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@Manaಠдಠ well your joke hurt. I'm going to go cry some more.
Me too.
I'm going to cry lots of...Recettears pffffffffffffffffft
@Manaಠдಠ I remember someone who was going to make a terrible mod because his jokes were bad.
@Manaಠдಠ Excellent choice!
@Manaಠдಠ You're gonna racketeer?
@Mana: I put a lot of items an my first adventurer in one of the Dungeon runs in order to make him stronger, but all I actually did was lose the items... :(
@Tom :( I feel your pain.
A: Is it any use combining Sorcerer's Shoes and void staff

kastermesterFor the most part I consider Void Staff to be an item worth considering only if my main targets (AP/AD carries, maybe even the support in rare cases) are stacking magic resist. Generally speaking you should just get Sorceres Shoes and then focus on building AP or other things... HOWEVER: Some he...

I don't regret using my last votes of the day on this answer and its question
good stuff, yo
ah, that's what I found earlier, a Demon Altar
oh my god I lost all the stuff Louie had equipped just because I went to the title screen?!
that's worse than dying, that's like literally taking all my best items and throwing them down a waterfall.
@Manaಠдಠ close vote, or up vote?
from which they can't be retrieved for some reason.
@Wipqozn upvote :|
geez, I'm not that close-happy
@Manaಠдಠ OKay l o l. I just didn't realize we had limited up votes
So I was understandable confused, since I couldn't understand why you would close it.
Oh, you didn't? Tsk, sounds like you need to vote more!
@Manaಠдಠ You're not? That's a bad quality in a mod IMO.
SO it would appear. How many votes do we get?
@Wipqozn 30 IIRC.
30 and then an additional 10 to use on questions.
I assume that's per site, not network wide?
@Wipqozn Nothing is network-wide.
@Arda I can't tell if you're joking. You want me to close a perfectly fine question like that?
@Manaಠдಠ I was referring to being close-happy in general.
I can think of reasons, within policy, to close any question.
@ArdaXi oh okay, I made the same misunderstanding the mana did.
I thought you were saying not being close happy was a bad mod quality
@Wipqozn That was what I was saying.
@ArdaXi okay then
Agh, dammit!
@Arda I see. Well...I wasn't saying that like I'm not actively thinking of whether or not a question should be closed. I was just making a joke.
I was hitting one of the exploding bomb enemies to make it weak enough to hit it with a stone of magic and i accidentally critted and it exploded and killed me. :(
@Manaಠдಠ I was also joking.
Well, the point is, I'm close happy, and I'm running for mod. I need to defend my position.
If I can undermine yours while I do that, then that's just bonus points.
@ArdaXi Wait, so you guys are not going to fight to the death?
@Arda I give up on these mind-games.
@Manaಠдಠ A strange game.
@FallenAngelEyes That's why you should just stick to fishing. Less dangerous.
don't even say it
@Manaಠдಠ The only winning move is to withdraw.
@ArdaXi You're right! then @GraceNote will be forced to stay!
That way we all win.
Or blowing up the entire world.
@Wipqozn Except Grace Note. She wouldn't be very happy losing his job that quickly.
@ArdaXi Oh, right.. I forgot, @GraceNote's feelings matter too. My bad.
Feelings other than mine matter?
@TomWijsman Minus 300 points for not searching Meta before posting!
I often forget people other then myself matter.
@Wipqozn Ninja'd.
@ArdaXi dang, you got your joke out Just before mine
@ArdaXi and again!
I just can't win today
@Wipqozn Same strange game.
@ArdaXi I suppose the only winning move is not to talk.
@GraceNote Oh, a hidden answer by you. Reading it... :)
@Wipqozn Funny, when you say multiple lines, your avatar transforms into the Doctor.
@ArdaXi seriously? That's pretty awesome. Did that happen to anyone else? I'm still seeing the sword & shield
@Wipqozn I've seen it elsewhere but it's not working on you
It's probably because the 32x32 picture is still cached on my computer, but the 16x16 one isn't.
Maybe the chat system just hates @ArdaXi
@ArdaXi I prefer to think the chat system has a mind of it's own, and dislikes you for some reason
The chat system loves me!
@GraceNote Ah, the answer I was looking for "go-and-apply-them". :)
Unrequitedly, of course.
Just don't go too wild, @Tom
@GraceNote: As in "see-if-they-make-sense" or beyond that?
@TomWijsman It may be wise to plot out which tags you're thinking of. If you create a dozen new tags to handle this, then it'll be easier to figure out whether those tags are wise without needing to retag everything if it is decided otherwise (for example, I'm not 100% sold on myself as needing to be distinct from ).
@GraceNote I agree with your bracketed statement. I would assume "items" would include "item-usage"
@GraceNote: Ah, given that there is that's probably better, people would indeed not search for something as specific as . So I better put up a meta request when I'm not sure...
On Super User, I usually used a Data Explorer query to sort out questions with one tag and get them at least 2 or 3 tags.
I love the title of the question Feeds is about to sprout up.
Haha yeah
Q: What is the most effective way to mock someone else's religion?

bwarnerIn the full version of Desktop Dungeons, you can gain piety with your chosen god by desecrating the altar of a different god. But doing so will cause you to suffer the wrath of the god whose altar you desecrated. What are some good ways to take advantage of this ability? It seems like the pena...

Move the text of that religion to the fiction section of your local book store
I wanted to post that as a comment, but I feared it was way too borderline
since someone that doesn't know me well enough might think I'm serious
@Grace I poked Spacedrake on the forums and he said they'll be getting the patch up on their [temp site] ASAP.
He responded about half an hour ago so hopefully it'll be up soon
@FallenAngelEyes Awesome! Thanks, @Fallen!
They were apparently on their way to Japan or something when the patch dropped
Q: What is the most effective way to mock someone else's religion?

bwarnerIn the full version of Desktop Dungeons, you can gain piety with your chosen god by desecrating the altar of a different god. But doing so will cause you to suffer the wrath of the god whose altar you desecrated. What are some good ways to take advantage of this ability? It seems like the pena...

Also the next game they plan on releasing is Territoire, dunno if you've played that one
Can't say I have
It's apparently a turn-based strategy game
I just noticed I didn't put the link to their temp site in my message, oops. Here it is
@GraceNote: Ah, clicking a tag and looking at the related section seems like a good start. :)
Q: Should we be aiming for more tags on questions?

Tom Wijsman Possible Duplicate: Should we try to encourage at least 2 tags per question? When I look around the community, I mostly see questions that only contain a single tag. That tag represents the game the question is about, so it serves to categorize the questions by game. In comparison to ...

to be honest though I find these ones easier than the Chantelise bees
since I don't have to keep accidentally jumping/getting knocked off cliffs
@Manaಠдಠ Almost spit out my pop
@Manaಠдಠ You say that now, but wait until later, uehehehehe
See, in Chantelise, the limit on the number of bees is 4.
Oh no. :(
But...no beehives?? :D
Have you fought bosses yet, @Mana?
Well I fought a king slime. And that was pretty easy. But...it was a king slime so I'm guessing I'm not going to have much fun later on.
Well, if you've noticed, the boss has minions.
oh. Oh....
I don't want to fight the queen bee ;_;
Why did I just have to approve a suggested edit by Brett? Can Brett force himself to suggest edits if he's unsure if they're correct?
Q: Tips for building a house

Alexy13This question might be subjective. I'd like to know how you made your house, share your experiences and optionally add advantages or disadvantages. I know there are a lot of ways to build a house, so one answer isn't nessairly correct.

@Manaಠдಠ He lost his diamond a while ago
Oh. Did...something happen?
oh, wait, did he lose it because his job as an editor is done?
@Manaಠдಠ yeah, it expired
a few days ago I believe
All of CHAOS's super mod powers were only temporary.
Makes sense.
Once they get through the top 1000 questions by views, they'll still stick around (and Brett in particular is now in charge of the Gaming Promotional Grant Dealie), but they won't have the moderator powers anymore.
@Lazers I'm leaving a comment on how he can improve that question, since "share you experiences" isn't a valid question, but not sure how to word it.
I could edit it myself, but I prefer to teach a man to fish, et cetera
Wow, Braid is a powerful game.
Nevermind, @mana has it covered.
@ArdaXi Indeed it is
One of my favorite
(Yes, I am very, very late at only just finishing it)
@Wipqozn @Tom covered it first.
@Manaಠдಠ We both covered it in a different way, I think both comments should stay...
Oh. Well, okay!
@Wipqozn The way it depicts the Manhattan project as something that was at first believed to be positive, but later on became negative is very interesting.
@Arda spoilers ;_;
@Manaಠдಠ What, really? I mean, we already allow Portal 2 spoilers in here.
Oh, yeah, true. Sorry.
I actually haven't finished it yet
@FallenAngelEyes Wait, going off your screenshot, the Tiki Torch almost seems to light slightly higher
@ThomasMcDonald Because it sits higher off the ground
Is there anyway to hide text in chat?
@FallenAngelEyes but yet the bottom seems to be lit the same
My torch was on the ground and the Tiki's light's point of origin is slightly higher
@ArdaXi Yeah I agree. Did you collect all the stars?
I haven't touched Braid, either
But it's on my "To Do List"
@Wipqozn Stars?
@ArdaXi Indeed! If you already 'beat' the game, you'll need to do it again to collect all the stars.
@ThomasMcDonald You can see that the 5th row of blocks from the bottom of the tunnel is ever ever so slightly darker with the Tiki one than the Torch one
You know that you use "as you note" way too often when it appears in two sentences right next to each other. :(
... which unlocks the path to a (slightly) alternate ending
At least I can tell that on my monitor, I dunno if it's as clear on yours
It says here "The first one must be collected before all others. It can only be collected if the puzzle of World 3 is not assembled."
Can't you disassemble it?
@ArdaXi Not once it's finished, and that is wrong. Except for the last one, you can collect them in any order. You just need to be careful not to assemble the world 3 puzzle before collecting it.
Oh, right, you can't pull pieces apart when they've clicked.
@Wipqozn Are you sure you can get the others when you haven't got that one?
@Wipqozn Wait, what? In Braid? So if you've already done that, you're boned?
@FallenAngelEyes No, you restart.
The game is very, very easy to complete if you're not collecting all the puzzle pieces.
Not sure why we didn't have one of these before
@FallenAngelEyes yes, you would need to restart
Because we have them for each specific game usually.
Oh...so that's where Reginald Drisby came from.
Have touched Braid in the past, got to the harder parts but then I stopped because I was like "it's more figuring out, less fun".
@Manaಠдಠ Chantelise came before Recettear.
@TomWijsman For me, figuring out is the fun. Much more so than just shoot to kill.
@ArdaXi Agreed.
Yeah, but sometimes I just don't see it...
@Grace Oh. Wait, yeah. Wait, what? shakes head
Huh, so I need to play through Braid again at some point?
I should play through the PC version this time... played through the 360 version last time.
@Powerlord yeah you do
@Manaಠдಠ Unless you think he came from our future into their past, then no.
(That said, the name probably came from their localization of Recettear)
@Powerlord Hmm, no real difference as far as I know, and platformers are easier with a gamepad anyway.
Originally, in Chantelise, he was... Johnny Ji-Jo!
Hey @Patrick. How's it going?
Hmm, we don't really need `this syntax` in this chatroom, do we?
@Grace Also, having magic gems be the EXP thing was very confusing at first. I picked them up and was all like "okay, how do I cast a spell now?"
It's useful sometimes.
@Manaಠдಠ Yeah, that's what using what is probably the same engine does to you.
@GraceNote Well, with some Javascript magic, it can be used as a spoiler tag.
@ArdaXi Then we'd need Greasemonkey for everyone who comes in here.
Let me think.
JavaScript works better
Whoops. Lazily scrolled through my inventory, assumed I didn't have any food, told an old man begging me for food that I didn't have any...find hordes of food on the next inventory page...:x
@GraceNote It's a simple CSS change, really, but other than gaining access to the SE server, Javascript is the only way to modify CSS easily.
Spoilers for everybody! A dime a dozen.
I'd say "Propose it on Meta" but I know what your response will be.
@GraceNote I know what their response would be. They'd have to invent new mark-up, modify their Markdown code.
@ArdaXi Coincidentally, that's what they said about spoiler markdown in the first place. We saw where that went.
@GraceNote It's bound to be more work for chat than for the main sites.
Of course I keep a skeleton file like this around for when I need to turn CSS into a Greasemonkey script.
I'd settle for having stuff in spoilers in questions stay behind spoilers in the feed.
@ArdaXi most pointless use of minification ever?
@ThomasMcDonald Nah, that'd be when I minified Hello World to only a few bytes.
Oh weird, my chat "rejoin all favorites" button is missing.
@Powerlord It is?
@GraceNote Yeah.
No idea where it wandered off to.
Feel free to fill in whatever (name) you like.
@ArdaXi Arda
@Powerlord That's been happening to me on and off too
If you've been in any other rooms and left them while you've been in here
@ThomasMcDonald That was so predictable.
@ArdaXi OK, I know the joke is getting old, but you don't need to complain about it. :O
I don't think it reappears
@Powerlord Hm. So it's not on your favorite rooms list. That's odd.
@Powerlord Hmm, we don't really need bacon in this chatroom, do we?
@FallenAngelEyes How long has this been happening, if you think of it?
@GraceNote About... a weekish maybe? I thought it was just my browser being silly so I didn't mention anything.
I've been having to go to "All Rooms" then click on my starred ones individually to get them to show up in the little side thing.
I actually meant the button that's usually above the "other rooms you're in" list.
I still see rejoin all on the All Rooms, Favorites tab.
@Powerlord I didn't actually know it was there. Funky.
Oh, here we go, answer from HedgeMage yay!
> If you are already joined to >1 room you don't get the button any more... you have to go to your favorites tab under "all rooms" to find it.
@Powerlord I didn't know that was there either
@GraceNote ...that sucks.
It's handy because I'm in more than one room >:(
@GraceNote Figures... it's because I joined Spoilers earlier.
@Arda You're going to love this one.
> For linebreak add 2 Dead Space 2s at end
Oh, that's what I said. ><
@GraceNote has adding spoiler text to chat been discussed before?
@Wipqozn On and off.
@ThomasMcDonald So it is. Nice catch!
2 hours ago, by Arda Xi
Well, yet another policy I cannot begin to understand. Another day at SE.
@GraceNote It's something that I always have an issue with
I end up leaving other rooms & refreshing the sole one I'm left in just so I get the button back.

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