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01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 20:00

Who's that now? @santiago?
need another avatar
most probably ,
So anyone don't know a way to find an answer for what I upload
@santiago Have honor and become a molecule.
@Onthewaytosuccess I am Googling.
@M.A.Ramezani: try hard
there we go
@santiago: you too also don't know electromagnetism stuffs?
@santiago @Lord is proud.
what the hell on earth that
@Onthewaytosuccess Isn't the answer 5?
@M.A.Ramezani: no, bro answer is 3
but I don't know how they get it
> So how much voltage (emf) can be induced into the coil using just magnetism. Well this is determined by the following 3 different factors.
> 1). Increasing the number of turns of wire in the coil. – By increasing the amount of individual conductors cutting through the magnetic field, the amount of induced emf produced will be the sum of all the individual loops of the coil, so if there are 20 turns in the coil there will be 20 times more induced emf than in one piece of wire.
@Ont that does sound like the answer is 5.
@M.A.Ramezani: Nope answer given is 3, did you notice that they ask about largest induced emf across it's ends
hey, no physics genius here
@Onthewaytosuccess OK so?
Do the turns in 5 somehow not count as turns?
Induced emf is rate of changing magnetic flux
@Onthewaytosuccess electronics-tutorials.ws/electromagnetism/… Do what you do, my main magnet lessons in school are next semester.
@Onthewaytosuccess I know a bit, not by choice, it was a dark and stormy night.... oh wait
@M.A.Ramezani: there is no turns
in 5
there is no spoon
You might go to the physics' chatroom and ask.
@Onthewaytosuccess What? What are they then?
is there chat room for physics
Yes. The h bar.
they are just ,i'd say.. some sort of verticals rods
that are connected
Current carrying ones
@M.A.Ramezani: is there chat room for physics?
Haha I wonder if @Wildcat's still looking for my answer.
1 min ago, by M.A.Ramezani
Yes. The h bar.
@M.A.Ramezani: is there chat room for physics?
27 secs ago, by M.A.Ramezani
1 min ago, by M.A.Ramezani
Yes. The h bar.
oh i see, thanks @M.A.Ramezani
1 min ago, by M.A.Ramezani
27 secs ago, by M.A.Ramezani
1 min ago, by M.A.Ramezani
Yes. The h bar.
@M.A.Ramezani: hey ,no one ut there at H bar,
That can't be. O.o
@M.A.Ramezani: Hey, don't you play cricket
@santiago: do you play circcket
not a chance
it means you like it
nope, I hate cricket
good for you
it is
@Onthewaytosuccess No.
I'm neutral about it.
I don't like it, I don't hate it.
Mainly because I dunno much about it.
@M.A.Ramezani: I have played it almost for 10 years or more
How old are you, again?
Yup years old?
I am 18
almost 19
Oh, so it's the sport of your life.
Some what
It was
Mine is volleyball.
What is it now? Volleyball?
when did you start
When I was kinda six.
good for u
do you have a target to play ur national team
No, I'm not a sniper.
My aim is to become, drumroll, a boring chemist.
I have played voleeyball
In school
why you like to become a chemist\
mine is boxing (doing, not watching)
why not doing
I like that too
Because chemistry is fun.
I mean boxing
not watching
I wanna become a pharmacist.
@santiago Homework vampire boxing world championship games, eh?
Abbreviated as HVBWCG.
Damn, that's a weird abbr..
@M.A.Ramezani yes!
Any of you guys watching wwe
Not a fan.
They're really ruleless.
I don't watch any sport/pastime - they all bore me
@santiago You certainly haven't watched much volleyball.
@Onthewaytosuccess WHAT?
No, definitely not that kinda pharmacist.
Anyway best wishes for your success @M.A.Ramezani
Image craze.
@M.A.Ramezani i did once, when I woke 3 days later....
Symptoms: Excessive imagery.
@santiago I can't expect more from Aus's volleyball.
@M.A.Ramezani: d u watch WWE
Not that much, just to kill time.
When you're fasting, you'll do pretty much anything to pass time.
@M.A.Ramezani:Never ever procrastinate
@M.A.Ramezani: hey, the ones inH bar isn't friendly
nope, they even don't reply
That isn't even rude.
that alarge guy
no I didn't mean they are rude
Anyhow it doesn't matter
@diffracteD: Heyyo
"In the end, it does not matter"
@diffracteD: do you know physics
hieeeo guyz..
a little bit @Onthewaytosuccess, as my research area coincides.
@diffracteD: d u knw electromagnetism
Hydrogen Iodide @diffracteD
@diffracteD: could you help me to solve this
not exactly I'm currently working with such items.@santiago
@diffracteD" hey
@diffracteD" hey,
@diffracteD" hey
@diffracteD" hey
lemme see.. If I can do..
@diffracteD: could you?
@Onthewaytosuccess Pinging people a lot is a bit rude. Please stop.
I didn't want to be rude
I know you mean well.
That's why I say it now, before someone gets irritated by that.
@diffracteD hydrogen iodide chemical formula is HI
@santiago BTW your new avatar rocks Mr. Addictive!
@M.A.Ramezani,@santiago,@diffracteD, mI am on the way to sleep.
So good bye
@Onthewaytosuccess Later!
According to right hand thumb rule the F=qE = B x V (both are vectors). So as your direction of velocity is lying perpendicular with mag feild(B), the force generated by the mag field(emf) should be in horizontal direction to the plane. Hence the linear wire, as per your figure will experiance/generate more emf dur to the given B and V. @Onthewaytosuccess
@diffracteD: Thanks, magnetic force is to the right side
Isn't it
how about 3rd answer
did u notice that they asked about emf induced at two ends?
@M.A.Ramezani,@santiago,@diffracteD, I am on the way to sleep.
adios @Onthewaytosuccess
@Onthewaytosuccess Vectors won't get summed up in case of 3rd option. 4th option(as because it is linear) won't have any vector subtraction working so seems to generate greater emf.
@Onthewaytosuccess in case of 3rd option you get some vector subtraction that gonna reduce the net emf. In case of 4th, as it is linear there will not be such reduction on emf induce by mag field and velocity.
congrats on the 3K @M.A.Ramezani and you're welcome
My homework flagging!
@diffracteD: Dmn me, the given answer is 4!
On the serious side, thanks @san.
I told you 3 ealier
you're most welcome
Cracks knuckles Time to blow up questions!
@diffracteD: But still I didn't what u have said
@Onthewaytosuccess try to imagine the vectors acting on the force.
so here we have velocity , b field vector
@diffracteD: Thanks for the help you are giving to understand this
@M.A.Ramezani i need 310 more rep to get there
@santiago Hush and enjoy your flag heaven.
@M.A.Ramezani lol
mmmm Marshall
The only thing I currently care about is getting to 10k.
F=qE = q(B x V), Now see the force is directly handled by the vector (V) of the electrons present in the wire. @Onthewaytosuccess
Btw that was starred in the maths chatroom, it's very interesting
@Onthewaytosuccess 3rd wire have too many bends causing vector subtraction as the wire moves on and thus reducing the emf. Which is not in effect in case of 4th wire as it is linear.
Nice try @Hipp! But it's gonna take more than that to get an outspoken here
@diffracteD: okay..Umm... why there is vector sub. in3
@M.A.Ramezani ಠ_ಠ
@Onthewaytosuccess Also your question suffers from a lethal assumption. In this Q we assume that all wires are of same length. Which means the Linear wire(4th) is stretched to generate other wires. In such case the the num of electron facing directly the electric field will also be greater in case of linear wire, hence generating the max emf.
So this is another view you can use to explain @Onthewaytosuccess
@diffracteD: what is the theory you used here
that is the most important
for me
It would be better if you read some basics related to "movement of particle in mag field and cyclotron" @Onthewaytosuccess
It would be easy to understand then.
@diffracteD: hey are you in a hurry
@diffracteD: is that the one u re tallking abt
a bit. Actually designing an experiment for me. @Onthewaytosuccess
because I have another one quiz remainning
@Onthewaytosuccess yeah that is the cyclotron principle. but before going into such complication first go through some basics like: movement of electron in mag field, Lorentz force etc.
You got your ans in 2nd Q @Onthewaytosuccess so what's the worry !?
@diffracteD: I couldn't understand it
can you explain the scenario that happens there form A-Z
@diffracteD which functional do you use to calculate hydrogen bonding?
@PH13 B3LYP.
@M.A.Ramezani I could have guessed it ...
@diffracteD use at least b3lyp-d3 ... what is the basis set?
BTW I'm kidding!
b3lyp is a basis set @M.A.Ramezani I think. May be @PH13 is talking about exchange correlation func.
ok xD
@diffracteD B3LYP is no basis set ...
Oh yeah! my bad !
sry for that.
I'm basically using m06 @PH13
@diffracteD why m06? which basis set?
manual says it better encounters the dispersion issue too. Besides more modern than b3lyp.@PH13
6-31g is the basis set I'm using @PH13
@diffracteD modernity has nothing to do with accurateness ;)
@diffracteD 6-31g is a bad choice as there are is polarization which yuo clearly need
@diffracteD use at least 6-31g(d) and because you care for the hydrogens, use 6-31g(d,p) or something like that
according to few recent literature, m06 is better encounter the dispersion and charge transfer component @PH13
@diffracteD,@PH13,@M.A.Ramezani, I am off
gd nyt@Onthewaytosuccess
OK OK, you don't have to say that 184818187 times.
@diffracteD: gd night
@diffracteD that's a better reason than just being more modern ;)
@diffracteD you might also consider to include the d3 correction by grimme as it improves most calculations at nearly no extra costs
as per basis set, I'm only using 6-311g, 6-31g* @PH13
@diffracteD why only them?
BTW @PH13 were you a university student?
@M.A.Ramezani i am writing an answer
tried aug-cc-pvtz too, but it's giving me very low energy than expected and besides costs a whole lot of computer time. So I decided to stick with moderate size basis sets. @PH13
@M.A.Ramezani I'm currently in my last master semester
I'm basically applying dft calculation in macro-molecular crystal structures. So, I don't think in case of macromolecular interactions polarization does a much of a difference @PH13
@diffracteD and which size has the system that you calculate for h-bonds? also macromolecular?
@diffracteD the cc-pVxZ basis sets are not reccomended for dft usage
aah! I didn't get your question @PH13.
@M.A.Ramezani I'm going to write my masters thesis in computational chemistry
few literature used cc-pvxz@PH13 so i gave a demo run.
wow! dat'z great @PH13. Which topic !
@diffracteD nearly everyone with no clue what he is doing uses b3lyp/6-31g* ... but that doesn't mean that it is the proper choice
@PH13 I'm using 3 diff functionals and 2 diff basis sets, yielding me near about same single point energies.
@PH13 any suggestion would be highly appreciated.
@diffracteD moment please :D
@M.A.Ramezani ruthenium dyes
sry ... @diffracteD ruthenium dyes ... xD
@PH13 Cool!
@PH13 Cooler!
@diffracteD how big is the system you investigeate for the hydrogen bonds?
@PH13 the system is huge. so, i trimmed the system to the atoms, which are main determinant of my work interest. So, I got 4 atoms.
N-H...N-H? ^^
yes @PH13 but the influencing factors are non-linear. Means trying to investigate the non-linear atomic configuration w.r.t single point energy.
@diffracteD but i would guess that only those four atoms are to few
but what else I require to check atomic configuration/arrangement dependency @PH13. These 4 atoms provide all the information regarding the formation of H-bond.
but those atoms depend on other atoms themself
yes but I'm getting the fixed coordinates from crystal structures, means the calculation is on limited local geometry.
Besides the point I thought I'm ignoring is the polarization effect. but in case of macromolecules people are saying polarization is very minimum.
@diffracteD but if you reduce all pyridine-, piperidine-, amine-, amide-, whatever-else-N-containing-system just to N-H...N-H you ignore all the chemistry that makes them different by saying that they all are the same ... and that is simply not true
What I was thinking. If a N-H of a pyridine if interacting with N-H of other pyrimidine, then the coordinates of N and H in both cases are decided by the ring components/steric clash/polarizations. But when I'm taking the fixed coordinates crystal-structure then I'm getting the coordinates like: atomic coordinates = f(ring components/steric clash/polarizations).
@diffracteD even if I'm not able to explain why I think it would be important to include more atoms in your calculations ... for your amides you should consider including at least the N-neighboring carbonyl groups because it is a distributed electron system and the carbonyl groups are essential for your electron density in this region
@PH13 Ok, I'll definitely give some serious time on your thought.
And If you get some more faults, in your view,then I'd be very happy to listen. @PH13
@diffracteD are you just interested in h-bonds or do you want to use the found method afterwards on your huge system?
@PH13 good point. Basically I'm specifically interested in v specific atomic properties govern and control H-bond architecture.
Have, although, plans for afterwards once I get this basic thing done.
I never asked @PH13 where are you from !
@diffracteD germany
so, are you interested in research work @PH13
@diffracteD does being a german lead you to that conclusion?
nop! just asking causally. B'coz I'm in that profession @PH13
@PH13 Oh it does.
hey @M.A.Ramezani
Sorry, a bit busy.
where have you been @M.A.Ramezani
@diffracteD Iran.
no, I meant, you were not here in this chat room today evening. So I asked @M.A.Ramezani
@diffracteD sure I'm interested in research work ... i wouldn't be at university otherwise
@M.A.Ramezani why does it?
@diffracteD where do you come from?
India @PH13
@PH13 Because kittens.
@PH13 so what area in vast n diverse science fancy you most !
@diffracteD lolic chemistry.
@M.A.Ramezani wow, datz an interesting field...
@diffracteD chemistry? xD
chemistry is a vast field, that's why I asked @PH13 What do you like most. !
@diffracteD I like to investigate inorganic and organic chemistry with computational chemistry. I'm also somehow interested in more advanced pH calculation stuff.
Great, that's a really challenging field@PH13 Like treating enzymes to optimize their pKa values in diff environment/condition.
It would be very nice to talk with you then @PH13
@diffracteD It's always nice to talk to someone keen on science, no matter they study enzymes or not.
@diffracteD systems like enzymes are very hard to treat with ab initio calculations, though
yup, I agree @PH13 the system is too complex.
@M.A.Ramezani agreed !
@diffracteD but there are some good semiempiric that can handle it maybe ...
@PH13 In my current work I'm just trying to do that. What semiemperic or emperic methods have to compromise to get some macromolecular works done.
@M.A.Ramezani are you there !!
AM I where?
here you are..
@M.A.Ramezani what you are interested in... beside lolic
LOLic, Lolic, lOlic, loLic etc.
oh dear.. God save the Queen
@MadSci any problems with SE cookies?
You seem to pop in way more often today.
@M.A.Ramezani I'm on a tablet, that kicks me out of chat if the chat tab is not active for a while
I said that because sometimes I run into weird problems with chat.SE.
01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 20:00

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