Okay, having built working, semi-computer-controlled nuclear safety system that accepts commands from the terminal glasses, I think I can officially call myself "reasonably FTB ready" again.
And by semi-computer-controlled I mean "I really don't trust computers for nuclear safety systems on their own, at least 2 levels of redundancy in hardwiring is needed"
And I've already got some more ideas with these things. The fact that you can do commands remotely is really nice, and the fact that I can rig up a display for me only is nice too, because touch screens are annoying.
@OrigamiRobot wow, still playing 1.4 :o Hm, as for which is easier to use... the sorting machines are a little more predictable
routers will just ping around and put stuff wherever it fits with no possibility for filtering
the advantage of routers is that they require almost no configuration, but the advantage of sorting machines is that you can very carefully determing what goes where
I am torn as to what to use for my item management. I hate Blutricity (I like the system, I just hate the methods of generating it), but I like seeing all the things flowing through tubes.
so you're trying to plan for the new server? I'd suggest logistics pipes. I'm probably going to use it. Stuff does zip through the pipes and it's very configurable
There's a not of mods that handle item sorting, honestly... For Thermal Expansion, each endpoint can filter (white or blacklist) up to 9 items, either ignoring or comparing NBT and damage values.
Buildcraft has sorting pipes that handle I think 9 items per exit route out of the pipe
logistics pipes are more of a network. You tell the pipes connected to storage inventories what they're supposed to do, and the system's controller figures it out from there
logistics pipes is an expansion on the buildcraft pipes, though afaik it rewrites the routing almost completely
also, regular buildcraft pipes have been improved a lot since 1.4
effectively, you can tell a logistics pipe connected to a chest to either store certain items, store only items already in the connected chest, store only items from mods that already have items in said chest, or just store everything.
@OrigamiRobot those show all the items that are stored in inventories connected to pipes that are a part of it's network that have a supplier module inserted
it's a little complicated :)
but effectively, if you set up your storage system correctly, it'll let you fetch anything you have stored or have taught your system how to craft
@OrigamiRobot Not really, there's not really an equivalent in RP2. You can use them to fetch items from your network
say you were crafting something, and you needed extra items... with a request pipe you could have your storage system fetch them from the appropriate chest and spit them out at you
you use those for the stretches between logisticspipes. you build a network with logistics pipes at every intersection to route items, and connect them up with basic buildcraft pipes
BC pipes hardly ever drop stuff on the ground anymore though, they've gotten a lot of upgrades
there's other easier and more flexible solutions, logistics pipes is just more flexible, not easier
Applied Energistics is easier. It stores items on disks, the network is more like a LAN than anything else, there's only one kind of interconnect, and a couple different ways of interacting with other blocks (to do things such as import and export items)
...huh. The new Mindcrack FTB season looks... interesting. It's an "every man for himself" format with ALL the PvP and ALL the base-raiding (with safe biomes, and spawn is safe)
@OrigamiRobot The version there was for 1.4 was only because direwolf20 pestered the mod author so much to release it. He's planning on releasing a 1.7 version afaik. Though he said the same about 1.6 I think
also, I totally wish you remembered how mystcraft works, I have no idea what I'm doing usually :) So if there's any volunteers to create a nice digger age (just normal amounts of oregen), I'm all ears :D
@KevinvanderVelden Yup. I bought X, I had no choice really, I couldn't find any copys of Y. The shop was rearranging stuff and it took the person I asked 15 minutes to even find the 3DS games...
@OrigamiRobot In earlier versions of minecraft you could create all kinds of terrible underwater currents quite simply by just getting a couple of buckets from somewhere under water. In recent versions, this fixes himself.
for right now, it's not whitelisted yet, but I'll change that before I go to bed (in about 3-4 hours), so anyone that wants access after that, tell me your IGN