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5:32 AM
@starboy now you've seen one, I'm old and have a facial tattoo
wouldn't recommend getting one though, I'm Polynesian, so tattoos are normal
3 hours later…
8:48 AM
It's a criminal!
@AIQ I am indeed
5 hours later…
2:02 PM
@Kilisi You rock it, I have to say that much. Unfortunately, I'm woefully ignorant of the Polynesian culture. I know that the face tattoos are not uncommon there, but I have no idea why or what significance they have culturally.
Hmmmmm, I'm trying to follow my own rules, and am avoiding all the words I previously ranted about. I've found that you can provide better answers by avoiding the buzzwords.
Greetings mysterious @user3991
hmmmm, a hidden user how fascinating
Not enough rep to chat.
ah..... strange, that. I never much understood that rule
50 rep, right?
@Snow good answer to the harassment question, BTW
2:18 PM
@Old_Lamplighter It's a lot easier to keep spam out of chat that way, otherwise, the bots would just run rampant through rooms and annoy people.
@Old_Lamplighter Thanks. Although the language of the question seems "off" for the UK.
@Snow the langauge does sound a bit.... American to me. Maybe a transplant?
Do Americans measure time as "1.5 months"? I've never heard of that before.
@Snow no, that's more a German thing.... ah, could be.
I've worked on so many multinational teams, some things tend to blend. I know when something is off, but sometimes not sure why.
TBH the language of the post reads as very young to me (even more so if you read the original pre-edit revision), which may explain the slightly Americanized nature
And you just don't see behaviour like this in most companies these days. It seems more like pyjama-party type titter-tatter.
2:30 PM
@Snow I have seen it in very young women (low 20s) who are new to the job market who don't believe you can harass a man. When I was young, last century, I experienced a little bit of it. I was very shy at the time. (obviously outgrown it) But even then it wasn't common and taken far less seriously.
3:23 PM
Well the source code for the placeholder on the Royal web site is a masterclass in simplicity. Nothing is in there without a clear reason.
3 hours later…
6:31 PM
Q: Can we revisit company specific close reason?

Old_LamplighterI asked this a few years ago.... Question, should we eliminate or change the reason to close regarding company specific policies? I think it's time to revisit this, as this reason has become a bit of a hobgoblin to this site. It appears to me that the mere mention of a specific company or policy ...

1 hour later…
7:43 PM
Darn another rejection with a generic response ...
@AIQ getting any response is a rare thing. Don't take it personally. I've been ghosted so many times I cannot count
1 hour later…
8:57 PM
I have a question for people who ... let's say ... don't buy into the left's socio-political propaganda/values/opinions etc. When you talk to people, are you always being careful to not say or do anything that may cause them to think you are some kind of -phobic?
Example: This one day, I was listening to Jordan Peterson's YouTube video on how he was only lifting 65 lbs when he started working out and how he developed and got stronger ... basically just saying do the work even if what you can do is quite small or even embarrassing.
I was at Starbucks where all the baristas know me well. I go there all the time and I talk to everyone. I know what each of them are studying in school. So, this barista while cleaning the tables came towards me and asked "What are you watching?"
And I for some reason had the same reaction that I had when I was a kid and got caught watching porn ... I instantly lowered the lid and made something up. I don't know why I was so ashamed. Maybe because I know they will then think of me as a bigot or something, I don't know. So, I guess my question is, how do you be honest and truthful to yourself when you know people around you, people you care about will see you in a different light if you speak the truth?
The thing is ... I wouldn't care as much about these things if I was ... a citizen. But since, I am not, and this isn't my country, I am kind of apprehensive about this ...
@AIQ never be ashamed of speaking your mind or speaking the truth. Do not show anger or hostility. Don't give anyone an excuse to disparage you.
I've managed to stop small mobs by standing my ground peacefully.
When someone throws out a baseless accusation, they are projecting their own failings on you.
\We don't have all the 'phobic' crap here.... it's because the West don't have a continuous cultural context. Everyone else recognised there are different sorts of people and fitted them into their cultural context back in the stone age. But of course the West has to recreate the wheel as a square and make a divisive hot mess.
@Kilisi all that "woke" crap is the very definition of "first world problems".
over here we vaguely dislike everyone because we're insular islanders, but that is nothing to the pure venomous hatred we feel towards our next door neighbours.
@Kilisi I honestly think you'd fit in well with people in the Western Slope of Colorado.
None of that woke crap there either, as you're too busy trying not to die.
9:11 PM
@Old_Lamplighter ahaha
@AIQ but again, never be ashamed of your beliefs, they are the fire of your existence, and you wouldn't hide a fire under your bed, would you?
@Old_Lamplighter I just feel like I would breathe so much better with people who have similar values as me ... I remember last week I was so stressed out that I went out looking for a church just to go sit there for an hour where I won't see some of these things .... And I am not Christian ...
I was like, I don't care what religion, I need to get inside a temple or something ...
@AIQ I find people of faith, any faith, to be of great comfort to me as well.
I have friends who are Jews, Muslims, Christians, Pagans, Asatruar, et cet.
The one who frightens me is the one who believes in nothing, or worse, believes in nothing and is driven by their nihilism to destroy the faith of others.
@Kilisi This has started to affect people in my country too ...
I have an Iranian friend who came here decades ago, no idea what his religion is, he's one of my kids favourite people.
9:19 PM
Funny thing, I have never met anyone with a stronger beliefs than an atheist. A person of faith has doubts, but an atheist rarely so.
I was seriously disturbed hearing the news where the father was sent to prison because he didn't want his 13-year-old daughter to undergo hormone treatment. The judge asked him to not call her by her birth name or use the birth pronouns and stuff. And then he was asked not to speak to the media.
@Old_Lamplighter Oh yes!
@AIQ and they called Jordan Peterson a kook for saying that that is where we were progressing.
Governments, doctors, counsellors telling parents how to raise their children ... just insane!
perhaps it's because your societies are so large? Smaller societies it's important to value people as individuals and fit them smoothly into the wider cultural context
9:36 PM
The song is hilarious itself, and the comment makes it even better.
Sorry for barging in and interrupting a conversation. I just felt this site/room would be the perfect place to appreciate that :-P
@Randal'Thor you coame to the right place, random posts are normal here
You're a mod now, you can edit your own chat messages as much as you like.
yeah I know, it was an 'in' joke ;)
but probably I'm the only one who gets it...
1 hour later…
11:10 PM
@Old_Lamplighter they have meanings within their context. In NZ for instance there have been a couple of politicians with full facial tattoos and at least one lady with the female facial tattoo, even a news presenter has one and many many highly respected people.
In Australia it seems to be mostly a gang member thing or entertainers, but they don't have the Polynesian context. I saw one Asian man in Singapore with a full face, but have no idea if that has any cultural meaning.
No idea about the USA, I thought the natives had tattoos or scarification as part of their culture?

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