What should we do with questions where there can't be such a hardware, typically because the problem is at the software level?
In my opinion, we should allow an "answer" which explains why there can't be such a hardware, even tho this "answer" doesn't actually provide a direct answer to the ques...
Throughout the beta, we need members from the site whose focus is to engage the community, both in community-building issues and site management. That's why we select a few members from each community to act as temporary, provisional Moderators. You can read about the program here: Moderators Pro...
@ArtOfCode, you added a Legacy tag to this question. Can you add an excerpt so that we know how to use this? "Legacy" can mean a few different things for hardware
Did anyone look at the list of words to avoid that was linked in the mp3 player meta question? I think the industry would trip over itself for years if anyone tried to follow those suggestions
It was proposed, then it was implemented for questions and answers. We have quality guidelines for questions and answers; now, the question is how we enforce them.
Now that this site has some diamonds, we want to know what we should do with posts that aren't up to scratch, and we need your opini...
I actually think a vague date should be given, maybe "more than ten years ago" or something. Without it, some people might try to use it to refer to USB 2.0 or some "older tech."
I'm searching for a good monitor for my PC. I currently own a 21,5"
ASUS monitor, which is fine; I'm planning on using the one I currently
own as a second monitor and get a new one as my main monitor. I'm
willing to pay up to 200 €. I want something that's a little bigger
When people arrive at our site, they'll be directed to /help/on-topic for guidance about what's on-topic here. Said page currently contains basically nothing useful; I can tell you that without even looking at it.
However, we've got diamonds now, and we can edit that page. So - what should it sa...
@RubyJunk Heh. Look at the description of mice in the tag wiki - "For questions about geokinetic co-ordinate based input peripherals. Also known as mice."
I know it's been a while since I was here, so I'll just quickly say this: Good luck to the new mods! I know you guys will do great and help lead HR to success! @Adam @ArtOfCode @Undo
There are a few ways I can see this working out.
Display is essentially a synonym for screen, and a monitor is a type of screen, so monitor is already just a subset of display. So should we get rid of monitor? I say no. A monitor is a specific piece of hardware used to see and interact with a co...
Can everyone or anyone agree with the edit I made to this answer? Or is it still a grey area?