan Missouri? I'm sorry.
@RavenDreamer Which clearly makes me the most awesome person here.
Gir vs. Ponies.
@RavenDreamer Gir.
@Mana That wasn't a question. ;)
@RavenDreamer And that was an exclamation of disgust.
@RavenDreamer So, let's talk recent Homestuck developments.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is SO awesome.
Politically correct people need to shove it.
@Mana So about the whole Roxy nosing Jane to hook up with Jake thing.
Is there a reason I missed as to why Dirk's robot is beating the everloving crap out of Jake?
Aren't they half-siblings? (Though they don't know that, clearly)
@Mana Dirk builds angry robots.
@RavenDreamer Hard to say at this point.
If we go back to Jane's introduction, it pretty much beat you over the face with the fact that she's apparently not a genetic clone, although it might have been sarcastic
@Mana Well, no, the ectobiology thing. They effectively "share" a parent. I think.
@Mana Oh, that's true. It's totally possible that the ectobiology one of them is pardox-bound to perform will swap the "half-sibling" pairs.
Which would make their hookup less squick.
@Mana And yes. Jake needed Uranium. Dirk didn't want to give him any, Dirk said, go get it from the robot I built for you, and then Dirk set the robot to "Kill: Jake" mode.
> In public, you and your DAD made quite the pair. Everyone could tell by a glance that you were your father's daughter, sired from his loins directly and genetically, through what was undoubtedly a natural process of human procreation involving a man and a woman. People would definitely nod and say, "Yep, that little lady sure did emerge from a womb on account of that gentleman's awesome virility."
@RavenDreamer oh, right
@Mana I thought that was tongue in cheek because the reader would know that they were ectobiologically unrelated.
But this comic does nothing if not surprises.
@RavenDreamer Yeah...that's what I'm debating.
@Mana ...Pardon?
@GnomeSlice Oh, you know. Homestuck.
Although you haven't read to this point.
Still, I'm not really afraid of spoiling you since nothing we're going to talk about is going to make any sense to you until you reach the point where it will.
I'd have to start over, I think.
also because you stopped reading it anyways
I'm still waiting for the pace to pick up again!
@Mana Yeah.
Fuck you music.
I think I've finally reached the 'acceptance' phase of the new characters, though, similar to how I was completely disinterested in the trolls at first
@Mana How far along was the story when you started following it?
^ This is how I feel about Steam. ^
@RavenDreamer about halfway through halfway through Act 5
@Mana randomly, I don't read Homestuck but I have a friend who cosplays the shit out of Vriska. She does an awesome job. Do you do any cosplay or just read?
@spugsley Just read, actually. Some of the cosplay's pretty cool, although the people who get really into it can be kinda strange
@spugsley pictures @Mana trying to cosplay as Vriska.
@spugsley Is she cute?
@GnomeSlice The friend or Vriska?
Also, 18-20
@GnomeSlice You're the worst.
@GnomeSlice @Mana here she is: sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/…
@Mana I know.
I think 7-pupil eyes is pretty neat, honestly.
@spugsley Eh, I'd smash.
@spugsley My skin cringes at what it would take to maintain that pallor.
@spugsley That's pretty neat. How the heck did she get her eyes like that, contacts?
@GnomeSlice wat.
Depending on her age, of course.
@RavenDreamer yeah, she painted it on and reapplied it very frequently. @Mana yup contacts
God, I am such an asshole.
@GnomeSlice ............
@GnomeSlice yes, yes you are.
At least there's no one here to star that... -_-
@RavenDreamer Well, I just got back.
resists urge to star
I don't care, everyone already knows.
Well, anyways.
@spugsley I hope you can excuse my friend.
And hi @Ash, @Ullallulloo. How goes it?
@Mana good-ish, trying to copy over my hard drive and install Ubuntu.
@Ullallulloo I just did that for someone else today.
@Mana Quite well. :) Managed (after about an hour of trying) to beat the second boss in DKR, so I call that a win
I got my mouse synced to both computers though, and I can't get them un-synced.
Q: Is there a way to toggle walking mode with keyboard & mouse on the PC in Reckoning?

EstiOn the forums it seems like it is possible to walk with your character using a controller, but I can't find a keyboard shortcut that does the same thing. Am I missing something?

@Ullallulloo lol
@Mana Oh boo hoo.
@spugsley Eugh, I never understood people who used contacts. Particularly non-prescription ones.
@AshleyNunn I think I like you more now that you've changed your avatar to Rainbow Dash... which is shocking, really, since the Ponification of other Gravatars has had the reverse effect.
Must be the shades.
@RavenDreamer Switching to the gravatar made her 20% cooler, so that's not a surprise.
@GnomeSlice I couldn't do it. She gets the really cheap ones from like China. I'm surprised her eyes don't fall out

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