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@troy_s Now I see, it's exactly what I was searching for since one year and a half.
The reason why my image always lack of light depth.
I was almost sure the quality difference between Cycles and other renderer like Vray, wasn't just about the engine, the driver/knowledge make a lot of difference too.
The things we thought was a glint, was in fact a bevel geometry without thickness lit by the backface. Bad me.
@Mareck It is a deep and enjoyable subject.
@Mareck As an american, I'm feeling sorry for the Mexicans, here and in mexico. Our government with Trump's party in control of the entire government, is going to gun for them full force.
8 hours later…
@GiantCowFilms hope it will not legitimate extreme political party in other country.
We are already decomplexed enough with that.
4 hours later…
1 hour later…
@cegaton Thanks! Responded.
@cegaton Arrgh those blasted things.
@Mareck Watch France. It has already begun to happen. Even here in Canada the right party is emboldened by the result.
@troy_s Yes I know, in fact it's already started in all Europe
Yeah what to say, people are blind.
@Mareck It is classic Neoliberalism; deflect the leeching of tax dollars and byproducts of extreme wealth back upon the government. Just look at who Trump is installing into his army. Old money. Old wealth. Old right wing systems. He isn't shaking anything up. He is punishing his opposition and rewarding his allies, and make no mistake, it is just Neoliberal right wing policies.
Make the government look like the villain after ramming money and back room negotiated laws into the system. The problem is hypercapitalism and austerity. Has been for the past century.
It's a businessman what else to expect? It's his job.
We are at a critical moment of history and suddenly this guy appear and won.
We are far from what I was thinking we were far from making a bit of change.
@troy_s at a certain point perhaps it's a good thing, people need to be face of the s..t they contribute to maintain, looks like we aren't the only country to sing the foot in the s... anymore ^^.
Better laughing about that even if it's hard sometime.
Would be nice if we could nuke old statements here. Little did I know that when the Alice in Wonderland reference was made that it was a toxic term.
Frustrating that I can't flag my sentence or edit it.
Why for? You say this because of politics talks? @troy_s
@Mareck No. Pinned messages. I would link to it but it frustrates me.
Sidebar on right. I said it. Why the room changed names to Rabbit Hole.
@troy_s @troy_s didn't see this one
@troy_s I'm not bad with English but sometime I'm missing the meaning.
Need to go.
See you later.
4 hours later…
@troy_s I have this feeling that the Blender focal length might not be what one would expect ?
@GiantCowFilms hi ... you said you have some experience with BLAM. I have this question on BSE about BLAM. Would you mind having a look ?
@OldMan It is tied to sensor size
If the gate size doesn't match the source, the focal length will also be different.
@OldMan Remember that all approximations are just that; you are better using the actual values if you have them
But I don't really have any context of what you are attempting etc
@troy_s I understand it is tied to sensor size. I am trying to use this BLAM add-on Cegaton recommended. I will not always have the actual values of the image and that is why I am interested in this add-on.
@OldMan To actual footage?
If so, you absolutely must guess the sensor size it was shot on if you want the focal length to match a predefined expectation with say, Super35
It will not match your expectation of stills photography because the gate is horizontal 35mm film on an SLR and vertical on a motion picture camera, of which most footage is from in terms of looks
Super35 is around 24mm wide, by 18mm tall (rough ballparks for se sizes) which can be compared against SLR's 35mm by 24mm
Net sum: When you look and got used to a 50mm on an SLR, the field of view projected onto the surface of the film through the gate is significantly wider than on a motion picture camera.
The optics are identical on both, but the actual field of views are quite different.
@OldMan Looking at that question - one of the reasons I stopped using BLAM was because how hard it was to precisely draw lines. No matter how precise, it just wasn't good enough
@troy_s If you are solving for focal length, does sensor size actually matter? I mean mathematically it should still compute to the same value.
@OldMan TBH that looks like solve error. Maybe try giving BLAM more data?
@troy_s to actual stills (see my blam related question on BSE)
@GiantCowFilms Depends on what you are doing with it
@troy_s Sensor size, in terms of CGI would probably only impact DOF?
@OldMan Camera?
@GiantCowFilms And field of view, and barrel distortion, and colour, and flaring, etc.
@troy_s I am intrigued by this technique of camera mapping (using still images). If this works I could use images for building a 3D scene. And in some cases I would use "found" images where I don't have the camera data
@troy_s that is why I am interested if this blam add-on works
@OldMan Google RunSFM

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