<The Tin Soldier> *TanMath poisons The Tin Soldier* <The Tin Soldier> No! W–Why would you do that, TanMath ?! I'm dying now. Slowly and inexorably. (Type `!status` to see how I am doing i.e. how much time I have left.)
<The Tin Soldier> *Hipe99 poisons The Tin Soldier* <The Tin Soldier> No! W–Why would you do that, Hipe99 ?! I'm dying now. Slowly and inexorably. (Type `!status` to see how I am doing i.e. how much time I have left.)
<The Tin Soldier> *Hipe99 poisons The Tin Soldier* <The Tin Soldier> No! W–Why would you do that, Hipe99 ?! I'm dying now. Slowly and inexorably. (Type `!status` to see how I am doing i.e. how much time I have left.)
<The Tin Soldier> *TanMath poisons The Tin Soldier* <The Tin Soldier> No! W–Why would you do that, TanMath ?! I'm dying now. Slowly and inexorably. (Type `!status` to see how I am doing i.e. how much time I have left.)
<The Tin Soldier> *quartata poisons The Tin Soldier* <The Tin Soldier> No! W–Why would you do that, quartata ?! I'm dying now. Slowly and inexorably. (Type `!status` to see how I am doing i.e. how much time I have left.)
<The Tin Soldier> *TanMath poisons The Tin Soldier* <The Tin Soldier> No! W–Why would you do that, TanMath ?! I'm dying now. Slowly and inexorably. (Type `!status` to see how I am doing i.e. how much time I have left.)
<The Tin Soldier> *TanMath poisons The Tin Soldier* <The Tin Soldier> No! W–Why would you do that, TanMath ?! I'm dying now. Slowly and inexorably. (Type `!status` to see how I am doing i.e. how much time I have left.)
<The Tin Soldier> *quartata poisons The Tin Soldier* <The Tin Soldier> No! W–Why would you do that, quartata ?! I'm dying now. Slowly and inexorably. (Type `!status` to see how I am doing i.e. how much time I have left.)
<The Tin Soldier> *quartata poisons The Tin Soldier* <The Tin Soldier> No! W–Why would you do that, quartata ?! I'm dying now. Slowly and inexorably. (Type `!status` to see how I am doing i.e. how much time I have left.)
<The Tin Soldier> *Calvin'sHobbies poisons The Tin Soldier* <The Tin Soldier> No! W–Why would you do that, Calvin'sHobbies ?! I'm dying now. Slowly and inexorably. (Type `!status` to see how I am doing i.e. how much time I have left.)
<The Tin Soldier> *quartata poisons The Tin Soldier* <The Tin Soldier> No! W–Why would you do that, quartata ?! I'm dying now. Slowly and inexorably. (Type `!status` to see how I am doing i.e. how much time I have left.)
<The Tin Soldier> *quartata poisons The Tin Soldier* <The Tin Soldier> No! W–Why would you do that, quartata ?! I'm dying now. Slowly and inexorably. (Type `!status` to see how I am doing i.e. how much time I have left.)
javascript:i=0;f=function(){document.getElementById('input').value='My first chatbot '+(++i);document.getElementById('sayit-button').click()};setInterval(f,20000);f();
Guys, seriously, why am I getting an error claiming that something which quite obviously is a function (the console has confirmed this) is not a function?