Just came across the BET Equation for adsorption. Wikipedia says the quantity 'v' refers to the 'quantity of gas adsorbed', but it doesn't specify the units 'v' adopts......would anyone happen to know ?
Is it in moles, or grams or volume or what?
(Currently this user, out of sheer desperation, seeing no help forthcoming, is attempting to answer his own question by the use of dimensional analysis)
I tried to figure out what v was through dimensional analysis, but that wasn't any great help...
Okay...I'll try...
@Loong, darn, you're right they're volumes ... but even the article didn't seem to mention the conditions under which the volume's measured...
Danke für den artikel anyways....
(Unrelated comment: @Martin-マーチン I've been wanting to ask you this for a while now; where did you learn German from? (I wanna learn too, pretty pweeze)
I came across this definition for the calorie, which I found...strange:
"The (15°) calorie is the heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water from 14.5°C to 15.5°C."
Subsequent searches online revealed that this was (one of) the standard definitions for the Calorie.
Now two iss...
The problem
They ask, I answer, they delete. What can I do? And what should I have done?
I answered a question, he accepted it, and then he deleted the question!
Should I warn potential answerers that an OP has a history of erasing (probably homework) questions?
Some new accounts display th...
I have made a question I need to be answered before continuing in a OSDev tutorial. Here it is:
Cannot link linker.ld
It has currently 32 views, 0 comments (2 favorites and 2 upvotes, no downvotes) that relate to the question/question problem (I wrote a comment saying thanks for the bounty, but ...
First question from someone who know nothing in chemistry :D
I want to do copper plating and seen people using Copper Sulfate but also there is Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate
So what is the difference and which one should I use?
@orthocresol That document may contain some special typography that is only used by AMS but not in international science and technology; that's why I don't link to that file on meta.