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@M.A.Ramezani Hi MAR, hope things are good with you. You said, "Ron = Organochem 100% pure." Makes me smile, but that's like saying ron only likes redheads. I think all women are beautiful; I think all chemistry is beautiful.
@M.A.Ramezani P.S. Noticed you haven't changed your avatar from cyclohexane to adamantane. Well, at least consider putting a t-butyl group on there so that you are not constantly flipping from chair to chair :)
Hi @Ron !
9 hours later…
@ron Actually, I wanted to continue with "@ron = Physiochem 100% pure" and stuff like that, but I didn't. Can't remember why.
But yeah, all of chemistry is beautiful.
@ron I'm gonna change my profile pic, after the election.
I know it can't be related, but who's counting?
@LordStryker Polarity is an ill-defined concept. I would consider carbon dioxide polar since there is quite a +/- separation in the bonds. Being polarisable is just an add-on.
Hullo @Martin!
This is really getting interesting.
Hullllo @san!
@Martin-マーチン TBH, I always thought of CO2 nonpolar because that's what I learned in Persian.
Then I translated it.
قطبی = polar.
غیر قطبی = nonpolar.
So CO2 is nonpolar IMO.
But is very polarizable.
Or polarisable.
@LordStryker I voted to close, as you can see for a different reason than homework - which I believe it is not... I just thought it is way too broad to give a sufficient answer. That is also why I have not voted on any of the answers so far...
@M.A.Ramezani I just think that I have a considerable positve charge on the carbon and a considerable negative charge on oxygen...
@Martin-マーチン I thought of it as primarily opinion-based but yeah... This is one of the cases where Too B ~ Primarily O-B.
@Martin-マーチン Yeah well, I arbitrarily put polarity --> dipole moment
The question could be easily rephrased...
Cuz I think it in the whole molecule.
Can I have an unpolar electrophile?
But if anyone still wonders, I have not lost my mind. Or maybe I have and I did not realize... well, time will tell.
OK where was I? Oh, @Martin I remember the oversimplification of my idiotic textbook.
It said in CO2, the bonds are polar, while the overall molecule isn't.
@Martin-マーチン Apparently.
Well I'd say all of this is some language-barrier thingy and also some arbitrary stuff.
well, even the goldbook says its illdefined goldbook.iupac.org/P04710.html
Anyway... why care
@Martin-マーチン Well, this is chemistry.
omg OMG OMG!
Yeah, maybe....
Da election's TOMORROW!
What is happening to you
I'm currently flippin'.
This is so true:
yesterday, by LordStryker
B3LYP is the best density functional in the world!
@Martin how much do you guys do Organochem?
I don't do OC at all
just running on the computer
@Martin-マーチン It was so true @Lord didn't wait for you to star it... He pinned it himself.
catalyst design they call it
@Martin-マーチン Hmm?
Well, I starred it anyway
But you do. I sometimes see your comments on Organochem Qs.
Well, I don't do it anymore... but I have a degree in chemistry... to my unfortune it included OC
And i f you want to design some organic reactions, some background doesn't hurt ;)
Meow @santiago! Who's your prey today? Who are you stalking?
Well... I have to go grab some of the food and stuff...
Grab! Oh BTW @Martin, SO has 17 mods.
Well, I guess they need them ;)
Elections seems to happen every 3 years.
So I'll nominate three years later, with a rep of 463846388274828k, and all of the badges, so I'll get a candidate score of 41/40.
Ignore my nonsense, go grab some food!
If we have elections in three years and both of us are still chat regs, I will hold you to your promise...
@Martin-マーチン Well, I'd say the rep is just a little bit overestimated.
Morning everyone :)
2 hours later…
Heyo o/
I'd say hello but I'm supposed to be coding.
Give it a rest :P
How are you?
(I seriously hope I did not offend you with my remark those couple of days ago, since you keep bringing that up...)
I'm good. I'm actually coding at the moment so hence the joke/reference.
More cleanup/commenting code than anything.
I have a question for you: How do you keep track of your projects, the status thereof and what to do next? Do you keep an electronic lab journal or do you do it with pen and paper?
Good question.
When I was an undergraduate, I kept a traditional paper journal.
However, as your projects become more diverse and sophisticated, it can be very difficult and perhaps even impractical to continue to do so to so.
What I currently do now is keep a weekly electronic report of the status of all of my projects. These include tables of data, writeups, current questions I have, etc.
All right... Seems like quite the setup.
Thanks for the answer!
I've been reading some papers (the one linked and some that cited it) on organization of computational projects, as I didn't really consider doing that until now but realized it might actually be kind of important (how come I ever thought in silico labs should be different?)
Organization can really depend on the project or set of projects you are working on. It is good to adhere to a set of standards (i.e. guidelines) and go from there.
The more you standardize your approach to organization, the easier it is later on down the road to build robust scripts that can do a lot of things for you.
I just need to figure out the standards I want to adhere to. Which also includes documentation of projects and the like.
As I've recently become quite fond of fountain pen writing I am slightly partial towards pen-and-paper solutions, but as you point out it might be impractical
@tschoppi Keep things electronic but still go ahead and pen/paper your ideas. :)
Does that make sense? I mean, shouldn't all things concerning my science be consolidated in one document, be it electronic or pen/paper?
I'm not sure if you mean explorative idea-finding or effectively documenting the ideas using pen and paper...
You like the pen. Use the pen.
So yeah... it makes total sense.
@LordStryker I hate the pen, but i looooove the pencil :D
I was told for many years that professionals only use pens, not pencils.
Its because professionals don't make mistakes. :)
(and it was a laborious and painful task switching to the pen)
I have a summary electronically on everything I touch and for my seminars I print it and I make any annotations on the paper until I make the next summary
I never said I use a rubber, though.
I just loooove the pencil
I never print anything. In fact, I hate paper with a passion. I try never to print anything if I can help it.
haha feeling groovy tonight @Martin-マーチン?
I have to print things for my sensei and co-workers. It's like a thing we do here
everyone brings the summary and then we talk about it
@LordStryker I always do :P
I write everything in pencil.
I loooove the pencil
I used fountain pens a long time ago
I looooved fountain pens, but I cannot find the right cartridges here...
so PENCIL it is
I looooove the PENCIL!!!
BEHOLD the most ice-creamophilic chemical species known to scientists.
Hullo again @Martin @Lord @tschoppi!
@M.A.Ramezani I think Martin has been drinking tonight
Haha... one two many beers
Officer, I swear to drunk I'm not god!
We played a computer game... funny
|| <-- How much is that?
Wrong. Those aren't numbers.
16 cards remaining in my anki deck, then I can join you for all the funsies going on here :)
@Martin-マーチン I try to stay away from cartridges, as my favorite inks come in bottles
Hullo sir Mr. @tsc!
I'll let y'all chew on that, see you soon
@tschoppi My favourite beverages come in cans lol
Yes please, see you soon.
@Martin-マーチン Haha..,.Pepsi?
@tschoppi Ah man! I didn't get to chat with ya. Cya anyways. (Hopefully)
Well... the pepsi comes in bottles here, but it's not popular so I really have to travel to get it
beer on the other hand is easy to find
@Martin-マーチン And anime.
BTW... that non/polar dis/agreement would be a lot of fun to settle in a bar...
Just saying @LordStryker
OK so you guys can both use Skype.
I'm sorry @Martin-マーチン but CO2 just isn't polar.... not in any general convention is CO2 polar.
Martin goes to a bar near home, and you too, Lord, then you settle in!
Okay... I see... well...
Maybe I should change my opinion.
Maybe I am unconventional
Maybe you're... I don't know... wrong?
@Martin-マーチン Maybe? Are you kidding me?
I mean, feel free to explain to me how CO2 is polar.
It has distinct charges
@LordStryker He said something like the bonds are polar.
That's at least the simplification our book says.
just because they cancel doesn't mean they are not there
positive carbon, negative oxygen
But that's not all of the molecule, it's just the bonds.
is an electron polar? it has a distinct negative charge...
Is a hydrogen atom polar?
This is nonsense... I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry
I mean there is charge separation
Yeah @Lord... Wait for when he gets to be a mod...
@M.A.Ramezani What is that supposed to mean?
A joke, nevermind!
@Martin-マーチン Yes there is a charge separation but it must lead to a dipole moment
I always thought, that charge separation means polarity. I may be wrong.
@Martin-マーチン A bit of reference to
Hahaha... have not seen that before :D
If polar simply meant 'charge separation' and nothing more, then the word 'polar' or the concept thereof would have virtually zero use in Chemistry because we hardly ever deal with just neutrons.
then again, I can't see how a concept of polarity helps further then just being a crude approximation
It doesn't.
I mean I understand, that my perception is wrong here, and I will try and use it differently from now on
Thumbs up
The bravest man is he who accepts his mistake.
- Some cool guy I can't remember the name of.
Okay... I will do some pillow inspection now... see you all some time soon.
Bye @Martin-マーチン :)
@M.A.Ramezani What do you want to talk about? :)
Anything... Well, it's my first time meeting with you.
Tell me a little about yourself... If you don't mind.
Yes, let me introduce myself properly: Hi, I'm tschoppi. Currently studying for my BSc exams in August
I live in supercentral europe (Switzerland, known for pharma, banks, cheese, watches and chocolate)
That's me in a gist... I like photography and play the violin since I'm 5 years old
Switzerland... Sweet!
I take you're something like, 25?
After my MSc I will probably pursue a ScD, but I still don't know whether training to be an air traffic controller or pilot might be more fun
yeah, early twenties
by "fun" I mean "intellectually challenging and thus interesting"
What about you?
I remember you had some really cool answers.
I'm 16, from Iran.
I study because I like studying.
Currently dealt with the end-of-the-term exams.
Am looking forward to be either a pharmacist or a doctor.
And no, Iran isn't as bad as you might think.
I've heard it is quite nice actually
I don't put smileys in chat because I'm mostly not talking seriously.
That's about it.
@tschoppi Well, I've seen a lot of people influenced by the negative outlook the media gives about us.
@tschoppi Studying chem, biking, studying chem again, eating ice cream.
Haha, okay. You're still in high school? Or are you a child prodigy and thus already at university?
Haha... I'm just a normal kid, studying in high school.
In fact, there's no hype here about prodigies and stuff.
No one thinks about having their child study stuff sooner.
But you do it on your own
And child prodigies aren't always pushed by their parents. Might well be that they're just bored with all the normal stuff that goes on at school
Well yeah, that's true.
I study some organochem right now, and also biochem.
But I'm still far too behind.
Too behind for what?
I mean there's still so much to learn for me.
@M.A.Ramezani That will always be the case
No I mean, there's so much much much to learn, so much^4.
I've been severely humbled many times by the sheer amount of knowledge that humanity has managed to accumulate
I don't know what I mean anymore.
But stay interested, stay multidisciplinary
I can't be not interested!
5 more upboats and I get my first gold :)
Chemistry is the eighth wonder.
@LordStryker Wut?
@LordStryker The really nice answer on the dipole moment?
Go upbeat some of mine. Begs
Mine, mine mine! :)
Let's fight for it...
Draws sword
I mean draws ice cream stick
Nah I think I'll hold off until after the elections :)
I don't want to look like a karma/badge whore right beforehand.
Hullo @Dane, I mean @Levy!
What the heck is that?
Your profile pic looks like a horror movie @levy.
Actually, I don't know what does it look like?
oh, Are you sure about physics class?
1,200,000 tomans
How many sessions?
from tir to asfand , two sessions a week.
That's cool.
If you are sure, I'll tell mehdi to tell nazarzadeh to call you and tell the time and date.
I'm sure.
new answer,new question?
You have my word.
@Levy Nah.
@Levy there's a very good Q you might be interested in:
Q: Ph of acid would be one?

Jerry AllI am interested in the chemical lsd or "acid". I wanted to know if lsd is acid in its pure form would that mean it is water?

-4 votes, seems to be interesting.
It's the worst Q I've ever seen.
yes, It is?
Tell me about the election?
Oh, I should leave for 10 min.
It's tomorrow.
how can I draw molecular structures in stackexchange?
Ba bye!
@Papul You can't. :(
how do I include it in a question then?
Yeah I know...
Hello! again
Shhh. I'm reading sth.
@Levy 'sth' is slang for 'something'
OK I'm done reading.
Yeah that @levy.
@Lord FYI, @levy's my schoolmate.
It's just he's a biology nerd.
While I'm [trying to be] a chem nerd.
@Papul This is going to get flagged for being a homework question just FYI.
You may want to write in some context or try to explain what you think it is to circumvent this.
For instance, you could insert into your post what 'aromaticity' is.
@LordStryker Nice catch!
@Papul Homework isn't just literally homework, it can be anything.
Exam preparations, self-study Qs, puzzles, etc etc.
And then you could try to apply that definition to the molecule you posted and then describe why you may be confused.
Bottom line is, you should say what's the reason you're stuck / your effort.
Does it follow the Huckel's rule?
Is it conjugated?
Is it planar?
check it now
@Papul this is definitely an improvement.
@Papul it's cool now.
What is the rule to determine if a molecule is aromatic? — LDC3 1 min ago
Just to make sure, you might wanna add the answer to that comment to your question.
Very difficult in just about all the chat rooms I frequent — santiago 2 days ago
Haha I saw that @san!
Promises himself to star @san more often even though it's not gonna matter that much
Whoa! Just earned electorate on meta.SE!
Badge chase much? :P
I wasn't chasing.
I was even surprised.
Did I really vote on 600 posts in meta.SE? :O
Kay I'm off to wonderland. Cya @Lord!
see ya @M.A.Ramezani :)
meltingpoints.tumblr.com Interesting chemistry tumblr, simple but thought-provoking
Cool link. I find myself sitting here going "oh it melts because 'blah blah blah'" but I never find myself coming up with an answer that I'd be willing to confidently stand behind :D
1 hour later…
@LordStryker Hi LS, you still around?
heya @ron :)
what are you up to?
Not much. Enjoying a beer. Running some laundry. Waiting for the NBA finals to come on TV. How about you? :)
Just saw J World, OK, but not as good as the first one. Now starting to think about supper (and which wine to pull out)
rooting for one team or the other?
How was JW? I've been wanting to see it but the girlfriend has been out of town so I've had to wait a bit. I'm rooting for the Cavaliers only because I'm originally from Akron. Not a LeBron fan to say the least but poor Cleveland has been in a championship drought since 1964.
Yeh, I'm pulling for the Cavs too. Cleveland can use some good news.
Indeed. I take it you're in the US?
Yes, western half (not Cali). So you're a computational chemist? Any particular area?
I did my PhD work in non-covalent interactions among other things but now I'm branching out into organometallics.
How about you?
Mostly organic stuff
Does organometallics mean catalysts?
So ron, tell me if you don't mind, what do you do for a living?
The synthesis side of things means catalysis but right now I'm simply looking at properties with TD-DFT, looking at some reaction mechanisms, and predicting NMR shifts.
sounds neat!
wife's calling, time to light the grill. look forward to chatting with you next time. enjoy the game!
okay ron. Have a nice evening.

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