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Would you look at that! Another bit of HR on the 'Hot Network Questions' list! hardwarerecs.stackexchange.com/q/762/476
Since it only happens once. (unless someone downvotes me, and I ask a question and pick a correct answer and.... CLOSE ENOUGH!)
Ah, the coveted devil score.
7 hours later…
Free downvotes on a low quality answer: hardwarerecs.stackexchange.com/a/769/8
Downvotes are never free
But sacrifices have to be made ;p
Least till we get some mods.
@JourneymanGeek today, hopefully.
5 hours later…
Q: Leave open question where we know that the answer is that there is no such hardware

StefanWhat should we do with questions where there can't be such a hardware, typically because the problem is at the software level? In my opinion, we should allow an "answer" which explains why there can't be such a hardware, even tho this "answer" doesn't actually provide a direct answer to the ques...

2 hours later…
Morning @Cfinley
Hows your Monday going so far?
Good. Yours?
I have an interview on wednesday
@JourneymanGeek What kind of position?
Work = money = hardware = yay!
@Undo: tech support
Good luck
I need a bit more experience before I go sysadmin ;)
My Monday is going well so far.
If things work out tho
a second 4K screen is a possibility ;)
Not a dell tho
Painting the interior of the house takes longer than I thought.
@Cfinley: No it dosen't. Its just not painting the parts you don't want painted that's not quick.
What monitor do you have already?
I'm thinking of upgrade my monitors. I'm just not sure when I want to do it.
Dell P2715Q
4K, colour caliberated, single stream transport, USB 3,0 hub...
price, isn't too bad, and cheaper than some of the other options
That looks nice
And VESA mounts. That would work for my (future) setup.
@Cfinley: Dell's stock mounts are excellent
and they have a dual screen stand as well
Same with their keyboards
Oh, on the low end? Hell yeah
I still prefer my early model black widow tho
Yeah, the one in your answer
Never had any issues with it
Amusing thing is? I know where I could get em for a fiver
Congrats @Adam @ArtOfCode
@Undo @Adam @ArtOfCode Congrats on the diamonds!
Use them well
On the contrary
Abuse them well. Just don't get caught ;)
awww, access denied :(
Looks like I Have to get the privileges the hard way
@Cfinley: go get a diamond!
Trying to decide whether to handle the flags myself or make @Adam do it as initiation
Its either here or SU, and I dont know enough to be a mod at SU
I think Adam would like going through the flags
@Undo: lots?
@JourneymanGeek slightly more than 7, slightly less than 9
not too bad
Which is nothing by SU standards, of course :P
SU is actually not too bad
Unless a person I shall not name roboflags
Also don't forget
SU has tons of mods
I like to think I help make the mods life harder at SU. 559 helpful flags and counting.
this means I can finally edit meta posts
@Undo runs to downvote undo
@enderland I don't think you have enough downvotes
@Cfinley: I hit somewhere over 2K
then they got fed up and talked me into getting elected.
@Undo enderland runs to write an email about how mods are horrible, etc
or should that be a meta post, I forget what the usual mod hate is
@JourneymanGeek Thats one way of doing it I guess
@enderland You're on Workplace, aren't you skilled at knowing where to direct mod hate?
@Undo well we don't see the email hate
Q: Introducing your pro-tem moderators

animusonThroughout the beta, we need members from the site whose focus is to engage the community, both in community-building issues and site management. That's why we select a few members from each community to act as temporary, provisional Moderators. You can read about the program here: Moderators Pro...

Looks like Adam wakes up in a few minutes / an hour.
Gah so hard to resist flags
Its Adam we are talking about. He wont be up until early afternoon my time. Still have ~3 hours
Chat shows that it's only another hour or so
Oh...can I flag chatty comments now?!
@Andy Please do :)
Alrighty...what's the moderators opinion on "I was going to recommend this too!" comments?
Haha, I was going to recommend the same one but you beat me to it! — DJ McMayhem 11 hours ago
Doesn't add any useful information IMO.
clicks flag
But I can't exactly dictate policy on my own :P
Pssh. I just saw you do it.
now, if I saw it in a certain queue...
I'm blue and no one can make fun of me now.
@Adam...you smell
@ArtOfCode, you added a Legacy tag to this question. Can you add an excerpt so that we know how to use this? "Legacy" can mean a few different things for hardware
Sorry, that's what happens when you become a janitor.
@Adam FYI, for whatever reason, you have to accept the mod agreement on main and meta separately.
@Adam Good response :)
@Adam black is a better color IMO
You're still slanted @Cfinley, so you've got that
I don't know what that even means
Room Owner?
@Cfinley italicized.
@Undo ...
Room Owner
Did anyone look at the list of words to avoid that was linked in the mp3 player meta question? I think the industry would trip over itself for years if anyone tried to follow those suggestions
@Andy Yuck
That @Adam is a flag handling machine
Just doing my janitor duties before the crowd gets here. :)
Then they'll mess everything up again and expect us to clean up after them...
That's the spirit
@Undo That's a nice way of putting my thoughts.
@Andy Aye, will do. I added it but waited on the wiki because I knew I was going to be diamonded soon, and could just do it.
And congrats
@Adam if this is anything like Open Source, you won't see another flag for the next few weeks.
Though I think it might be slightly higher traffic than that.
@ArtOfCode Even in its early days, SR was getting a flag every day or two immediately
This site is lower traffic than SR ever was, though
Aye. One every few days, perhaps.
@Andy what are some common misuse cases for , do you think?
Q: Should we delete things that don't match our criteria?

ArtOfCodeIt was proposed, then it was implemented for questions and answers. We have quality guidelines for questions and answers; now, the question is how we enforce them. Now that this site has some diamonds, we want to know what we should do with posts that aren't up to scratch, and we need your opini...

@HardwareRecommendationsMeta Should this be ?
@Undo Should it?
I don't know :P
@ArtOfCode The date when something becomes legacy can greatly vary to different people.
@Adam Aye, I've tried not to define a date
It didn't really work, but hey
Could it be "something that is hard to do with modern technology"?
I.e. floppy drives are "legacy" because I have no idea how I would read one with my current modern hardware
I actually think a vague date should be given, maybe "more than ten years ago" or something. Without it, some people might try to use it to refer to USB 2.0 or some "older tech."
Aye, but there were still floppy drives in new PCs what, seven-eight years ago?
Hmm... true. It would just be beneficial to define a time somehow.
Is there a reason we need to define 'legacy'?
Good point
Are we going to have experts in 'legacy stuff'?
I don't know that we even need to tag it differently, actually
We might have experts in legacy stuff, actually.
I'm with Undo on this. I don't think we need the tag.
Someone take it to meta.
I've seen at least one other proponent of the tag, and I'm the creator.
I'm all for the tag. It's great for searching legacy stuff (as tags should be good for).
That's true
Q: If a question contains two questions, is it OK to leave an answer that only responds to one?

Franck DernoncourtExample: I'm searching for a good monitor for my PC. I currently own a 21,5" ASUS monitor, which is fine; I'm planning on using the one I currently own as a second monitor and get a new one as my main monitor. I'm willing to pay up to 200 €. I want something that's a little bigger tha...

Opinions on that ^, anyone? I'm tempted to say yes, but who knows.
@ArtOfCode That's a strange case, I'd almost say that a question should only ask one question
@Undo to be fair, the example given in the question seems valid
Should we say that you have to answer the main question?
Auxiliary questions might be okay, but I'm not sure they constitute an answer on their own
Although such an answer could be useful
@Undo I've literally just put an answer in to that effect.
Saw it
Too late, Obie.
Darn the XY.
I never did get XY.
They are two of the three last letters in the english alphabet.
If that helps at all...
That is... far too literally true.
The first two of the last three
Gotta be precise
That's just showing off though. I don't want to appear arrogant ;)
Q: What is the XY problem?

GnomeWhat is the XY problem? When asking questions, how do I recognize when I'm falling into it? How do I avoid it? Return to FAQ index

@enderland for the win!
:24955747 Too late, Obie.
XY problems are one of the main things that causes SE problems
"I want to do X, because it's the solution to [the problem I am not listing]"
"The problem I am not listing" being "the real, root problem"
Sometimes you can even get nested XY problems. XYXY's
Sometimes there are XYYXZ's which introduce nesting and if-statements.
I just had to.
@Adam if (xyxy) then (make xyxy=xy) else (xy = null)
Q: Help! What's on-topic here?

ArtOfCodeWhen people arrive at our site, they'll be directed to /help/on-topic for guidance about what's on-topic here. Said page currently contains basically nothing useful; I can tell you that without even looking at it. However, we've got diamonds now, and we can edit that page. So - what should it sa...

I feel like we could develop a golf language out of this called SEXY (StackExchange XY).
Go talk to the experts at PPCG.
TIL that 'amalgamate' is a real word
I got my question about a keyboard featured??? proud
I feel so good about myself :D
People love their keyboards.
I have a very similar Dell keyboard to that one
Hot network question: Keyboard for windows
What people are thinking - daf**k??
@RubyJunk HNQ is basically a popularity contest
Mods, don't forget this while you are updating wording everywhere too: meta.hardwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/231/…
@Andy Aye, that's being considered along with the /help/on-topic - we figure we can use a shortened version of the help for the tour.
@enderland lol, I'm new here, I wouldn't know. :P
@RubyJunk You do now :)
@ArtOfCode Yep. I win the popularity contest!
@RubyJunk For now :D The challenge is to do it again
I've only ever had one question on HNQ.
@ArtOfCode I'll ask about mice next.
@ArtOfCode Do you think I should do the input kind, or the living kind?
@RubyJunk Heh. Look at the description of mice in the tag wiki - "For questions about geokinetic co-ordinate based input peripherals. Also known as mice."
Pretty sure that indicates input kind
@ArtOfCode You have to edit that tag wiki! Get on it, now!
@ArtOfCode :)
@RubyJunk Heh. I'm the one who created it, about an hour ago :D
@ArtOfCode Oh well, I'm gonna leave now. See you sometime soon!
@ArtOfCode I wish I could track how many of my answers (or questions, for that matteR) on Workplace end up there
@enderland Yeah, but that's far too much effort for anyone to do with the data we have access to.
@RubyJunk Seeya :)
@enderland There has to be some kind of SE data search function for that.
@Adam Not for finding what ended up on HNQ
@Adam I doubt it, nothing in the current API at least
You could make some decent guesses, but not anything terribly accurate
@Undo one fairly easy guesstimation would be something like, "answer score > 20"
Or questions with a high outlier of views
Yeah, but that could be a good google SEO too
Combine those stats
main problem is SE doesn't track views over time at all
Well, all of the first page of /tags have excerpts now.
I'd love it if everyone else wrote a tag wiki or two, hint hint :)
So we can have more stuff to approve >:)
And that, but I was doing that anyway :)
Haha, just added HDD enclosure and an excerpt. Sorry mods, more work for you >XD MUAHHHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHA
woah. went a little overboard with the evil laughs.... :/
@ArtOfCode I'm so mean. Now someone wrote a tag wiki. And you have to approve it. >:)
I'm starting to feel guilty :(
Approved - excerpts are even better if you add guidance on when people should use it :)
It's about 4 button clicks for me to approve it, so no worries there xD
@ArtOfCode I need to make a spam bot. Then you would be pressing a lot of buttons :D
@ArtOfCode Now the question - should the spam bot create useful tag wikis?
@RubyJunk Spam bots would get the Shog down on you, which I am not liable for :)
@RubyJunk It most definitely should.
@ArtOfCode =P
I mean, they'd still have to be approved, but that's not exactly hard.
@ArtOfCode I lost 14 rep because I accidently deleted an answer? How does that work....
@ArtOfCode Lol, just noticed as I went through my rep earnings/losses :P
@RubyJunk Lemme guess, you had 2 upvotes and 2 downvotes on it. That's 14 rep.
Undelete it if you want the rep back
Oh wait, 3 downvotes
@ArtOfCode I did undelete it...
@RubyJunk Good good. Rep back?
@ArtOfCode nooo?
@RubyJunk Hm, interesting. Got a link?
@ArtOfCode it says -14 (removed)
Investigation time... starting with your rep history.
@ArtOfCode wait, for some reason it didn't undelete when I reloaded. Let me press the pretty button again...
Heh. I have lots of those.
@ArtOfCode ok then. Thank you. I hate buttons
Good good, because I can't actually find the event you're talking about :)
@ArtOfCode OK. cya
Aye aye
Ah yeah, that undelete triggered a rep recalc. All good now.
@ArtOfCode Editing my thank you note :| for shame
Who here has a PCPartPicker account???
I feel like someone must.
I can't be the only one.
Heh. Just not massively relevant to the question, so I got rid of it
Can't say I do.
@ArtOfCode I figure that there must be someone.
Aye, probably.
I think my account got banned
It stopped working
I thought it was a glitch, but the support never replied back :P
Lol, I like watching my name get big
I think thats the maximum...
oh well.
Just 6 more rep 'till assoc bonus. C'mon....
Just one more....
I GOT 910 REP :D:D:D:D:D
I know it's been a while since I was here, so I'll just quickly say this: Good luck to the new mods! I know you guys will do great and help lead HR to success! @Adam @ArtOfCode @Undo
@HDE226868 Ta :)
@HDE226868 Thanks :)
@HDE226868 Thanks! :-)
Wow, you guys got back quick.
Janitors are always around.
Aye, that they are
I'm using the janitor analogy a lot and it's really getting to me.
A: Merge [monitor] into [display]

AdamThere are a few ways I can see this working out. Display is essentially a synonym for screen, and a monitor is a type of screen, so monitor is already just a subset of display. So should we get rid of monitor? I say no. A monitor is a specific piece of hardware used to see and interact with a co...

Can everyone or anyone agree with the edit I made to this answer? Or is it still a grey area?
@Adam sounds reasonable to me
@Adam I like it.
@Adam Sounds reasonable to me too

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