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02:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

Leaving a message as to be pingable!
No warranties of any kind
2 hours later…
@jonsca Ping! Haha, I'm looking forward for your ultimate win in the election. ;)
6 hours later…
okay, hopefully my question is okay
2 hours later…
I think I am done with the world: 9gag.com/gag/am0DWW4?ref=fbp
Haha that's a good one
Link to 9gag? Flagrant spam. :p
@Martin-マーチン Oh by the way I walked into my office this morning and saw that I had a pencil lying right next to my keyboard.
I knew you would approve.
4 hours later…
@santiago you had to ask that question didn't you?
Hmm, sure is quiet in here.
oh hi
Cool question though.
@LordStryker Hullo!
which question?
Q: Is there an abundance threshold of a 'synthetic' element for it to be considered natural?

santiagoI always (possible naively) thought that elements are either natural or synthetic, either one or the other. But, according to the Wikipedia page about Synthetic Elements, it states that: All elements with atomic numbers 1 through 98 are naturally occurring at least in trace quantities, but t...

Is this you right now? i.imgur.com/efoMq3b.gif (given that it is election day)
@M.A.Ramezani Oh I want to upvote this :) But I have to wait to upvote it until later so I don't get my gold medal before elections are over.
in The English Learning Cabin, 2 hours ago, by M.A.Ramezani
> Nominations close in 5 hours.
in The English Learning Cabin, 35 mins ago, by M.A.Ramezani
> Nominations close in 4 hours.
I've been waiting like what.
Currently am watching karate kid.
Oh you kids and your badges...
What is it with this generation and 'leveling-up'? :P
Yeah, screw this generation.
Woah, I didn't mean anything near what you just said.
I know, but who's counting?
Hmmm, I don't like where this is going. If I've offended you please accept my apologies.
I'm not offended.
I'm joking, actually, and also imitating some senior citizens here.
Ya know, some old dudes here think internet has corrupted kids these days.
Q: distillation tags

Shaka BoomI do not have the reputation to make tags, so my original question had a pretty random tag. Originally, I wanted to use the tags "distillation" and "vacuum", neither of which exists. Another user with the requisite rep added the tag "distillation" since, as he said, 44 different topics have "dist...

Not that it hasn't,
but that's not the point here.
Got any music suggestions for me? I'm leaning toward country music genre.
@M.A.Ramezani 3 hours remaining :D
@LordStryker I don't know any songs from that genre.
Thats okay! I'll just put on the radio and Spotify will decide.
Thumbs up
I wish there was a 'bestof' for guilded comments in chat.
"How to lol effectively in SE chatrooms." is literally my all-time favorite comment in here.
@LordStryker Loonies from SO write all kinds of scripts for these.
You might find something on StackApps.
I want a bestof that I can perma-pin the comment for all time.
So how do elections go? Do I have to be here?
(゚ヮ゚) I guess we'll find out.
I think nominations are gonna close, then people are gonna comment and ask you stuff, like are you on drugs?.
Then they'll vote.
last chance to nominate @M.A.Ramezani
Nice try.
heya @bon :)
I wanna haz a constituent badge, righte naw!!!
Your avatar is so pixelated!
Hullo @Bon BTW!
Interestingly only 114 custodian badges have been awarded.
Not much participation from the community...
(we have about 17k users, not all active of course)
I like it this way.
ELL has a lot of active users.
Why? So you can feel special about your badge? :P
So comes the punks who close stuff.
@LordStryker That's seeekrit...Shhh.
I mean who close stuff aggressively.
Not everything's under control.
Ohhh I get to write a letter to my alma mater in support of my old boss for an achievement award :D
A good question gets closed.
Says a guy who got the reviewer badge on close votes on ELL.
@LordStryker Meh. I'm too lazy.
But my point stands.
Lesser site janitors editors and cleaners, the more stuff gets organized nicely.
A proverb in Persian says something like
> If you get two cooks to cook you food, you'll either have it too salty, or without salt.
Ignore the number, the rest applies to SE communities.
@Lord you interested in IR-spectroscopy?
Q: How Do I Identify What Impurities Are in My Product?

EtherianI am writing a lab report for Organic Chemistry about a multi-step synthesis that we conducted. While our product has the proper melting point, its IR spectrum has peaks not present in the respective spectrum in the SDBS, which I assume are caused by impurities. More specifically, we converted n...

@M.A.Ramezani 2 hours remaining :)
Hah! I saw it earlier.
Hullo @Levy!
Could you use the LaTeX handwriting?
You have to turn on MathJax first.
better to say.What is that?
A: Should chat have TeX support?

robjohnI will leave the original post for historical reference, but as mentioned in the Update below, all four bookmarks are located on this installation page. There are four bookmarks: start ChatJax installs MathJax and starts a loop that renders $\LaTeX$ as needed. This is intended for use in chat, ...

$\mathbf{I \heartsuit \LaTeX !}$
I love LaTeX
@Levy good news!
You're gonna freak out!
Rory M has nominated.
that's pretty good,Isn't it?
I dunno.
Elections are in two hours.
how many days will it last?
And after four days, the result will come out and be there for four days.
8 days, altogether.
so, we have our mod just for 8 days.
better to say, our guests.
I think at least one of our mods will win.
Yours, not so sure.
I don't hang on bio.SE.
But a constituent badge is worth visiting there, for now.
kmm and mad are goners
Shhh. Look at the people in the room.
Anyways, I don't think MadSci's a goner.
That's just your opinion.
I didn't know mad is also a candidate.
I prefer WYSIWYG instead
No thanks, I already ate ice cream.
I'd back @MadScientist on bio:se
I haven't been there.
I dunno who deserves it and who doesn't.
Should we vote according candidate score?
If it wasn't for constituent, I wouldn't voted.
Maybe, prolly, perhaps.
@Levy No.
@Levy I don't think candidate score is the only metric one should consider to be honest.
Ever seen a real scientist use SI units?
Maybe,What about new users(>300rep)
What about them?
I think it can be a good factor to estimate users activity?
What do you mean?
user with high rep is more knowledgeable and can control questions well
Aha, you mean rep and badges as a measure?
Well, I'd only look at the participation, and not the badges.
Votes cast, posts edited.
Even using SEDE, I'll take out the number of comments if I'm really unsure.
1 hour :)
My heart...
The latter the latter!
Will you vote during the first hour? @M.A.Ramezani
I will be the first to vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‌​!!!!!!!!!!!
What about third step or period you was talking about?
Well, this is the third step.
If there are lesser than 10 candidates, they just jump to the third phase.
Are we allowed to only vote on one person?
I dunno @Lord.
I think you can't.
Because you are already voting for one.
I assume we cannot vote for ourselves. I know who I'd like to cast my vote for.
@LordStryker You can vote for yourself in the third phase I think. Let me check.
@LordStryker You can vote for yourself.
Hmmm :\
Wut? Your righteous instincts don't allow you?
Well I mean this is an election and I'm allowed to get excited and cast my vote for the person I want to support even if I am a nominee.
Suppose I wasn't a nominee, I know who I'd cast my vote for. Being a nominee doesn't necessarily change that.
Thumbs up
Sooo righteous. @Lord, you should've been a knight.
Well I appreciate the sentiment.
100000000000000000Sportmanship badge for you Lord
@LordStryker BTW do you know how the votes are counted?
As integer quantities?
I haven't a clue.
Something way more interesting.
You see, it's so good, it's as if you're single-voting for three people.
And it's almost impossible to game it.
@Lordstryker You are here, though you need just one vote to get electorate.
@Levy He deliberately doesn't want to get electorate.
I'll upvote @santiago's question after its over to get my first gold
@Levy Also, he's saving that upvote for me.
@LordStryker Noooooooooooooooooo!
Me first!
Upvote the answer I haven't written.
Who am I kidding?
I don't have anything upvote-worthy now.
Hmmm, okay well why don't you go find a good question for me to upboat and I'll consider it :D
or a damn question for a down vote.
@Lord now that @Levy mentions it, have you downvoted this one?
Q: Ph of acid would be one?

Jerry AllI am interested in the chemical lsd or "acid". I wanted to know if lsd is acid in its pure form would that mean it is water?

@M.A.Ramezani I haven't cast a vote on that question at all.
Too bad.
I'd say make it epic and get the electorate with a downvote.
Or make it stupid epic with a downvote on this one XD
Q: Why is gold golden?

tschoppiBulk gold has a very characteristic warm yellow shine to it, whereas almost all other metals have a grey or silvery color. Where does this come from? I have heard that this property arises from relativistic effects, and I assume that it has to do with some distinct electronic transition energies...

Wut? An acid?
@LordStryker You haven't voted on it yet?
Oh, I guess I have. Nevermind.
What the...?
Q: How many hydride ions are available in NaBH4?

user8244Different sources have different answers. In the reduction of an aldehyde or ketone to an alcohol by Sodium Borohydride, how many moles of aldehyde are reduced by one mole of Sodium Borohydride? While my teacher claims it is 1, Solomons-Fryhle claims it to be 4.

Weird question.
actually quite interesting i think @M.A
It's not what I thought it was.
pretty sure the answer is 1
I thought they were asking something like an acid-base reaction.
Just another example of my not looking at the tags.
Q: Why is gold golden?

tschoppiBulk gold has a very characteristic warm yellow shine to it, whereas almost all other metals have a grey or silvery color. Where does this come from? I have heard that this property arises from relativistic effects, and I assume that it has to do with some distinct electronic transition energies...

Why you guys!
Who downvoted that?!
Or rather, who retracted upvote on that?
@M.A.Ramezani I'm showing +80/+0
Well, someone retracted little little upvote on that.
I wonder why.
Q: Why is gold golden?

tschoppiBulk gold has a very characteristic warm yellow shine to it, whereas almost all other metals have a grey or silvery color. Where does this come from? I have heard that this property arises from relativistic effects, and I assume that it has to do with some distinct electronic transition energies...

its showing me 81/0
@Levy is that you?
Q: Why is gold golden?

tschoppiBulk gold has a very characteristic warm yellow shine to it, whereas almost all other metals have a grey or silvery color. Where does this come from? I have heard that this property arises from relativistic effects, and I assume that it has to do with some distinct electronic transition energies...

It is you.
You can't fool me man!
see you later!
Sums up my excitement :)
@M.A.Ramezani yes, yes I did. or else I will be attacked by the Lanthanide Legion
02:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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