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@Jochem ign Unionhawk. Also, the paperbot is sad, and needs a whitelist too.
Also, getting an error that says I guess I'm missing a bunch of Ars Magica 2 microblocks? Please advise.
@Unionhawk Enable Ars Magica?
I thought I did. I'll check later I guess
Ooh, he forgot to reload the whitelist I think, I'm not on it either =[
2 hours later…
@KevinvanderVelden sorry, I think I used incorrect capitalization on your IGN
@Jochem origami couldn't login either
I can now though!
@KevinvanderVelden hm, then i must've been wrong about not having to reload the white list if you use /white list :/ sorry about that
Aah, one of my pokemon forgot how to play nice
@Unionhawk OK, I added you to the white list as well.
Oh well, then we'll just have to be mean :)
@OrigamiRobot sorry about that, I'm a derp apparently
2 hours later…
oh hey, oops
@Jochem did you break it?
Why did you break the poor server?!
@KevinvanderVelden I did <_< I needed an extra piece of dirt, which was in the planter to block too many saplings from accumulating... but then I needed another "this'll never be in the system" item, so I stuck a piece of cinnamon in there...
apparently that crashes the server
... in a bad way, damnit, it's still crashing on startup :(
guess I'll have to download the world and delete the harvester
server's starting again
That was quick
I knew exactly where the block was, and the world's only about 30MB zipped, so it downloaded quickly too
1 hour later…
I won't be much online until tomorrow evening, A friend is coming over to play games, probably Civ.
I'm afk to, mom's birthday so I'll play chunk loader for a bit :)
Uuugh, we're watching 5km ice skating Olympics -_-
Should I just go get my DS?
@KevinvanderVelden Yay for living alone! No random sports watching!
@arperum well it's usually not a problem cause I'll just be upstairs doing stuff
But I kinda have to stay cause visitors :(
@KevinvanderVelden I'm on the server for a bit, I was doing payments and the cat installed her on my lap. I don't have the heart to push her off >_<
Did you see the chunk loader? :)
@KevinvanderVelden I even scanned him for thaumcraft! I'm at 35 different aspects scanned. Still can't scan the bark of our tree >_<
Out of ~50 IIRC. I'm curious as to what aspects everyone has for thaumcraft.
I also still need batform. I have 7 horseforms, but no batform yet.
@Arperum you could also get the tiny bird form from the twilight forest, if you can't find any bats
or the firebat for ;D
@Jochem I logged back out, my friend should be here in half an hour, and I still have a shitton of stuff to do, but most of it is not going to happen >_<.
Damn you minecraft. It keeps stealing my soul.
@Arperum it's the power of minecraft damnit >_>
@Jochem I got 35 aspects though! And fire focus research!
I was aiming for nitor, got wand foci.
I saw the nether portal, and the cow cage.
And the tinker smelting thingy.
No idea how that works.
Stuff's been happening clearly. The tree farm ran out of power though.
I'm running around on two hours of sleep, it was nearly 5AM by the time I fell asleep >_<. I think that sugar rush is the correct state I'm in right now.
ouch X_X I have that problem sometimes when I play minecraft really late...
the smelting thingy takes ores and lava, and turns the ores into liquid metal. You can then pour it out into different casts. It automatically doubles your ores.
and the treefarm had a tiny energycell, didn't want to upgrade it until we got a more reliable source of charcoal going
@Jochem Helping a goat give birth with complications isn't everything either. The lamb died, but the goat survived :s
@Arperum oh that sucks :(
@Jochem The goat is still alive, that's the most important. My hands are way too big though. Stupid goats and wrongly positioned lambs.
Also, the goat being only a year old didn't help either. And the lamb being stupid big.
No nightmare materials though, which is good. I know how wrong and fucked up it can get.
@Jochem Now worries. It was late when I got home so it's probably for the best.
"Now worries"? Are you plotting his demise then?
@KevinvanderVelden I always count on everyone plotting my demise all the time inspecteur clouseau
eh, that's supposed to have *'s around it, not be bold or italic
I have no idea what all this new stuff does.
@ori it does things, also stuff
Also mobile chat :(
I don't know what I should be dooooooooooooooooooooing
@OrigamiRobot build a neat farm?
I found a light mage?
@KevinvanderVelden mind if I kick you so only one of us needs to sleep?
@jochem no problem of course :) - if you haven't yet =p
@KevinvanderVelden I didn't, @OrigamiRobot had to leave so it's just me again :)
@ori those are friendly, they kill enemy mobs
I've built an awesome hammer btw, gonna need more lapis though
3 hours later…
> enable Biomes'o'plenty, Blood Magic, and ThaumicTinkererKAMI.
crosses fingers

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