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woot woot
First accepted answer on the site :)
Oh, second. But I liked this one more
2 hours later…
@Undo is there any reason you haven't gotten the apple trackpad?
@enderland I have gotten the Apple trackpad.
Gonna post an answer for it today hopefully
Apple trackpad VERY VERY GOOD
Oh, I was trying to figure out... "obvious answer is the one designed to work with your machine!?"
@enderland I was somewhat anticipating some recommendations for those ones designed for drawing stuff
Forget the name ATM
there are a bunch of really fancy design ones
Opinions please, because I'm undecided: should this question be closed?
@ArtOfCode Why is it tagged [windows]?
It's not (any more)
Also, I think the answer should actually be a comment... damn, we need mods.
@ArtOfCode flagged + down voted.
@ArtOfCode why was i the first dv there?
@enderland Because I hadn't got round to that yet :) Dropped it in here first.
Help me Robert Cartaino, you're my only hope!
wow syllables line up and everything
He's more likely to help if you spell his name right ;)
@Undo Aye, seen it, thanks :) (Mind your private links)
it's ok we're all mods here, right? :o
Heh, that's almost true. When was the last time we saw a black name around here?
@ArtOfCode If it doesn't onebox, IIRC it's technically okay ;)
@ArtOfCode Cfinley and Adam are the only ones, I think :P
@Undo Aye, but Shog'll give you a slap on the wrist for it :) happened to me a couple weeks back
@Undo I mean, they're basically mods too, right?
ok, problem solved
? :P
@ArtOfCode Huh, okay then
24 secs ago, by enderland
? :P
I've been doing it wrong for like eighteen years
that looks like some obscure syntax for a equals? bool operator
@ArtOfCode abuse of mods, tsk tsk, right up there with child abuse.
Worse, abuse of mods by mods!
That's the best kind of abuse
Speaking of abuse...STORY TIME!
@Andy Um...
"show me on the doll..."
I was an admin/owner of a gaming community that played Team Fortress 2. We had an all crits server, which was really good to luring in hackers. The community was getting sick of them - understandably. So, the solution that I built was a plugin. This plugin allowed the admins to target a single player and all projectile weapons (rockets, arrows, flares, etc) would target that person. The rage that created was amazing.
That's pretty awesome
The rest of the server was happy it was dealt with so quickly and often times led to much mocking of the hacker. Good community building times. :)
@ArtOfCode points to ear
@Andy that's amazing. Trolling the trolls.
Our other "go to" for trolling hackers was to set up a sentry nest and point it at a wall. Then teleport the hacker right in front of the sentries. splat The smart ones would go spy and cloak. Then they found out that we modified our teleport command to light him on fire if he cloaked.
@Andy Execution squad. I like it.
note to self: suspend Undo for like 18 months
I found that trolling the hackers back meant they didn't try to come back. If we just banned them, they'd stalk the forums or rejoin with alternate accounts.
Random drive by Shogging...
Apparently something bad :P
12 mins ago, by Undo
I've been doing it wrong for like eighteen years
Oh, I misspoke. It was actually about eighteen decades. Darn autocorrect :P
@Andy this is awesome
@Shog9 How is it that you manage to turn up whenever you're mentioned, without a ping, having never been in the room before?
Shog is part of the SE collective mind and can just directly write to the chat database
Image: i.sstatic.net/i6qHC.gif (un-oneboxed, because the animation is bothering me)
"Magic", right?
I keep avoiding this in the review queue. hardwarerecs.stackexchange.com/a/687/57 What do you guys think? Low quality?
I do the same thing :/
> You need at least 1k reputation to review low quality posts.
@enderland I have my own kinda-sorta-review queues
<3 Blaze
@Undo I'm leaning toward calling it ok. I think it was flagged before the edit. After the edit it does answer the questions asked.
Agree with that, but there still feels like there's something wrong with it
Can't put a finger on what it is
It's answering a broad set of questions, maybe?
Maybe we ought to close the question, then?
But no, question seems okay
It was indeed flagged before the edit. I voted Looks OK, because the edit has made it just about OK.
4 hours later…
I feel like I'm getting too picky with tags.
I just edited the SSD vs. SSHD question after it was closed to change out some tags. I usually shun closed-question editing.
4 hours later…
@Adam: Picky is good here

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