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(at least at the end of the day I am ruler of the chatroom)
1 hour later…
@LordStryker I'm glad you stepped out of the election chatroom, it's a pressure cooker in there
omg @jonsca I just couldn't take it anymore! I thought I was going to pass out from dehydration!!
dehydration synthesis, that is
3 hours later…
hi @Martin-マーチン
o/ @santiago
How are you today?
2 hours later…
@santiago Not odd . . . You have a personal fan.
@santiago Or maybe someone's testing the SE's anti-fraud and -serial voting mechanism. This is an EXPERIMENT.
o/ @M.A.Ramezani
\o/ @Martin!
How're you today sire?
Quite fine... waiting for some calculations to be done... what about you?
I'm just about to leave . . . Gotta register my brother for his next year in school.
OK yeah . . . Let's get this done.
@Martin Cya in some minutes.
Okidoki... see ya soon
@M.A.Ramezani lol, either way, am not really too worried at all
That took longer than I thought. Hullo again @Martin @Santiago!
How's you?
Hmm . . . What time is it there? 18:00?
aye, it be just on 6pm
I dunno why I always prefer to use the 24 hour format.
a.m. p.m. just ain't my style.
I prefer to use the scale 'too early', 'just right', 'tired' and 'go away I am sleeping'
I can agree to that, but it is hardly specific
sometimes just right means 3am
@Martin's right. @santiago you missed the option am drunk.
and sometimes 'go away I am sleeping' is 5pm
Heh. I'm not the only one.
same here, however I don't drink
:O Don't martians ever get thirsty? Or do they fast?
we absorb liquid sustenance from the air
Ahan. So spongebob was/is Martian.
Under the seaaaaa.....
spongebob is scary
I never liked the cartoon. And I never understood the craze.
I really loved, and still love some Tom & Jerry episodes.
The ones that Fred Quimby directed. And the originals.
Q: Organic Chemistry 2 Beer's Law

Kiran SivaA 500 mL sample containing the two molecules shown below. The sample has two DIRECT absorbance values – 0.310 at 275 nm (E=6000 cm-1) and 0.221 at 356 nm (E=9700 cm-1). How much anthracene is in the sample?

This is the second time I see someone referring to the Beer-Lambert law as Beer's law.
yes, I almost spontaneously combusted
BTW guys @Martin and @santiago, do you use any of the apps/extensions/scripts in StackApps?
I know it as Lambert-Beer...
yes I do...
just installed the burning thingy :D
now I can burn any of your comments
@Martin-マーチン Hehe!
@Martin-マーチン Bring it ON!
haha... of course the autocomment
most useful
i use none of them at the moment
I used the mathjax buttons, but it doesn't work anymore
@Martin I dunno how to add a new comment with that. Do you?
should make a 'lol' stackapp
@santiago A bot that lol's in chats whenever M.A. posts a message?
you just open the app when you post a comment and then go to import/export
there you can edit any of the messages
Lemme try.
You can add new ones with ###
Q: Is there a type of detergent/surfactant that evaporates at STP?

user154879Are there any type of detergent/surfactant chemicals that would be good for removing dirt and grease from fabric that also would evaporate from the clothes within, say, 24 hours leaving no residue?

the the title and then the body
My first thought: French Perfume.
and then a blank line
if you append [Q] it will only be shown on questions and [A] just answers
Ahan. But it's weird. . . Ya know, my confusion came because the comments the producer of the app wrote there don't appear.
Aww . . . Just realized they only have [A].
some of them are only needed for answers...
and the homework thingy is really just necessary for questions...
OK now, I am to write big big comments and delete that shtoopid word document.
Well, good luck ;)
Heh . . . I just remembered something.
I once called a chrome extension shtoopid, and then ADG said stop calling people stupid. You're stupid, not anyone else.
Q: Solvent effect on gold nanoparticle and silver nanoparticle in UV spectroscopy?

郑天宇Can anyone explain to me that how solvent factor affect the wavelength and intensity of gold nanoparticle and silver nanoparticle in UV spectroscopy?

haha... well... language barrier ?!
Are you kidding me?
@Martin-マーチン His barrier is really effective . . . Keeps zombies at bay.
a 'lol' is better with an ellipsis
Well, technically, an ellipsis is shown by $\ldots$ rather than ...
At the very least, it should be . . .
That's Morse code.
waiting is torture
Still not compiled yet?
well, that's all done and it works reasonably well
@Martin-マーチン Tell me about it. I've been fasting for 9 hours and there's still 7:30 left before I can drink water.
i have to do a couple of calculations, but my resources are limited, so I have to wait a lot
@Martin-マーチン Define reasonably.
I have not yet been able to excessively test it
currently it's just the proof of concept
i might have to adjust some parameters later...
lol - there, that is lol in reverse.... palindromes for the win
Oh, are you also making a Martins_kickass_chemistry_software.awesome?
my software does not kick arses
They kick your software?
i am hardly a programmer...
whatever i write.. it usually does not kick anything
You're a hard programmer, point taken.
Q: Confusion about dew and water vapour

On the way to successIs it possible to say water vapour and dew is same. I know that the water vapour is the gaseous phase of the water. But what is the dew. I just wonder how can I categorised it.Is it liquid or the gas phase of the water. Figure below shows dew formed in grass. It seems as a liquid. But is it ac...

"What is your opinion?"
opinion based...sheesh
@santiago Hush. He's on the way to success.
nice handy answer
@santiago I think the answer is
> I know you're on the way to success, but no matter what you do, WATER VAPOUR ISN'T THE SAME AS DEW!
Arrrrghhhh.... I am pressing refresh much too often on my cluster...
opinions...bah! they have no place in science
@Martin-マーチン that sounded.... naughty...
nothing will change in the near future... i know that, i still update any five minutes....
@Martin-マーチン Hah!
I am a bit frustrated... waiting for results...
i'll have a coffee... brb
@Martin-マーチン that sounded even more... naughty
On a serious note, I am still getting papers out there, despite being largely immobilised...
Like what?
the instruments I make
Oh$\ldots$ the coffee maker?
Where's @Lord?
ha ha ha
Seriously though, what instruments do you make/have you made?
Hmm$\ldots$ Is my $\text{MathJax}$ turned on?
It is.
homework vampires... heh!
Wut?! I thought you made homework vampire blasters model ACDS-212322.
they still arrive
I really do not understand what to make of the follow up questions...
@Martin-マーチン Hahaha! Guess that's why the question seemed so easy!
@Martin I'd just leave it as is if I were you.
I just invited him to chat to talk about it...
You're potentially screwed.
Well, at least you are screwed with me... we're in the same boat, I mean chair, I mean chat room
I don't think they're gonna come to chat. That's nullify being on the way to success.
Anyone bored and wants to edit something badly? Have a go here: chemistry.stackexchange.com/search?q=title%3Aquestion
How did you know?
That I'm bored.
I'll go on an editing rampage after I read some news about Iran's volleyball.
I guessed... And I know you like editing stuff
Ohhh... taht reminds me I can check on FIFA's world cup...
Well, I don't like soccer/football. Or more precisely, I don't like Iran's football.
Or even more precisely, I hate Iran's football.
Football is great
i love it
It's full of dishonesty, traitorship etc etc. <censored> At least in Iran.
It could be better outside Iran though.
Also, if half of the budget we waste on football went to volleyball, we'd be the unilateral #1 in the world.
This. Is. Volleyball.
This. Is. Sparta
I like watching volleyball
do you play yourself?
@Martin-マーチン You miss Iran's next match with Poland, and I'll$\ldots$ I'll $\ldots$
Btw, o/ @Hippalectryon
Hehe hullo @Hipp!
@Martin-マーチン Not professionally, but yeah.
I don't play that bad.
No NO! I am not starring that!
Go away! Shoo shoo!
too late
Too late.
three late
@santiago Starbucks
And BTW, that's totally on-topic.
just turned a homework vampire to a new member chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/33199/…
Q: Equilibrium concentration, Where does the 5.00 for FeSCN^2+ comes from, and how do you solve this problem?

Kristi Fe3+(aq) + SCN–(aq) FeSCN2+(aq) Initial 6.00 10.00 0.00 Change – 4.00 – 4.00 +4.00 Equilibrium 2.00 6.00 4.00 K = 0.333 Consider the reaction represented by the equation: Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) FeSCN2+(aq) Tri...

Homework retaliation
are you challenging my skills?
if so, good!
What skills?
I don't see any. XD
Oh. Yeah, I have that skill, 'jealousy' :P
Jealousy$\ldots$ Oh, that's a good skill, I may try to obtain it in the future.
Good job santiago!
\o @Jonsca!
hullo @jonsca!
Why you!
Greetings. Just popping online for a minute or two
Hullo is Copyright M.A. 2015 @santiago. You are under arrest.
@santiago Wow! Now you are a nominee for the elections here! Good luck!
@jonsca Well I never got the time to chat with ya. :(
@Mixcels Hullo!
@M.A.Ramezani try to catch me
Tries to catch him
@Mixcels yes, but I very much doubt I'd get the votes
Nice seeing you here @jonsca
Nice to see all of you as well! :D
@santiago I hereby declare you arrested for copywrong violation, homework vampire vaporisiation and unicorns.
:O unicorns is a very serious crime
I couldn't imagine how he got away at the first place.
wait in line, the UN are sending peacekeepers to detain my awesomeness
Well, on a unicorn ba dum tss
Intrapol is looking for him.
@santiago Hah! Surprise. Those weren't UN agents.
Oh no. OK OK, I'm gonna edit it.
UNicorn ?
@santiago Do you just have a standard "this is homework" comment to copy paste everywhere?
@BreakingBioinformatics We all do.
I was wondering why it was so standard.
@Breaking meet
Q: AutoReviewComments - Pro-forma comments for SE

Benjol No more re-typing the same comments over and over! This script adds a little 'auto' link next to all comments boxes. When you click the link, you see a popup with 6 configurable auto-comments (canned responses), which you can easily click to insert. This script was inspired by answers to thi...

@M.A.Ramezani goes to their houses and gives them wedgies
@BreakingBioinformatics It really makes life easier...
especially when you don't always have to look up the links...
the wedgies definitely get the messge across
sees all the homework vampires
Doesn't look like it.
Wish it did though.
@santiago Wow, that needs so much work...
@santiago Saw it earlier.
Didn't care to disentangle it.
(I don't think anyone does)
(Unless we have masochists on here)
I'm just editing that question. And my brain's close to exploding.
Damn code doesn't work.
@M.A.Ramezani Apparently we do have a masochist.
Do we?
my point exactly
Haha... I understand...
It's a challenge ;)
Here's a very general question that I can't ask directly on Stack Exchange because it's too broad.
In Soviet SE, questions edit YOU!
But does anyone have resources (general ones) for methods to derive activation energies theoretically?
(Without rate constants)
(I know the Arrhenius equation)
What do you mean with theoretically?
Hi @Onthewaytosuccess!
Glad you found it ;)
Yeah , I found it.
@Martin @Martin does @{} work in array environment?
Whoa, chat's booming!
Can I ask any doubts here
Hullo @ontheway!
@Martin-マーチン Without explicit experimental data.
@Onthewaytosuccess Yep!
Just a general idea of mechanism
Hi @Onthewaytosuccess
Hi M.A.Ramezan@
@Martin-マーチン Aligning option, I dunno what it's exactly called.
@BreakingBioinformatics You can do quantum chemical calculations, but that's hardly a quick fix
Oh look who's here$\ldots$ @Mithoron Iran's so gonna beat Poland in the next match!
@Martin-マーチン Given that I've spent weeks trying to solve the same freaking problem over and over again in entirely different ways and I am coming up with squat, I'll take anything I can get.
Link me?
@M.A.Ramezani \begin{align} <formula> &= <formula> \\<formula> &= <formula> \\ \end{align}
@Martin-マーチン No, not in align. In array.
ahhh array...
what is it supposed to do in array?
Hey, all of you are well educated ones. I think
@BreakingBioinformatics It's hard to come up with a link for that...
@Onthewaytosuccess Except me$\ldots$yeah.
@ M.A.Rameza: Why.
Is there a book on it?
Have you already asked something on the site? @BreakingBioinformatics
Two somethings.
Any of you guys have engineering degree?
Well there are a couple of books on quantum theory calculations
Explicitly related to this? No, it seemed a bit broad.
It's a wide subject
@Martin-マーチン You see, we do {|c|c|} in array. If you do {|c@{something}c|, then instead of a line, the array's elements will be like XXX something YYY instead of XXX | YYY.
I can't explain better than that, haha!
@Martin-マーチン I can parse through through the books relatively quickly to get information I need.
(And I have access to a university library)
@BreakingBioinformatics let's see... That was one of my favourite, but it just covers the theory: amazon.com/Introduction-Computational-Chemistry-Frank-Jensen/dp/…
Do you have access to a quantum chemical program?
How exact do you activation energies need to be?
Not explicitly anyway
I'm trying to get a general expression for it for an equation.
@M.A.Ramezani I would not expect this to be implemented in mathjax
So that I can just chug it into MATLAB and make it do the work for me.
@Martin-マーチン :'(
@BreakingBioinformatics Hmm that sound like a real tough task
Hey guys , what can I do to improve my English?
I'd encourage you to write up a question for the main site. Try to include many details, maybe someone can stir you in the right direction.
@Onthewaytosuccess You seem to be doing well enough, given that you had to explicitly tell us English is not your first language.
If it's considered too broad, you can always just answer the comments and narrow the scope @BreakingBioinformatics
@Martin-マーチン I think I'll parse through the book you gave me first.
What does explicitly stands for. And I am not a native english man
@BreakingBioinformatics It's really just about quantum theory, it covers the basics, application is something completely different
I think from there, I should (hopefully) be able to figure out some sort of direction so I'm not asking a question on all of quantum mechanics.
@Onthewaytosuccess You had to say it directly to us for us to know. I would not have known you didn't speak English natively if you didn't tell me.
I get it.
So I am not a native English man
@Onthewaytosuccess No one here is.
Except @Lord, but he isn't here here, he's half here.
I'm off to get the book.
I'm off to bed - g'ite y'all
And then hopefully get some kind of clue of what I'm doing.
@santiago Night.
@santiago Good afternoon!
I am a high school, So what is the best advice you can give
@Onthewaytosuccess Only advice is
I also am a high school student.
And speak. And listen.
This is my last year.
And I have few months to go
Watching English Language Television may be a bit of a shortcut.
I've got two more years to go to finish high school.
My parents aren't native English speakers, and I know at least my dad used that technique.
I'm off.
Ya it is a good choice
I mean watching English filma
Not for you off @Breaking Bioinformatics
Any of you guys landed a scholarship specially an undergraduate ?
I teach my 10-yo brother some chemistry. Does that count?
@M.A.Ramezani Where you from/
@santiago is/was from Aus (currently), @Martin's from Japan/Germany/barbeque, @Lord's from coffee machine the US, @Jan is from underworld Germany.
And I am from Sri Lanka
You said you are still inhigh school
What are your future plans in education, I mean roughhly
Yeah, you can say @Jan is from the underworld... I mean Bavaria is close enough :D
Bavaria is it a country?
@Onthewaytosuccess It's a province in Germany.
Any if you guys ,have an idea to become an engineer

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