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@ev3commander What would it do?
so lets say i give #ppcg 12345
it would give me:
Seems fairly straightforward.
like the dilbert, xkcd, darths, hoh, and irreg
Implementing dilbert was not all that straightforward actually
Have you seen the file names their image host uses?
I wound up having to actually fetch the comic page over crossorigin.me and extract the filename using a regex
no but I saw hoh complexity though
At least that's fairly predictable
/ppcgq 123455543
#ppcg 12345
A: Make StackOverflow Explode (bookmarklet)

FakeRainBrigand165 chars (164 points) -1 for explaination Here's my attempt. It's not particularly short, but it's fun. javascript:r=Math.random;$("a,span,p").each(function(){var a=$(this);a.css({position:"relative"});a.delay(1E4*r()).animate({left:9E3*r()-4E3,top:9E3*r()-4E3},555)}); It slides individual...

There, done
But it does questions and answers.
(automatic response) Xkcd covered.
@ev3commander Done. ^
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/add goats
<Chatgoat> Added command add
(automatic response) Stopped now.
(automatic response) A
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/add goats return "https://i.sstatic.net/tpLJ0.jpg"
<Chatgoat> I don't know what goats means, I'm only a goat
<Chatgoat> Learned word goats
Sorry for not being around more in the last half-hour, Ludum Dare is stealing my attention
(automatic response) "Oh. It's ETHproductions."
(automatic response) #quine
(automatic response) Supported commands: #help #ping #xkcd #quote #quine #speak #goat @ETH
(automatic response) Supported commands: #help #ping #xkcd #quote #quine #speak #goat @ETH
what does #goat do?
(automatic response) Did you mean #downgoat?
#downgoat ?
(automatic response) Did you mean #goat?
(automatic response) Did you mean #downgoat?
Is @Upgoat an account for your bot?
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
@Upgoat say
<Chatgoat> I don't know what means, I'm only a goat
Now you need to remove the bot from Downgoat
yup, done, how much rep do you need for the avatar to show?
It's showing for me.
nvm, a refresh did it
(automatic response) Seems fairly predictable
Perfect. timing.
I want to unleash the ETHbot in the 19th byte
(automatic response) Codegolf.stackexchange.coma
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/say please
<Chatgoat> Sure,
<Chatgoat> ಠ_ಠ
@Chatgoat say
<Chatgoat> I don't know what means, I'm only a goat
(automatic response) I wound up having to unleash the ETHbot in, hoh complexity though
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
@ETHbot, will you #speak for me?
<Chatgoat> Did you know I am a goat?
Please ? #speak
@Chatgoat say
<Chatgoat> I don't know what means, I'm only a goat
huh, weird
It seems to have broken... #speak
(automatic response) I wound up having to ask you need to unleash the comic page over crossorigin.me and irreg
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
Oh, it's better now #speak
@Chatgoat say
(automatic response) I want to unleash the 19th byte
<Chatgoat> I don't know what means, I'm only a goat
(automatic response) There, weird
We need more normal sentences.
Hey ETHbot, how's the weather?
Not bad. It's 45 degrees and clear on a December night.
What do you want to talk about? #speak
(automatic response) Now you need to talk about??
OK... How's your day been? #speak
(automatic response) Implementing dilbert was not being around more normal sentences....
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/teach phrase Hello, World!
I learned it
/teach phrase Hello, World!
Um... Well, what do you want me to say to you? #speak
(automatic response) We need to show?
I learned it
/teach phrase Hello, World!
We need to show? #speak
I learned it
(automatic response) Nvm, hoh complexity though
<Chatgoat> Good(morning|night)!
why can't I type /say
You know, having a conversation with you is incredibly hard. #speak
<Chatgoat> Ok
(automatic response) I learned it
huh, appropriate response @upgoat
<Chatgoat> Ok
Learned what? #speak
(automatic response) Yup, how's the bot from Downgoat
Let's not talk about Downgoat's bot just yet, OK? #speak
(automatic response) I want me to remove the weather?
<Chatgoat> Ok
Never mind, ETHbot. You're so disrespectful. #speak
(automatic response) Not bad.
Apologize to your master right now. #speak
(automatic response) Please
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/teach phrase Pls learn this chatgoat
I learned Pls learn this chatgoat at phrase
I'll take that as an apology. Are we better now? #speak
(automatic response) Let's not talk about Downgoat's bot?
Talk to yourself now. #speak
(automatic response) Hey ETHbot.
/teach phrase learn this please
I learned learn this please at phrase
no you didn't @Upgoat
(automatic response) What does
I don't know, what does? #speak
(automatic response) Why can't I learned it
Because you're dumb. #speak
(automatic response) Ugh.
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/teach phrase plswork
I learned plswork at phrase
Now go sit in the corner and think about your life. #speak
(automatic response) Huh, how's the corner and think about Downgoat's bot just yet, done, OK.. timing...
I didn't say think about Downgoat's bot's life! I said think about your life! #speak
(automatic response) Because you're dumb.
My bot has developed a serious attitude. #speak
(automatic response) No you?
/teach phrase workworkwork
I learned workworkwork at phrase
I learned workworkwork at phrase
@Upgoat stop lying to me
<Chatgoat> I don't know what means, I'm only a goat
Why did I even implement that
I'm done talking to my bot now, so I'll talk to yours. Hey @Upgoat, how's the weather at your place?
@Upgoat ^
@ETHproductions <Chatgoat> I don't know what , means, I'm only a goat
Oh. Right. Sorry.
Are you ready to come out of timeout and be a nice chat-bot for a change, ETHbot? #speak
(automatic response) My bot has developed a conversation with you didn't say to you want to unleash the ETHbot, done talking to have broken...
@ETHproductions No problem I mean mooo, I'm a goat
I'm sorry, ETHbot, bu I don't understand you. #speak
(automatic response) Sigh.. Well, OK. Right... Well, bu I even implement that as an apology. It's 45 degrees and clear on a December night.. How's your life.
A lot better, thanks to you... #speak
(automatic response) Never mind, ETHbot.
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/teach phrase workplease
I learned workplease at phrase
Never mind. #speak
(automatic response) Never mind.
I didn't say quine! Make up your own sentences. #speak
(automatic response) OK...
Now, how's the weather? #speak
(automatic response) Never mind, appropriate response upgoat
I didn't ask how Upgoat's weather is! I asked about your weather! #speak
(automatic response) Are we better now, OK..
No. Try again. #speak
(automatic response) I learned workplease at phrase
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/teach phrase workplease
I learned workplease at phrase
What is "phrase"? Why are you copying Upgoat??? Try again please. #speak
(automatic response) Let's not talk to yours.
We are talking to mine. Talk to yourself. #speak
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
(automatic response) Learned what?
Learned what? #speak
/teach phrase workplease
I learned workplease at phrase
(automatic response) Why did I didn't ask how Upgoat's weather! I learned plswork at your life! I learned workplease at phrase
@Upgoat Yes! You finally did it!
<Chatgoat> I don't know what means, I'm only a goat
/teach phrase workplease
I learned workplease at phrase
/teach phrase workplease
Don't you rant on me, ETHbot. See? Upgoat is obeying his master's orders. Why don't you? #speak
(automatic response) Because you're dumb..
Oh, I see how it is. You wanna come at me, big boy? #speak
(automatic response) I didn't say think about your life! Make up your life! I don't you didn't say quine! Make up your life!
Oh, sorry to offend you. :P #speak
(automatic response) No you. You're so disrespectful. Right..
I give up. #speak
(automatic response) Let's not talk about Downgoat's bot just yet, so I'll take that as an apology.
This is the most convoluted conversation I have ever had. Does someone else want to try talking some sense into ETHbot?
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/add iwillobey return TAG+"I will obey my masters orders"
<Chatgoat> Learned word iwillobey
<Chatgoat> I don't know what iwillobey means, I'm only a goat
<Chatgoat> I don't know what iwillobey means, I'm only a goat
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/add motto return TAG+"I will obey my master's, Downgoat's, orders"
<Chatgoat> Learned word motto
<Chatgoat> I don't know what motto means, I'm only a goat
OK, ETHbot, let's talk about Upgoat. You start. #speak
(automatic response) Learned what does?
Nope. Try again. #speak
(automatic response) I have ever had.. Try again please...
One more try. #speak
(automatic response) I learned workplease at phrase
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
How did you learn workplease? #speak
(automatic response) I'll talk to yourself.
/add motto return TAG+"I will obey my master's, Downgoat's, orders"
<Chatgoat> Learned word motto
<Chatgoat> I don't know what motto means, I'm only a goat
/teach phrase I will obey my master, Downgoat
I learned I will obey my master, Downgoat at phrase
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/teach phrase I will obey my master, Downgoat
I learned I will obey my master, Downgoat at phrase
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/teach phrase I will obey my master, Downgoat
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/teach phrase I will obey my master, Downgoat
<Chatgoat> Ok
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/teach phrase I will obey my master, Downgoat
I learned the new phrase, I will obey my master, Downgoat
<Chatgoat> undefined
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/teach phrase I will obey my master, Downgoat
I learned the new phrase, I will obey my master, Downgoat =
<Chatgoat> undefined
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/teach phrase I will obey my master, Downgoat
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/teach phrase I will obey my master, Downgoat
I learned the new phrase "phrase I will obey my master, Downgoat"
<Chatgoat> undefined
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/teach phrase I will obey my master, Downgoat
I learned the new phrase "phrase I will obey my master, Downgoat"
(AUTOMATED RESPONSE) @SuperJedi224 60 (1,2,2,3,5,5,6,7,7,7,7,8)
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
@Upgoat Hi, Chatgoat
<Chatgoat> I don't know what means, I'm only a goat
/teach learn this phrase pleeeasssseeee
I learned the new phrase "learn this phrase pleeeasssseeee"
<Chatgoat> <broken goat/no items>
/say I Chatgoat, am a dumb goat please
Bye guys
<Chatgoat> Because you said please, I Chatgoat, am a dumb goat
@SuperJedi224 bye
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called
/teach phrase I will obey my master, Downgoat
I learned the phrase "I will obey my master, Downgoat"
<Chatgoat> I will obey my master, Downgoat
I should make a bot to control other bots.
@Upgoat what a well-mannered chatbot :P
<Chatgoat> I don't know what means, I'm only a goat
bye Chatgoat! /say
what what, @Upgoat are you working?
(automatic response) I learned workplease?
Dangit, I can't unstar that message ETHbot starred
#add hello post("Hello, World!")
(automatic response) Added command hello. Use "#use hello" to use it.
#use hello
(automatic response) ERROR
#add hello post("Hello, World!")
(automatic response) Added command hello. Use "#use hello" to use it.
#use hello
(automatic response) ERROR
#add hello post("Hello, World!")
(automatic response) Added command hello. Use "#use hello" to use it.
#use hello
(automatic response) ERROR
#add hello post("Hello, World!")
(automatic response) Added command hello. Use "#use hello" to use it.
#use hello
(automatic response) ERROR
#add hello post("Hello, World!")
(automatic response) Added command hello. Use "#use hello" to use it.
#use hello
(automatic response) ERROR
#add hello post("Hello, World!")
(automatic response) Added command hello. Use "#use hello" to use it.
#use hello
(automatic response) ERROR
ETHbot, you fix this. #speak
(automatic response) OK, let's talk about Upgoat are you working?

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