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Q: Disgusting attitude of a homework vampire

santiagoI am referring to this comment, which states: And @santiago I know that it is on me to think about it but what to do when I'm not even able to understand where to start ? KlausWarzecha gave me the answer. So even if you close the question i dont care as i know the answer now. Which basicall...

2 hours later…
Hey, anyone out here?
2 hours later…
Hello...any one there? I have an organic chemistry doubt regarding [email protected] @Jan @santiago ....I thought of asking here before posting..
Cuz I am stil a beginner
hi @Onthewaytosuccess!
hi@Martin - マーチ
@Onthewaytosuccess Are you typing the names when you want to ping?
why my internet connection is low, any suggestions @Martin - マーチ
@Martin - マーチ: nope, I copy paste
okay, there is an easier way to do that ;)
you can type @ and start the name and then you can hit the tab key and it completes it for you
alternatively, three letters are enough to ping
@Onthewaytosuccess the tab key?
Tab ↹ Tab key (abbreviation of tabulator key or tabular key) on a keyboard is used to advance the cursor to the next tab stop. == History == The word tab derives from the word tabulate, which means "to arrange data in a tabular, or table, form." When a person wanted to type a table (of numbers or text) on a typewriter, there was a lot of time-consuming and repetitive use of the space bar and backspace key. To simplify this, a horizontal bar was placed in the mechanism with a moveable lever stop for every position across the page, called a tab stop. Initially these were set by hand, but later tab...
Oh I see
I used a too long path
No worries, now you know and can type faster ;)
@Martin-マーチン see I was trying to understand why m-CBPA doesn't work well with alkynes ! With alkenes I know it works via the butterfly mechanism...
oh oh..i see...
@Mart: Hey
well the supposed product
Hang on I found a link for that
sure :)
how to remember those groups that go towrds meta and para positions ,I find it difficult
It's halfway down the page: masterorganicchemistry.com/2013/06/04/…
But you are welcome to ask another question if that does not clear your doubt
@Onthewaytosuccess Do you mean in aromatic substitution?
Ya of course
I need that thing
@Mart: Hey are you there
Thanks a lot @Martin-マーチン ...btw does m-CPBA react with aromatic system like benzene?
@SanchayanDutta I would not expect it to, but I am not quite sure about it
@Onthewaytosuccess I hear you
Try to rationalise +I and -I effects and +M and -M effects
Another quiz
How to remember the variation of acidity and basicities
And how can I predict them easily
I mean in aromatic compounds
what do you mean?
there are a couple of question linked
and helpful understanding the concept
If I grab them correctly
if something raises doubt, just ask anew question linking to the original
Often the acidities can be explained by the same concepts
o/ @PH13
And how to remember those salt analysis in s p d vlock elements
What do you mean with salt analysis?
@Martin-マーチン do you know any site which provides the mechanism of catalytic hydrogenation using Ni ? I mean I've always faced trouble with the stereochemistry
Not from the top of my head
maybe ucdavies or kahn academy has some sections on that
@Mart: I meant those colours of compounds
Specially compounds involves s, p
wikipedia has a section on hydrogenation, quite extensive, should cover most mechanisms en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogenation
How to remember those
@Onthewaytosuccess You mean flame colouring?
Or the colour of the salts?
Ya stuff like that
Colours of oxides
And acidity , bascity of oxides
You will have to learn them
And acidity , bascity of hydrides
I did learn them
i know of no easy way to remember them
But hw to remember those
learn by heart, i think that's the only way
It's tough I know
for the acidity/ basicity of oxides, you just have to formulate an equation with water
Then you can see if they rather produce OH- or H+
for example CaO + H2O -> Ca(OH)2
and that reacts like Ca(OH)2 <=> Ca^2+ + 2OH-
it's reacting basic
@Martin-マーチン I went through the pages...So it seems that Ni/Pt/Pd all show syn addition...right?But what if Ni is used to reduce from alkyne (say but-2-yne) to but-2-ene....Will the cis or trans product predominate?
how to generalize those
Or SO3 + H2O -> H2SO4
most of the times oxides of electropositive element react basic
and non metals react acidic
I have not read it, but it seems promising
@SanchayanDutta I think that often needs to be determined on a case by case basis
Okay I'll read it
@SanchayanDutta It also might depend heavily on the cat that was used
@Martin-マーチン one or two cases will do....for example reduction of but-2-yne by Ni..?
how did you post those "big" links to articles on chemistry.SE?
@santiago hi :-)
@PH13 only the link to the page
@Martin-マーチン: And one more thing, I find it difficult to understand phase diagram of water.For me it is a mess
o/ santiago
@Onthewaytosuccess It really is
water has a very complicated phase diagram
thinking of a question... if anything, so my mystery downvoting fan won't feel alone
even I do not understand it completely
water has several funny ice phases
How to analyse this
how could carbonic acid be stabilised
There is this question about the bromodinitrobenzene chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/33338/… and I have done geometry optimization over night to find out if there is a distance in bond length or not. Is it just worth a comment or should I somehow create an answer despite having no profound idea why those lengths aren't different? What would you do?
just thinking out loud
@PH13 Ron answer why the bonds have to be different, so you got an answer there
hmmm @Martin-マーチン I am reading an article that states that carbonic acid only exists for a fraction of a second in water.... I wonder if it could be 'stabilised'
for rationalising the difference, have a look at the orbitals
@santiago it can be
just not in water
it's pretty stable in the gas phase
hmmm worthwhile question?
try finding something on google scholar, if there is not enough material, go ahead
@Martin-マーチン I would have argued like him but almighty DFT says they are equal (1.480, 1.841, 1.842 \AA)
@PH13 You can also look at the computed charges
what dft?
b3lyp? bp86, pbe?
B3LYP-D3/def2-QZVPP gas phase
that's quite solid level
did you turn on symmetry?
well never mind that...
not more than C2
close enough to be considered equal
Hmmm but why does carbonic acid solvate (?) in water to hydrogen and bicarb ions after only 300nm?
well c2 should give you the same bond lengths for ortho
I would not have suspected a big effect on the bond lengths either
But post an answer with a pretty picture and put in the bond lengths
ok ^^
then we can improve the rest via the comments
it's a bit difficult to discuss when you have the data and i don't
all i can do is educated guessing ;)
@santiago There are a lot of equilibria that need to be considered when you put carbonic acid in water
and they are all part of the process
hmmm not enough for a question i think
well it depends how you ask the question and what you actually want to know
well for one thing, in the article, it states that:
Our results support an average hydration number of 3.17 with the acid’s two protons each donating a strong hydrogen bond to solvating waters, the carbonyl oxygen accepting a strong hydrogen bond from solvating water, and the hydroxyl oxygen molecules accepting weak hydrogen bonds from the water,”
it's a fairly complex topic so there are points that might not be too easy
how is that hydraion number related to its rapid solvation
@Martin-マーチン can you help me with that Ni hydrogenation of alkyne thing!Just one example will do..say 2-hexyne or 2-butyne...will it produce cis or trans product?
i don't even know what an hydration number is
@SanchayanDutta I don't know O.o
@Martin-マーチン and there is the question....
how is the hydration number calculated and how is it related (if at all) to carbonic acid's rapid solvation in water?
@SanchayanDutta oh wait...
I am going to go for it... if downvoted too much, I can delete it
well sure
when you consider that hydrogen co-ordinates to the ni catalyst first on the surface, then only a cis product is possible
the more pressing question would be, will it stop at the alkene or go all the way to the alkane...
ya that's what I was expecting...Thanks for the article :-)
No problem
@Martin-マーチン I read that quinoline or something helps to stop the reaction at alkenes
@SanchayanDutta Maybe this article might help: researchgate.net/publication/…
Well bye for now...going for lunch...will give it a read soon :-)
Bbye !
bye bye
@santiago What up?
found 2 threads similar, but nothing about 'hydration numbers'
and in part, could be an answer to chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/6587/…
@Martin-マーチン I might write an answer , as this article is very recent data
and make a separate question about hydration numbers
sound good, @Martin-マーチン?
i am not sure what to do...
okay @Martin-マーチン - it is done, I linked the 2 min previous smilar posts into the question chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/33352/…
sorry.. i am a bit busy right now...
sound good i'll have a look later
sorry about that
no worries!
@Mithoron It's very very scientific.
Hey @san.
Pinging you both is fun.
I am proud son.
The chat now goes on without me.
am happyish with my recent question and answer
@santiago Nice question.
not too shabby
just waiting for my downvoting fan to arrive
Let me ping him.
@M.A.Ramezani Don't forget to downvote @santiago!
ha ha haaaa
@santiago Chemguide$\ldots$ I'll downvote anything that has chemguide in it.
has nice diagrams
oooh almost got a necromancer
How could one get necromancer again?
one can get many of them
Ahan. That's helpful.
Hullo @Ont!
so hw was the day
no topic to discuss right now @M.A.Ramezani
Bring on.
ya bring on one
I don't have anything in mind.
you are playing v.ball
Not now.
I mean are u a player
But today we have a match.
Iran vs. Poland.
so how it went
@Onthewaytosuccess Not a professional player, I was on the school's team.
lol.gee I thought you had a match
@Onthewaytosuccess It's on 16:30 UTC.
@M.A.Ramezani plays soccer with the power of his mind
What's the channel
A sports channel.
@santiago And his will.
you watched
How in the hell should I know which channel broadcasts to Sri Lanka?
you watched
do you know how to write the angstrom \AA ? it seems that I'm doing s.th. wrong :/
@PH13 Using LaTeX?
Hullo BTW.
I am seeing a news flash of an attack in France
that channel might be available here , dude
no, on chemistry.se
if ur nt using satalite
@santiago Ping @Hipp!
in LaTeX it would be \AA ^^
@PH13 That is with using $\LaTeX$
Did you enclose it in dollars?
yes ... it turns red but doesn't show the angstrom
MathJax doesn't support.
@M.A.Ramezani ?
I guess the package is AMSSymb.
@santiago Oh indeed. Pretty horrible. Someone got decapitated, others are injured
@Hippalectryon Look at the message I replied to.
@Hippalectryon hells bells
@Hippalectryon What kinda attack is it?
Dang. They seem to like France.
@PH13 Oh, the package required for that is siunitx.
After the Sydney attack, things are getting tense here
Use this instead: $\overset{\circ}A$
Oh wait, should include a mathrm there too.
@M.A.Ramezani that doesn't look like the real one :C
\overset{\circ}\mathrm{A} gives $\overset{\circ} \mathrm{A}$.
Why isn't it working? O.0
LaTeRRoR o.ô
Hell yeah!
anyway - doing people like my colourful answer chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/18524/…?
There you go @Ph1. ^
@M.A.Ramezani thank you very much
@santiago I don't like your answer at all.
@PH13 Anytime.
@M.A.Ramezani hush you
No really, I don't. Because unicorns.
the same unicorns that bit you?
Nah. The ones that ate my book.
How did I manage to type a and t before e?
I call myself a typomaster.
typomaster.... see, i do too
Funny story - I am always saing "All Hail santiago!" or similar ... yesterday, I caught in a hail storm - well played, nature, well played...
It was basically saying: Be careful what you wish for.
I wish for more wishes :(
@Hippalectryon BTW don't you find it suspicious?
Why are these terrorist attacks only happening in France?
Because they love us
I mean, you don't hear such things happening in Germany?
Also, because we've made it clear that we hate them -_-
Is it because @Jan ate them all?
We're actively involved in military operations
Germany isn't
We give tactical and (when we can) concrete air support in the ongoing operations
Most of the other countries just say they approve of that, but they don't give a concrete support
BTW, lest you haven't known, not many Muslims believe ISIS jerks to be Muslims.
Yeah. I was watching some humorist yesterday, who was dressed as a terrorist, and he said something like "What makes you think I'm a muslim ? Of course I've never read the Coran, look how many people I kill"
afk 20 mins, lunch
They wield a flag with Islamic mottos on them, but believe me, they are not Muslims.
@Hippalectryon Cya!
Q: How to develop sense of humor/wit as non-native speaker?

OctoberAs in topic, I'm advanced in English, I'm looking for simple tricks how to smoothly extricate oneself from situations like awkward silence, when starting conversation with a stranger fails or being misunderstood etc. and I plan to use humor/wit. I'm already learning idioms and I use them daily, ...

Heh. They should definitely come to The Periodic Table.
13 hours ago, by jonsca
We'll start the self-actualization program next week
Next week, we're screwed.
Q: C-N bond lengths in 2-bromo-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene

Subhamon SupanthaAre all the $\ce{C-N}$ single bonds in 2-bromo-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene the same or different? I am of the view that the $\ce{C_1-N}$ and $\ce{C_3-N}$ bonds are of the same length and they are longer than the $\ce{C_5-N}$ bond, due to steric hindrance. Am I right or am I missing out something?

Whoa! Another Ronic answer.
hello guyz..
Hullo @Dif!
how's going there ...
Nothing much.
need a bit help to clear up some idea @M.A.Ramezani
OK. Throw it at me.
Q: Electronic density distribution in hydrogen bond

diffracteDI'm currently studying about the atomic configuration of electrostatic interactions. Concept is there that in case of interactions like in N-H...N-H (amides), the stability depends on the position of resonating electron between H...N nuclei (THE NATURE OF THE CHEMICAL BOND. II. THE ONE-ELECTRON B...

Holy crud! I'm not a DFT scientist!
Sigh I wish @Martin or @Lord was here.
oh ! My bad luck. @M.A.Ramezani I'll try to ask later if they provide some idea.
Is this a challenge?
No fair. That's not 10 question marks. Cheater!
BTW @Manish you need to change your chat about me. You're not pro tempore on chem.SE anymore.
lol... 1 more upvote then I get a silver necromancer
just to annoy @M.A.Ramezani
I've been looking for a question to get a necromancer, but to no avail.

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