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12:23 PM
What are the rules regarding this:
I need a letter of reference from a previous employer with whom I didn't stay in touch - because I came abroad ... I worked for this person 5 years ago ... This letter isn't for a job purpose but for immigration purposes ...
So I emailed my ex-boss and she hasn't replied ...
now I find out she has 3 other email addresses ...
I have sent her the email on her old gmail account - old as in the one she used when we worked together ...
but now she has a different gmail and two other work emails ...
I don't know if I should email her again in her new gmail and work email ...
it might look like I am stalking her ... but damn I need that ref letter ...
@motosubatsu @Lilienthal
she didn't post any email add in her linkedIn
I got the new emails by third party site that does just that
12:39 PM
@Old_Lamplighter I asked a question here some months ago and I would like to delete it cuz which is not very useful for me regarding answers. Anyways, I couldn't delete it. Saw that you edited my question. Is it ok to delete please?
1:13 PM
@Anonys I assume you mean this question?
if you it's not eligible for you to self-delete as it has upvoted answers
@motosubatsu yes yes. Is it possible to vanish?
Didn't know I couldn't delete it when writing it
So can Lamplighter delete it maybe?
@Anonys only a moderator or SE staff can delete it - personally I'm not willing to delete it as doing so is unfair on those who have answered and particularly Snow who received a bounty on their answer and Old_Lamplighter who provided the bounty. I can however request a staff member disassociate the question from your account - it won't be deleted but it will no longer show up as being posted by you. Would you like me to do that?
1:29 PM
It's torturing me mentally it's there. but if your votes are important go for it.
thanks for ur replies;Just thought you helping people.. wasn't aware of keeping a catalogue as well:/ sorry didn't understand the nature of the website
my name is anonymous here so don't worry about it.
sorry for disturbance.
@Anonys do you want to go ahead with the disassociation request?
How can I do it and how likely the possible outcome?
f the question is good, there's nothing sensitive in it, and the problem is just that your name is on it, you might be able to have it disassociated from your account. This is not true anonymity; anything you post on the Internet lives forever somewhere. Requests are reviewed, which takes time. If your request is approved, it cannot be reversed later.
I guess you mentioning this?
No, not I want. Keep your votes.
yep that was what I was talking about - if you change your mind in the future just flag the question for mod attention and mention that you want it disassociating and either me or one of the other mods will pick it up. It's worth mentioning that having it disassociated has no effect on votes given or received, only the link between the question and your account is removed.
1:44 PM
I do understand that but I wanted it vanished.
Any British folks here?
That's just crazy ... :D
2:21 PM
@AIQ yup!
Ever done that?
That looks crazy scary ... don't know how folks manage to keep their skeleton together
3:01 PM
@AIQ no I haven't done it myself - I've seen videos though and it's pretty crazy

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