@OldMan There. Try that Python snippet in the HDRI dynamic range question. Works here. Replace the EXR in the snippet with your own, then hit "Run Script".
@OldMan sorry I go t sidetracked with the election... not great times in this country... but I'll keep my grief out of this chatroom.
@OldMan finding the correct perspective is very tricky as reconstruction is only valid for one point in space and a single angle of coverage. By looking at the images you posted I can tell you that the lens is not calcutated correctly. Did you even try Blam ?
Even with an incorrect lens the perspective can be calculated, but then you are entering into the realm of trompe-l'oeil
@OldMan how can you then estimate the lens coverage on an image? Blam does have a the tools to figure out the lens coverage based on converging lines (also known as vanishing point)
If you don't want to use it it's also OK, but you'll have to rely on your perceptual and cognitive skills along with your own lifetime experience of understanding reality through a lens.
@OldMan look at the basic structure of the room. It's clearly a parallelogram. Pay special attention to the points where the walls meet the floor and the ceilling. Those are the ones you should try to match. After that the rest of the elements will make sense.
The middle walls shouldn't exceed the dimensions of the room, the hardest part then is figuring out if things are larger or are just closer to the lens... It's hard to relay this, but once you play with it you'll see what I mean...
@cegaton @troy_s This tutorial is about creating a 3D animation starting with a 2D image. The image used was found somewhere on the internet. I think this is a rather practical situation that you have an image but you don't have the focal length and the point it was shot.
Hi, first of all I sympathize with all the American people here, no need to say more.
@troy_s @cegaton I'm working on this scene and I think it's the time to put to critics www.studios-cad.fr/send/bathroom_pbr05_filmic.png My ref: http://st.houzz.com/simgs/5b6173fb0209800e_8-9440/contemporary-bathroom.jpg If you want to look at the raw .exr: http://studios-cad.fr/send/bathroom_pbr05.exr
By the way if there are other ones who want to gives feedback don't hesitate. I'm especially interested about what the rabbit hole is about, not modeling stuff...
@troy_s no I'm not completly satisfied with all the shaders + there is a lot of noise and not the final resolution. It's an old scene which I only keept the modeling, the old render: www.studios-cad.fr/images/bathroom_final.png Poor chromatic aberation^^.
The old raw: www.studios-cad.fr/images/bathroom_raw.png
Not too much compositing on the new one (juste filmic look + OPS node) The old one, a bit more with chromatic aberation color ajustement + photoshop for the burnt color of the cabinet.
The ref is a photography not a render, I'm shure of it.
@Mareck I wouldn't be. Ikea has some ridiculous amount like75-80% renders. That sure feels like it could be a render.
Anyways... mind blown really.
@Mareck The before and after are pretty stunning... that is this comparison:
Versus the original, sRGB ETOF:
While it is very much almost impossible it seems to get things close enough to do an A/B test, there's enough interesting comparison elements to keep it interesting.
2nd 3rd and 4st picture: http://hartwrightarchitects.com/baths/ Thanks, nice to hear because I've spend lot of time on the old, + some time on the new, comparing... so my eyes start to be a little blind to what's best or not ^^.
Now I need to work a little bit on some shader and find a way of getting a clear image. For the moment it's 7h of rendering on a Nvidia Titan X 5000 samples. Need to go I come back later
@Mareck People mistake the added dynamic lighting range as being a "highlights" thing, but if you understand that the result is much more light you can begin to know areas to look too. When you stifle the light range, you suffocate the bounces and transmissions.
@OldMan I think something changed indeed on the grease pencil! I can't draw lines that are not vertical or horizontal either... try with a previous version of blender.
@cegaton but if it would work it might well be a very helpful addon. btw, I liked your remark about trompe-l'oeil ... interesting !!
@cegaton I am not suggesting that I have nothing to learn as a photographer but I was looking for new things and this world of 3D, motion and VFX is really exciting especially because people have totally different perspectives and know-how. Really fun !!
@OldMan precisely because you have a background in photography you do have an understanding of space and light represented in a bi-dimensional medium... same elements, but sometimes we have to think of them backwards. A lot of fun indeed!
@OldMan I don't know for Mac but on windows you're not forced to install Blender at all. There are installer and zip version on windows, just need to unzip and lunch Blender, it can even be directly lunch from a usb device.