10 yrs ago I was into sprinting 60, 100 and 200 m because that's all my stamina made me doing ;) I liked doing it and today I like to watch it occasionally in tv. I guess one of the main points is that it is over in short time and I can continue to do what I like more
as football is THE main sport here in germany you have absolutely no chance of not getting nerved by it on a daily basis. the only way would be to stay in your appartment 24/7 watching no tv ... that's a bonus on why I don't like football ;)
some of the bigotry is like a train wreck... can't look away... but I have looked away
and walk away with my views still intact and reaffirmed by some of the comments/posts there - the christian based one was the last straw.... reaffirmed my Atheism too
now i need to answer a question to feel human again
I care not anymore - I am not goign to change their minds (nor want to), and they have no chance of changing mine - and I don't find debates like that in any way fun or purposeful
Some guys in some country were allowed to do what they weren't allowed to do before, and a site I'm not even participating in makes their logo colorful. Why in the world should I care?
We were doing an experiment about hydrated crystals and more precisely how to determine $n$ in $\ce{CuSO4.nH2O}$. After we heated the crucible we were to cool it down using a Desiccator. Then this question came to my mind: Why must we cool it down? By doing researches in the Net I were only able ...