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I generally don't write more than 2 answers per day, so it is harder to hit the repcap without HNQ. I think I have done that only about 4 times out of my 80-odd repcaps. I prefer putting my efforts into editing questions, after I have written 1 or 2 answers in a day.
@motosubatsu I read that interview question in an article a few months back. I'm ashamed to say that I didn't think about it myself....
@Snow if all our answers had to be based on original knowledge we had thought of ourselves this place would be tumbleweed central
Haha. Very true. I held back on suggesting that this guy google up other interview questions.
I wonder how many transgender questions we'll have today.
Sigh. Windows updates. Now I have to decide which of the 20+ windows I have open in SSMS I'm supposed to be saving.
@Snow I've got a couple of Visual Studio updates pending and have a similar dilemma
Hopefully this time around we won't have unscheduled forced reboots of production servers. That wasn't nice last time it happened.
@Snow oof.. been there done that
well I've bitten the bullet and started the VS update, damn thing is 3GB
regretting that now!
Grab a coffee, stare that the progress bar. If anyone asks just say "I can't do any work, it's updating!".
@Snow that's the plan!
election chaos seems to have calmed down a bit now at least
if I were a gambling man my money would be on yourself and ChrisE
Thank you, but if I was a horse, I wouldn't bet on me.
well if you were a horse you'd make a crap moderator.. hooves don't type well
I'd use the tip of my shiny horn....
seriously though.. if I weren't involved myself the two of you would have been the ones getting my pick, and given I wouldn't be disappointed at any of the current candidates I think that's saying something
@Snow if you had a horn wouldn't that make you a unicorn? in which case you'd be fine... everyone knows unicorns can do freaking everything well
scary rainbow-farters that they are
Hehe. But I appreciate the support. You'd be pretty darned good yourself. You're very level-headed and you use plain, easy to follow English. It makes you very relatable.
@Snow thanks :) being relatable is so much easier when it's in asynchronous forms like SE
I see too many people using complicated words. It might be good to prove your intelligence, but I feel it alienates people. No one likes to have to resort to Google to work out what someone is trying to say. If I have to read something three times to understand it, I've read it two times too many.
if only verbal communications had a backspace key
@Snow so true.. I can vocab-throw down with the best of them if I have to but that rather defeats the point of communication IMO
A couple of days ago, I had to Google "orthogonal".
@Snow aka "at right angles"
couldn't help it
See. What's wrong with "You're talking at right angles"? Most people here aren't vocabulary/grammar geeks.
@Snow which is exactly what I would have said.. unless I knew the audience well enough to expect the term to be properly understood and even then I'm not sure it would be my first instinct to use it
ugh.. VS update needs me to restart, brb
and I'm back in the room
man, I love how quick this thing boots
Woah. I was expecting you to be gone for 20 minutes at least.
@Snow yeah this might not be a raw powerhouse of a machine but being purely solid state it does boot up phenomenally quickly
I'll give MS their due they do make some fantastic bits of kit
Yeah. I have an i7 machine here, with a normal HD. I also have lots of startup stuff imposed by the company.
You're using a Surface?
@Snow yeah Surface Pro 4 (i5 8Gb RAM, 256Gb storage)
I use a SP3 at home. My partner has a Surface 3. I used to have a Surface RT.
@Snow I'd been eyeing them for a while but could never quite justify the outlay until I had a laptop SNAFU on day three of my current contract and needed a machine in a hurry - figured it was the perfect excuse to try going Surface
I've been hugely impressed with it to be honest
Yep. Apart from having to yank the keyboard off it sometimes to get it working.
@Snow yeah I've had that a couple of times when it seems to get confused about whether the type cover is there or not and for some reason the illumination on the type cover doesn't work properly but both fall under niggles rather than real problems
It's a great keybard when it works though.
@Snow surprisingly so.. I was intending on plugging in a "proper" keyboard for work but I've honestly not felt the need
I'm used to a completely flat keyboard now, so that helps.
@Snow historically I've used MS Natural keyboards (flirted with some carpal tunnel during my uni days and the doc recommended them) but so far so comfy on the type cover, I'm thinking it must have something to do with it being just the right spacing for me or something like that
Here at work, I use a Logitech keyboard that's completely flat on the desk. No more wrist pain for me.
@Snow keyboards are like chairs IMO.. it's about finding the one that fits you properly (same applies to car seats)
I did use a Natural keyboard for a while, but it made my hands look like Mary Berry's after a while.
The best car seats are mounted behind a 3ltr engine I've found.
@Snow the biggest problem I always have with them is that they slow me down - before I swapped to them I used to kick out ~ 115 wpm on a traditional keyboard, a natural knocked me down to just over half that
@Snow 3ltr? is that in a toy car or something?
Fair point. The seats in my 4.2ltr range rover were the comfiest, I'll grant you that.
@Snow same with the recaros in the S6, the only seats I've found comfier were the ones in a Volvo S60 I looked at a few years back, those crazy Scandinavians somehow made a lay-z-boy feel like sitting on a cold stone bench by comparison
argh.. git.. was there ever a more appropriately named bit of software?
I've read the same thing about the newer models too. I sometimes wish I had bought an XC90. But when I put the Porsche in sport mode, I change my mind again.
@Snow you're in a Macan IIRC? they do look like nice bits of kit
Yes, the sport diesel.
@Snow you weren't tempted by the 3.6T? just for the sheer bonkers-ness?
No. I wanted something a bit cheaper to insure and run.
And I'm not often that bonkers to use the performance.
And the diesel S is no slouch either.. ~250bhp isn't it?
Almost 270. 0-60 in a little over 6 seconds. Fast enough to annoy hot hatches.
@Snow same here.. the S6 has "only" 340bhp but I don't find myself wishing for more very often if at all
@Snow "Fast enough to annoy hot hatches." which is about all the fun you're allowed to have on UK roads these days anyway
I had my fun in the 911 some years ago. Since then I've settled down.
I get similar.. chavvy scrotes in their Fiesta STs who look at my bland old silver OAP-mobile and then get all surprised when I just steam past
@Snow I've never scratched the 911 itch - was always too poor during my "wild" phase so had to make do with a succession of scoobs
I had a CS4. It was nice, but after I opened it up early one deserted morning, I felt as though I'd done what I needed to do.
@Snow I've always had a hankering for a 996 Turbo, unfortunately I may have missed my window as they are going back up in price these days
I keep promising myself that at some point in my life, I'll own something with more than 500bhp.
I was tempted at one point by a Bentley Continental. With a private place, no one would know how old it was.
@Snow be patient.. the way things are going the average hot hatch will have that
@Snow they are very nice bits of kit.. and 2nd hand they offer silly amounts of car for the money
Electric is where things are going now. Hybrid cars are proper rapid.
But with the Bentley, I'd have to pay for servicing, which would not be cheap.
@Snow indeed.. an old boss had one as his company car and I saw the service bill for it once - standard medium service + front discs and pads was £3.5k at a dealer
oh god.. I just had a quick scan on autotrader, early Conti GTs are going for ~15k
that's mental
I will have to force myself to write "You already have multiple expensive to run divas on the drive" 500 times
in fact, better make it 1000 times
Yep. And the servicing cost is why they're cheap.
@Snow yeah similar for the S6 really, or anything of the same ilk really. I've sent the purchase price many times over on maintenance
hell just the gearbox rebuild was nearly the same as I paid for the whole car
Yeah, but you're keeping it, right?
@Snow hell yeah.. the most recent round of spending involved putting a set of the original 17" wheels on it rather than the cheap crap 19" things it had on before and it's like a magic carpet now
a very fast magic carpet
161k miles and counting!
Yes. I have 18s on mine. It's a far nicer ride than using 20s with rubber band tires. A lot less in the way of kerb grinding too.
@Snow amen to that.. I cracked a wheel twice on potholes with the 19s and running over a cat's eyes was bone jarring
Rebooting. I might be some time.
And back. Still waiting for apps to load.
@Snow loaded the water cooler first.. I like the way you prioritse :D
firefox loaded first.
@Snow Firefox?! I thought you were cool man
Chrome is for Android geeks. IE is for people who want to be warmed by their laptop fans.
I generally use Chrome or Edge.. FireFox is for people who like Slashdot and have a curious aversion to showering
and it's handling of <input type=date> is laughable
Edge won't work on Windows 7.
And Chrome has it's place.... ... in bathrooms.
@Snow fair point.. I'm running Win10 on all my windows machines now
@Snow haha... nice one!
@Snow somewhere FireFox users don't go very often
We have a few Win 10 laptops here, but it's mainly Win 7. We're not allowed to request a new latop until our old one breaks down.
@Snow yeah all too common a scenario - it actually punishes your more tech savvy users who are able to keep the older machines running (if barely)
I keep running hardware tests from time to time, hoping that the testing would stress some components into failing.
But no. Dells are built to last.
@Snow get one of the stress testing live CDs, set it to run non-stop for a weekend and hope for the best?
you could always wrap it in a duvet to "help" with heat dissapation?
Haha. That might work!
you're right about the indestructibility of Dell laptops though - they just limp along getting steadily more annoying but refusing to die so you can get them replaced. I had the exact same experience with an old Inspiron years back - it clung on for years until just after I got my new work laptop and I was allowed to retain it as a personal machine, then it promptly died
man I hated that thing
I don't know about you, but it's been really nice not having to talk or hear about the election so far today. It's like a breath of fresh air.
@Snow agreed
And I've probably spoilt it now by talking about the war.
@Snow don't mention the election!!
I think I might have gotten away with it.
@Snow I think most people don't use complicated words to feel superior or to show off or to alienate people. That is probably how they communicate naturally and don't realize that it is hard to understand for someone less skilled in the language. There are people who will sit with a thesaurus looking for the most obscure alternative to every word, but I doubt any of the regulars here are like that.
There was a time when I didn't know what thesaurus and obscure meant, for example, or even alienate and show off.
@MaskedMan "thesaurus" ahh my favorite type of dinosaur
I refer to a thesaurus from time to time, but that's mainly when I feel the word I am about to use doesn't "feel" right. I do however use the most common alternative, not go hunting for the most obscure word I can find.
I work with another "dinosaur" at work, aka C++. @Snow's remark reminded me of some review comments I received when I started this job. People said that my use of the STL library and algorithms made it "too hard" to understand, and they probably thought I was trying to impress people at a new job by writing "tricky" code. But I have been writing such "tricky" code as a habit, I wasn't actively trying to impress anyone.
I ended up doing a few training sessions for some of the folks and now they don't find this so "tricky" any more. Another common complaint I hear is when Americans and British visit India. Most "blue collar" workers here have a passing familiarity with English, so they complain that "those arrogant foreigners" deliberately use "difficult English" to make us feel "inferior".
. In reality, they are actually nice people speaking English the only way they know, not trying to make anyone feel "inferior".
@MaskedMan C++ is more of an Eldritch Abomination then a dinosaur
Just realized I've hit four consecutive repcaps this week!
@motosubatsu Nice, I haven't hit one this week yet....still need 15 for legendary...
Congrats, Mr Moto!
@MisterPositive that's some good going though.. I have another 86 to go for legendary! :D
@Snow thanks :) I actually think The Event That Shall Not Be Mentioned has helped me there.. I've had a few upvotes on some really old answers come ticking in this week
ION I just had BK for lunch and now I have the meat sweats.. totally worth it!
lucky you. I have a babybel
I have to wonder if @MaskedMan will sleep during the election? ;-)
@Snow regular or mini?
@MisterPositive I'm barely sleeping now.. nothing to do with that though!
mini. i'm never lucky enough to get big ones.
@Snow Hodor
@Snow My luck is the equivalent of no luck.
@Snow You should get on to the Daily Wail, a couple of sadface photos of you holding your mini babybel and looking hungry and BAM!
No one wants to see the face of me.
@Snow LOL you are not so bad sir!
And there he is the @MaskedMan!!
@MisterPositive Why do you wonder so? :)
@MaskedMan I think your working pretty hard on your campaign to get elected, as is your right. :-)
@MisterPositive hmm interesting comment. I don't think I am trying much.
Although I am trying hard to not get elected. ;)
If you don't want to be elected, why are you running?
@MaskedMan In hind sight I think your the most strategic candidate of all of us at the moment.
@Mithrandir I want to get elected, I am just trying to not get elected. Those are different things. ;)
in 2016 Science Fiction & Fantasy Moderator Election, Jan 25 '16 at 2:25, by Shog9
@Mithrandir you should probably stop, if you're serious about wanting to be a mod.
@Mithrandir Oh since you aren't a regular here, I think I should tell you that I am a bit of a comic relief character here. :D Although my nomination is pretty serious.
Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass. I like to be one of these. :)
I am like this in real life as well. It especially helps in the workplace.
@MaskedMan I am so confused by you today....maybe its my cold medicine, maybe not.
@MisterPositive Confusion Fu in action.
Crouching Moron Hidden Badass is how I got two promotions and four salary raises in two years without even asking and doubled my salary.
Q: Deal with troll

paparazzoTo me this person is a troll. How to deal with transgender Go back to the original post from an unregistered user: How to deal with an LGBT person making obscene demands? In our firm of about 1000 people, I am working with a group of developers on a minor project. We've been assi...

@MaskedMan That sure sounds impressive.
@MisterPositive Everyone loves the underdog. :)
Some obnoxious people like to pick on the weakest, but when they pick on me, I bring out my fangs and claws. ;)
That's in real life I mean.
@MaskedMan Really? I don't see you as weak at all. As a matter of fact don't you have the highest candidate score?
@Feeds I am probably going to take that as an editing challenge if I feel like it.
@MisterPositive No, I meant in the real life workplace.
@MaskedMan Ah ok.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I am only 2 short of 40 on the moderation score. I actually didn't think I was that high until I ran the SEDE query. I thought I would be around 35.
I have the lowest score on the mod questionnaire though.
If I don't win this election, as is likely to happen, I will probably go on one of my retirements in restricted mode again. In fact, I have already booked tickets for a vacation in the 1st week of June. :)
Though if I do win the election, I will gladly "telecommute" on my mod duties from my vacation.
@MaskedMan MOD or bust?
I hope you're going somewhere nice enough that you forget all about the Workplace for a few days, regardless of the election
@dwizum In July I will be in Italy for a few weeks. I hope its nice. ;-)
I've never been to Italy but I know a lot of people who have enjoyed going there
@dwizum One of my bucket list items.
Mods are allowed to take holidays too @MaskedMan :-)
@MisterPositive I went to Italy a few years ago... it was fantastic!
@motosubatsu Good to hear! Its expensive for me just to get there!
@dwizum I'm heading off to Bhutan. :)
@MisterPositive whereabouts are you going?
Venice, Rome, and one other I cannot recall at the moment LOL
Yet another long day in the office today. I am heading off home now, will catch you again in a hour and half. Don't do anything fun until I am back. :)
I've never been to Bhutan either!
@MisterPositive I didn't do Venice but did Rome, Florence and Naples, I wasn't a big fan of Naples tbh but Rome and Florence were amazing
You guys with your exotic vacations... I'm going the same place I go every year, the New England coast
@motosubatsu Naples is the other!!
@MisterPositive Sounds awesome! How long will you be there?
@MisterPositive oops! open mouth-insert foot :D to be fair the good thing about going to Naples is that it's close by to Pompeii and Vesuvius, both of which are well worth a visit
@dwizum to be fair I haven't actually been on a vacation for about 4 years
@MackM 15 days or so....
Its been a few years for me too....@motosubatsu
@MisterPositive my previous gap to that was 12 years which was kind of insane thinking about it.. I keep meaning to get away again but stuff keeps getting in the way like buying a house and work and other such inconveniences
@motosubatsu That is insane.
@MisterPositive yeah.. I was going to take a decent trip this year but I've taken such a financial kicking over the last six months that I think it'll probably have to wait (again)
Buying a house is a lot of work! My vacation this year is 2 weeks after I close on a new house. I'm going to need the break from all this dealing with lawyers and banks and packing...
@dwizum yeah I could have done with a vacation after buying the house, unfortunately buying said house rather used up all my available cash!
The good news for me is I'm selling my current house after buying it cheap and being there for 16 years so I'm walking away with enough cash to afford the trip
@dwizum nice one :)
hey all. Does anyone have an idea of what UK organisation might release previous employment data? We're looking to build an app that does this in an automated way so couldn't be like gov website with the forms to fill in
more API based, but any info at all would be good as I cannot find anything whatsoever
Any thoughts on James's answer here? I'm wondering if the abrasive language fails the "Be Nice" policy: workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/112469/…
too much profanity for any site really. one little word can be ignored but not multiple
just needs editing imo
I started to edit but stopped. I'm going to have another go.
...aaand someone rolled my edit back.
was james, which means you should flag it to an admin or you'll enter into rollback war
yeah, just flagged it.
He was swift. My edit was only up for like 8 seconds
@James what info are you looking for? the only real organisation that's going to have the majority of employment data would be HMRC
@James how would consent play into that sort of API? Or is employment record considered public in the UK?
so we can caputre their current address and name from a drivers license scan. we're struggling to find how we could get their 3 years previous employment. I feel I might have to email HMRC and ask them, ut fear they'll just say no
we'll look at consent later. urm, that sounds dodgy, it's a proof of concept at the moment
just trying to find if it's even possible
we doubt it will be possible, given the laws to protect such data, but not giving up just yet
It's an interesting concept. Kind of the credit report equivalent for employment history?
@dwizum I've rolled back his revision to your edit
@James that's going to be non starter I think
even before GDPR it wouldn't have stood a snowball's chance in hell of getting off the ground
yeah those were our first words, but we're gonna poke it for a bit in case something magic can happen
thanks for thinking about it tho :)
HRMC can provide the info to third party.. but the person whose history it is has to give consent first and if any form of API exists, I'll eat my hat
I tried to salvage this question, could some of you take a look and let me know what you think?

@MisterPositive good effort.. to be honest though I think it belongs over on open source SE
@motosubatsu That is also a viable option IMHO.
it's really only tangentally related to the workplace in that he's suggesting doing it to improve his employability
@motosubatsu Agreed. You did a good job at language and grammar but it may be fundamentally off topic
To be honest, that sounds more like a SO question. This reads more like "what skills should I learn".
@dwizum Thanks...I got questioned about it on my Q and A, and a down vote for my response.....cannot win them all I suppose.
Morning people
You got questioned specifically about your edits? You were doing basic grammar improvements. It made the question more readable. I don't see how that's questionable.
@DarkCygnus 'sup gary
@DarkCygnus we haven't really overlapped of late but I just wanted to say I was sorry to hear of your loss :( hope you're doing ok
@dwizum about my VTC without attempting to EDIT the question on the spot.
Thanks @motosubatsu I appreciate it
Taking it one day at a time
Okay. I don't see how edits could have made it on topic.
And also thanks to the others who shared some kind thoughts :*
@dwizum This user did, so I gave it a shot.
@DarkCygnus I missed it too @DarkCygnus what happened?
@MisterPositive my mother finally passed away last Sunday
@DarkCygnus Sorry to hear....
@DarkCygnus Sorry to hear that.
Thanks, I am feeling better now, but I guess things don't just change in one day
@MisterPositive If they thought it was salvageable why didn't THEY edit or suggest an edit? This is supposed to be a community effort, no? I don't expect mods to be the only ones to fix things and I don't expect them to always "do the right thing" since some of the burden of defining "the right thing" should be on the larger community, no?
@DarkCygnus Be sure to give yourself some time...its okay to take it.
@DarkCygnus I had a parent pass 22 years ago, I'm still processing it. Like anything else there are good moments and bad, and you learn through the process over time.
@dwizum yes, Mods are actually "exception handlers", The Community should lead along with their guidelines
Well, mr profanity is back with another gem of an answer.
@Snow link?
Where at this time?
Kate jumped on this right away. workplace.stackexchange.com/a/112482/44108
@Snow You know better than to post that without the link sir.
@MisterPositive yes, I am already taking it more slowly, as there have been many things going on lately
@dwizum sorry to hear that
what about this one @Snow
Yesterday it was locked and got 6 DVs in less than 3 seconds
Talk about Community taking the lead
Well done with the comment, Snow. Hopefully he takes it to heart. This is where "community" really adds value, because it's not a personal battle between him and a moderator, it's a handful of people trying to edit/guide/correct him.
I am torn by this James user
He is a recent join
Has had some good posts
but sometimes he snarks too much
and he is not Kilisi (nor has his rep) to be doing such
@DarkCygnus There is only one Kilisi.
Kilisi never had this kind of tone to him.
@Snow true
@MisterPositive true x2
Kilisi's answers can be brusque and irreverent, but I don't remember ever seeing him provoke anyone.
I also think that Kilisi's Avatar add to his persona
@MackM He has been hammered on many occasions for his style. He and I share one thing in common in that we are here to help people first.
Legend says he is holding a machete in one hand, while answering on TWP with the other
@MisterPositive I really just mean to say that Kilisi's behavior and James's behavior are objectively distinct, not that Kilisi's a born diplomat. :)
@MackM LOL I got your meaning now.
I think we beat the factory safety question to death with links to OSHA
Looks that way.
@dwizum I would request you to stop doing that. If the answer is abusive, downvote it and flag it.
Hi, that was my question.
@Tina_Sea Hello there
I might have another question but I'm not sure if it fits its about GED and getting jobs
@dwizum It is normal for mod candidates to be questioned on things that demonstrate community leadership. That said though I think @MisterPositive did the right thing. Vote to close the question, then edit and vote to reopen. Leaving the question open for too long raises the risk of getting irrelevant and invalid answers which just increases community efforts. People should see "on hold" as more of "this question is down for maintenance".
@DarkCygnus the legend is wrong though... he has a machete in one hand, a sawn-off shotgun in the other and answers via dictation
@MaskedMan Thanks @MaskedMan
Which is why the phrasing was changed from "closed" to "on hold" many years ago
Unfortunately, too many people still see it as "closed" though :-(
I think that question is OK because this site is about navigating the workplace and how to find a job is a valid concern. I seem to recall it is mentioned somewhere on the help center.
who has a shotgun?
@Carpetsmoker It is still called vote to close though, not vote to on hold. :)
@Snow agreed, Kilisi may be blunt at times but this guy is just throwing profanities in for the sake of it
@Tina_Sea What?
Yeah, it's rather inconsistent unfortunately :-( I also think something like "paused" might be better, but shrug
@motosubatsu It might be time for a short time out for this user. They don't seem to be getting the point.
@Tina_Sea The shotgun reference was a joke about a long-term member, it wasn't meant to be real.
@dwizum I missed that joke....
@motosubatsu The shotgun reference Tina was talking about
@MaskedMan Is there a difference between an answer (which may or may not be good) that happens to have abusive language, versus an answer that is inherently abusive?
um, does anyone know how to list a GED on a resume? I'm getting one soon an d I want to move up
@Tina_Sea yes, apologies for the confusion it was purely humorous comment expanding on @DarkCygnus earlier quip.
@dwizum My personal take on that is if it violates the Be Nice policy, we send it to the bin. We can't be giving the impression that abusing people is OK as long as you wrap it in a somewhat useful answer.
The problem I have with editing clearly abusive crap is that it rewards the poster, and might encourage them to post more abusive crap
Wow, what did I walk into.
Just to be clear on this, I understand you were trying to be helpful.
There usually isn't a problem with editing one or two posts, but if people have a habit/pattern it can become more problematic
So, let's say, hypothetically, there's a good answer that has bad language in it. We're willing to throw away the good answer in order to punish the bad language? Or would you repost the good answer after removing the bad one?
Yeah, I know we're all playing on the same team - just trying to navigate the "norms" and think it through out loud
Depends on the "bad language"; if someone just used something like "your situation is shit", then feel free to edit. If someone said "you are shit" ... meh, I'd prefer to comment on the language, rather than "silently" edit it out
Only the Answerer can repost an answer, I am afraid
I would ask the OP to edit out the bad language.
Agree ^
So, is this a bad place to ask about GED's on resumes then?
@DarkCygnus By "repost" I meant, essentially, say the same thing yourself. I don't think it's a good solution, just trying to further the discussion
@dwizum if the answer remains functionally the same without the bad language then an edit is in order IMO
I have a thing with editing all typos away, even though they are answers. But editing answers is more tricky, so you don't conflict with the author's intent
I'm not from the states, so I don't know much about that I'm afraid @Tina_Sea
"You broke it so you fix it." (or if you want a bit stronger language) "You clean the mess you made."
Okay, well does anyone know any site that could help?
@motosubatsu That's what I'd assumed, but I like Masked Man's approach, depending on the severity of the language and the habits of the poster
@Tina_Sea Hi Tina, and welcome to the site. This is the chat room, as you can see it's very informal. If you have a question you would like an answer to you can ask it on the main site, and you should get some help there.
@Tina_Sea I would list this just like you would a high school diploma.
@Tina_Sea Sorry Tina, we're often in the middle of two or three discussions at once in here, it can be confusing. It may be worth posting a question on the actual site vs here in chat.
Hi I was trying to find out if this would be a good question for the sit.
@Tina_Sea yep, if it is about resumes, we even have a tag so seems that your Q may be on topic
@Tina_Sea no it's the right place.. :)
@Tina_Sea are we talking GED certificate or GED Diploma?
You can use chat as a sandbox before posting if you like, so it gets better reception
But yes, I agree with Mister Positive, I would put it under "Education" or wherever you'd put any other diploma or degree. In the US it is functionally equivalend to a High School diploma.
@dwizum My reason for that rule is by making the OP put in the effort to remove their foul language, we are introducing a "friction" in their flow, and that should help them think twice before they post the next answer.
do they hold it against you if it a GED not a diploma
@Tina_Sea in my experience they are equal.
@MaskedMan That makes sense.
@Tina_Sea Not really, they are pretty much the same thing
@Tina_Sea If anything, having a GED might be a positive to some people. It shows you're willing to take initiative and make things happen for yourself, even if you've had some detours in life
as for how to list it on the resume I'd list the same way as any other educational certification - list the date obtained, grade if you think it's worth showing off
Anyway you have to take everything in context as @Carpetsmoker says above. We don't want to make the clbuttic mistakes. :)
@Tina_Sea Some of my favorite employees over the years have been people who had GEDs or incomplete degrees that they went back later to finish. These people usually understand that they have to get up and work for things, versus just expecting everything to go in their favor.
@dwizum Agreed, seen this one many times.
Also, when talking about "bad language" we must remember that a lot of people aren't native English speakers, and may have different perceptions of language. A real example: up until a few weeks ago I genuinely thought that "twat" was a kind of friendly typical British way of calling someone an asshole. Turns out, it's actually considered really offensive! Oops!
@Carpetsmoker LMAO yep that is offensive here in the US.
A Spanish friend of mine was saying something similar a while ago too, when she moved to the UK she said "shit" a lot and never realized it was something considered offensive
Reminds me of when I thought I was part British and said bloody all the time.
hmm this James guy appears to be on a mission to be "controversial":
see his comments on his answer on there
I've flagged the answer for mod attention
Cultural context is really complex
Just take a look at the LGBTX question and al the fuzz about the pronouns and stuff
@motosubatsu yikes.
and there goes another irony meter:
@MisterPositive no. This form leans very european/liberal. Not everyone in the world thinks like they do. I'm not trolling. I would hope that diversity is respected here. — James 1 min ago
@motosubatsu 5 down already
You can usually tell from the context if a person is honestly just misusing a certain word or deliberately creating trouble. The choice of words is a factor to consider but it is not the end of the game. Don't get too hung up on whether a user used feces or excrement, look at the overall tone of the answer and how they respond to the comments.
@MaskedMan [Confused Look On Face] What are you referring too?
@MisterPositive feces and excrement
while he hasn't been here very long the "controversial" comments seems to be a new thing today
@dwizum oh....
@MisterPositive The above discussion about what is "controversial".
For example, "nigger" is highly offensive in the US because of its history and such. Here in India, we routinely refer to people of African origin as Negros. Since we don't have any such "history" with Africans, it is about as acceptable as Whites. So someone from India might use the word Negro in an answer without being aware of the connotations in the US, don't hunt him down to the end of hell.
If the overall tone of the answer is constructive, assume good faith and don't chase him to ends of hell for using a single offensive words that he probably doesn't even realise.
Oh and speaking of which, US folks routinely call people of East Asian descent as "Asians". This is seen as mildly offensive in India, because hey, we are Asians too.
Russians are Asians also lol
sup @doppelgreener how's B&CG
@DarkCygnus doing ok i think :P
Hi! o/
@motosubatsu seems that the answerer was indeed replying things that are out of track
I established this rule about 8 years ago. Anything that precedes 'but' is rubbish (as you call it, I use a much more interesting term), everything after it is the actual feedback. Example: "You did well this year, but your leadership can be improved." Just for the record, this was worked 100% for me so far. — Masked Man 1 min ago
Please use this rule when you take in the feedback from your manager. :)
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