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Hello, I had been ill from work for 2 weeks with doctors note, My current workload is much for me and I am a prediabetic doing a course to prevent diabetic. My work knows it and rght now the work task I have was with me when I got ill. How can I tell my manager that I am unable to do this task as it is stressing me out? as they asked how long will it take more.
does ^ qualify for a good question
@localhost so are you back at work?
yes, I was given 2 weeks doctor note, but I felt better at 12 days so came back
but my body is sore time to time and I m not 100%
have you returned with any accommodations from the doctor or are you (effectively) considered "fit" for work? regarding the task in question is there anything about this task that makes it different from your usual day-to-day responsibilities? is there anything specific to the task that impacts on your health conditions?
I haven't been to doctor's again since RTW so cannot say if I m fit to work. I was very worried about my pay and SSP etc or getting booted from job
@localhost I'm not saying you feel 100% or anything but if you're not currently signed off (and not self-certifying) and you're in work without any sort of accommodations or duty limitation then in a legal sense then you'd be considered "fit to work" - and that means you'd be reasonably expected to do your normal job. So is there anything specific about this task that differs from your normal job or or anything about it that would require an accommodation for your health situation?
I don't think I am qualified for this job where it is going
I was when I started but now I feel more stressed and underdelivering
so what's changed? has the company changed tech stack or something?
also I asked for a adjustement but it was not welcome as we have standup at 9:30, so I said If I can start at 10 because I need to take some exercises classes before that
@motosubatsu nothing changed, I think I lack skills of what is required now, I know dev is a evolving field but given my health, a mid level stress can ruin my health, it had happened before and happened again
in start of job, it was as published but now it has gone tougher and I have to honest even if I get slapped, i am finding it hard now

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